RE: Background Gifs

1999-10-22 Thread Henry Hartley

>> From: graficon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> Sent: Thursday, October 21, 1999 10:33 PM
>> Subject: Background Gifs
>> Greetings!
>> Please solve my mystery!  How do i prevent  an image from being tiled
>> when it's applied as a background gif on a web page. That is, are
>> background images special, or do i have to create a really large gif?
>> I find it hard to work in gfig with a 1000x1000 pixel image.  This of
>> course creates a very big gif for web loading...

You can do it with style sheets but it won't work for all browsers, I don't
think.  Go to for information on Cascading Style
Sheets.  I've also found to have lots of good
information on CSS (among other things).


Re: Background Gifs

1999-10-22 Thread Amy Abascal

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Riyad Kalla wrote:

> I've done it on a page before. It was something equivalent to
> STYLE="Background: No-Title" or something to that extent.. I don't
> remmeber...

Yes, you *can* do this with style-sheets.  However, this function is not
supported by most browsers, so I consider it a nice idea that's more or
less useless.  You could also use layers but only a few versions of Netscape support 
and IE or Opera don't at all (damned shame because it was a cool idea). 

There are some interesting ways to get around the problem of tiling which
basically depend on your page design and background image.  Just try to
come up with creative ways to achieve the design you want using different
methods.  There may very well be a way to do it but it is going to depend
on your design.

You can use place this in your body tag:
leftmargin=0 Cmarginheight=0 marginwidth=0 topmargin=0
(FYI those attributes are only supported by 4.x+ browsers). Then set up a
table where your background image is the background of the table.  This
will still tile but if you set the table width to the same size as the
image, it wont.  You can have a similar effect by putting the
peices of the background image in individual table cells, too.  

If you want a single background image, you need to make it *at
least* 1700 pixels wide and I'd recommend making it tile vertically.  See for an example.  Even though I didn't follow my own
advice on the VA Linux site, I'd *highly* recommend that you avoid using
one single great big background image.  It's very hard to control the file
size, for one thing.  It can easily make your site big and clunky.  You
must make the image big enough that it doesn't tile horizontally so that
means you get to work with massively huge images which can be a pain.  I
would not resort to this unless I absolutely couldn't come up with another
way to acheive my design.

Just my 2 cents!  :)

Good Luck! 

--Amy Abascal
"A penny for your thoughts, a nickel for your neck!!" 

Re: Background Gifs

1999-10-22 Thread Amy Abascal

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, James Knowles wrote:

> This is an alternative, along with a JPEG.  The compression should take
> the file size down to nothing. I have no idea whether browsers would
> effectively deal with this. I have seen something similar with a wide
> but not very tall image that produced a verticle tiling effect. 

Honestly, if you're going to do this, I'd recommend using a PNG.  The file
compression is *much* better than GIF or JPG.  You can toss in some
browser detection code to make sure the browser supports PNG and if it
doesn't give them the GIF or JPG instead.  The majority of your viewers
will get served the PNG.

--Amy Abascal
"A penny for your thoughts, a nickel for your neck!!" 

Re: GIMP GIF->PNG transparency woes

1999-10-22 Thread Amy Abascal

You may want to see
For more info about this.

In a nutshell, only a very few browsers support transparent PNG's.
Netscape for Linux doesn't support them at all.  This is very
disconcerting and it's why I couldn't change my sites over.  ESR had an
absolute fit at me over the VA Linux site and Don Marti just kinda

If you can alter your design to get around using transparencies, it would
be great!  Try making your image background color match your bgcolor.  

But that's not the problem you are having.  Your problem is due to the
fact that GIMP requires you to convert to RGB before it will save a PNG.
I believe that later versions of CVS GIMP have fixed this. 

Good Luck!

Amy Abascal

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, James Knowles wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to convert GIFs with transparencies to PNGs using GIMP to
> produce a 100% GIF-free site.
> I take the following steps:
> 1) Open the GIF (for example, the gfx_by_gimp.gif "Graphics by GIMP")
> 2) Select "save as"
> 3) Select PNG type
> 4) Save 
> 5) PNG options (compression) dialog comes up - OK
> 6) I get a dialog that simply says "save failed - "
> It seems obvious that I'm missing a step, but I'm not sure what. I may
> be blind, but I can't find it in the docs. 
> I hate to admit that in my frustration, I tried using a [m$] program. It
> didn't even attempt to preserve the transparency. Ack!
> GIMP 1.04
> RH 6.0 
> Linux 2.2.3 with special SMP patches
> Thanks for any suggestions,
> James
> -- 
> Running NT is like listening to Kenny G with a kazoo.

--Amy Abascal
"A penny for your thoughts, a nickel for your neck!!" 


1999-10-22 Thread STEKIT

Hi, just want to know what's the best resolution for a EPS format?

(no subject)

1999-10-22 Thread Christian Hache
