Re: Chat: E-Archives Challenge: Results

2001-05-29 Thread Tim Brody
On Mon, 28 May 2001, Wentz, Reinhard wrote:

 Since issuing the challenge I have thought of a definite limitation of
 e-archiving: The list of references in e-archived articles will never look
 as beautiful as the ones produced by publishers' professional proof readers,
 copy editors and other valuable members of a publishing team. I can send a
 sample (in colour!) of such a list to anybody doubting that statement and
 also some pictures of what professional copy editors (what a splendid body
 of people!) are up to in their spare time.


Do I get 10 quid if I point out you're completely wrong?

e-archiving will require authors to provide reference lists in standard
formats (or a format that can be heuristically extracted). Thus, using
e-archives, your reference lists will look as elegant as you wish because
the format will no longer be determined by author, journal or field, but
by the person viewing them!

(and the reason for this is that author's citations won't be shown unless
they produce good quality metadata and references that can be
automatically linked)

Of course, this does not negate the old axiom rubbish in, rubbish out,
but whatever goes in, it will look very beautiful on the way out.

All the best,
Tim Brody

Chat: E-Archives Challenge: Results

2001-05-28 Thread Wentz, Reinhard
Dear All, 

I should have known better and not challenged a contributor to 'New
Scientist'! How was I to know that Stevan Harnad had not only compiled a
list of 22 fallacies about the barriers / negative consequences of
e-archiving but supplied comprehensive refutations, as he sees it, for each
of them? 

My main fallacy is not included in the list, but Stevan conjectured it
correctly nevertheless:

My wording of fallacy 1:

Let us assume for a moment that the total amount of research money and
number of tenured posts is stable. If more researchers improve their impact
ratings (let us further assume that these are based on the total number of
citations all their (major) publications received) by making their output
more accessible on the Web, the baseline for successful research application
will be lifted from, say, 50 cites to 100 cites for all. The number of grant
applicants may increase, but not the success rate. The composition of the
group of successful research applicants may change, not the total number.
The number of disappointed applicants may increase and the sum total of
happiness in the research community may decrease.

Stevan's much more elegant phrasing:

If everyone self-archives, thereby freeing access to every refereed paper,
then everyone's ABSOLUTE impact may increase (more readers, more citations
all round), but their RELATIVE impact may not. (So there will be no added
help with getting grants and tenure.)

He had a refutation of this fallacy ready, implying  amongst other things
that the scientific community as a whole will be better off if the
e-archiving projects became reality. That may be so, but then again, it may
not. We are not talking real fallacies here, e.g. the gamblers fallacy which
is demonstrably wrong, but presumed events in the future. They are
particularly difficult to predict when they involve technical innovations
without parallel social change, and improved human intercation. I do
therefore not accept his refutation and can only award him half the internal
prize money. However, as Stevan alerted me to a number of points and
splendid discussion-lists about e-archiving, widened the discussion, and
even helped me to improve the wording of  my challenge, a book token of 

PS 20.00 goes to Stevan Harnad. 

Nobody else guessed this main fallacy or another three I had in mind
correctly, and I could if I wanted hold on to the original external prize
money of £20.00. 

Albert Henderson supplied a list of 8 fallacies about e-archiving, not
including any I had in mind. During the debate about this challenge,
however, imputations were made about his motives (as I understand it, he has
in the past associated with librarians or even publishers (now, really!)).

Three crisp US 5.00 bills to Albert Henderson out of solidarity. 

As far as I can see, the original New Scientist's article which prompted me
to issue this challenge is not available freely on the Web. For spotting
this irony in the first place a book token of 

PS 10.00 goes to Valerie Hamilton.

Since issuing the challenge I have thought of a definite limitation of
e-archiving: The list of references in e-archived articles will never look
as beautiful as the ones produced by publishers' professional proof readers,
copy editors and other valuable members of a publishing team. I can send a
sample (in colour!) of such a list to anybody doubting that statement and
also some pictures of what professional copy editors (what a splendid body
of people!) are up to in their spare time. 

This challenge is now closed: I have no more money to spare: I want to go to
Tennessee in the fall. 

But let the discussion continue,

Best wishes and thanks to all contributors, 

Reinhard Wentz

Declaration of interest: I am a librarian, my partner is a professional
editor and translator

Reinhard Wentz, Dipl. gepr. Bibl. (Han.)
Imperial College Library Service
Medical Library
Chelsea  Westminster Hospital
369, Fulham Road
London SW10 9NH  
tel.: 0044 (0)20 8746 8109  fax.: 0044 (0)20 8746 8215 

Re: Chat: E-Archives Challenge: Results

2001-05-28 Thread Stevan Harnad
On Mon, 28 May 2001, Wentz, Reinhard wrote:

 Dear All, 
 I should have known better and not challenged a contributor to 'New
 Scientist'! How was I to know that Stevan Harnad had not only compiled a
 list of 22 fallacies about the barriers / negative consequences of
 e-archiving but supplied comprehensive refutations, as he sees it,
 for each of them? 

Never mind. The Optimal and Inevitable is already long overdue. It's
evidently not enough to simply supply the refutations. They need to
keep being invoked, over and over, until they have propagated widely
enough to induce the research community to do the right thing, at
last (for itself!).

 My main fallacy is not included in the list, but Stevan conjectured it
 correctly nevertheless:
 My wording of fallacy 1:
 Let us assume for a moment that the total amount of research money and
 number of tenured posts is stable. If more researchers improve their impact
 ratings (let us further assume that these are based on the total number of
 citations all their (major) publications received) by making their output
 more accessible on the Web, the baseline for successful research 
 application will be lifted from, say, 50 cites to 100 cites for all. 
 The number of grant applicants may increase, but not the success rate. 
 The composition of the group of successful research applicants may 
 change, not the total number. The number of disappointed applicants 
 may increase and the sum total of happiness in the research community 
 may decrease.

Well, perhaps this is a bit melodramatic. Isn't it more upbeat to say
that (as the total pool of salary-paying and grant-funding money is not
likely to increase), the outcome of at last removing the arbitrary
access-barriers to research findings online will be :

(1) that potentially important work that may have been overlooked
because of the access barriers will now be more likely to receive
its due and

(2) work that might have been weakened by insufficient access to
the research literature will be better informed and hence stronger

so that, even if the total reward pool cannot grow, it can be more
fairly and fruitfully distributed?

Besides, as the overall size of everyone's research impact, and hence
productivity, can only grow as a result of making it all freely
accessible to everyone at last (how can it shrink? see the information
glut fallacy before making an overhasty reply!), who is to say that the
reward pool itself may not grow as well?

 Stevan's much more elegant phrasing:
sh  If everyone self-archives, thereby freeing access to every
sh  refereed paper, then everyone's ABSOLUTE impact may increase
sh  (more readers, more citations all round), but their RELATIVE
sh  impact may not. (So there will be no added help with getting
sh  grants and tenure.)
 He had a refutation of this fallacy ready, implying  amongst other things
 that the scientific community as a whole will be better off if the
 e-archiving projects became reality. 
 That may be so, but then again, it may not. 
 We are not talking real fallacies here, e.g. the gamblers fallacy which
 is demonstrably wrong, but presumed events in the future. They are
 particularly difficult to predict when they involve technical innovations
 without parallel social change, and improved human intercation. I do
 therefore not accept his refutation and can only award him half 
 the internal prize money. 

I hereby dedicate my award to the paying of a clerical aid of
Reinhard's to make some phone calls to pertinent parties at Imperial,
encouraging them to set up eprint archives at Imperial for your
researchers to self-archive their refereed papers in (the lobbying may
cost some time and money, but the archive software
is free).

And what on earth could it mean to say that Well, it's not really
a fallacy, so the refutation may not really be a refutation?

How can freeing the access to the refereed research literature be
anything but beneficial to research? (Be careful not to make your
reply dependent on already-refuted fallacies about putative
breakdowns in quality or quality control or its funding. Vide supra.)

Or to put it another way: What can possibly be said in favour of
continue to hold access to this give-away research literature hostage
to the very finite and arbitrary capacity of (some) research
institutions to pay for (some of) it, now that it is no longer

 However, as Stevan alerted me to a number of points and
 splendid discussion-lists about e-archiving, widened the discussion, and
 even helped me to improve the wording of  my challenge, a book token of 
 PS 20.00 goes to Stevan Harnad. 

Splendid! Twice as many phone calls and email to Imperial's Research
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Computing Services, Libraries, and Departent