Re: [Goanet]Re: Some of my best friends are Canucks

2005-05-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You forgot to include the Toronto Star, where
> Mervyn's favorite "journalist", Haroon Siddiqui, 
> dispenses a vicious brand of fact-less 
> anti-American propaganda

Actually, Haroon considers you his "special" friend.
He sends his regards. 

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Some of my best friends are Canucks

2005-05-24 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Take some of your own advice that you have
dished out in the past few days. Here are your quotes:

> "Gabe, you need to unwind a little and not take
yourself so seriously."  "Let's not all get carried
away here."

Mario replies:
I read and re-read my advice to Gabe (shown above),
and all I could see was some free advice that would
benefit him tremendously.  I cannot for the life of me
discern anything that could even  remotely be
considered "vicious, sadistic, bogus and completely
delusional attacks" on Gabe in my remarks.
Bosco writes: 
You think very little of Canada's The Globe and Mail
and The Guardian from the UK. 

Mario replies:
You forgot to include the Toronto Star, where Mervyn's
favorite "journalist", Haroon Siddiqui, dispenses a 
vicious brand of fact-less anti-American propaganda
that Mervyn loves, then hides under his desk when
asked to back up his assertions with established
facts.  Haroon Siddiqui is the guy who had NO
CRITICISM of the proven desecration of the Church of
the Nativity in Bethlehem by Palestinian militants,
who urinated and defecated in the Church and used
pages from the Bible as toilet paper, but continues to
assert as fact the retracted falsehoods about the
Quran being desecrated at Gitmo in NEWSWEEK.

BTW, take any Quran-sized-book and see what would
happen if you tried to flush it down any modern flush

All three "newspapers" have about as much credibility
as al Jazeera when it comes to describing the
liberation of Muslims oppressed by Muslim tyrants.

Bosco writes:
What was all the angst if somebody spelt your last
name Goveia or Gouveia ?? Why were you correcting a
Goanetter some weeks ago ?? 

Mario replies:
Bosco, no one is "calling me a name" by mis-spelling
my name.  What level of logic are you using to compare
informing a  Goanetter of how my name is correctly
spelled with the absurd notion that words are
acceptable when used by certain people, but not by
others.  This is a classic left-wing tactic used to
create issues out of thin air.

Bosco writes:
When somebody does not like the name he/she is being
called/addressed, etiquette would demand you amend
one's habit.
Mario replies:
I like the way you are demanding your own version of 
"etiquette" after using a tired old tactic of
"political correctness" of feigned indignation at the
use of a word that your own source described as "Used
by Canadians, the word is acceptable in virtually all

Bosco writes: 
And yes, you can call me a Goan Canuck !! I hope you
feel better now and we can return to more important
issues that affect Goans in Canada.

Mario replies:
Thanks, Bosco.  It DOES make me feel better when I can
use a word that is "acceptable in virtually all
applications", without being called to task.