Re: [Gimp-developer] GIMP 2.8 on OS X fixes

2014-05-27 Thread Simone Karin Lehmann

Am 26.05.2014 um 21:17 schrieb Simone Karin Lehmann

 The patch I’ve mentioned is a fork of the gtk-mac-integration library which I 
 heavily modified and patched. I’m currently cleaning up the code so that it 
 would compile without the need to patch the gtk-mac-integrationn library. And 
 I’ll try to write some basic documentation, why I did this, and what I’ve 
 changed, and why I did it.
 In a few words:
 - no undocumented and unofficial function to make the Apple menu. 
 - just use the official Cocoa API and a stub MainMenu.nib,generated with Xcode
 - the library itself now calls [NSApp finishLaunching] as soon as possible, 
 so there’S no need for an extra EventHandler to open files. This fixes the 
 mentioned bug.
 - don’ hide the ApplicationDelate protocol and don’t hide the notification 
 protocol, so the application can fully use these protocols. This made it very 
 easy to implement working dock menus and file open events
 So I’ll try to do my best to upload it in the next few days('til Thursday)….

I’ve just uploaded my patched version of the gtk-mac-integration library and 
committed it into my svn repository.

The README gives some information about why I did this, as I already mentioned 
in my above quoted posting, and gives some basic documentation about how to use 
the library.

I’ve patched GIMP’s 2.8.10 sources to use this forked library. The changes are 
in app/gui/gui.c and app/gui/gui-unique.c. You can find the patches in my svn 
too at

Simone Karin

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Re: [Gimp-developer] Possible approach for some non-sRGB GEGL/GIMP color workflows

2014-05-27 Thread Elle Stone

My apologies for the delay in responding.

I've known since 2012 that the plan for GIMP was to eventually force all 
editing to be done in the unbounded mode sRGB color space.

I never liked the idea of unbounded mode sRGB image editing, but I did 
assume it would work. I even prepared a couple of demonstrations showing 
that editing in the unbounded mode sRGB color space produced the same 
results as editing in any other well behaved RGB working space.

Unfortunately the demonstrations that I prepared only happened to use 
operations like addition, scaling, and gaussian blur. These operations 
produce exactly the same results in *any* linear gamma unbounded mode 
color space.

So I ignored the whole unbounded mode sRGB thing, coded up for my own 
use a version of BABL/GEGL/GIMP that doesn't do the background 
conversions between regular (perceptual) and linear gamma (linear 
light) sRGB, and substituted the hard-coded XYZ values of my preferred 
working space for the hard-coded sRGB XYZ values. That way I could edit 
my interpolated raw files in the true linear gamma color space of my choice.

As GIMP progressed toward 2.10, it seemed like more in-depth testing of 
unbounded mode sRGB image editing might be in order, especially as a 
couple of people wrote to me privately and told me that they didn't 
think editing in unbounded mode sRGB would work.

When I tried to present to these people evidence that unbounded mode 
sRGB does really work, the suggestion was made that I try an editing 
operation that used channel data. So I did. I started with the yellow 
cone flower, which immediately tripped over the problem of drastically 
shifted channel data.

I continued testing and found that many other editing operations don't 
work in unbounded mode sRGB.

I feel like I should be apologizing right and left for not having 
thoroughly tested unbounded mode sRGB a year ago. Or two years ago. But 
like I said, I thought it would work.

In the last couple of months I've been studying the problem. There are 
many problems with unbounded mode sRGB image editing. Two problems in 
particular are insurmountable:

1. Multiplying out of gamut RGB values produces meaningless results:

The result of multiplying colors in unbounded mode sRGB depends on 
whether or not one or both colors are out of gamut with respect to the 
bounded sRGB working space chromaticities.

When multiplying an out-of-gamut color with an in-gamut color, and when 
multiplying two out-of-gamut colors, the resulting color might be:

* A color that's too bright and has the wrong hue.

* A color that's not only out of gamut with respect to the bounded sRGB 
chromaticities, but also out of gamut with respect to the image's source 
color space (multiplying in-gamut colors in any RGB working space never 
produces out of gamut colors).

* A physically impossible color that's technically in gamut with respect 
to the bounded sRGB chromaticities, but has a negative Luminance.

* A physically impossible and completely imaginary color that has a 
negative Luminance.

You can't edit images without multiply. So any image editing model that 
produces meaningless results multiply is flawed and should be abandoned.

If GIMP really is going to force all editing to be done using the sRGB 
chromaticities, then there are only two options that avoid the 
production of meaningless colors from using multiply during image editing:

* Either GIMP should be patched to remove every single editing operation 
that makes use of multiplication. This is a terrible path to take, but 
the alternative with unbounded mode sRGB is error compounding upon error 
as editing proceeds.

* Or else the unbounded part of unbounded mode sRGB only should be 
removed from GIMP, and the user should only be allowed to edit *bounded* 
sRGB images. This also is not a good option in this day and age of wide 
gamut displays and digital cameras that shoot raw and easily capture 
real world colors that don't fit within the very small bounded sRGB 
color gamut.

2. Multiplying two colors produces different results in different color 
spaces, depending on the color space chromaticities. This inescapable 
mathematical reality affects any editing operation that involves 
multiply. Perhaps the most centrally important result from the point of 
view of the working photographer who might like to use GIMP is that a 
color cast created in a wider gamut color space simply cannot be 
properly corrected in the unbounded mode sRGB color space:

A color cast is created by multiplying an image layer by a particular 
color (R,G,B). That same color cast is removed by multiplying the image 
layer by the inverse of that same color (1/R, 1/G, 1/B).

Colors do have the same locations in XYZ space before and after an image 

[Gimp-developer] Getting contributors via OpenHatch

2014-05-27 Thread scl


lately somebody committed to [OpenHatch] spoke to me in IRC
whether we at GIMP want to work with OpenHatch to gain more
OpenHatch defines itself as 'a non-profit organization
with the goals of lowering the barriers to entry into
open source community and increasing diversity'.
They also teach the next generation of students on colleges
how to participate in open source communities, so 'Hello, next
GSOC students'.
I personally think it's a great chance to get some open
problems solved:
To push the things a bit forward:
- Can we mark some more trivial and gnome-love bugs?
- Is anybody willing to mentor some students or give a
classroom presentation and if yes in which topic/area?
- Are there any topics we've been putting off, neglecting
or just plain avoiding? - IMHO the GEGL ports and Windows
bugs need some care.

If we have this, we can update [GIMP's and GEGL's pages there].

I'm cross-posting this message to the GIMP and GEGL developer
lists, because I think also GEGL could benefit from it.

Kind regards,



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