[Goanet] Daily Grook #432

2009-06-09 Thread Francis Rodrigues


by Francis Rodrigues

p's and q's won't
promise you class,
make sure u don't
fall on your r's!

puns & word-play of all kinds,
hey...read between the lines!

Create a cool, new character for your Windows Live™ Messenger. 

[Goanet] photograph of a postman's bag

2009-06-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] photograph of a postman's bag
I could not see any attachment.
However,  here is the Panjim/Miramar Postman bags and cycle
I captured it while I was at my friend’s place
Postmen now a day do not wear Kaki uniforms.
Very difficult to identify who is a postman.  They may look like any other 
migrant workers in Goa.
I think Post and Telegraphs Dept come under Central Govt with good pay and 
In Goa, it looks like postmen work under sub-contract system.
Any one can knock at your door posing as Postman
Quote:Postman is one among the very few government employees who are sincere in 
their job.Rain or shine he braves the same with his cycle. Attached is the 
photograph of one of the bags which is in very bad shape used by a postman in 
Cuncolim.It's raining time now in Goa and the poor postman covers the torn bag 
with a piece of plastic so that the mail doesn't get wet.our government must be 
spending a hell of money on the luxuries of our useless elected representatives 
and the deserving people like the postman gets old torn bags,scrap cycles,one 
uniform and a unbrella might be for at least 2 years.==joego...@yahoo.co.uk 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Food Park At Canaguinim

2009-06-09 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Food Park At Canaguinim

UGDP threatens stir for Special Status 

On Herald of 9th June 2009 under the heading "UGDP threatens stir for Special
Status" the ugly monster called Food Park has reared it's ugly head all over
again and I am sure it's not going to go away. It's looks the fish called
Chandrakant Kavleker has already swallowed the bait along with the hook, line
and sinker of the investors and there is nothing he can do about it but move and
tag along as they tug him.


Food-park and Auxiliary Services project at Naqueri, is now presented with a
chocolate coating with a few nuts sprinkled around for flavour and presented as
Industrial Development zone by the chairman of IDC and the present ruling party
MLA Mr. Chandrakant Kavlekar from Quepem. A change in name does not make a crow,
a dove or a swan. 


In the last week of May a few of our villagers along with the Parish Priest of
Canaguinim Rev. Fr, Henry D' Souza, had a meeting with Mr. Kavlekar over the
proposed development plans for our area. It was nice of Mr. Kavlekar to give us
his time and patience for about two hours, in the midst of his very busy
schedule, he did talk in length of his achievements in the last few years in the
form of the number of projects he started in Quepem "proper"  but as soon as we
let the cat out of the bag on the Food park issue he was on the defensive and
said the food park was scrapped and in it's place we would have non-polluting
industries, when we asked to give more details he was unable to do so, it was at
this time that Rev. Fr. Henry asked him the purpose of acquiring more than the
required land for the industrial development zone as he called it then, he was
vague in his answer,  he also had no answer when asked what provisions where
made for housing, for people in the area who are already out growing their
restricted village areas.


He said that people of the area would benefit through the Industrial Zone as
they will get direct access to water from the Selaulim dam and direct
underground cable supply of electricity from Xelpem. I was a bit amused as the
people of south Goa are provided water from the Selaulim Dam and is it enough ?
Certainly not, so how can it help the local people ? Secondly, if Xelpem has the
capacity to light up the whole of south Goa why are we seeing bulbs like
fireflies in our homes as we have no enough power to light up the tubes ?


We also asked him to establish his confidence in us by first getting a good
number of locals and Goans in ONGC which has not employed any Goans nor locals
since in commencement of activities at Betul-Canaguinim, some fifteen years a go
and how can we believe Goans and locals will be employed at the IDZ, nor was he
able to give us an affirmation on the salary structure at the IDZ that would
make Goans work and survive there. 


With all the scams and the corruption in the Government, people have lost faith
in our Government and in order to get the faith of the people back, the
government has to first have, a very transparent system in place, open debates
should be held and the blue print of projects shown and explained to the people,
the employment exchange too has to be a transparent body with online access,
vacancies as well filled in vacancies displayed with details so that there  is
no hanky-panky around.


The most important thing is,  why is the Government forcing on the people what
the people do not want ? The obvious question being asked by most is, how much
is being offered to the politicians to force the unwanted on to the people ? The
question most certainly has a very big affirmative answer and the people know it
but certainly tend to forget it during elections. 


From RTI and some realiable sources it's been found out that the locals were
paid a mere 15 - 20 Rs per sq mtr, whereas IDC has sold some of the land
acquired for Food Park for as much as 150 - 175 Rs per sq mtr when the market
price at Canaguinim is about 800 per sq mtr, so what's exactly going on ? Why is
our Government robbing the poor and feeding the rich ? If at all some one has to
benefit from such deals, it's the locals and the local land owner. It's been
also found out that the land has been sold to the same food park owners. So why
is Mr. Kavleker trying to mislead the local people of Canaguinim, Betul and
Naqueri, why  on earth will any one go to such length to disguise, unless of
course, that he has indeed swallowed the bait along with the hook line and
sinker of the investors .  


The people of Naqueri, Kanaguinim and Betul reject the Food Park Proposal in
it's original form or in it's silver wrapping in the form of IDZ.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

The content of this electronic communication is intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and any others who are 
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Re: [Goanet] Goan, be exclusionary

2009-06-09 Thread Anita Mathew
Excellent ,well thought out to help Goa for a brighter and tolerant future- be 
of a n increasingly closing in world!

Anita mathew.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Goanet Reader wrote:

  Goan, be exclusionary

  DEVIL'S ADVOCATE/ Frederick Noronha

  For a small place like Goa, where we are always short of
  critical mass, you would think that every individual counted.
  One would have thought that we all would be trying to widen
  the circle, involve more people, and be more inclusive. 

[Goanet] Migrant workers and outsiders

2009-06-09 Thread Elvino Rodriques
Excellent solution Freddy ..especially your paragraphs on Goans Migrating 
abroad and 
Solution .

Your paragraph (with regard to Goans migrating abroad)was the kind on NRI was 
disturbing my mind for a very long time as to how to express, as every one were 
mixing the NRI status of Gulf Indians/Goans into status of others permanently 
migrated Indians/Goans at world wide.  You have very beautifully explained the 
difference and the kind of life and rights we have in these Gulf Countries due 
which under no circumstances we can call a sort of migration.

And your 2 last paragraphs as a solution is also a perfect solution Goa needs 
present circumstances.



Re: [Goanet] Weather forecasting in North America

2009-06-09 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Alfred de Tavares wrote: 
> Arre...Ali...baba!
> Whatever, then, went wrong in New Orleans???
> Was the build-up of Kotrin too miniscule to disturb
> those US of A's mega-accurate weather-sensors???

Alfred de T.
The US National Weather Service provided detailed tracking of Hurricane
Katrina from the time it entered the Caribbean. The Cuban Govt, led by Supreme
Commandante Fidel Castro, used this info to protect their citizens and as such,
not a single Cuban lost his/her life.
The National Weather Service and most US TV stations accurately provided
the time and place where Katrina would strike the US. Almost everyone with
a TV set in N. America could track the path of the hurricane.

I say almost because the Honourable George Bush (43) was not one of 
the trackers. After the hurricane killed 2,000 people and devastate New 
Orleans, Georgie got up and declared that the guy dealing with the
aftermath was doing a good job. Then he had to fire the guy he had praised.

In the meantime, Cuba offered 1,100 doctors trained in disaster relief. 
Venezuela offered food, water and heating oil.
India delivered 25 tons of blankets and hygiene kits.
The Canadian Govt hired helicopters and rescued all 200 Canadians in 
the area within 48 hours.

The weather forecasters did an excellent job.
Bush and Co did their er, best.


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favourite sites. Download it now


2009-06-09 Thread Averthan
Averthanus L. D'Souza.

 The vigorous defence of Truth in the lead article in Herald, (Saturday, 6 
2009) and specially the citing of the caveat of Pope Leo XIII at the time of 
access to research scholars to the (so called 'secret') Archives of the Vatican 
most commendable indeed. The quotation from Cicero: "ne quid veri tacere 
meaning dare not silence the truth) was specially impressive, indicating, as it 
familiarity with the Roman classics. However, readers would have appreciated 
told also that it was the same Cicero who loudly lamented: "Oh Truth! How many 
falsehoods are told in thy name." Using the defence of truth as a subterfuge to 
fortify one's untenable arguments might impress uncritical minds, but to those 
keener minds, it evokes the scene in Pilate's Courtroom when he questioned 
about his credentials. When Jesus told him that he had come into the world "to 
testify to the truth" (Jn. 18:37) Pilate snidely remarked: "What is truth?" and 
turned away without waiting for a response. How apropos to this dialogue and 
representative of those who presume to have special insights into truth. In his 
enlightening book "What is History?" Prof. E.H. Carr cites the great liberal 
journalist C.P. Scott: "Facts are sacred, opinion is free." Carr goes on to 
that: "In spite of C.P. Scott's motto, every journalist knows today that the 
effective way to influence opinion is by the selection and arrangement of the 
appropriate facts. It used to be said that facts speak for themselves. This is, 
course, untrue. The facts speak only when the historian calls on them; it is he 
decides to which facts to give the floor, and in what order or context. It was, 
think, one of Pirandello's characters who said that a fact is like a sack - it 
stand up till you've put something in it." (E.H.Carr "What is History" Pelican 
Books, 1964 pg.11)

 The article under consideration (as well as the previous one) falls very 
appropriately into this category. Let us take as an example the assertion (or 
obvious insinuation) that the Church authorities in Goa hide information: "In 
addition to the Pastoral Letter and some stray notes (sic) available online 
those post-liberation updates, it could be helpful to all interested to have 
full Statement of the Diocesan Synod (SDS) also online for consultation, and so 
the new rules for the Confrarias as enacted in 2003. Such updated rule books 
help promote greater transparency and collaboration of the faithful, and could 
dispel some unwarranted doubts of the interested citizens." This statement 
insinuates that the Archdiocese of Goa has not made available the full text of 
Statement of the Diocesan Synod or the updated rules of the Confrarias. The 
fact is that these documents are freely and readily available to anyone who 
to have them. If the author of the article has not succeeded in accessing them 
"on-line" he should not conclude that the authorities are suppressing the 
information. It only means, probably, that the departments concerned are not au 
courant with information technology. To ascribe ulterior motives is surely a 
travesty of truth?

 A prominent historian is expected to verify his facts before putting pen to 
What he refers to as the "all-India Church synod of 1970" was certainly not a 
 "synod" in the accepted sense of the word, (and as an ex-cleric, he ought to 
this). It was officially described as the "All India Seminar on The Church in 
Today" and it took place in 1969 (not 1970).

 The declaration that "None of my criticisms have or will ever be intended 
any clergyman or other individuals, and I believe that those who resort to 
attacks only vitiate any good and useful debate" is well received. However, a 
careful re-reading of my response to the original article "The Political 
Economy of 
the Church" will confirm that my arguments were directed to the opinions 
by the author (including the questioning of his hidden motives!) - and not 
the author's person. It is still my firm opinion that the author's 
(repeated in this present article) that the Government should "supervise the 
finances and properties" is totally ill-conceived and retrograde. In the 
circumstances - economic and political - the Government itself is taking active 
measures to "divest" itself of business and industrial activities. The buzz 
word, as 
everyone knows, is "disinvestment" and "privatization." For the author of the 
article under review (and his misguided supporters) to propose, in this 
that the Government should take over the management of the temporal affairs of 
churches, temples and mosques is clearly retrograde and even deplorable. The 
solution they are proposing is infinitely worse

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (10Jun09)

2009-06-09 Thread alexyz fernandes
"Training him to be another Leander?"

"Yes! Starting with Smashing Mosquitoes!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] photograph of a postman's bag

2009-06-09 Thread Joel Moraes
Postman is one among the very few government employees who are sincere in their 
job.Rain or shine he braves the same with his cycle.Attached is the photograph 
of one of the bags which is in very bad shape used by a postman in 
Cuncolim.It's raining time now in Goa and the poor postman covers the torn bag 
with a piece of plastic so that the mail doesn't get wet.
Our government must be spending a hell of money on the luxuries of our useless 
elected representatives and the deserving people like the postman gets old torn 
bags,scrap cycles,one uniform and a unbrella might be for at least 2 years.
Joel Morais



2009-06-09 Thread ARLETTE AZAVEDO
Dear all,

This is to inform you all that our very own GOANETTER Domnic Fernandes from 
Anjuna suffered a stroke on the right side on April 14 and has been in bed 
since then.  Luckily, he was taken to the Goa Medical College within two hours 
where his nephew, Dr. Caraciolo Nazareth and his colleagues attended on him and 
saved him from permanent paralysis. He is slowly recovering from the stroke and 
hopes to be back in normal health soon, though he still needs a lot of rest.  

Let's keep Domnic in our prayers. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of 
the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the 
sick, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant Domnic 
the grace and strength to accept his ailment. Dear God, we place Domnic under 
Your care and humbly ask that You restore his health again. Above all, be with 
Domnic when he is alone or dejected. Comfort him when he is discouraged. And 
touch him with your healing Spirit that he may be get his normal health back 

Infact, I just spoke to Domnic now and he said he is recovering but he needs 
prayers from each one of you, so dears, plz say a special prayer for Domnic 
that he may recoup as soon as possible.

Wishing you all good health and keep safe.

Arlette Azavedo.

Re: [Goanet] Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Pet Health Management

2009-06-09 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Tue, 6/9/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:
> Today, these essences are selected either singly or in
> combination depending upon the condition and the
> practitioner. The most popular Bach flower remedy is called
> the “Rescue remedy” and this is again a combination of
> five essential remedies which is good for stress and fear.

Bach flower therapy is a good example of quackery. Here is an article entitled 
"Bach Flower Remedies: Time to Stop Smelling the Flowers?", telling us why it 
is so:




[Goanet] Fwd: Dolphy D'souza, Pres. BCS on Civic Issues on CNN -IBN on June 10.

2009-06-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-- Forwarded message --
From: presid...@bcsabha 
Date: Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Dolphy D'souza, Pres. BCS on Civic Issues on CNN -IBN on June 10.

Dear Friends,

Watch Dolphy D'souza, as Citizen Journalist on Civic Issues on CNN-IBN .

The programme will be telecaston Wednesday, June 10: between 0800 a.m. to 0900 
and relayed again bet 1300 to 1400 hrs and 1500 hrs to 1600 hrs .

Thank you,


Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-09 Thread Bosco D'Mello
-Original Message-
From: Gilbert Lawrence

> Bosco,
> Darn those instant references,  fact-checking, transcripts and video-links.
> More increasingly, the right-wing is being caught red-handed lying about the 
> facts.

> See below:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/05/rick-sanchez-rips-bill-or_n_211971.html


I concur with the comments in para 1. All politicians are less than completely 

Re the weblink above - that is another in a series of partisan websites 
vis-a-vis US 
politics. It provides the opposite view of the links that Mario provides. I 
not use it as a reference for anything.

Arianna's theatrics on the tube are boring. Perhaps you are aware she was a 
right-winger in the 80s and 90s before turning into a liberal-Democrat after 
divorcing the oil-magnate [1].

- Bosco


[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Huffington

Re: [Goanet] sunset

2009-06-09 Thread Brenda Fernandes

 Joe, very beautiful clip thanks for all the wonderful posts.

From: JoeGoaUk

Sunset (1.5mins)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=zg8hDsSiPqY

[Goanet] Interrogating modernity, gendering 'tradition': Teatr tales from Goa Rowena Robinson

2009-06-09 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
Interrogating modernity, gendering 'tradition': Teatr tales from Goa
Rowena Robinson

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology, Powai, Mumbai, 400 076, India

This paper examines the teatr, a form of popular theatre in
contemporary Goa, and the ways in which it engages with the modern,
defining and 'fixing', in the same moment, a particular variant of
'tradition'. The plays of this genre revolve around questions of moder
nity. In a complex articulation of the realms of the global and the
local, modern culture, social mores, politics and economics, tourism
and the global media are all represented, queried, even critiqued.
Simultaneously, tradition, gender and family relations are viewed as
requiring protection from the harmful effects of the modern. Thus, we
are offered a par ticularly glorified representation of the
'traditional' Goan woman and her immurement in the family. Scholars
studying cinema, theatre and the arts have spoken of similar construc
tions elsewhere. Given their pervasiveness, the temptation to read
these constructions as constituting a homogeneous dominant ideology
are great. However, while the teatrs contain women within tradition,
there are ruptures and moments when different ideas and voices
surface. The paper argues that these moments are worth holding as
traces of alternative, though suppressed, models, and as reminders of
what the dominant ideology has to counter in establishing and
maintaining its heyemony.

Contributions to Indian Sociology, Vol. 33, No. 3, 503-539 (1999)
DOI: 10.1177/006996679903300302

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org

"Solutions are not the answer." - Richard Nixon, former U.S. President

[Goanet] Among the greatest Goans: HERALD(Goa), June 10, 2009

2009-06-09 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

By Valmiki Faleiro
(with inputs from Joaquim Correia-Afonso, Benaulim and Francisco Monteiro, 

Today, 10 June, is the 150th birth anniversary of Roque Correia-Afonso. In the 
gallery of
great Goans who defended, and pursued, Goan interests in public life, down 
history, his
memory immediately springs to mind. Such was the multi-faceted persona – 
journalist, politician and statesman – that it’s difficult to decide where to 
begin and end.
Let’s go chronologically.

Roque Correia was a legendary advocate from the ‘garden’ village of Benaulim. He
attracted law students even from faraway Macau. Agostinho Afonso of Divar was a 
By his Coelho wife from Margao’s Holy Spirit church square, Roque had two 
Adelia married a Mesquita from Consua-Cortalim. Propercia married Agostinho, 
and the
family name changed from Correia to Correia-Afonso. To this marital union was 
Joao Joaquim Roque Correia-Afonso (RCA), 10-June-1859. He inherited not just the
name and legal mind, but, from his grandpa’s laps, love for humanity and for 

At age 16, together with fellow students, RCA launched a periodical, ‘Estreia 
Then joined Margao advocate, Joao Manuel Pacheco for an apprenticeship in law – 
like his own father, ended becoming his senior’s son-in-law.

At 20, RCA set up legal practice and emerged a brilliant advocate, with 
powerful oratory.
He had a way with words, both spoken and written. He wrote copiously for Goan 
of the time. The ‘O Heraldo’ had been slapped with a State suit. It had 
published (1903)
extracts of a sermon by Fr. Sarmento Ozorio, an outspoken critic of Goa’s 
colonial rule.
The editor, Dr. Antonio Maria da Cunha, sat in the courtroom, awaiting justice. 
When the
Public Prosecutor concluded final arguments, it was RCA’s turn to defend the 

“I have nothing to say,” RCA submitted, and sat down. The courtroom was 
stunned. The
Prosecutor wore a wide grin. The judge was bewildered. After a long pause, he 
RCA, “have you nothing to say in defence of the accused?”

RCA repeated his five words, but implored the judge to look at the accused, who 
soundly asleep. “Cunha’s conscience is so clean that he can peacefully sleep on 
a day
when he could be sent to jail for years.” Cunha was acquitted. Records and 
of the case were published as a book, ‘A Opiniao da Justica e a Justica da 

Though an acclaimed advocate, this “champion of lost causes,” who all his adult 
fought oppressive officialdom, leveraged his intellect, legal skills, powerful 
oratory and a
mighty pen for the dignity and political rights of Goans.

Early on, the brilliant orator joined the ‘Partido Indiano.’ In the 
bloodletting Parliament
polls of Sept. 21, 1890, he boldly issued his famous ‘Minuta de Agravo’ and 
“Never again an ‘official’ candidate!” He served in the Provincial Congresses 
and on the
Governor’s Council – the good of Goa uppermost in his mind. At one session, a 
for promoting ‘tavernas’ was under discussion. He firmly believed alcohol was 
root of
serious social and health problems.

End of his eloquent anti-taverna tirade, he looked at the Governor in the eye 
and said,
“Your Excellency, Goa is a ‘taverna’ and (pointing his finger at the 
Governor...) you are
its (the taverna’s) keeper!” The proposal was quickly dropped. Provincial 
were convened at his instance. He presided over the 3rd, where his outstanding
leadership qualities shone bright as ever.

Appointed Mayor of Salcete by Governor-General Dr. Couceiro da Costa, he 
several projects in industry, public transport and education. Most proposals, 
alas, stayed
on paper as RCA, yet again, fell out of gubernotarial grace. Margao was then 
under a
plague. At personal risk, he ventured forth to provide solace. Upon his demise, 
a grateful
town not only placed his portrait in the civic hall, but named after him one of 
its main
thoroughfares, leading to his native Benaulim.

From enactment of enlightened laws to revival of ‘ganvkaris,’ from better 

practices (he had a particular fondness for coconut cultivation, which he 
dubbed the
“major wealth of Goa”) to championing higher education for women, his 
contribution to
Goa was perhaps the greatest by any Goan in that era.

A devout Catholic, he stoutly opposed the caste system, gladly joined a 
confraternity of
‘lower’ castes, and willed he be burried in an unmarked grave. Death occured on 
27, 1937.

RCA and Claudina Pacheco had a dozen, his “twelve apostles,” one-third “copper” 
sons), two-third “silver” (eight daughters), “gold” were his daughters-in-law, 
all well-
placed in life, and 52 grandchildren, who together built the Correia-Afonsos 
into an
institution – not just in Goa, but around the world.

RCA left a library of his own books/writings, and others have written more 
about him.
The greatest tribute we Goa

Re: [Goanet] Goa-Velha, St. Andrew Church (built in 1583?)

2009-06-09 Thread Themistocles D'Silva
Ref: Date of founding of Majorda Church.

The dates of the founding of the churches in Goa in the Directory of the 
are not always correct and one should be cautious in citing it in any research. 
your listing the date of the founding of the Church of Mother of Goa in Majorda 
not correct.  This Church was founded in 1588 as is documented in all the 
history books.  It may have been rebuilt in 1646, the date published in the 

Re: [Goanet] Prices in Canada

2009-06-09 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
 Roland Francis 

[1]  this post is about prices of some common food and eatables in Toronto
[2] Service in Indian restaurants mostly stinks. And so do some of
their gentleman's facilities.


My reason of going to a restaurants is likely to be one of the following

a: to taste something which we do not cook at home
b: to give the home-kitchen a rest
c: to meet up with friends
d: for business reasons

It is true that the service in Indian restaurants is quite poor - the
consolation being that it is marginally better than that in Chinese

The food varies. These days, I am loathe to buy sea food from Chinese
places. The Made in China fish just might have additional 'heavy
metal' stuff in it thanks to the massive pollution in that

Indian food varies quite a bit. It is possible that the 'chefs' go to
the highest payer Once they get their 'papers'. Hence, the food in
good Indian restaurants drops in quality every once in a while.

It is worth knowing that,  in many Indian restaurants,  whatever one
orders .korma, masala, jafrezi etc you are likely to get the
same taste.

And there is this fake Vindaloo which is basically (as served) Any
curry + chilli powder.

We were in Old Town Alexandria (Virginia) yesterday and we were
served "tikka masala + chilli powder' as Vindaloo. There even was an
explanation: North Indian vindaloo is different from South Indian
vindaloo. What nonsense.

Last Saturday ...we went out to Coriander Indian restaurant in New
Jersey. Must say the food, the service and the 'gentleman's room'
were all excellent.

Tomorrow ...we intend to go to 28th and Lexington (here in New York)
and check out the Desi restaurant scene. (No intention of going near
the gentleman's room)

Anyway . I wanted to recommend to Roland the following
restaurant in Toronto


good wishes


Re: [Goanet] Goan, be exclusionary

2009-06-09 Thread Silvia Bragan�a
Dear Frederick!
I love your deep reflection. It is impportant as our days.

2009/6/4 Goanet Reader
  Goan, be exclusionary

  DEVIL'S ADVOCATE/ Frederick Noronha

  For a small place like Goa, where we are always short of
  critical mass, you would think that every individual counted. 

[Goanet] Goa news for June 10, 2009

2009-06-09 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** On schedule monsoon reaches Goa, expected on June 15: Met -
Times of India

*** Inspiring past, promising future - Hindu

*** Sesa Goa can touch Rs 179: Bose - Moneycontrol.com
V18, "In the last few sessions, Sesa Goa has corrected quite a
bit and today it has showed a turnaround. ...

*** Goa NCP chief, executive committee members quit party -

*** Get visas in India, not from abroad: Faleiro - Times of

*** Goa Civil Service officers protest \'improper\'
appointments - SamayLive
CS officials from positions traditionally occupied by state
service officers. The All Goa Civil Service Officers Association
(AGCSOA) ...

*** Goa goes to Goa - IndiaGlitz
diaGlitz, CAVenkat Prabhu's Goa is proceeding in full speed
even as his producer Soundarya Rajinikanth is working on her
magnum opus, Sultan The Warrior. Goa, which stars Venkat's usual
coterie of Jai, Sampath, Vaibhav and Premgi, has three heroines,
Sneha, ...

*** Jazz from Goa, India. - eJazzNews
azzNews, CanadaIf the Indian film music industry is making
international inroads these days, it is thanks to the
foundations that were laid down by Goan musicians. Infact, Goa
can now be called India's music capital. Unfortunately the state
of musicians in our music ...

*** Beggars Act inadequate, say Goa cops - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: In a circular to to all its
personnel operating the police control room vans, the Goa police
have asked that they act in a more sensitive and humane manner
when attending calls. This comes in the wake of the severe
criticism the police faced ...

*** Old Goa churches vie for honours - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: Goa's Basilica of Bom Jesus and Se
Cathedral will vie with 25 other monuments from former
Portuguese colonies for top honours under a project New 7
Wonders Portugal'. These are wonders of the Portuguese colonies.
Goa's twowonders of the ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Goa-Velha, St. Andrew Church (built in 1583?)

2009-06-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goa-Velha, St. Andrew Church (built in 1583?)
I always thought the church is not more than 200 years old.
When I was young, an older lady from the village used to tell me about the 
facts of the church at the time of building it (it was passed on to her by her 
in-law and so on)
At the present church building site, there were huge pits (dug up holes/tanks 
for foundation etc).  During the monsoon, the local used to catch large Tigurr 
(a fresh water cat fish see pic 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk19/3489057632/  ) and I thought this must 
be around early 1900 or later 1800.  However, the Archdiocese website
 put the year 1583 which means more than 425 years old?
However, I think there was another church in the village towards Pilar.  The 
giant crosses still exist on the side of NH17 one near Dakonkar Hospital (St. 
Anthony road) and one opp PAP or Bharat Gas or where Kadambas capital was. 
Perhaps, this was the church which was built in 1583?
Anyway, here is a short clip of the church just uploaded.


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] The state of US capitalism and Ayurveda medicine

2009-06-09 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
I am not in favor, neither am I against a single payer (Canadian / British) 
health-care plan. The attached though makes one think carefully.  One of 
the difficulties of implementing a single payor plan or any efficient 
health-care plan is the following: The amount specified are dollars (with no 
decimals).  The compensation for the next echelon likely closely follows the 
top dog.

ANNUAL COMPENSATION (2006 and 2007):

� Ronald A. Williams, Chair/ CEO, Aetna Inc., $23,045,834
� H. Edward Hanway, Chair/ CEO, Cigna Corp, $30.16 million
� David B. Snow, Jr, Chair/ CEO, Medco Health, $21.76 million
� Michael B. MCallister, CEO, Humana Inc, $20.06 million
� Stephen J. Hemsley, CEO, UnitedHealth Group, $13,164,529
� Angela F. Braly, President/ CEO, Wellpoint, $9,094,771
� Dale B. Wolf, CEO, Coventry Health Care, $20.86 million
� Jay M. Gellert, President/ CEO, Health Net, $16.65 million
� William C. Van Faasen, Chairman, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, $3 
million plus $16.4 million in retirement benefits
� Charlie Baker, President/ CEO, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, $1.5 million
� James Roosevelt, Jr., CEO, Tufts Associated Health Plans, $1.3 million
� Cleve L. Killingsworth, President/CEO Blue Cross Blue Shield of 
Massachusetts, $3.6 million
� Raymond McCaskey, CEO, Health Care Service Corp (Blue Cross Blue Shield), 
$10.3 million
� Daniel P. McCartney, CEO, Healthcare Services Group, Inc, $ 1,061,513
� Daniel Loepp, CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, $1,657,555
� Todd S. Farha, CEO, WellCare Health Plans, $5,270,825
� Michael F. Neidorff, CEO, Centene Corp, $8,750,751
� Daniel Loepp, CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, $1,657,555
� Todd S. Farha, CEO, WellCare Health Plans, $5,270,825

Above information posted on the net.
Regards, GL

[Goanet] Calcium Vanadium Silicate

2009-06-09 Thread Venantius Pinto
Is there any Chemist/ Mineralogist on Goanet who is aware of where in Goa
Pentagonite is found. Calcium Vanadium Silicate.
Also if there are any quarries that have struck Cavanasite.

Feel free to contact  me directly.


Re: [Goanet] Weather forecasting in North America

2009-06-09 Thread Michael Ali

Dear Alfred,

The hurricane was predicted..it was the levies ( dykes) that broke.



[Goanet] Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Pet Health Management

2009-06-09 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Pet Health Management



Written by Gowthaman K.
Monday, 08 June 2009 

Many of us think that Complementary and Alternative Medicine is meant for 
humans alone, but we are wrong. CAM modalities, such as ayurveda, Chinese 
medicine, Buddhist medicine, and homeopathy, have very elaborately discussed 
remedies for wellbeing of pets and other animals. There are numerous documented 
evidences available for the surgical treatments of horses, elephants, and pets 
in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. 

Similar to homeopathic medicine, the Bach’s rescue remedies are known for their 
ability to produce calming effect on stressed and injured animals. Bach 
remedies are nothing but the use of diluted extracts of flowers and herbs. The 
concept of homeopathy that potency of very small doses could increase 
significantly by vigorous shaking (succussion) applies for Bach remedies too. 

Dr. Bach spent his entire life doing research on this subject and he believed 
that flower remedies are responsible for emotional and spiritual well-being. 
Flower essences have been found to work for animals as well. Flower essences 
restore the inner balance by working on the vital force thus allowing physical, 
mental, and emotional healing. It is not very difficult to gauge the emotion of 
one’s pet. Understanding the emotions of pets requires just a bit of 
observation and insight. Each of Dr. Bach’s 38 flower remedies help in managing 
a specific emotional condition in animals. 

Today, these essences are selected either singly or in combination depending 
upon the condition and the practitioner. The most popular Bach flower remedy is 
called the “Rescue remedy” and this is again a combination of five essential 
remedies which is good for stress and fear. Many modern veterinary centers use 
this combination for injury and stress in animals (usually for 6 weeks to get 
the desired effect). 

After Bach, a number of other researchers started working on this concept, one 
of which is California Flower Essences. This society is known for developing 
remedies from Native American plants.  

Some important Remedies 

1. ASPEN: Given to animals that are stressed and fearful without any apparent 
2. BLEEDING HEART: For animals who are grieving. 
3. CHAMOMILE: For pacifying the animals and for teething the animals. 
4. CRAB APPLE: To cleanse the animal system and to remove toxins from their 
5. IMPATIENTS: For hyperactive pets and animals. 
6. LARCH: Pets that lack confidence and are shy. 
7. WATER VIOLET: Helps the pet, especially the cat, to be friendlier. 
8. WILLOW: Helps control urination of the pets on the arrival of the another 
pet/ Baby

It is best to consult an expert veterinarian for treating the pets. Physical 
illness should be ruled out for proper medication and well-being of the pet. 
Flower essence is a great modality to integrate into the pet health routine, 
however it must be kept in mind that flower essence is not a substitute for all 
veterinary care.

Shrikant Vinayak Barve


  Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with Yahoo! India 
Travel http://in.travel.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] Goa Su-Raj Party speaks

2009-06-09 Thread floriano

The Goa Su-Raj Party will want to state the following:-

Re: Caesar Menezes having been elected to lead the GCCI (Goa Chamber of 
Commerce & Industry):

It is high time that 'maturity'  has replaced ad-hocism and errand-boyish 
administration. This Party wishes GCCI and its new leader all the very best. 
Congratulation Ceasar Menezes.

Re:BABUS to be insulated from  NETAS - TOI [9/6/09]

Yet again, it is high time that sensible legislations such as these become 
the order of the day in the administration of this country. For our part, we 
at Goa Su-Raj have been shouting from the roof tops that only this will wean 
the governmental administration from the clutches of sycophants. To prove 
our point,  this party has incorporated the  'CIVILIAN SERVICES BOARDS' 
style of Civil Administration in the party's Road Map for Goa [Chapter 
II -General Policies- Page 26 - available at www.goasu-raj.org] Courtesy 
input from Ben Antao of Toronto-Canada]

floriano lobo
Gen. Sec/Spokesperson
Goa Su-Raj Party

[Goanet] Hindu healer loses funeral pyre court battle

2009-06-09 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Spiritual healer Davender Ghai suffers high court defeat in fight to be 
cremated on open-air pyre

A devout Hindu today lost his high court battle for the legal right to be 
cremated on a traditional open-air funeral pyre.

Davender Ghai, 70, told a judge at a recent hearing that a pyre was essential 
to "a good death" and the release of his spirit into the afterlife.

The spiritual healer, from Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, challenged Newcastle 
city council's refusal to permit him to be cremated according to his Hindu 

Mr Justice Cranston, sitting in London, dismissed the challenge, saying pyres 
were prohibited by law and the prohibition was "justified". He gave Ghai 
permission to take the case to the court of appeal, but warned: "I don't think 
there is a real prospect of success."

In his ruling, the judge said: "The Cremation Act 1902 and its attendant 2008 
regulations are clear in their effect: the burning of human remains, other than 
in a crematorium, is a criminal offence. This effectively prohibits open-air 
funeral pyres."

Ghai is currently in India receiving medical treatment. In a statement after 
the ruling, he said: "I respect the decision of the court but, for me, this is 
quite literally a matter of life and death. I shall appeal until the very end, 
in the faith that my dying wish will not go unheard. This is the beginning, not 
the end.

"I have been pitted against the might of the ministry of justice and Newcastle 
city council – but I take solace from the fact that, with faith, a David like 
me can ultimately overcome the Goliath of state machinery."

Ghai brought the challenge under article 9 of the European convention on human 
rights, which protects religious freedom, and article 8, which covers the right 
to private and family life.

The justice secretary, Jack Straw, who had resisted Ghai's challenge, argued 
that others in the community would be "upset and offended" by pyres and would 
"find it abhorrent that human remains were being burned in this way".

Ghai's lawyers said that "with time, education and publicity" the public would 
recognise that open-air funeral pyres were "a practice worthy of respect".

However, the judge said those in favour of pyres would have to engage with the 
political process and attempt to change "the present balance of interests".

He ruled that article 8 did not apply to the case because an open-air pyre 
would not only affect family and private life but have "a public character".

Shrikant Vinayak Barve


  Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with Yahoo! India 
Travel http://in.travel.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] Funeral, all alone, before independence.

2009-06-09 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Shri R.D Karve was a revolutionist, rationalist. He pioneered Family Planning 
movement in India in 1920s. His wife Malati, also supportive to his ideology. 
She also agreed to idea of not to have child, a bold step, and permitted him to 
do vasectomy. 

On her death, he took her body all alone and given it to flames. No friends, no 
relatives, no ceremony. 

This is ‘Dhyasparva’ Amol Palekar’s Marathi/Hindi film. 



Shrikant Vinayak Barve


  Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with Yahoo! India 
Travel http://in.travel.yahoo.com/

Re: [Goanet] Prices in Canada

2009-06-09 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Roland Francis wrote:
> Eating Out.
> Dining in the good franchise restaurants like Alice Fazoolis, Red
> Lobster, Shoeless Joe's, Kelsey's, Swiss Chalet and the like can cost
> about $120 for 4 inclusive of an alcoholic drink and tips. Fine dining
> in Italian and Portuguese restaurants can cost much more than that. Be
> ready to spend about $250 to 300 for wine, drinks, food and desserts
> for 4 people. Indian Restaurant costs can vary. A higher class
> downtown joint can set you back about $200. One in Mississauga,
> Richmond Hill or Scarborough can be as little as $130 with falooda,
> lassi and Indian beer. Kingfisher is popular in these establishments
> and so is Guru. Service in Indian restaurants mostly stinks. And so do
> some of their gentleman's facilities.
> Hope some of you coming to Toronto to visit friends and relatives this
> summer find this info useful. And for the others this might provide a
> perspective of sorts.

I have always been interested in the opinions of people who live in the 
same city as me but have completely different experiences than I do. I find 
Roland's experiences absolutely fascinating. 
He observations are priceless in more ways than one. When it comes to 
prices in Toronto, Roland Francis input has the same worth as this 
mathematical gem of his:
"I wish on the basis of what you said that I had bought bangdes
(mackerals) in 1970. An investment of the same four thousand dollars
would have got me 600 million bangdes (taking into account that one
dollar equalled ten rupees then and that one rupee could have fetched
me 150 bangdes in Goa in season)."
Why worry about prices? Why worry about numbers? Hey! So what if 
his numbers are so wrong that they enter into the realm of comedy? 

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

Re: [Goanet] Side-Effects of Blood Pressure Meds, Side-Effects of Hypertension Drugs as Fat Fertilizer

2009-06-09 Thread Santosh Helekar

Please do not trust the information provided by self-styled consumer advocates 
who claim to be experts on public health matters, on websites such as that in 
the post below.

For accurate information on high blood pressure, please read this booklet 
provided by one of the world's most prominent publicly funded non-profit 
medical institutions, the U. S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.




--- On Mon, 6/8/09, Con Menezes  wrote:
> Side-effects of Hypertension Drugs
> Con
> http://www.thepeopleschemist.com/view_learning.php?learning_id=6


[Goanet] Environment Day 2009 in Shirgao, Bicholim

2009-06-09 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

He is 90 years old. His name is Gopal Gaonkar. With stick in his hand he 
climbed steps of Laree Temple in his village of Shirgao. Yet this time there 
was no village temple festival. It was on 5th June 2009 that people from 
various parts of Goa assembled in this temple to observe World Environment Day. 
The reason why around 150 odd assembly of people was in session in Shirgao 
temple was because the open cast iron ore industry has sounded death knell to 
the Shirgao village and several other villages in Goa. On that day people 
coming from far and wide shared lunch with Shirgao villagers and so exchanged 
thoughts on how mining has led to all-round destruction of their villages – 
water sources, agriculture and forest amongst the most important things. The 
day's theme - WATER depletion due to open cast iron ore indusry.
Gopal recalled that mining in Shirgao started in the same year that British 
left India – 1947. Independent was ushering in the country and dependence was 
beginning in Shirgao village. Shirgao village was in Goa that had different 
colonial masters – Portuguese. Gopal recalls “First it was bullock carts that 
transported the ore from our village, then came the truck and soon barges 
followed in the rivers.”
We did get employment and also some money then. And some in the village still 
get it now. But if this mining intensity continues then we won’t be able to 
leave at all in the village. Our village is totally destroyed. We cannot 
cultivate our paddy any more. Mining has destroyed our water.”
Gopal was speaking soon after songs of protests sang by everyone present with 
RSD veteral from Goa Devendra Khanolkar in the lead, and Laree temple priest 
offering special prayer to the deity for rescue of village from the clutches of 
mining companies.
Then there was Gajanand Gaonkar, former village Sarpanch stepped on to speak 
up, “Mining companies has adopted the policies of divide and rule in the 
village”. He further questioned Goa Pollution Control Board for not playing 
pro-active role in tackling pollution created by mining companies in Goa.
Dr. Claude Alvares of Goa Foundation explained that Nagpur based National 
Environmental Engineering Research Institute has clearly reported to Goa Bench 
of Bombay High Court that Shirgao water bodies has dried up due to mining 
activities. He said the village was traditionally dependent upon the well water 
and it has been disrupted due to mining activities.
Shirgao has Dempos, Chowgules and Bandekar mining companies in operation that 
has made huge profits at the expense of Shirgao water bodies, agriculture and 
soil. D. Gaonkar then gave the startling statistics: 72 wells of village dried 
up. 5 springs of village dried up. 5 lakes of village dried up. All dried up 
because of mining.
Harischandra Bhise was part of the group that is battling mining industry 
across Goa’s border in the North – Kalne village. He categorically stated that 
State government has decided to sell out Sindadurg district of Maharastra to 
mining companies. He pointed out that happiness and health is dependent upon 
nature and State has decided to finish People’s happiness. He observed that 
Kalne village does not have problem of unemployment and there is no need of 
mining to generate employment. Bhise identified Rich, State and Political 
Leaders operating in close connivance with each other to foster anti people 
agenda of the mining companies. Bhise further narrated incidents of Police 
repression on false cases of murder filed against Kalne villagers. He said 16 
people were arrested and 12 of which are bailed out while 4 are still in 
prison. He said villagers Satygraha in the village temple of Mauli deity 
continues for the past couple of months. He was supported by Ulhas Porob from 
his Kalne village.
Milagrina Antao from Colamb, Sanguem then shared about her village struggle 
against the mining companies for the past 3 years. She called upon every one to 
fight for the sake of Children. She also highlighted constant police repression 
against Colamb people to benefit mining companies. She said this year for the 
first time tankers have started supplying water to the Colamb village and water 
has started depleting deeper. She also disclose that there are attempts to bury 
their paddy fields by landlord to benefit mining companies. She called for 
fearless struggle against mining companies in Goa.
Rama Velip also from Colamb shared about threat to wildlife due to mining in 
the forest areas. He shared the example of Bison falling in the well while 
drinking water and dying. He said because natural springs in the forest have 
dried up due to mining wild animals are forced to search water in the village 
wells. He said medicinal plants are also threatened due to mining. He demanded 
that mines in Goa be closed down.
Devidas Gaonkar from Khotigao pointed out that mining companies are indulging 
in the abuse of money power and State power. He observed 

Re: [Goanet] Weather forecasting in North America

2009-06-09 Thread Alfred de Tavares



Whatever, then, went wrong in New Orleans???


Was the build-up of Kotrin too miniscule to disturb

those US of A's mega-accurate weather-sensors???


Alfred de T.


> Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 13:28:58 -0400
> From: mikeal...@aol.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Weather forecasting in North America
> Dear all,
> Here in New York weather forecasting is extremely accurate right up to the 
> hour. If the weather-guy says it will rain by noon...then it does rain by 
> noon. There is even a 24 hour weather channel here ( 
> www.weatherchannel.com).
> In the US, like Canada most people start the day by listening to the weather 
> guy as it determines how you dress and also if you need to take that 
> umbrella with you. We rarely did this in Asia.
> regards,
> Mike 

Show them the way! Add maps and directions to your party invites. 

Re: [Goanet] Daily Grook #431

2009-06-09 Thread Alfred de Tavares

Dear AuntPont...


I consider this one among your higher carat gems...


> From: fcarodrig...@hotmail.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 04:55:42 +
> Subject: [Goanet] Daily Grook #431
> __
> __
> by Francis Rodrigues
> victoria as queen
> was quite massive,
> it made her seem
> more empress'ive!
> _
> puns & word-play of all kinds,
> hey...read between the lines!
> _

Drag n’ drop—Get easy photo sharing with Windows Live™ Photos.


[Goanet] How to read/interpret ‘Obituary ’ ads

2009-06-09 Thread JoeGoaUk

How to read/interpret  ‘Obituary’ ads 

Well, the other day I was at my friends place.

One woman said to my friend’s brother (Roy) who is around 37.

‘Tum azunui kazar zaunk na mista’ (I think you are not married yet).

‘Why, why, what made you say that?’ Roy responded nervously.

‘Sorry, I assumed you are a bachelor because you Mother’s obituary 
ad mentioned  the names of all sons and daughters along with  
their spouses except your name (which was on it’s own).’

Fyi (Readers), Roy is infact still a bachelor.

Ok, let us see what else one can find out about the deceased and 
their immediate family members from a typical obituary ad 
(ad announcing death and funeral).


In any obituary ad, there are 3 main parts:

The details of the deceased (Full name, date of birth etc).
Family details such as father/mother/spouse /brothers/sisters/inlaws etc.
Funeral details such as church, burial, time and place.
Optional: Nature of death whether died peacefully or under tragic circumstances 


Let’s take a few examples of  typical obituary ads (death/funeral announcement):




(Space for Photo)

Born: 10.10.1947 Died 8/6/2009

Joao Piedade  Inacio Loyola Pinhero


Son of late Agustin and late Rosalina, beloved husband of Jenny. 
Loving father of Johny, Jacob.  Brother/brother-in-law of 
Caitan/Ana Maria, Pedro Francis/Maia Ana (UK) Ermelina/Dioginho (Canada) 
& Magdalena/Jose Luis (Kuwait)

Expired  peacefully on  8th June 2009.

Funeral cortège will leave his residence 10th June (Tomorrow) at 11 am 
to St. Lawrence Church for Eucharistic Celebration followed by burial.

Relatives and friends kindly accept this as the only intimation




Conceicao Maria Magdalena Fernandes e Figueredo


Born: 26/9/26  Died 7/6/09

Relict of Caintan Filipe Figueredo. Loving mother/mother-in-law of 
Jose Francis/Carmelina, Roque Santan/Laxmi and  Maria Feliz.

Sister/Sister-in-law of Rafael/Maggie, Luiza/Agnelo, Braz/Sandra, 
Mathias/Sumitilda, Eularia/Isidor, Ritina/Ansussao, Adelin/Inacio 
and Trindade/Paskina

Expired after a brief illness.

Funeral cortege will leave  her residence TODAY 3pm  to St. Thomas 
Church for mass and burial.

Relatives and friends kindly accept this as the only intimation





Antonio Marcus Vaz

(Provorim D Colony)

Born: 12.12.81 Died 5/6/09

Beloved son of  Melitao and late Leucadia, brother/brother-in-law 
of Louis/Agnes, Rosita/Kulvinder and Bosco.

Expired under tragic circumstances on 5/6/09.

There will be a prayer services at the residence ‘Santa Monica Apartments’ 
followed by burial near College, Mapusa. TODAY at 3pm.

Friends and relatives kindly accept this as only intimation.

Now, let us see how once can read and interpret each of the above examples.


Going thru the ad, one will the following:

- Joao Piedade was 62, Agassaim, Married

- Has wife and children

- Both parents expired

- Both sons not married yet?

- All brothers/sisters married, settled in Uk, Canada, Kuwait

- Died peacefully or after a brief illness (died of cancer, AIDS, stroke etc)



- Coinsao Marie aged 86 from Cansaulim

- Husband died first

- Has two sons (both married but one married to non-Christian or Hindu) and a 
daughter (Spinster?)

- 9 in  all - Has 4 brothers and 4 sisters, all married



- Antonio Marcus, 28, unmarried and from Porvorim

- Has father (mother died)

- Has two brothers one is bachelor

- Has one sister, married to a non-christian or sikh

- Died in an accident (may be road accident, drowning, murdered, suicide etc)

- Why there is no mention of Church? It is assumed that the family belonging to 
a certain religious sect 


Now, some of you may wish to know how I would like my own obituary ad?

Will it be..

(these are some of the actual one liners seen in the ad)


Death ? or

Retun to the Lord? or

Lord I am coming home

United with the Lord

Lord I am coming to heavenly abode

Gone to the Lord

Lord, here I come

Returned back to the Lord

Gone to His Eternal abode

Moved Residence to the Lord’s Home

Born to Eternal life

Lord You called me, here I am


No, none of the above.

Infact, mine will be simple and in my own mother tongue.

(A draft already kept ready only thing they will have to insert the dates).


It’s going to be like this..



JoeGoaUk (real name comes here)

Zolmolo: 10/10/1947  Ontorlo: (date of Expiry to be inserted here)

Put (Maimcho and Paicho – real names of parents come here)

Bapui (dogam putamcho – Two sons’ name come here)

 (Wife name not to come here or else readers will find out I was married to 

Vigorz/Ximiter: (Probably Moira or Aldona, as we are likely to move there soon. 
Fyi, we change residence every two years)



(Strictly, no one will be intimated individually)

Besides, following are some of the instructions giv

Re: [Goanet] Why can’t we celebrate OLA .... .. ?

2009-06-09 Thread Sebastian Borges

Dear friends,

To begin with, let me clear the cobwebs that clutter this issue.  The bone of 
contention is the Official language Act (OLA) passed in 1987.  It stipulates 
that whenever Konkani is used for the official purposes, specifically notified 
from time to time, the script shall be Devanagari.  The only official purpose 
that has been notified till date is correspondence with Government departments. 
 There are two contending parties in this issue.  One (let us call it 'group 
A') demands that the OLA be reopened for amendment to add Roman script to 
Devanagari, *_and damn the consequences._*  The other party ('group B') opposes 
this demand, terming it unnecessary, ill-conceived and fraught with dangerous 
consequences.  The controversy began six years ago in the Konkani (Roman 
script) monthly GULAB.  It then spilled onto the internet and thence to English 
print media.  It continues sporadically in the latter two.
In support of its demand, group A adduces its grievances based on events, 
incidents and happenings, and draws inferences thereon  which place all the  
ills at the door of the OLA.  Group B counters those, proving the falsity of 
the grievances and the mixing up of the chronology of events leading to 
erroneous inferences.Group A calls itself "protagonists of Roman script" or 
"pro-Romi" in short.  (Incidentally, 'Romi' means 'Roman script' in Konkani.)  
In contrast, group B is dubbed "anti-Romi."An English daily, whose 
management (original as well as current) wants Marathi also to be declared the 
Official language, has given group B the title 'Devanagri lobby.'  
It should be clear, therefore, that 'pro-Romi group' means 'those favouring the 
proposed amendment,' and 'anti-Romi group' means those opposing the same.   
However, over the years, the term 'anti-Romi' has been twisted to its literal 
meaning i.e. "those opposed to Konkani literature in Roman script."  This is in 
spite of the fact that many in this group are actively involved in the 
promotion of Konkani literature in Roman script whereas some of the stalwarts 
of group A are using the movement to feather their own nest and to enjoy what 
their own comrades call 'lollipops.'  It should be clearly understood that 
neither is group A opposed to Konkani literature in Devanagari script nor is 
group B opposed to Konkani literature in Roman script; the two can certainly 
continue to prosper – "celebrate diversity" –  even with the OLA as it exists 
today.  Clearly, the point of dispute is "reopening the OLA for amendment."
Having said that, let me deal with the points raised by my friend Valmiki 
Faleiro ("Why can't we..." 31 May).   He has chosen to restate his attitude 
towards the Devanagari script, something I had not contested (but am forced to 
do so now).  What he has written about another friend, Professor (Dr.) Olivinho 
Gomes is entirely true; I doubt anyone can have doubts about that.  But a 
seeker after truth has the right to question even his guru with a view to clear 
his own doubts.  I have followed this principle as a student and encouraged the 
same as a teacher; such an approach is beneficial to both the teacher and the 
taught.  From my experience, I can say with conviction that inquisitive, not 
passive, pupils produce a thorough teacher.  Pupils who unquestioningly accept 
what the teacher dishes out gain only information, not wisdom.  'Difficult' 
questions have  often led me to explore facets of my subject which I might 
never have thought of.   A public debate
 is not a competition to score brownie points but a medium to enlighten the 
audience on the issue being debated.  My most heated academic arguments have 
been with friends; forget discussing with enemies (of whom, fortunately, I have 
very few), I do not even look at their faces.
I find that Valmiki concedes the facts that writing / reading Konkani in Roman 
script is not banned nor is Konkani correspondence in Roman script censored by 
the Government.  But he goes on to answer in the affirmative my question about 
people being forced to write Konkani in Devanagari, adding that this is done at 
primary school level.  Here I find that Valmiki is not clear in his thinking or 
is trying to eat his cake and keep it as well.  For, in contrast, he urges "all 
Goan parents to encourage their children to master the Devanagari script in 
order to stay competitive in the job market of the country."  Secondly, has 
this ‘compulsion’ arisen as a result of OLA (1987)?  Did school children write 
Konkani in Roman script prior to that date?   Konkani in Devanagari script has 
been taught in Goan primary schools since 1962.  And a majority of those were 
Archdiocesan schools.   Did the Government force the script on these schools?  
Let alone the
 script, *_the Government of the day had nothing to do even with the 
introduction of Konkani language whether in primary school or as the third 
language at the secondary level._*  And *_the first batch of

Re: [Goanet] Torches in the Fields at Night

2009-06-09 Thread Jim Fernandes
I am NOT convinced that frog population in Goa reached so low that it's now 
threatening their existence. Any animal that has a capacity to lay thousands of 
eggs in a single season, cannot be in danger. Period.

I do support the concept of conservation of wild life - but not frogs.

In Earth's past history, millions of animals came and went extinct. But the 
animal world still survived even though it must have disrupted their food 
chain. For example, the Dinosaurs came and went. That gave a perfect 
opportunity for mammals to take charge - and then to eventually give rise to 
mankind. If Dinoaaurs were to still survive, you and I wouldn't be here 
discussing about the frogs.

Jim F.
New York.

-- Original message --
From: "Blasio Fernandes" 
> Jim / Valley,
> I too was of a similar opinion during my teenage days. Frogs are
> seasonal.. so make the most while they are available in the fields. Why
> bother about frogs where humans are being neglected? These are a couple
> of my many thoughts too. But later realised that I was combining
> different issues together which actually needs to be dealt separately.
> We ought to know that every animal that exists / created has a definite
> role and purpose in sustaining the ecosystem. When the balance gets

[Goanet] Torches in the Fields at Night

2009-06-09 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 09:14:25 +0300
From: Elvino Rodriques http://f5mail.rediff.com/prism/writemail?&mode=mail_to_individual&email=ElvinoR
@Alghanim.com&els=3b704999aa13545f70e76253e4581678> >
Subject: [Goanet]  Torches in the Fields at Night


Hi Elvino, 


Hope you are having a nice day, I would usually be very sarcastic to people who
go half cork. I am sure you are a genuine person interested in the preservation
of wild life and need some explaining, I am feeling a bit generous today.


First and foremost where in my post do I support slaying of frogs or any wild
life ? I support saving of wild life but we have got to get our priorities
right, I sincerely appreciate what Clinton is doing.  


Secondly, come of age and tell me, if people did not make a meal of the frogs,
we would not have malaria in Goa ?  Is, a ban on eating frogs a solution ?  You
have looked at it in a 45 degree vision, to see 360 degrees one has to turn
around in a full circle.  What is the cause of Malaria ? You have rightly
answered that question, stagnant water. Are people who eat frogs responsible for
that ? To get rid of the problem one has to go back to the root cause of it and
the root cause is unhealthy sanitation, mega housing and unhealthy living
conditions of migrant works. 


Our good for nothing corrupt Government has to tackle this major problem first
to irradiate Malaria. It's also called stop at source. Ban on eating frogs will
get us nowhere if we don't improve on our sanitation and waste water management.
We can dump ships loaded with frogs in Goa but that will not stop the spread of


To stop the frog from extinction ban on eating is not enough, we have to first
stop destroying their natural habitat and that's the precise point I made in my
post, stop devastation of forests and water bodies and stop filling of mash
lands and fields, so to restore parity and ambience to nature and ecology we
have to stop mining, hill cutting and mega housing and these my friend are the
root cause of all evils in Goa


The Government should stop wasting time on people catching frogs and go after
the people who are actually responsible for the destruction of their natural
habitat and those who are responsible for unhealthy sanitation 


Hope I have enlightened you on a broader vision of the issue

God bless you too

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[Goanet] Want to Referee? .... But ! - by Lino B. Dourado

2009-06-09 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


This week's popular Konkani weekly column "Aitaracheo Katkutleo"
 ... in English
Want to Referee?...But ! 
by Lino B. Dourado 

Nothing withstanding. To be a good referee first of all one much have a great 
love of the game, having studied it well--knowing the rules, most importantly 
its goals. To become an accomplished referee means devoting your precious time 
and intelligence as well as physical energy and displaying an affection towards 
the game--more importantly that blood flows strongly and surely in your veins. 
Upon your having a solid comprehension of the rules of the games--you are able 
to collectively satisfy all comers. But on hindsight, this is not what our eyes 
have seen. To believe that a referee's decision will appease all--is well, not 
something encountered recently by spectators. And for that reason a well 
arranged tournament whether it be soccer, basketball. volleyball, and so on and 
so forth; an entire tournament on account of poor refereeing decisions gets 
badly polluted (turn problematic) or gets out of hand (uncontrollable). 
What is of significance is indeed the essence of the game, and only upon having 
a thorough knowledge of the rules--does that allow you to interact and 
communicate with the players in the field and deliver good decisions. When FIFA 
changes and introduces new soccer rules, then professional referees take 
classes to learn those new rules. Then you may officiate a game well and render 
conclusive decisions. Sometimes when on account of faulty refereeing decisions, 
a good team is knocked out of a tournament--it causes anguish to many resulting 
in the referee being hurled curses and abuses; unsecured grounds being charged 
by spectators who mob the referee--furthermore, even resulting in the referee 
receiving a thrashing. 
Currently in Kuwait, to referee the ongoing KIFF- the football (soccer) 
league--the remainder of the more significant games of the J.P. D'Mello 
Memorial Rolling Trophy, is FIFA (certified) Referee Franky Fernandes. 
According to what we have learnt from reliable sources, a misunderstanding 
between the Kuwait India Football Federation (KIFF) and Indian Football 
Referees Association (IFRA)--in that there being no professional referee to 
boost the KIFF league, a request to the All India Football Federation to 
conduct the current league and to bring it to its rightful potential level has 
resulted in choosing (nominating)  Franky as the referee. 
For the past many years in Kuwait, soccer tournaments have been conducted under 
the sponsorship of the KIFF, and the refereeing done by very experienced IFRA 
referees. The world body FIFA is responsible in maintaining the mission and 
rules of the game, including during the World Cup, and to ensure that the game 
is played robustly; and so that the players on the field do not face any 
hindrances--through continually improving the rules. Among other sports, ever 
since soccer has risen to be a world sport, it is necessary that its standards 
bemaintained by a special body. Hence the game today is one that continues to 
raise ones pleasure. But there are some referees, ignorant of newer rules or 
unaware of the changes taking place or even those which have already taken 
place. When a weak referee referees a game, then often a faulty decision 
results in a good team possibly losing. Accordingly, considering what has been 
noted above, the refereeing today is
 predicated upon physical energy, health and a comprehensive understanding of 
the game. 
FIFA certified refree Franky Fernandes, will officiate the remainder of the 
games of the KIFF soccer  league. FIFA certified referee Franky will work 
towards helping implement KIFFs authoritative injunction towards path breaking 
refereeing. Those wishing to become good referees, must take advantage of this 
opportunity (to observe and understand) according to information released by 
KIFF. This sound advice is towards creating referees for the future strong in 
body, mind (focused) and similarly in health. As wishes go out to KIFF I wish 
to put out a thought. Having spend a great amount of money to bring a FIFA 
referee to prepare a new crop of referees--will KIFF manage future tournaments 
without any further vexation. This anxiety has beset every soccer spectator. 
A tepid translation of a superior Lino B. Dourado Konknni text by venantius j 

By Venantius Pinto venantius.pi...@gmail.com


venantius' photostream   
The original Konkani posted on Sunday, 7th June 2009 is a weekly humour column 
by www.goa-world.com team member for several years now, often based on first 
hand observations and minute scrunity of the issue(s) presented.   Thanks to 
Venantius Pinto (USA) for the quick English translation which was re

[Goanet] Leopard Attack At Khola - Canacona

2009-06-09 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Leopard Attack At Khola - Canacona


The news papers today have brought the news of a leopard's attack on a women at
Khola, which is once again, a reminder for all of us not to mess with the
natural habitat of the wild life. One has to give full credit to the lady for
her bravery and courage. This incident reminds me of my own encounter with a
leopard last summer. 


Our villagers were agitating against the restarting of an abundant mine in our
village last May (2008), during one of those days I was late coming home, around
9 PM, as usual I put my towel on my shoulders, shorts and soap in one hand and a
more than a foot long megalight torch in the other and set out to the spring for
my refreshing spring water bath. When I reached the spring there was no one
around, mostly you find some one or the other, finding the spring to myself I
thought of having a deep in the sea which was just a few steps away through
rocks. I must have spent about 15 minutes in the sea, and then came back to the
spring, and started splashing the fresh water all over my body, that gave me a
wonderful refreshing feeling, then started soap application on the body, I had
nearly finished with soaping, when suddenly I heard the sound of some one coming
down the slope of the hillock, at the side of the spring, which was full of
shrubs and bushes, at first I thought that one of the villagers who had gone
fishing, was coming down to the spring, but the noise and movement suddenly
ceased, no one came down, and I had a funny feeling at the back of my neck, I
couldn't open my eyes, as my face was full of soap, so I threw some water till
my vision was clear and went for the torch and focused it on the position from
where the sound had come and to my utter disbelief, there on a small rock about
30 feet uphill from where I was standing was a leopard glaring at me,  it was
more than 2ft in height and over a meter in length, I went blank, I wanted to
growl and scream to frighten the beast away but no sound came out of my mouth,
then I realized that cats were scared of water, so my best option was to go back
into the sea but for that, I would have to turn my back and walk through rock
and it would be a good couple of minutes which would not be good enough if the
leopard wanted to jump onto me, so what do I do, I do pray a lot but no prayer
would come to my mouth, normally nothing ever scares me, ghosts, man nor beast,
I had crossed paths with tigers and leopards a good many times in the past but
never this close and on all other occasions I either had a knife, koita or a gun
in my hand, but here I was defenseless and out of my wits, with just my
underwear and a torch, both glaring at each other, couple of minutes passed but
looked like eternity and finally I had some courage and growled (bu) as
loud as I could and at the same time picked a big stone and hurled it in the
leopards direction, that surely must have made it  loose it's appetite for the
white frothy hairy creature (me with soap), it suddenly turned back and
disappeared into the bushed, first thing was I wanted to pee but I dared not
take my eyes of the spot the animal had disappeared, after a couple of seconds I
had realized I had stopped breathing and was gasping for breath, It was than
that I realized that the leopard was thirsty and may have come for a drink, I
could feel the hair on my back standing stiff,  I just poured some water over my
body, wiped myself and made my way home as fast as I could, went straight to the
liquor cabinet poured  a good shot of dudshri from the first bottle I could lay
my hand on and did a bottoms up, just then my wife came out of the kitchen and
looked amused and said did you see a ghost or something, I must have been a
sight, it was only after the rosary that I narrated my narrow escape.  All my
three daughter were at home and you bet they were as frightened as I was. 


During my holidays this time I made sure I was in early to the spring for my
refreshing bath, or just had a shower at home if I was late, did not want a
stand off with the leopard again. This is just one stray incident. In our
village dogs are kept indoors at night because of prowling leopards and tigers,
if a dog is left out you'll not find it the next morning, so far no humans have
been attacked in our village, this is the first instance I have heard that a
leopard has attacked a human in the vicinity of our village and hope it's the


Now getting back to the problem, Khola was 90 % forest area, but over the years
trees have disappeared rapidly, like the receding hairline of most of us in the
Gulf.  At present not much cummuldade land is left in Khola, it's been
encroached on or sold to outsiders by the Prabu Dessai's of Khola, who think
that the cummuldade land is their own property. The politicians and the district
level Authorities have been involved in these scams, thanks to one Mr. Floriano
Fernandes, from Cabo-de-Rama, the Cabo-de-Rama, plateau has been orde

[Goanet] POLICE2, poilea bhaga poros odik boro asa: GULAB

2009-06-09 Thread Goa World

Comedian Agostinho hacho POLICE II hea tiatrachi kanni, sonvad tosoch vinod 
poilea bhaga poros odik boro asa. Police tiatracho poilo bhag sompta thoim ho 
dusro bhag suru zata. Kanni ghoddi-moddimni vinnlea ani fuddem fuddem kitem 
ghoddot te xivim mon osvosth zait veta. Poilea bhaga porim pulisanchim borim 
toxim vaitt kortubam dakhovpancho yotn kela. GULAB, June 2009 pan 55
Comedian Agostinho-n boroun digdorxit kelolo tiatr POLICE2 Junache 19ver 2009 
justuch sanjechea 3:30 vorar Hawally A/C Shobaghorant machier haddtole.
Tiatrak songit ditat AGLENO DIAS ani NORMAN CARDOZO. Machie kharbari MARIO 
FIR divpak vell korina. Vegim Tony-k sompork (contact) kor 97643536,99581491


[Goanet] True colours of Education Minister

2009-06-09 Thread shri8131

Little Lambs Primary School at Band, St-Paul Road, In Alfonso Residency, 
Taleigao received blunt of Education Minister. 

"I have blocked your activity" this are privatly(in public) used words by 
Education Minister pointing towards trustees of Little Lamb School on Sunday 
May 31. 

I knew Maria for last few years. She was searching for property for her school. 
She had narrated few stories to me. Every time just before finalizing the deal 
how it got cancelled due to pressure from unknown quarters.

 “Goikars should not buy the property in Taleigao.” Taleigaocars Diktat

On todays (June 9) Lokmat I read this story 

In the Education Ministers Constituency, 300 children are out of school on 
first day of Academic Year. 

New building which is ready did not get permission on grounds :safety of 
children .

School could not reopen as everything from old premises were shifted to newly 
constructed building. 

“I came to know of this matter now, will look in the matter and clear the 
thinks in few days.” Dy director Education Shri Anil Powar.

Maria, Back bone of Little Lamb School, says that approval to new school 
premises was signed but was not posted by Education Dept. to school in Feb due 
to code of conduct (election). She is waiting for that letter. 

I gave away charge of old rented premises as our new building was ready. 

No school on first day

Shrikant Vinayak Barve


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