Re: [Gluster-users] 'remove-brick' is removing more bytes than are in the brick(?)

2012-05-25 Thread Amar Tumballi

Hi Harry,

Thanks for taking time and testing 3.3.0qa42.

So this was a big improvement over the previous trial. the only glitches
were the 120 failures (which mean...?)

You can open log file and search for the reason for the failure. 
(/var/lib/glusterfs/gli-rebalance.log). Currently there may be more logs 
for you to search, but do a grep on '\ E\ ' to get the relevant logs.

and the directory skeleton left on the removed brick which may be a feature..?

It is the current design limitation. We don't deal with anything 
directory in rebalance and remove-brick. Both these operations are on files.

So it seems to have been fixed in qa42.

Thanks for confirming.

Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] 'remove-brick' is removing more bytes than are in the brick(?)

2012-05-24 Thread Harry Mangalam
Installed the qa42 version on servers and clients and under load, it 
worked as advertised (tho of course more slowly than I would have 
liked :)) - removed ~1TB in just under 24 hr (on a DDR-IB connected 4 
node set) ~ 40MB/s overall tho there were a huge number of tiny files.

The remove-brick cleared the brick (~1TB), tho with an initial set of 
120 failures (what does this mean?)

  Node   files size   scanned failures  status   timestamp
-- ---     ---   
pbs2ib   15676  69728541188365886   120in progress   May 
22 17:33:14
pbs2ib   24844 134323243354449667   120in progress   May 
22 18:08:56 
pbs2ib   37937 166673066147714175   120in progress   May 
22 19:08:21 
pbs2ib   42014 173145657374806556   120in progress   May 
22 19:33:21
pbs2ib  418842 222883965887   5729324   120in progress   May 
23 07:15:19
pbs2ib  419148 222907742889   5730903   120in progress   May 
23 07:16:26
pbs2ib  507375 266212060954   6192573   120in progress   May 
23 09:48:05
pbs2ib  540201 312712114570   6325234   120in progress   May 
23 11:15:51
pbs2ib  630332 416533679754   6633562   120in progress   May 
23 14:24:16
pbs2ib  644156 416745820627   6681746   120in progress   May 
23 14:45:44
pbs2ib  732989 432162450646   7024331   120  completed   May 
23 17:26:20

(sorry for any wrapping)

and finally deleted the files:
404 $ df -h
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md08.2T 1010G  7.2T  13% /bducgl   - retained brick
/dev/sda1.9T  384M  1.9T   1% /bducgl1  - removed brick

altho it left the directory skeleton (is this a bug or feature?):

406 $ ls
aajames   aelsadek  amentes   avuong1   btatevos  chiaoyic  dbecerra
aamelire  aganesan  anasr awaring   bvillac   clarkap   dbkeator
aaskariz  agkentanhml balakire  calvinjs  cmarcum   dcs 
abanaiya  agold argardne  bgajare   casem cmarkega  dcuccia 
aboessen  ahnsh arup  biggsjcbatmall  courtnem  detwiler
abondar   aihlerasidhwa   binz  cesar crex  dgorur  
abraatz   aisenber  asuncion  bjanakal  cestark   cschendhealion
abriscoe  akathaatenner   blind cfalvoculverr   dkyu
abuschalai2 atfrank   blutescgalasso  daliz dmsmith 
acohanalamngathinabmmiller  cgarner   danieldmvuong 
acstern   allisons  athsu bmobashe  chadwicr  dariusa   dphillip
ademirta  almquist  aveidlab  brentmchangd1   dasherdshanthi

And once completed with the 'commit' command, it no longer reports the 
brick as part of the volume:
$ gluster volume info gli
Volume Name: gli
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 76cc5e88-0ac4-42ac-a4a3-31bf2ba611d4
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 4
Transport-type: tcp,rdma
Brick1: pbs1ib:/bducgl
Brick2: pbs2ib:/bducgl 
   -- no more pbs2ib:/bducgl 
Brick3: pbs3ib:/bducgl
Brick4: pbs4ib:/bducgl
Options Reconfigured: on
performance.quick-read: on 64

And no longer reports the removed brick as part of the gluster volume:
$ gluster volume status
Status of volume: gli
Gluster process  PortOnline  Pid
Brick pbs1ib:/bducgl 24016   Y   10770
Brick pbs2ib:/bducgl 24025   Y   1788
Brick pbs3ib:/bducgl 24018   Y   20953
Brick pbs4ib:/bducgl 24009   Y   20948

So this was a big improvement over the previous trial.  the only 
glitches were the 120 failures (which mean...?) and the directory 
skeleton left on the removed brick which may be a feature..?

So it seems to have been fixed in qa42.



On Tuesday 22 May 2012 00:02:02 Amar Tumballi wrote:
  pbs2ib 8780091379699182236 2994733 in progress
 Hi Harry,
 Can you please test once again with 'glusterfs-3.3.0qa42' and
 confirm the behavior? This seems like a bug (suspect it to be some
 overflow type of bug, not sure yet). Please help us with opening a
 bug report, meantime, we will investigate on this issue.

Harry Mangalam - Research Computing, OIT, Rm 225 MSTB, UC Irvine
[ZOT 2225] / 92697  Google Voice Multiplexer: (949) 478-4487
415 South Circle View Dr, Irvine, CA, 92697 [shipping]
MSTB Lat/Long: (33.642025,-117.844414) (paste into Google Maps)
Gluster-users mailing list

Re: [Gluster-users] 'remove-brick' is removing more bytes than are in the brick(?)

2012-05-22 Thread Amar Tumballi

pbs2ib 8780091379699182236 2994733 in progress

Hi Harry,

Can you please test once again with 'glusterfs-3.3.0qa42' and confirm 
the behavior? This seems like a bug (suspect it to be some overflow type 
of bug, not sure yet). Please help us with opening a bug report, 
meantime, we will investigate on this issue.

Gluster-users mailing list