[Goanet] Few Laws...you never learnt in school or college:

2005-12-22 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

Some laws  you never learnt in school or college:

1) Lorenz's Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with 
grease, your nose will begin to itch.

2) Anthony's Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the 
least accessible corner.

3) Kovac's Conundrum: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged 

4) Cannon's Karmic Law: If you tell the boss you were late for
work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat 

5) O ' Brien's Variation Law: If you change queues ( TrainTicket
reservation) , the one you have left will start to move faster than
the one you are in now.

6)BELL'S THEOREM: When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.

7) RUBY'S PRINCIPLE OF CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: The probability of meeting someone 
you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

8) WILLOUGHBY'S LAW: When you try to prove to someone that a machine / 
system won't work, it will.

9) ZADRA'S LAW OF BIOMECHANICS: The severity of the itch is inversely 
proportional to the reach.

10) BREDA'S RULE: At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the 
aisle arrive last.

11) OWEN'S
LAW: As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you 
to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

12) HOWDEN'S LAW: You remember you have to mail a letter only when you're 
near the mailbox.

13) KITCEN'S RULE: You doubt whether you have switched off the light or not 
once you are on the Bus to office.

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Creating more: Myths about Goan culture...

2005-12-22 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
One would have ignored Ben Antao's piece (Myths about Goan culture [1])
as just another badly-argued, inaccurate and confused-by-the-distance
interpretation of contemporary Goa. However, since this article drags in
my name while arriving at its hasty conclusions, a rejoinder is probably
called for.

Ben cites bits and pieces of what I've written on the Net to back the
view that "so many Goan writers and journalists seem to have accepted
the malicious propaganda of these writers".

But his quotes are clearly out of context and selective.

I do believe the stereotyping of Goa and Goans is a serious issue that
needs to be faced up to. I don't believe that stereotyping is restricted
only to Goa and Goans, but instead afflicts all (or most) cultural
minorities whereever in the globe they may be located. Likewise, I don't
think this issue can be battled by emotionalism, and getting all hot
under the collar. Finally, I also strongly don't believe that this
stereotyping stems from "mainstream Hindu mentality", as Ben has sought
to argue.

We need to understand what we're talking about, and merely finding
someone to blame is hardly the solution.

When I say that cultural minorities the world over get stereotyped, I'm
not justifying it. What I'm saying is don't blame a "Hindu mentality" or
don't take on an unnecessary victim-status! Try to find out why this
happens. Take a closer look. Be less emotional about such issues...

Goans have been afflicted by the disease of being too simplistic in our
approaches. It makes us feel good, it panders to the biases we have; but
we're only moving further away from a solution... or even a proper

In any case, even assuming I'm totally sympathetic to the negative
stereotyping of Goans, I fail to understand how Ben can reach the
conclusions he arrived at, using a handful of quotes from a single
writer (me) as a basis to reach his broad conclusions. Episodic
evidence, to say the least.

For the record, the issue of stereotyping and misunderstanding Goa's
culture (and the cultures of many other smaller parts of India and
beyond) has been widely discussed in Goa's media too. 

I recall writing a full-length feature on how a Phantom comic preyed on
the stereotypes about Goa and "Calunge" beach. It also looked at other
stereotyped works, such as Ellwyn Chamberlain's "Gates of Fire" (a large
part of which was set in Mafia-controlled Goa). But that was published
in the Goa Today in the mid-nineties, in a largely pre-Internet era (for
us). Meaning, you won't find records on the Net. 

My comment-piece on the BJP former government attempts to build hate by
playing on stereotypes of Christianity and its history in Goa is easily
traceable via the Net.[2] In the 'eighties, I was worked for a newspaper
that highlighted the strange case of a soft-porn magazine ('Praline'
from Germany) setting one of its stories amidst the Goa carnival. These
are just a few examples...

A quick search of my hard-disk for the word "stereotype" threw up a long
list of items. I don't have the time to go through all, or bother with a
detailed "defence". One however seemed interesting... and it also
underlines the fact that the Ben Antao's simply can't blame a "Hindu
mentality" for all our ills.[3]

The problem is that Ben (and a handful of others) believe they can sit
half-a-world away and deliver judgement on what happens in Goa, based on
what they come across via the Net. When will they wake up to the fact
that maybe 98% of the writing on Goa still doesn't surface on the Net?

I'm not saying the Press in Goa is doing a great job. We have our
imperfections; and they are a legion. So do I too. But, please, please,
don't use any stick to beat anyone, whether in keeping with the facts or
not? Criticism should have some link to reality; it can't be used as an
excuse for venting our biases, whatever the facts.

My postings don't represent the tone or range of the debate happening in
Goa. I was just telling my friends the other day, only half-jokingly,
that it's time they all start posting profusely onto the Net. That would
save the few like *me* a lot of needless flak, and also save them the
embarassment of an entire profession being judged by the postings of an
unrepresentative single individual on Goanet!

My comments which Ben cites came in a specific context: it is indeed
difficult for writers to get access to a wider Indian market, simply
because cultural minorities tend to be difficult to understand amidst a
mainstream readership. Maybe a Margaret Mascarenha

[Goanet] Dr. Jose Pereira & other greats

2005-12-22 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 Frederick Noronha(FN) wrote :

It is a matter of great pride that Goanet has eminent scholars 
such as

Dr Jose Pereira and others posting to this forum.

If any Goanetters still haven't come across this veteran 
scholar, artist, writer on global architectural historical trends 

more, then just google for "Jose Pereira + Goa" or >

Or watch an entirely unassuming man pedalling his way from 
Curtorim to a neighbouring village or even to Margao, on a bicycle 
and in shorts, during sweltering summertime ... until someone in 
the know satiates your curiosity and identifies him as the revered 
Dr. Jose Pereira!

(Is it a coincidence or otherwise that most great minds bear the 
most unpretentious exteriors?)

Goanetters like me have learnt a lot from the contributions of the 
likes of Dr. Jose Pereira, Jorge de Abreu and, for me on the Abbe 
at least, of Luis de Sta. Rita Vas.

Through their keyboards, may they continue to enlighten and 
inspire us for a long time to come!


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Merry Christmas from Oz

2005-12-22 Thread Joy de Souza

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Greetings all from Oz. Wishing each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and 
a Wonderful New Year 2006.
I would like to thank Arlette Azavedo for reminding us that giving from the 
heart is more important than from the bank account.

Happy Holidays

Joy, Louis and family
Brisbane. Australia 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] Recent inter-racial riots in Australia

2005-12-22 Thread Mario Goveia
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
This is an interesting essay, but it ignores the fact
that there have been several Islamo-fascist activists
arrested in Australia for ties to Al Qaeda and for
plots to assassinate Australian leaders including
Prime Minister Howard.  In addition, the primary
targets of the Islamo-fascists that attacked Bali were
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Fred,
> Gilbert's brief post on the recent inter-racial
> riots in Australia, which 
> now has a growing Goan population, prompted me to do
> two things: a) provide 
> a brief commentary about and akin to the situation,
> and b) attach an article 
> I wrote and got published in the Herald about
> eighteen months ago. I believe 
> that what I wrote then, still seems relevant today.
> I do not believe it 
> appeared on Goanet before and hopefully will appear
> now but I regret I am 
> unable, in this instance, to generate the font
> Goanet normally requires.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] "GOAN CATHOLICS FOR DEVANAGIRI" pay hommage to Msgr. Rodolfo Dalgado

2005-12-22 Thread FERNANDO DO REGO
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Dear Friends,

On the occasion of the 150th. Birth Anniversary Year of Msgr. Sebastiao 
Rodolfo Dalgado, a Public Session was held on 20th December, 2005, in the 
Meneses Braganza Hall, . organized by the “GOAN CATHOLICS FOR DEVANAGARI” 

was delivered by Prof. S. M. Borges.

A "REPORT" of the same is attached for your knowledge.

Also attached goes a MEMORANDUM  by Fr. Jaime Couto, Prof of Konkani Language 
in the Goa Seminaries.

On behalf of the "GOAN CATHOLICS FOR DEVANAGIRI", I request the Editors of the 
Media included at "TO", to kindly publish the same. Thanks.

Wishing you all a Joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year

Yours sincerely
For the "Goan Catholics for Devanagiri"
143-Fontainhas.Pangim 403.001.
GOA. INDIA TEL:222.6353.


The "Goan Catholics for Devanagri" paid their tributes to Mons. Sebastiao 
Rodolfo Dalgado, on the occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary, with a Public 
Session on Dec.20, 2005, at 5-30 p.m., at the Meneses Braganza Hall, Panjim. 
Fr. Moreno de Sousa S. J. presided over the function, Adv. Udai Bhembre being 
the Guest of Honour.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Froilano Machado, the veteran Freedom Fighter and Ex-
Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly had regretted, by a letter, remaining 
absent, at the last moment, on health grounds.

The Convenor of the Forum, Fr. Jaime Couto, welcomed the president, all the 
other guests and the audience at large. He spoke of Dr. Cunha Rivara whose 
clarion call to Goans apparently had mobilized, among others, Mons  Dalgado 
for the "rescue operation" of his Mother Tongue.

In his keen endeavour to rehabilitate Konkani to its pristine glory, among 
many other measures, Dalgado advocated Devanagri as the appropriate Script for 
Konkani , as the case is with her sister languages descending from Sanskrit. 
The proof of his strong conviction is the publication of his "Komkani-
Portuguez" Dictionary in Devanagri, at a time when hardly 1% of Goan Catholics 
knew that script. Today more than 75 % of the educated Goan Catholics are well 
conversant with Devanagri.

Now is the high time, he said, to work to make Dalgado's Dream come to 
fulfilment. This very awareness has given birth to "Goan Catholics for 
Devanagari" Forum. Their aim is solely to promote and encourage Devanagari 
among the present generation with an eye to the next.

The second item of the Programme was the release, at the hands of the 
President, Fr. Moreno, of  "Dalgadacho Sondex", a bulletin aimed at providing 
to the Catholics, in special, a platform for their maiden writings in 

Prof. S. M. Borges, ex-Head of Geology Department of Chowgule College, 
delivered the key-note lecture on the topic "Mons. Dalgadacho Konknni khatir 
vavr ani haves". After briefly referring to the historical events that 
adversely affected the development of Konkani, he depicted vividly the 
miserable condition the language had been reduced to, at the time of Mons 

Thereafter, he gave a biographical sketch of the great personality. He 
highlighted his penchant for languages, European as well as Indian, which 
helped him to deepen the study of Konkani. The long Introductions to 
his ‘Komkami- Portuguez' and ‘Portuguez-Komkani' Dictionaries carry the 
findings of his patient research.  The fact that they are written in 
Portuguese makes them accessible only for those who know that language – and 
the number of these is unfortunately dwindling fast among Goans today.

But he assured that a translation of these important documents into English 
would shortly be made available.  He quoted Dalgado as saying emphatically 
that Konkani should be written only in Devanagri.

His "Konkani- Portuguez" dictionary stands as a witness to this firm 
conviction. "If need be", Dalgado said, Konkani could be transliterated into 
Roman Script provided that the Jonesian system is followed as it is done 
regarding its Mother Sanskrit.

Further Prof. Borges spoke about the ambitious plans Dalgado had for the 
development of Konkani. Among them, he mentioned Dalgado's noble gesture of 
providing a fund, from his own savings, for the creation of Konkani Faculties 
at the Panjim Central Lyceum and at the Rachol Seminary. The necessary 
quotations and the other details of Prof. Borges' speech had been included in 
the handouts already circulated among the audience.

Adv. Bhembre, in a forceful manner, described how Mons. Dalgado an

[Goanet] Myths about Goan Culture

2005-12-22 Thread gilbertlaw
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
I read the thought-provoking article by Ben Antao with interest.  I have to 
compliment him on a well written piece and for surfacing many issues. But, I 
found the article long on challenges and short on solutions. And in so far as 
the solutions are presented, it was what others should do for Goans.

The first part of the article outlined the difficulties Goan writers have about 
having their works published.  Yet, we do not blame Goans for not reading Goan 
writings /  literature.  How many Goans in the Diaspora (where economics is not 
a major issue) have their own personal Goan library? Since I have written about 
this issue before, I will not belabor the point.  And I do not see many Goan 
authors making this an issue.  Publishers can / will only publish what they are 
assured readers will read.  This is specially so as much of Goan writings are 
Goa based.

As far as diluting Goan culture, no one can do so except the Goans themselves.  
In my interactions with Goans and query on Goan cultural rituals, the answers I 
receive is "our Goan cultural practices are changing."  Well it is being 
improvised. This is because we do not know what it was.  I have often asked how 
many Diaspora Goan associations celebrate the feast of the Patron (Saint) of 
Goa - Blessed Joseph Vaz? 

Just before posting this post, I checked the Canada's web newsletter - Goan 
Voice.  It informed members about the Christmas and New Year Dances but had no 
mention about mid January celebrations for Blessed Joseph Vaz.  The same was 
about Goan Voice UK.  These  reflect the plans and priorities of the Goan 
communities, their leadership  (National /City  association and Village 
associations) AND
the Goan priests in these communities.  This may explain why Indian film-makers 
perhaps present our priorities as outlined in Ben's article.

So while we Goans love to lament about our issues, perhaps we need to look at 
ourselves and our own back- and front-yard and try to get our neighborhood in 
order.  The first step is for Goan leadership to move from social activists to 
economic and intellectual leaders who to-date have been "busy doing their own 
thing" be it in Goa or in the Diasporas. 
Regards, GL

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Power query...

2005-12-22 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
The below seems puzzling. How can Goa have the most viable power network
if we have such huge "transmission losses" (read, power thefts by
influential players)? Are the citizens simply overcharged? FN


ICRA / CRISIL have been mandated by the Power Finance Corporation (PFC)
at the instance of the Ministry of Power (MoP) to carry out a
performance rating of the state power sector(State Electricity Boards)
across all states. The initial report, which was finalised based
primarily on the information available/made available till August 2002,
was released in January 2003. The current exercise is the first
surveillance of the rating and is based on data available till mid
August 2003 for some states and end August, 2003 for some other states.
The parameters used for the rating exercise have undergone a few changes
compared to the original exercise. Hence both the original and the
revised weightages for the parameters have been listed below.

Based on scores against commercial viability, the rankings are..
1. Goa
2. West Bengal
3. Gujarat
4. Himachal Pradesh
5. Punjab
6. Maharashtra
Frederick 'FN' Noronha  | http://del.icio.us/fredericknoronha
Saligao, Goa, India | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist  | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goanet News Bytes * Dec 22-21, 2005 * Velim MLA disqualification revoked by courts... heat hits Churchill, but he's unrepentant

2005-12-22 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
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Goanet news headlines * December 21-22, 2005

o High Court sets aside Velim MLA Filip Neri's
  disqualification. Court raps (former BJP speaker)
  Satarkar, says order is wholly irrational. (Herald)

o Neri verdict strengthens Rane's hands. (NT)

o CM awaits clearance for Neri's return to Cabinet.(NT)

o Central Bureau of Investigation agrees to probe
  IFFI-2004 expenses. (NT)

o Noted musicologist, Malbarao Sardessai (94), passes away.(NT)

o Crooks diverted the attention of a man for two mintues,
  and then vanished with his bag containing Rs 700,000.
  The victim was appliances dealer Lawrence Fernandes of
  Calangute. (NT)

o Third non-resident Goans meet on Jan 3-4. About
  300 delegates are expected to attend.(NT)

o Goa police offers a reward for information leading to 
  arrests of those involved in church thefts. Reward:
  Rs 20,000!

Hollywood stars Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet are planning
  to join a backpacking tour to Goa in 2006, to prepare for
  roles in their upcoming movie Holiday. (Herald, quoting
  The Sun). 

o Tourists streaming into coastal areas of Salcete. (NT)
o Craft Bazaar at BSP-Margao gets good response. (NT)
o Goa Portuguese, hotel at Shivaji Park, Bombay, is 17. (NT)
o Goa facing power shortage temporarily. (NT)
o Margao municipality goes blank on kabrastan demand.(H)
o English subject to be made compulsory at primary level.(GT)
o Loyola's ex-students holds christmas tree for children.(GT)
o Benaulikars protest before electricity engineers.(GT)
o At Siolim, Gabriel D'Souza's home was burgled, Dec 3, Marna.GT
o School-dropout Pushpa Jadhav 17 committed suicide, Rua de Ourem
o Pay Rs 8 lakh per month or move out, Inox told. (GT)
o Illegal jetty razed at Old Goa. (GT)
o Sparks fly at South Goa zillapanchayat meet. (GT)
o N Shivdas bags Sahitya Akademi Award in Konkani. (DigitalGoa)

  GOA LAUNCHES a YMCA International Goa community
  centre on Dec 22 at Campal-Miramar. It will
  focus on building talent in sports and music.
  It will also offer short term courses, and 
  programmes in trekking and camping. There are some
  300 members in Goa. New members need recommendations
  of current members. Life membership fees are Rs 5000
  for those below 21 years, and Rs 10,000 for those above.

Churchill Alemao's side of the story...

o Churchill has betrayed people of Goa, says Lok Shakti. (GT)
o Lok Sabha speaker orders probe against Churchill, 4 others.
o No immediate action against Churchill, says Congress.(UNI)c
o Congressmen mum on Alemao sting. (Herald)

  Most Congress leaders, except Aleixo Sequeira, spoke
  on the condition of anonymity (over the Alemao case).
  Mr Sequeira said that he lived in a village where
  Star News channel was not shown on cable TV. He
  however said that he had read about the issue in
  the newspapers, and that many things published in the
  newspapers need not be true and, as such, he would
  not comment on the issue. (Navhind Times)

  QUOTE OF THE DAY: A corrupt society elects corrupt
  leaders, and this sting operation is a joke. Everybody
  is corrupt. If we go by sting operation parameters,
  there would be no Government either at the Centre or
  at the state level. In a highly politicised move,
  Churchill has been made a scapegoat. -- Dr Wilfred 
  Misquita. [Just what are you saying, Doctor?]

Goa MP files FIR against channel, calls it frame-up
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 0122 hours IST

PANAJI, DECEMBER 20: In the eye of the storm after
allegedly seen demanding money to sanction funds
under the MP Local Area Development Scheme (MPLAD),
a sting operation conducted by a news channel, Goa
MP Churchill Alemao has alleged in an FIR filed at
the Tilak Marg police station in New Delhi that he
has been framed.

Alemao alle

[Goanet] Goan Voice UK. Daily Newsletter. Friday, 23 Dec. 2005

2005-12-22 Thread Eddie Fernandes

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Piecemeal amendments to Goan civil code opposed
22 Dec: the Hindu. The move of the State Government to go in for piecemeal 
amendments of the Portuguese Civil Code (PCC), which is in operation in the 
State, has been opposed by the Goa Legislators' Forum (GLF). 

Gatwick to Goa £134 return
Departing 25 Dec. 5 Nights Click here. 

India curbs on visit visas hailed
21 Dec: Trade Arabia (Bahrain). Top Bahraini labour and immigration 
officials have welcomed an Indian government decision to ban job-seekers 
travelling on visit visas to the Gulf.  The decision has been taken by the 
Protector-General of Emigration (PGE) in New Delhi to deny emigration 
clearance to people who misuse visit visas. 

It's St Tropez in Rustic Goa
22 Dec: Today (Singapore). This week Steven Shalowitz hangs out at Kate 
Moss' favourite haunt in Goa ...  Located in Goa's north, on Ashwem Beach, 
La Plage is like something out of a 1960's Brigitte Bardot movie - vintage 
St Tropez sans the former film siren ... 642 words. 

Top 10 places to ring in the New Year
21 Dec: MSNBC News (New York).  From Aspen to Australia, favorite spots for 
the last hoorah of 2005: ... Goa serves as the backdrop for some of the 
globe's hottest New Year's celebrations, complete with all-night seaside 
bashes packed with partygoers entranced by techno music. If you're looking 
for a place to kick back, party and relax, just follow the local Goan motto 
of sossegarde - take it easy - and enjoy the fun! 

UK: Forthcoming Events.
Mon 26 Dec. 7pm till 1am. Slough Goans Christmas Dance.
Sat. 31 Dec 7pm - 1am: South East Goans New Years Eve Dance.
Sat. 31 Dec. Dark Star Social Club New Year's Eve Gala Ball at Harrow 
Leisure Centre.

Sat. 7 Jan. G.O.A.  Goan Extravaganza at Wandsworth Civic Suite
For Details and Later Events see:  http://www.goanvoice.org.uk

UK: TV & Radio Highlights  By Mafalda de'Sa
Sat.  24/12: Channel 4: 00:30 (95mins). Film: The Warrior
Tue. 27/12: Sky Movies 2: 8.00pm (120mins) Bride and Prejudice. Shot in 
L.A., London and Goa.
Tue. 27/12: ITV 1: 9.00pm (120mins) The English Harem. Romantic drama.  With 
Art Malik.
Tue. 27/12: BBC1: 9.40pm (60mins) The Case of the Earl of Erroll. 1941 
murder of an Earl in colonial Kenya.
Fri. 30/12:  UKTV People Plus 1: 7:00pm (30mins). Jeremy Clarkson's 
Motorworld - India: one of the most dangerous places on earth to drive ...
Fri. 30/12: Discovery Travel and Living: 10.00pm (30mins). Feast India: 
Fri. 30/12: BBC 4: 10.30pm (135mins) Nowhere in Africa. Jewish émigrés in 
Kenya, 1938.  Radio.
Mon 26/12: BBC World Service Radio 10:05am (25mins) Travels of the Mind.  Dr 
Raj Persaud visits post-Tsunami Tamil Nadu.

Recent Items Of Particular Interest On Goanet By Cornel DaCosta

There is much news on Goanet about the sophisticated sting operation to trap 
and expose corrupt politicians in Goa. Six MPs have been shown to be seeking 
substantial bribes for the approval of a local area development scheme.

In another case, a bigamy charge has been filed by the wife of the Goan 
Agricultural Minister. Such news must make Goan Voice (UK) readers wonder 
about the depth of corruption in Goa within the public and private sectors.

Much of the world seems to have caught up with Goa as a great tourist 
destination. Unfortunately, one disadvantage is that hotel rates shoot up 
significantly between November and January. Thus, much care is needed to 
secure accommodation and discovering how to get reasonable deals from Goanet 
may be a wise consideration.

Fascinating research insights and orientations have been provided by Jorge 
and Livia de Abreu Noronha on the birth, life and work of Abbe Faria, the 
Goan father of modern hypnotism.

Why does Valmiki Faleiro argue that Goa has had two liberations: in 1510 and 
1961. In an interesting claim, about such liberations, Valmiki argues for 
the need for a third one. Can he be serious and persuasive? Find about his 
intriguing theorising on Goanet.

Likewise, Ben Antao has presented a well thought-out article on Myths About 
Goan Culture. This is well worth reading for many insights in this area.

Finally, find out 

[Goanet] New Year: Goa is all booked

2005-12-22 Thread goanet-news-service
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

New Year: Goa is all booked
>From Devika Sequeira DH News Service Panaji:
‘Sold out’ signs are already out in most hotels along the tourist coast,
and domestic travellers who fancy partying the night away this New Year in
Goa could find themselves stranded without advance bookings.

>From the modest guest-houses to high-end resorts, holiday stakeholders are
reporting an overbooked New Year. “It will be impossible to get a room for
the New Year. Come back on January 2 or try the city hotels,” a lady who
runs a two-room cottage off Candolim beach said. “We were sold out months
ago and have been booked outright till April by charter operators,” said
hotelier and Congress MLA Alex Sequeira.

Like other boutique hotels here, his three-star property on the South Goa
coast has decided to play it safe and go in for long-term bookings by
charter handlers, though this meant paring off tariffs by almost 35 per

Five star resorts on the other hand have pushed tariffs up by 300 per cent
for the Christmas-New Year week, and charges in the luxury category range
between $600 to $850 a night.

Bright period

At the Goa Marriott, a five-night package is up for $3,000. “We still have
a few rooms left, but all-in-all, Christmas and New Year are looking
bright for Goa,” said the resort’s general manager Neeraj Chadha.

The outlook should be bright considering the explosion of charter flights
to this destination this year. Forty-eight landing slots have been
allotted to long-haul international flights into Goa at Dabolim airport.

Operators from UK alone will be flying in 21 charters this week, with
another eight scheduled from Russia and an equal number from the rest of

Goa has been rated fourth in the top 10 Christmas getaway destinations for
Britons this year after Tenerife, Barbados and Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Pirates caught looting underwater treasures

2005-12-22 Thread goanet-news-service
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

Pirates caught looting underwater treasures
Aditya Ghosh
Monday, December 19, 2005  22:50 IST

One man, a website, three states, over a thousand employees and businesses
across the world — every bit of the plan to denude the coasts of
peninsular India of its treasures was in place. For the last half a
decade, a multi-crore nationwide racket collected sea shells, conch and
precious coral and sold these globally. All these are banned and
endangered sea animals under the Wildlife Protection Act 1972.

A special team from the Ministry of Environment and Forests took six
months to unearth one of the biggest ever wildlife rackets in the country
with its roots in Mumbai, Tamil Nadu and Goa and operations all over the

“The operation was more thrilling than a Bollywood potboiler,” claimed an
investigating officer. It started as a routine raid in some shops in
Colaba. Finally, the ministry team had a huge international gang on its
hands, supported by local politicians and other strongmen, making crores
of rupees from the racket.

The team was led by Mita Banerjee, regional deputy director, Western
Region, MoEF, based in Mumbai. “When we started the raid we never realised
that this racket will be of such a proportion. In Colaba, they do not sell
these products in any shop openly and their clients are aware of it. They
mainly operate through international agents and the telephone,” she said.

The main source for collection was Goa and the craftsmanship was done in
Mumbai, but not before reaching Chennai, where the person heading the
racket lived. “In Tamil Nadu, the stretch of operations was between
Kanyakumari and Rameswaram. While investigating there, we got to know that
a racket of a much bigger scale was operating in Goa,” she added.

Immediately, the operation shifted to Goa. “There we had a real difficulty
in getting over political pressures because the operation was huge,
spanning across the coastline. There were big operators but many of them
got know about our raids right from Chennai. Everywhere, they burnt their
products and we could not seize too much material. Thankfully, from the
ashes and other hideouts, we found enough proof to make a case,” she

More than 100 shops were found in the coastal city and some of the owners
foxed the officers. “They are extremely well-networked and most
importantly, they all know that these items are banned. It is not by
chance that they gather these shells. There are workshops where people
further work on the material to sell them in the international market,”
she said.

Moreover, the intriguing ‘don’ has always remained faceless — none of the
people involved in racket ever knew him or even saw him. The ministry was
reluctant to divulge his name because it would hamper the process of
collecting further evidence.

“Though we did everything we could, we failed to arrest the main person
who was operating from a website. The police’s cyber crime cell team also
failed to get us details. So we checked out the probable selling points to
get hold of him. When we got across to him finally, we failed to seize any
material. He was about to flee when we discovered an old case against him
and followed it up. That helped us book him for stealing underwater
treasures,” Banerjee said.

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Reception for Visiting Priests in Kuwait.

2005-12-22 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Reception for two visiting priests in Kuwait.

During the last 15 days two priests from Society of Pilar visited Kuwait, 
one Fr. Jerry Fernandes from Guirim and the other Fr. Domnick Alvares from 
Sangolda.  Both of them were the ex students of Monte de Guirim School where 
they were companions of Tony Correia currently working in Kuwait and an ex 
president of Kuwait Indian Foot-ball Federation.  Tony Correia is one of the 
stalwarts of Goan Overseas Association and an ex player of G.O.A. Maroons 
soccer team, of course an ace footballer during his hey days of youth.  Fr. 
Jerry is currently doing his missionary work in Megalaya amongst the tribals 
in a very difficult situation on behalf of his Society propagating the word 
of God, spreading literary and educational work and doing lot of social 
work. Fr. Domnick is currently a Professor of Scriptures at Pilar and he is 
the brother of tiatrist Rosy Alvares.  Music is in his blood by tradition 
and he is also a very good singer.  Both Fr. Jerry and Fr. Domnick besides 
good singers are good musicians playing also.

On 19th of this month at 8.00 p.m. in one of the city hotels a special 
reception was held in honour of them which was attended by number of Goans 
residing in Kuwait and coming from different places in Goa.  During the 
reception which was compeered by A. Veronica Fernandes, number of songs was 
rendered, one solo each by Rosary Ferns and Marcus Vaz, one especial song on 
Pilar Society by both the visiting priests and one beautiful Mando with 
dulpods again by both the priests.  This Mando reminded me of the high 
quality of traditional Mando, normally we don’t even notice such Mandos in 
the Mando Festivals. Every person attending the reception enjoyed this item 
which was very melifluently rendered by bothe the visiting priests. Both the 
priests delivered their speeches well, Fr. Domnick spoke on the history of 
Pilar Society, its aims and achievements while Fr. Jerry spoke on his 
mission in Megalaya.  He described how in a difficult situation he 
undertakes his mission even risking his life.  The localities where he is 
doing his missionary work in Megalaya are very backward, it is a matriarchal 
society where male child is playing secondary role while female child is 
encouraged to acquire education.  Fr. Jerry and his missionary work are 
involved in educating the poor tribal people, providing medical assistance 
for them and taking care of their spiritual needs..  In the absence of 
Governmental care the society there is at the mercy of religious people from 
Pilar.  According to Fr. Jerry there are no proper roads even to ride cycle 
and as such he has to walk hours and hours, some days from one end to the 
other to fulfill the needs of the inhabitants there.  Communication is very 
mediavel.  It is a pity to know that India boasting of its industrial, 
technological and nuclear developments have neglected some of the remote 
places under its control.  There is a risk for his life because of 
insurgents threats. In order to have some facilities he introduced a new 
mode of housing in the form of Tin Sheds, each Shed costing Indian Rupees 
Ten Thousand, these Sheds will serve his needs of providing schooling for 
those tribal children, residential places for the homeless and religious 
places for performing spiritual obligations.  According to Fr. Jerry, this 
project of 30 Sheds will cost some money.  Many of the people attending the 
reception volunteered to help Fr. Jerry financially building some of these 

In the past Kuwait Goans have donated lot in financial contributions for the 
charitable and good causes. Many priests in the past came to Kuwait for 
financial help for their missionary work and all of them went back happily.  
Fr. Jerry Fernandes also will go home tomorrow Friday 23rd December 
smilingly along with his colleague Fr. Domnick who impressed upon everyone 
the necessity of assistance for his colleagues.  Even now if any one is 
willing to contribute anything for the project of Fr. Jerry in the service 
of God and humanity, he or she is welcome.

A. Veronicaf Fernandes,

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |

RE: [Goanet] VISION - GOA 2010 "dreams into nightmares?"

2005-12-22 Thread Ariosto J. Coelho, Ph.D.
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
I'm "flustrated" [flustered + frustrated]to use a term coined by one of
my clients as I read Averthanus L. D'Souza's satire. How I wish it were
not true!
I'd want to be a candle and dispel the darkness that this article
suggests.  I'd appreciate any bright ideas as we welcome this festive
season and a New Year.
May our vision for 2006 pave the way to 2010! HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND BRIGHT
Ariosto Coelho

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL NRI (GOANS) world goa convention (GVS)

2005-12-22 Thread President\(sgpiag\)
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

Dear Non Resident Indians (Goans),

We are aware that the Goan diaspora spread world wide
seldom, unless dire circumstances demand --- detach
themselves from their umbilical cord - their
motherland.  Even otherwise while you are  physically
away mentally you are wedded to Goa and the cause of
Goans -

Through the internet it has now as never before become
possible to come to grips  with the changing face of
Goa  -- a Goa post Liberation 1961 --- which is surely
and sadly changing its social ambience, its  culture,
its God gifted land ,scenic natural beauty, and its
people by the demographic composition which is indeed
alarming as we move to the second half of the first
decade of this century.

This is not because the Goans themselves have
sanctioned such a change but sadly because our Goan
politicos and the ruling dispensation has its say in
more than one ways.
Whether sanctioning the rampant land grab for all and
sundry, whether throwing the check posts open for all
and sundry for others to enter the State merely to 
fortify their (political) vote banks; in a country
where first past the post is elected  unlike many
countries world over --- where an elected
representative needs to poll 50 % of the votes
polled... there is not much Goans can do single
handedly with the electoral system which breeds and
hoists such politicos on the treasury benches  --- But
through your support --exchange of views we can make
our POLTICAL MASTERS subservient to our NEEDS and
reverse the present trend of being subservient to our

The third two day  "GOMANT VISHWA SAMMELAN " - WORLD
GOANS CONVENTION  on 3rd and 4th January 2006, to
focus on "strengthening the cultural roots" of Goans
within their homeland by "providing them a forum" to
explore and develop ways for developing Goa into a
prosperous state, will be held at the Kala Academy,
Panaji Goa.  

The programme thus far
a)Inaugural by Governor of Goa Mr
S C Jamir
b)Interactive session, presided by Dy C M  Dr Wilfred
c)Deliberations on tourism, economic, industrial
sectors by the EDC Economic Development Corpn
Industrial Development Corpn (IDC) 
d)Interaction with delgates CM Pratapsing R Rane and
Leader of Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar.

It must be understood clearly that whatever assurances
are given to you NRI Goans  at  such conventions  (a 
similar convention of the Indian diaspora is held at
New Delhi organised by the Government of India ) it
NEEDS to be " reflected in the Union Budget or State
Budget"  for the fiscal year in view viz;  2005-06 or
so on.  Also it is incumbent upon the Governments
concerned to show its sincerity on such assurances  by
formulating  policies and passed on the floor of the
Executive to implement.  

In its absence such assurances could best be ignored
or dumped as hogwash.
To make sure that you benefit at this
Sammelan/Convention  we at South Goa Public Interest
Action Group (SGPIAG) a registered NGO based in
Margao,Salcete, South Goa District ,with jurisdiction,
at present, over the entire South Goa Parliamentary
Constituency, closely associated with such Conventions
since inception  make this humble request, as in the
past,  to each and every Goan to first browse through
the websites www.goagovt.nic.in &
www.goidirectory.nic.in to understand the BUDGET
SPEECHES and the POLICIES of the Government on
industry, health care, education etc as of date.

Having done that this you will be see  that in most
States (except Kerala ) there no policies or mention
in any of the Budget Speeches of 
your generous contribution to your country. 

It is here that we at SGPIAG request you  the NRIs  
at this Convention to DEMAND  from the Govt. of Goa
a) the presence of all the Ministers of the Govt of
Goa for this session alongwith the Secretaries of the
Government of Goa,  the Directors of the respective
Departments, besides your lected representatives to be
present and interact with you at the Sammelan (NB: 
most of the Ministers/MLA's prefer to avoid these
Sammelans /Convention for fear of being exposed of
their false promises made when they seek your
hospitality during their visit to your country)

b) the "ACTION TAKEN REPORT" (ATR) (in writing ) on
the issues raised by the NRI'S in the pa


2005-12-22 Thread SHARAYU WALKE

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
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[Goanet] The Abbe Faria debate

2005-12-22 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
--Fred wrote: "It is a matter of great pride that Goanet has eminent scholars such asDr Jose Pereira and others posting to this forum. Dr Jose, yourdiscussions really add value to Goanet."
I agree that Jose Pereira's posts, along with those by Teotonio and several others, add lustre to the discussions on Goanet. I would point also to the civility that marks their exchanges, in marked contrast to the vitriol and abuse that is freely hurled back and forth by posters known to us all. The fact that Jose was quick to acknowledge he had erred should also serve as a model to those of us who refuse to back down even in the face of irrefutable proof.
My thanks to Goanet for providing a pioneering forum that now binds so many thousands of us Goans together, and allows us to share our thoughts, scattered though we are across the face of the earth.
Peace, and a Merry Christmas to all,
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro--
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

Re: [Goanet] RE: Goa MP files FIR

2005-12-22 Thread cornel

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Good question RKN.
Further, if you check where Churchill and his cronies dined in 
good/expensive hotels etc, the waiters will tell you that no payment was 
ever forthcoming from these goondas. The word mafia is too gentle for these 

- Original Message - 
From: "Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 3:45 PM
Subject: [Goanet] RE: Goa MP files FIR

(Alemao alleged that the reporter and another person, allegedly
representing an NGO, visited him four times requesting funds for a
public library in Goa. He claimed that he had offered to sell them land
for the purpose for a token price of Rs 3 lakh against its market worth
of Rs 15 lakh.) Nice spin this! What does a mobile library need land for? 
Does his plot of land move around on wheels?

-- RKN

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: VISION - GOA 2010

2005-12-22 Thread George Pinto
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Hi Averthanus: 

I enjoyed reading your tongue-in-cheek piece. Sadly, there is much truth in 
what you write. We
need fewer politicans (or better yet a system which requires no politicans) and 
an active


--- Averthan D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By the year 2010, Goa will have the Churchill Alemao International Airport at 
> Dabolim to cater
to the needs of the Tourism industry in South Goa, including, of course, the 
Taxi drivers/owners,
whose rude behaviour and exorbitant fares are guaranteed to kill the tourism 
trade. Likewise,
there will be the 
Pratapsing Raoji Rane International Airport at Mopa, to service the tourism  

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] For good or bad, Brits just love Goa

2005-12-22 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
For good or bad, Brits just love Goa
*US takes second place to beach paradise, but fear of lager lout invasion  

London, Dec. 21: First the good news. Goa has become the favourite destination 
for British holidaymakers at Christmas.
Now the really bad news. Goa has become the favourite destination for British 
holidaymakers at Christmas. 

If the decline and fall of Spanish resorts is anything to go by, British lager 
louts will ensure that the former Portuguese colony is very quickly transformed 
into the "Costa del Goa". 

It was disclosed today that "Goa has overtaken America as the top long-haul 
Christmas holiday destination. The west Indian state, renowned for its warm 
weather, long beaches, cheap prices and exotic food, has jumped from third to 
first spot this year, according to a survey."

Tourism has always been a controversial issue in Goa. Although it clearly 
provides a huge boost for the local economy and creates thousands of new jobs, 
it has long been alleged that water is diverted away from locals towards 
western tourists who live in new hotels.
It has also been claimed that large tracts of land, which contain the hotels 
for westerners (and wealthy Indian visitors), are locked off to poorer sections 
of the local communities.

Although Goa has also become popular with Germans, Scandinavians and other 
Europeans, it is the behaviour of a section of British holidaymakers that will 
cause most concern. Such Britons tend to get seriously drunk and find novel 
ways of making a nuisance of themselves. 

On the Greek island of Faliraki, for example, police are kept busy by the 
alcohol-fuelled antics, often sexual, of young British men and, increasingly, 

The Spanish island of Ibiza has become notorious for the "anything goes" 
attitude of young Britons, whose cultural experience consists of going from one 
drinking club to the next during the night and then sleeping off the effects 
during the day. 

Although it is important not to portray all young Britons as drunken yobs, the 
British themselves recognise they have more than their fair share. 
All this is quite separate from the strain on natural resources caused by mass 
tourism. Today's report should certainly provoke the local authorities in Goa 
to be aware of the consequences of a sharp rise in the number of British 
tourists - Indians with Indian passports are not allowed to fly on chartered 
flights from the UK to Goa (in case they use them as a cheap way of visiting 
their relatives in India).

It is pointed out that Goa, which was a Portuguese colony until 1961 when it 
was taken back by India, "was a hippie haunt in the sixties and seventies but 
is now one of the fastest-growing package holiday destinations". 
Goa is being promoted as India's answer to the Cannes film festival but high 
prices on the Cote d'Azur have ensured this bit of France is not overrun by 
package tourists. 

Goa (like other parts of India) is now within easy reach of the average British 
holidaymaker. "Charter airlines such as Monarch fly daily from airports such as 
Gatwick and Manchester to the main city of Panjim," states today's report. 

After India and America, the other favourite holiday destinations for the 
British are Kenya, the Dominican Republic, the Maldives and Trinidad & Tobago. 
Fares to Goa are rock bottom. A website company, Lastminute.com, offers a 
two-week bed and breakfast in the resort of Calangute for £299. That the 
temperature in Goa is around 27 degrees Celsius (compared with just above 
freezing in many parts of Britain), adds to the attractions.

John Bevan, flights director at Lastminute.com, said: "Trips to India have 
outsold the States this Christmas, which we believe is indicative of the 
country's booming tourism."  If true, this represents a mixed blessing for 
India. "Goa is no longer just the preserve of backpackers," Bevan told the 
Evening Standard newspaper in London. "India is now a mainstream holiday 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Vision-Goa 2010

2005-12-22 Thread tonyca
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

Kudos to Averthan D'Souza on his truly brilliant satirical post on the subject!
It should be compulsory reading for all our politicians, although one wonders
if they are capable of appreciating he satire.
---Tony Correia-Afonso.

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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-22 Thread ARLETTE
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |


Christmas is a wondrous and magical time of year. It is a time of 
reflection and gratitude for all we have been blessed with. And, I believe 
that there is no better way to show gratitude than to give to those in 
need. Gifts of love are the most inexpensive gifts yet the most valuable gifts 
at the same time. It's Christmas time, time for gifts of love of true and 
lasting value.
During Christmas time, the peace 
those prayer candles spread, the sweetness those goodies get, the excitement 
Santa’s gifts bring, the fun involved in decorating the Christmas Tree...they 
all have to be experienced to be understood! However, any festival can be 
enjoyed best only when we understand the real spirit that goes behind the show. 
Like during Christmas, we aren’t just celebrating the birth of Christ but 
remembering the goodness embedded in our lives.
Christmas is also the time to do lots of 
shopping, to get new clothes for everyone and even to buy things for home. 
However, what have you done with the old stuff? Gift some to the needy, you will 
brighten their homes during the festival and also be doing a greater favour for 
yourselves. Confused? You are actually clearing your place for new energy 
(blessings) to move freely
number one way to keep Jesus Christ in your Christmas celebrations is to have 
Him present in your daily life, since it means daily revealing the character, 
love and spirit of Christ that dwells in you, by allowing these traits to shine 
through your actions.  
Do you want to 
put a smile on someone's face? Maybe, make their day a little bit brighter? It 
doesn't have to take much time or money on your part. In fact, many things can 
be done as a part of your normal routine and cost little or nothing. You won’t 
know how many people are encouraged by your kindness because smiles are 
contagious! The 
joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others' burdens, easing other's 
loads and restoring empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us 
the magic of Christmas.
People scramble to 
buy gifts, chocolates and flowers for their friends, loved ones and others. The 
shops are crowded and you see parents/old folks trying to find presents for 
their kids/grandchildren. The greatest gifts for children from their parents is 
the love of your child which is free, yet there are very precise ways to truly 
prove your love for your child aswell as some of the most valuable gifts money 
never can buy.
The saddest thing is 
that, every Christmas, people have to trouble themselves finding gifts for 
Christmas. For those who are planning to buy a present, please save the trouble 
of looking and donate the money to people who need it more. At least then, it 
would make those who are really in need, bring  happiness and a smile in 
their lives, this Christmas season.
I went to buy 
Christmas gift the other day and it suddenly hit me that perhaps, there are 
other ways to show that I care than just giving presents every year. And 
apparently, I don’t just care about my loved ones, only during Christmas time 
but every single day of the year. Every day is Christmas day - every day is 
a day to love, for gifts of love.  Finally, I truly believe 
that gifts should always come from the bottom of your heart and never from 
your bank account.
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Greedy politicians.........

2005-12-22 Thread Vivian D'Souza
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
--Many if not most poticians are corrupt, and when elected, seek to make money willy-nilly through whatever means possible.    I am glad to see the sting operation mounted by these investigative journalists.  Caught politicians red handed, right on TV, what defense can they possibly have ?  A parliamentary committee has recommended that all 10 MPs implicated in the sting operation be de-barred from Parliament.  Serves these folks right.     There will be protests from some of them that they were set-up, while others will  seek to put a spin on the whole story.  The common folks see a scam when they see one, and no amount of protests about their innocence will sway the people.  Of course we should  give the accused the benefit of the doubt and allow the law to proceed and a court to decide whether they are indeed guilty. And if and when found  guilty the severest
 form of punishment ought to be meted out.It was interesting to note that these crooks come in all shades of party affiliation and religious beliefs.  --
|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Goan Voice UK. Daily Newsletter. Thursday, 22 Dec. 2005

2005-12-22 Thread Eddie Fernandes

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Headline: It's the Great Christmas Goa-Way
21 Dec:  The Evening Standard (London). ... Goa has overtaken America as the 
top long-haul Christmas holiday destination. The west India state, renowned 
for its warm weather, long beaches, cheap prices and exotic food has jumped 
from third to first spot this year, according to a survey today ... Goa, a 
Portuguese colony until 1961, was a hippy haunt in the Sixties and Seventies 
but is now one of the fastest-growing package holiday destinations ... 
Lastminute.com offers a two-week bed and breakfast package in the resort of 
Calangute for £299 ... The weather in Goa is currently sunny with a forecast 
high of 81F.

Viagra in India @ Rs 594 a pill
21 Dec: Times of India. It's official. Come December 26, you can ask for 
Viagra by name at the nearest chemist shop. The catch? The original blue 
pill will cost Rs 594 as against Rs 25 or less for the desi or generic 
version of the drug known as sildenafil citrate ... only the highest dosage 
of 100 mg works in Indian males ... 
For updates see 

UK: Dr Agnelo Fernandes: 'There have to be some rewards'
21 Dec. The Times (UK). For Agnelo Fernandes, a GP in Croydon, there are 
more opportunities for experimentation, entrepreneurship and money making 
than ever.
Dr Fernandes's practice has just appointed its sixth partner and covers 
12,500 patients. His surgery has two specialist GPs who treat diabetes and 
coronary heart disease and can be redeployed across the region.
As the assistant manager of an out-of-hours centre, he has helped to expand 
the service to provide walk-in facilities to allieviate the pressure on the 
local hospital. He has also started insulin treatment for his patients, a 
service that was previously the domain of hospitals. He has even introduced 
online booking. With the expanded workload come the rewards ... For text 
click here. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1948473,00.html
Dr Agnelo Fernandes was born in Margao, Goa, the son of the late Dr.Joao 
Caetano Sacrafamilia Fernandes (Raia, Rachol, Salcette) and Lucy Fernandes 
(Orda, Candolim, Bardez). At the age of four he moved to Nairobi where he 
attended St.Theresa's Primary School. Six years later he moved to England.
For photographs and a GVUK profile of him see 

Demand declines for higher quality Indian ores
20 Dec.  Metal Bulletin News Alert Service. (UK)  The Chinese are purchasing 
greater volumes of lower-grade ores containing 54-61 percent Fe, and brisk 
business for this material is being done from the ports of Karwar and Goa 
...  Buyers prefer to export from Goa or Karwar at present, avoiding New 
Mangalore, where protestors are hampering the transport of ore to the ports 
from the mines. Local residents are forcing overloaded trucks, blamed for 
high pollution levels and for damaging local infrastructure, to stop and are 
demanding compensation from their owners for the damage caused.

UK to Perth, Aus. From £99 single; £299 return.
Dep 22nd Dec - 5 Jan. http://www.austravel.com/perth

Let's trip the light fantastic!  By Smita DeSouza
21 Dec:  Femina (India).  It's that time of the year again when you slip on 
your stilettos, let your hair down and boogie the night away ... Year after 
year, tsunamis not withstanding, the world descends on the coastal state of 
Goa for the months between October and February. While Goans may 
traditionally be 'susegad' (laid back) in their attitude, the one thing they 
do know to do is live well! From the beach shacks to the swanky clubs, from 
rave parties to genteel live entertainment, this state has it all. With 
parties that go on into the wee hours of the morning, this is the place to 
be for any party animal looking for a great time!  ... [Some of the 
nitespots feaured:] Club Tito's ... Mambos ... Club Cabana ... Joet's ... 
Caravela ...  Club Paradiso ...  Bamboo Forest ... 9 Bar ... Hill Top. 
Getting to and back from a club is relatively safe and easy as long as you 
have your own transport. Taxis and tourist vehicles are also available but 
tend to get expensive. Women partying without escorts are rarely harassed 
and the couple and stag policy differs from club to club.

Toronto: Antonetta & Jose Dias' $7.3 million lottery win
21 Dec: Toron

[Goanet] Carry and distribute Soccer Balls

2005-12-22 Thread r.barreto
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |

|   Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy

|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots 
   in our villages   
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and 
   distribute Soccer Balls  

A GOANET supported project

      Friends of Goa , 
  SLOGANS do not mean much  unless we 
  If You are unable to carry a fooball
  you could buy one in Goa and hand it

  over to some one in your VILLAGE 
      Please send us a photograph of the 
  *handing * over ceremony for our 
      electronic album. 
  Make grassroot Young Goans happy 
  this festive seasoon.
      Thank you for making the time to
  this message ...I hope to hear from
  least One of you : - ) 

 Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   
 Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute 
   Soccer Balls  

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2005-12-22 Thread airesrod
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
It is  time the Central government seriously considers
winding up the MP's Local Area Development Scheme. All
development has to be focused and monitored by the
local authorities and it is clear that our elected
representatives should not be allowed to have a vested
interest in the same.

Whether cash for questions, commission on projects or
auction of government jobs our politicians are up to
it all. It was just Churchill's fate that he was
caught in the act on video and made it to the
headlines for all the wrong reasons. The episode 
crash lands his dream of making it to the Union
Cabinet in the impending cabinet expansion. That his 
continuance in the Congress party is also in doubt, is
another question.

In Goa, ever since the Progressive Development Front
(PDF) government was formed in 1990, the levels of
corruption have been soaring to new heights and there
has been no looking back.

The Congress have excelled in corruption and the rags
to riches tales of their leaders says it all.

The BJP which professed to be a party with a
difference has been equally corrupt if IFFI 2004 is
any indicator, but the party  also spread communal
venom which was seen in the systematic saffronisation
of the administration by the Parrikar regime.

Today corruption in Goa is at its peak. Its only a
people's movement demanding transparency and a corrupt
free administration that may yield results. Is it too
late to fix the cancer of corruption that has embodied
itself at the centre of Goan politics.

Aires Rodrigues

NEW Yahoo! Cars - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars 
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|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] Re: White Elephant thy name is Mopa!!!

2005-12-22 Thread Jerry Fernandes
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Do we need Mopa? Why?

Many of our Goanet writers have written about Mopa Airport and why we don't
need it. And I feel Dr U G Barad has studied his subject well and has
written beautifully why we don't require another airport in Goa. Great
writing Dr. Barad

When we have our own chosen leaders who demand money to promote their birth
language ( 4 lakh rupees to promote Konkani??? by Churchill) its easy to
guess who will make money on Mopa. Its all those who we vote to make our
lives better, but seems that we give them full permission and our blessings
to loot us.

Imagine a distance from Mumbai to Goa, one can reach Goa in 45 minutes, and
than 2 hours from Mopa to South Goa?


Jerry Fernandes

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] 6th year hand over of Macau

2005-12-22 Thread Bernado Colaco
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
19th December 2005 marked the 6th year of the handover
of Portuguese administration to China.

In the 6th year still - water supply 24/7
Power supply 24/7
Telephony 24/7

44 year of Goa invasion, Water supply - no reply;

Power supply - apply no reply;

Telephony - Hello, hello where do we go?

Teotonio Souza where are you? U visit Macau and see
only Potholes ou what?

B. Colaco

NEW Yahoo! Cars - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars 
online! http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |