`--rebase-merges' still failing badly

2018-10-10 Thread Michael Witten
On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:43:46 +0900, Junio wrote:

> We haven't seen  much complaints and breakages  reported against the
> two big "rewrite in C" topics  around "rebase"; perhaps it is a good
> time to merge  them to 'next' soonish  to cook them for  a few weeks
> before moving them to 'master'?

In my opinion, the `--rebase-merges' feature has been broken since the
beginning, and the builtin version should  be fixed before it is moved
ahead. In short: "labels" are brittle; see below for tests.

Also, here are some quick *additional* thoughts:

* Labels should be simply "r0", "r1", ... "rN".

  * The current, long label names are just cumbersome.
  * The embedded comments are already more than enough.
  * "r" is short for "revision" or "reset" or "remember", etc.
  * "r" is  located on a  QWERTY keyboard such that  it's very
easy to type "rN", where "N" is a number.

* Why is the command "label" and not "branch"? Every other related
  command looks  like a normal  git command: "reset"  and "merge".
  Make it "branch".

* In my experience, there's a lot of this boiler plate:

  pick 12345
  label r1
  reset r0
  merge r1

  How about instead, use git's existing ideas:

  pick 12345
  reset r0
  merge ORIG_HEAD

  Or, maybe git in general  should treat `-' as `ORIG_HEAD' (which
  would be similar to how `git checkout' understands `-'), thereby
  allowing a very quick idiomatic string of commands:

  pick 12345
  reset r0
  merge -

  In truth, I don't really know the semantics of `ORIG_HEAD', so
  maybe those should be nailed down and documented more clearly;
  I would like it to work as in the following:

  pick 12345
 # label r1 (pretend)
  reset r0   # Store r1 in ORIG_HEAD
  pick 67890 # Do NOT touch ORIG_HEAD
  merge -# Same as merge -C abcde r1

  Anyway, this  kind of unspoken  behavior would make  *writing* a
  new history by hand much more pleasant.

* Why not just `--merges' instead of `--rebase-merges'? Or, better
  yet,  just make  it  the default  behavior;  the special  option
  should instead be:


  This option would simply tell `git rebase' to prepare an initial
  todo list without merges.

Thanks for this great feature.

I'm only complaining so much because it's such a useful feature, and I
want it  to be  even better, because  I'll  probably use it  A LOT; it
should have been available since the start as a natural consequence of
the way git works.

Michael Witten


Unfortunately,   both  the   legacy   version  and   the  rewrite   of
`--rebase-merges'  display  a  bug  that  makes  this  feature  fairly
unusable in  practice; it tries  to create  a "label" (i.e.,  a branch
name) from a commit log summary  line, and the result is often invalid
(or just  plain irritating to work  with). In particular, it  fails on
typical characters, including at least these:


To see this, first define some POSIX shell functions:

set -e
rm -rf "$d"; mkdir -p "$d"; cd "$d"
git init -q
echo a > a; git add a; git commit -q -m a
git branch base
echo b > b; git add b; git commit -q -m b
git reset -q --hard HEAD^
git merge -q --no-ff -m "$summary" ORIG_HEAD
git log --graph --oneline
git rebase --rebase-merges base
); status=$?
return "$status"

if test "$@" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo 'good'; return 0
echo 'fail'; return 1

Then, try various commit summaries (see below for results):

test c
test 'combine these into a merge: a and b'
Test ab:
Test a:b
Test :
Test a/b
Test 'Now supports /regex/'
Test ab/
Test /ab
Test /
Test 'a\b'
Test '\'
Test 'Maybe this works?'
Test '?'
Test 'This does not work.'
Test 'This works. Strange!'
Test .git
Test .
Test 'Cast each pointer to *void'
Test '*'
Test 'return a[1] not a[0]'
Test '[ does not work'
Test '['
Test '] does work'
Test ']'

Here are the results of pasting the above commands into my terminal:

$ test c
warning: templates not found in ../install/share/git-core/templates
*   1992d07 (HEAD -> master) c
| * 34555b5 b
* 338db9b (base) a
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.

$ test 'combine these into a merge: a and b'
warning: templates not found in ../install/share/git-core/templates
*   4202c49 (HEAD -> master) combine these into a merge: a and b

Re: `--rebase-merges' still failing badly

2018-10-10 Thread Michael Witten
On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 18:51:17 -, Michael Witten wrote:

> merge -# Same as merge -C abcde r1

That should be:

  merge -# Same as `merge r1'

Re: `--rebase-merges' still failing badly

2018-10-10 Thread Junio C Hamano
Michael Witten  writes:

> On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:43:46 +0900, Junio wrote:
>> We haven't seen  much complaints and breakages  reported against the
>> two big "rewrite in C" topics  around "rebase"; perhaps it is a good
>> time to merge  them to 'next' soonish  to cook them for  a few weeks
>> before moving them to 'master'?
> In my opinion, the `--rebase-merges' feature has been broken since the
> beginning, and the builtin version should  be fixed before it is moved
> ahead.

I'll omit the remainder of the message not because I disagree with
your suggested improvements to "rebase-merges" (that conversation
should happen primarily with Dscho), but because I need to react to
the above three lines.

If "rebase-merges" has been broken since the beginning, as long as
the "rewrite in C" topics around "rebase" do not make it even worse,
I do not think it is a good move to block the topics moving forward.
If the feature were so broken that it is not practically useful,
then people wouldn't be using it in the versions of Git before the
rewrite, so it won't harm anybody if the same feature in the rewritten
version is equally (or even more severely) broken, as long as the
other parts of the feature works at least equally well compared to
the older version.

We are not in the business of hostage taking.

What *should* block the rewrited version is a regression,
i.e. something that used to work well no longer works or works
differently in such a way that established workflows need to be

In any case, suggestions to improve "rebase-merges" is a very much
welcome thing to be discussed on the list, so thanks for raising the
issue.  What I wanted to say is that I do not think that is a reason
to keep "rewrite in C" waiting in 'pu'.

Re: `--rebase-merges' still failing badly

2018-10-10 Thread Michael Witten
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 08:01:40 +0900, Junio wrote:

> Michael Witten  writes:
>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:43:46 +0900, Junio wrote:
>>> We haven't seen  much complaints and breakages  reported against the
>>> two big "rewrite in C" topics  around "rebase"; perhaps it is a good
>>> time to merge  them to 'next' soonish  to cook them for  a few weeks
>>> before moving them to 'master'?
>> In my opinion, the `--rebase-merges' feature has been broken since the
>> beginning, and the builtin version should  be fixed before it is moved
>> ahead.
> [...]
> If "rebase-merges" has been broken since  the beginning, as long as the
> "rewrite in C" topics  around "rebase" do not make it  even worse, I do
> not think it is a good move  to block the topics moving forward. If the
> feature were so  broken that it is not practically  useful, then people
> wouldn't be using it  in the versions of Git before  the rewrite, so it
> won't harm  anybody if  the same  feature in  the rewritten  version is
> equally (or even  more severely) broken, as long as  the other parts of
> the feature works at least equally well compared to the older version.
> We are not in the business of hostage taking.
> What  *should*  block  the  rewrited  version  is  a  regression,  i.e.
> something that used  to work well no longer works  or works differently
> in such a way that established workflows need to be adjusted.
> [...] I do not think that is a reason to keep "rewrite in C" waiting in
> 'pu'.

* Your logic  is appealing,  and I  nearly pursuaded  myself by  the same
  reasoning to submit my email as  a separate discussion, as you suggest.
  However, what convinced me otherwise is the following:

  The  closer you  move  the rewrite  to  a fast-forward-only  public
  branch  name, the  more  likely downstream  projects  are going  to
  set  up  new,  long-lived  releases around  this  very  useful  but
  nevertheless broken feature.

  The moment you announce a new release, there are going to be a bunch of
  people who grab that release and then  NEVER look back, and so the rest
  of us will be stuck with this problem for who knows how long.

  So, not only is this an appeal  to the authors to fix this problem, but
  its also  an appeal  to you to  make sure that the  next  major release
  includes the fix.

* Also, I say the following without irony or tongue in cheek:

  Maybe, no one  has complained  because  few people  are using  this
  feature yet, or  their commit summaries are  simplistic, or they've
  got workarounds (as I've got).

  Not  only must  this feature  be turned  on explicitly,  but `git'  has
  existed for  over a decade  *without* it;  users who are  interested in
  sophisticated management of commit history have already developed other
  ways  to achieve  the  same result  (I  know I  did),  or their  commit
  messages are  so simplistic that  the bug  is never triggered,  or they
  just plan around it by automatically running a quick search/replace for
  the offending characters or for the irritating "labels".

  If the last decade has shown  us anything, it's that git's fundamentals
  are  so good  that programmers  can get  around any  bug on  their own,
  without having to appeal to others  for help. And, what is a programmer
  if not someone who is used to making things Just Work [Damnit]?

  As an illustration,  consider the recent `break' command  that is being
  added to the repertoire of `git  rebase -i'. Hell, I (and probably many
  others) have been doing that for YEARS with:

  x false

  No need for a "new" command. I bet that 10 years from now,  people will
  *still* be using their own ways,  and will *still* be totally oblivious
  to the existence of `break'.

  That is to say, I wouldn't put much faith in the degree to which people
  report issues. The programming world has a lot of itchy backs, and just
  as many personal inventions for scratching them.

As always, thanks for taking the time to review everyone's input.

Michael Witten

Re: `--rebase-merges' still failing badly

2018-10-12 Thread Johannes Schindelin
Hi Michael,

On Wed, 10 Oct 2018, Michael Witten wrote:

> In my opinion, the `--rebase-merges' feature has been broken since the
> beginning, and the builtin version should  be fixed before it is moved
> ahead.

Everybody is entitled to an opinion. My opinion differs from yours, and I
am a heavy user of `git rebase -kir`.

The `--rebase-merges` feature is not without problems, of course. I can
name a couple of bugs, but I have a hunch that it is more efficient for me
to just fix them.

> In short: "labels" are brittle; see below for tests.

Sure, let's improve them.

> Also, here are some quick *additional* thoughts:
> * Labels should be simply "r0", "r1", ... "rN".

That would not be an improvement.

The *interactive* version of `--rebase-merges` is what I use extensively
to juggle Git for Windows' branch thicket. It would be really bad if I had
to somehow map those label names in my head, rather than having the
intuitively-understood labels.

I would understand if you suggested to try to come up with a better naming
than `branch-point-`. But `r`? That's worse than the current state.
By a lot.

> * Why is the command "label" and not "branch"?

Because it is more versatile than just a branch. It is also branch points.
As a matter of fact, the very first statement is about the `onto` label,
which is not a branch.

> * In my experience, there's a lot of this boiler plate:
>   pick 12345
>   label r1
>   reset r0
>   merge r1
>   How about instead, use git's existing ideas:
>   pick 12345
>   reset r0
>   merge ORIG_HEAD

Too magic. And you cannot change it easily. I had this very real example,
a couple of times yesterday: A merge was in one of the "branches", and
needed to be moved out of it:

pick abc
label branch-point
merge -C 0123 topic
pick def
label bug-fix

reset branch-point
merge -C 4567 bug-fix

This `merge -C 0123 topic` needed to be moved before the branch point.

Another example where the explicit labeling comes in *real* handy is when
I made a Pull Request in Git for Windows ready for contribution to core
Git. These Pull Requests are normally based on `master`, because that is
what the best PR flow is: you based your contributions as close to the tip
as possible, to avoid merge conflicts (and to test as close to the real,
after-merge thing). This would look like this:

label branch-point
pick 123
pick 456
label pr-0815

reset branch-point
merge -C abc pr-0815

Now, to prepare this for core Git, I have to graft this PR onto the
`master` of *upstream*, in our case I would use the `onto` label for that,
by inserting a `reset onto` just before `pick 123`.

So you see, the current, non-implicit, but very much explicit syntax,
makes all of these tasks *quite* easy, and more importantly,
straight-forward: I did not have to explain this to anyone who I needed to
teach how this works.

Remember: the syntax of the todo list is not optimized to be short. It is
optimized to be *editable*. I need to have a very easy way to juggle
criss-cross-merging branch thickets. And the current syntax, while
chattier than you would like, does the job. Pretty well, even.

> * Why not just `--merges' instead of `--rebase-merges'?

This ship has sailed. It is pointless to discuss this now.

Besides, I believe that in your quest to shorten things, you unfortunately
shortened things too much: it is no longer clear what "merges" means in
the context of `--merges`.

> Unfortunately,   both  the   legacy   version  and   the  rewrite   of
> `--rebase-merges'  display  a  bug  that  makes  this  feature  fairly
> unusable in  practice;

You will be surprised just how much I would embrace bug fixes, once you
provide any.

> it tries  to create  a "label" (i.e.,  a branch name) from a commit log
> summary  line, and the result is often invalid (or just  plain
> irritating to work  with). In particular, it  fails on typical
> characters, including at least these:
> :/\?.*[]

And of course those are not the only ones. The trick is to reduce runs of
disallowed characters to dashes, as is already done with spaces.


> To see this, first define some POSIX shell functions:
> test()
> {
> (
> set -e
> summary=$1
> rm -rf "$d"; mkdir -p "$d"; cd "$d"
> git init -q
> echo a > a; git add a; git commit -q -m a
> git branch base
> echo b > b; git add b; git commit -q -m b
> git reset -q --hard HEAD^
> git merge -q --no-ff -m "$summary" ORIG_HEAD
> git log --graph --oneline
> git rebase --rebase-merges base
> ); status=$?
> echo
> return "$status"
> }
> Test()
> {
> if test