Re: [Goanet] Persistent bogus political and religious propaganda on Goanet

2011-09-26 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 00:38:48 -0700, Santosh Helekar wrote: <<<…So
yes, assuming that these opinions are valid and generally applicable, Falcao
needs to elaborate on the conspiracies and ethics, and point out the
non-existent mention of research scientists, politicians and the nexus between
them. Cheers, Santosh>>>


RESPONSE : Santosh, You can 
believe whatever your mind dictates to you. You seem to be the only one
on Goanet forum with views that there do not exist research scientists, medical
doctors, drug Companies and politicians with a criminal minded nexus that is
detrimental to Humanity. If you believe that certain researches by scientists
are not carried out with scientists on pay sheet of  Drug Companies, that at 
times these researches are not
falsified on Company dictates, human, that political clout is not used to get
these products FDA approval, etc.; you can continue to do so as each one has
his freedom of thought. I will not waste my precious time just to correct one
person as I have already tried to before as seen from the below link.  I will 
only state here a corrected
version of what you stated in the previous post. Correct ethics in the medical
profession cannot be instilled by being properly trained, one has to be in the
medical profession by VOCATION. This includes even the Drug Companies and FDA
as they provide medicines for human well being, and anything done in these
circles for personal gains, overlooking the harm to humanity, is unethical.


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

[Goanet] Song for the day

2011-09-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Patrizio Buanne Medley

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fr. Ivo ...... unwell

2011-09-26 Thread Camillo Fernandes

I too join  other Goanetters in wishing Fr. Ivo a very speedy recovery.
Camilo Fernandes
From: Mario Andrew Rodrigues 
To: goanet goanet 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Fr Ivo ... unwell (Santosh Helekar)
Our prayers and wishes for Fr. Ivo's good health. 

[Goanet] Request to sign petition - source :

2011-09-26 Thread Camillo Fernandes   

[Goanet] Churchill Continues To Suffer From Foot In The Mouth Syndrome

2011-09-26 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Churchill Continues To Suffer From Foot In The Mouth Syndrome

A few years ago, when Canacona saw its worst flooding due to a cloud burst, our 
enlightened and intelligent PWD, Science and Technology Minister blamed a mini 
tsunami in the Indian ocean for the downpour at that time, for which he should 
have been awarded a Phd. If that was not enough, now with his wide vision 
spectrum, he has come to the conclusion that mangroves are the cause of the 
deterioration of the life line of south Goa, the River Sal.

It's no doubt Churchill has often contributed some conciliating one liners over 
the years, be it "on the Fatorda ground" or "the mini tsunami" he keeps Goans 
laughing and amused and that's as far as it goes, but the abject fact that we 
are left with only remorse and guilt to drown ourselves in, that we Goans who 
call ourselves literate and educated have only clowns and buffoons to show for 
our intelligence and literacy, isn't that a pity ?

Over the years I have been constantly reading about the deterioration of River 
Sal in the Goan media, one of the main river of South Goa, I too had 
contributed to the print media on a couple of occasions, but unfortunately it 
has had no effect on our intelligent and enlightened politicians, as sewerage 
and garbage in all forms, plastic, construction debris, food and from dead wood 
to dead animals,  has led to the heavy silting of our beloved River Sal, which 
has further given rise to mangroves.

Fortunately or unfortunately our enlightened and intelligent PWD, Science and 
Technology Minister flies by in his red light cars day in and day out but so 
far failed miserably to take care of this river which flows around and through 
his own backyard and now after 20 years in Goan politics when this river is 
turned into a marsh land with mangroves evolving around it's periphery, he has 
suddenly come to the conclusion that the reason for the rapid deterioration of 
this great river are the mangroves, isn't that another bolt of thunder and 
lightening coming out of the mouth of our Minister ?

Some time back I had the misfortune of visiting the site of one abandoned 
bridge in Navelim along the river Sal, which was in a pathetic state, with 
construction debris blocking half of the river on either side and iron rods 
were visible all along the banks with heaps of garbage, now I wonder which 
mangroves were responsible for that ?

Building and abandoning bridges is not enough, the river beds and the river 
banks should be protected and maintained so that the river itself and the water 
life is not affected or destroyed. This is the responsibility of our 
Authorities but we all know that our politicians are experts in the equation of 
convenience of passing the buck around and it is indeed become an incompetent 
and unimaginative political habit to blame everything and everyone else and 
even the mangroves for their own lack of commitment and competence, that is why 
I am forced to say, that when we sell our votes for peanuts we invite monkeys 
to govern us !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Global Goan news - Australia.

2011-09-26 Thread renebarreto

Global Goans !!

News from  

Clube de Goa - Brisbane - AUSTRALIA News letter - Sept/october 2011

Clube de Goa 

rene barreto 

Dear Rene,
I hope you are well.  I am pleased to inform you that at the 34th Annual 
General Meeting of the Goan Overseas Association NSW Inc. 
a new Committee was elected headed by myself.  I am looking forward to working 
with you and all the Global Goan Associations once again. 
Would you be kind enough to please send the Press Release below to all Goan 
Thanking you,
With regards to you and Maria.
Tony Colaco
Press Release # 1/2011
Date: 25 September 2011
GOAN OVERSEAS ASSOCIATION, Sydney (New South Wales), Australia
At the 34th Annual General Meeting of the Goan Overseas Association NSW Inc. 
the following Committee was elected:
President:   Tony Colaco
Vice-President: Alwyn Henriques
Treasurer:  Abel do Rosario
General Secretary:  Chris D’Cruz
Social Director  Ralph Vaz
Director of Culture
& Sports Roy do Rosario
Committee Member: Colin Pereira
Committee Member: Ashley Menezes
Speaking after the elections, "Tony Colaco called upon all the village 
associations - Moira, Navelim, Tivim, Assagao and Betalbatim and the Goans in 
NSW and the Australian Capital Territory to work together as a united community 
for the betterment of Goans and Goa.  He added that GOA NSW Inc. will engage 
with all sister Goan associations across Australia and the world". 
If you need to contact the Association, please write to the President, Tony 
Colaco at or Mobile 04111-31891.


rene barreto
WORLD GOA DAY -20th of August, every year. 


[Goanet] Ecology of Man: Pope Gives German Parliament Lesson in Natural Law

2011-09-26 Thread soter
for those of you who may like to know more about this go to the link below.
Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Bookworm completes six years this September.... (Elaine and Sujata)

2011-09-26 Thread Goanet Reader
Bookworm completes six years this September

  Bookworm is a fascinating experiment, a library for
  children in Goa. Here, Sujata and Elaine talk about
  their experiences in running the venture, their
  trails and their rewards.

Our lending library has taught us that...

Access to books must continue – with declining membership
numbers from 300 odd in 2005 to 30 odd in 2011, we continue
to believe that access to books is important.  We report
growing numbers of books.  At the last count, we had a
database of over 17000 children’s books from all over the
world.  We have shopped since then and promise to keep at it.

When we are at our lowest point of survival, looking at books
without children to read them at the community library space
in St.  Inez, a parent stops to pick up books for her child
and tells us how she has chosen to stay back in Goa rather
than move with her husband because Bookworm and a nurturing
preschool have helped her son and her develop a love for

We have had to be creative, with the slow painful death of
our extension activities due to declining participation from
children, we came up with the Family Book Treasury – a scheme
that encourages borrowing of larger numbers of books for
longer periods of time.  This scheme has a huge potential,
but for now, the faithful WOM (word of mouth) marketing has
helped.  Our worm inches along.

Reading begins at home and grows there – children who read
and who love to read come from families that have fostered
this love.  At Bookworm, we can support, encourage,
strengthen and motivate, but reading begins at home.  When a
parent discourages borrowing a book at the princely sum of
Rs.  2 a day because "there will be no time to read" the die
is cast.  The bitter us can see that there is always time for
the Rs.  10 packet of chemically laden crisps and worse, but
for books, the price is high.  We are always sad but there is
also a wisdom on focusing energy on what can be done and we
turn to find a family walk in the door, babe in arms, toddler
at leg but here to choose books for the wet weekend.  We know
this for sure, we wait for you.

The School Book Treasury

has proven to be a program that has been growing and
validates our existence in a different way.  If reading
begins at home, what must happen to the thousands of first
generation school goers who come from homes that did not have
books and still do not.  Even more pertinent, what happens to
teacher education that has not caught up with the
expectations of policy like the Rte and UEE, which mandates
reading and library in the classroom?

Herein, lies a mission of a different kind. We have a growing
demand for books in the classroom from both private and aided
schools and know that we need to be systematic.  This demand
comes in waves, often from silence and indifference to an
awakening.  We know that we must be patient, ride these
waves, crest some of them and know that others will drop.  We
must develop systems that allow the books to be used in the
best way possible within the classroom, while helping
children grow in reading and learning.  We have a powerhouse
in the newly set up website by a
friend in Toronto, Canada.  We continue to be nurtured by team in the UK and with friends and
well wishers all over the globe, we will ensure that our
bookmobile beeps along.

Bookworm Publishing:

Our dream is taking shape, slowly, haltingly but we will get
there.  Books from Goa for children that reflect as much of
our world as possible from diverse perspectives is the goal.
We crawl towards the goal with our project manager Noreen
Carneiro gliding with us.  From a lean team of 2 we are now
strengthened by the addition of a third in Noreen and look
forward to the year ahead and publishing.

Workshops and On going Projects:

Resource persons, too many to name have constantly leapt at
ideas to work out of Bookworm.  Every workshop brings a new
energy of a positive kind to the library space and reminds us
that we are alive and making our way, somewhere.  When the
space seems limited we Cholta Cholta with Pritha Sardessai,
our ambassador on the heritage walks for children.  We will
soon release a Cholta Cholta notebook that will allow any
visitor to Panjim to walk and learn and know where they are
walking thanks to Pritha’s illustrations of the city she

Friends of Bookworm

is an army of strong supportive individuals who talk with us,
laugh with us and love what we do in unconditional ways.
They bring us resource in powerful ways and connect with us
to make the vision of a better reading tomorrow brighter and

As we move into childhood, leaving infancy behind, Bookworm
thanks you, deeply.

Elaine & Sujata
September 2011


* Visit our new blog:
* Ph +91-9823222665 or +91-832-2420146.
* Bluebelle B 2nd Fl, Sant Ines
* Find us: I

[Goanet] Portugal's Ambassador to India defends giving Goans Portuguese Nationality.

2011-09-26 Thread vivek araujo
Dear Friends,

I came accross a very interesting article titled "Portugal’s ambassador defends 
giving Goans Portuguese nationality " 

 20 Sep: Deccan Herald. Portugal’s ambassador to India Jorge Roza de Oliveira 
(photo) told Devika Sequeira that Portugal has no problem in participating in 
the celebrations of Goa’s 50th anniversary of Liberation, provided it received 
an invitation… he defended giving Goans Portuguese nationality and access to 
jobs in the UK and other EU countries and maintained that there had been 
political pressure to deny Goans the right to opt for Portuguese citizenship … 

For a much detailed interview please log on to

Goanet , i wish you should have published this article on your website , or 
probably you did and i did not come accross .

We may differ politically in many ways on the Portuguese rule in Goa , but 
culturally, socially, be it dressing , food etc  it has influenced us GOANS in 
a positive way. We need to be grateful to the Portuguese Govt through which 
many Goans have made it to UK and other EU countries for greener pastures.



[Goanet] Illegalities And Not Irregularities Mr. Shiroddkar (Freddy Fernandes)

2011-09-26 Thread Elvino Rodrigues
Freddy you are right, these Congressmen would not understand clearly the
real difference between illegalities and irregularities because generally
they are termed as nuts.  Perhaps Shiroddkar is trying to fool us Goans as
usually they do it.

My main attention focused on one quotation in one of your para. "God or
Nature, as one believes, was generous enough to Goans to fill it's
underbelly with rich ore, for the sustenance of it's inhabitants"  Very much
true. Just like Gulf is blessed by God with Oil in abundance in the
underground, where the only work is required to extract it and not to
produce as many other items required to produce, for which reason the Gulf
and its people are become very rich. The extraction of Oil is controlled by
their Governments and wealth is shared among the national to some extent in
many ways, perhaps not adequately too much though, still the people of Gulf
feel proud they are richer than other people of the world.

Similarly, Goa too is blessed by God with the rich iron ore beneath the Goan
ground, however not controlled well by our Government but others indirectly
and this lead to robbery and loot by the few rich business houses and others
with the influence of those in authority of ruling the State.  This wealth
belongs to us all Goans as blessed and gifted by God to us Goans.  We all
have the right over it. But our Government and those in Authority have
closed their eyes and boxed the application of law in order to facilitate
the loot in favour of their favorite looters of course for a price.  This
denial of Goan wealth to its citizens has deprived us Goans to share in
with God-given-wealth. A time may come soon to do a revolution in order to
stop extraction of the God given wealth of ore if it is not benefiting the
natives of Goa.

Further you have called the attention of authorities saying "Studies have
shown that if atrocities against our environment and ecology are not stopped
and remedial steps not taken now, we are bound to pay a very heavy price, in
the very near future".  We are already suffering and paying heavy price for
the sins committed by these mine owners, robbers and looters.  You have
brought to the attention of every one in many of your articles the disaster
that is caused due to residue that flooded the rivers, buried the fields and
ultimately brought floods in Canacona in the previous monsoons.  Besides
this there is sickness mostly in Canacona and that is failure of kidneys of
many of residents of Canacona than of any other natives of Goa.  Today
Canacona is full of  renal cases and Government cannot handle it.  There
will be lot more for us to face due to the negligence of the Government in
all sides.  The sighting of leopards in the residential areas is another
example, they lost their natural forest habitat due incursion of  these mine
diggers deep in the forests.  Monkeys, wild elephants  and other wild
animals too have ran away into human habitat looking for food and disturbed
and even attacked the humans.  This is all available to read in the Goan
media daily .  What else we are waiting to learn from the failure of our
Government to check in the abuse of the mine operators?

What else will make Subash believe that there are illegalities in mining in
Goa and in that not only Government is deeply involved but also all the
Congressmen and Ministers, besides the Business houses and others?  I hope
he does not act mad like the Home Minister, Ravi Naik who said "there are no
drugs in Goa" while Goa is full of drugs everywhere.


Original message: 5
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 05:49:01 +
From: Freddy Fernandes 
To: "" 
Subject: [Goanet] Illegalities And Not Irregularities Mr. Shirodkar
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Illegalities And Not Irregularities Mr. Shirodkar

We had heard that there were no drugs, no corruption and no illegal mining
in Goa, for all that matters it's been proved that there are drugs in Goa,
along with corruption and illegal mining, now out comes Mr. Subhsah
Shirodkar and goes a little further, categorically stating that none of the
Congress members, nor the Government of Goa is involved in illegal mining
but how is it that illegal mining still flourishes in Goa, Mr Shirodkar ? Is
it not the Congress that is the government in Goa or are we in Karnataka ?
If Mr. Subhash Shirodkar is right, which is highly unlikely, but even then,
is it not the duty of the ruling government to stop illegal mining and
illegal sale of ore and take action against those involved in it ? So why
has the Congress failed to do what they should have been doing in the first
place ? Mr. Shirodkar should certainly put money where his mouth is !

It is proved beyond doubt that there is large scale illegal mining in Goa
and a huge amount of unaccounted ore has been exported, costing the Goan
treasury thousands of cror

[Goanet] CLICK PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL starting a NEW batch in MARGAO

2011-09-26 Thread CLICK Photography School
starting a NEW batch in MARGAO
Beginners course, Hands on, 100% practical, DSLR cameras provided
* Weekdays - 3rd to 8th OCTOBER - (6 days) from 3pm to 6pm*

for more details contact
CLICK - Photography School
BM Office, near Torsanzor, Aquem, Margao,
ph: 9822151419

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (26Sep11)

2011-09-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  Tribute to Mickey Correa: 1913-2011  ***
***  The Sultan of Swing  ***

would have been 98 on Sept 26.

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] Western Ghats, Tigers and our heritage

2011-09-26 Thread Carmen Miranda
*Grab this opportunity to do something for Goa*


Save Goa Campaign UK, GoaNet and Goan Voice UK have joined forces to bring
to your attention a petition for the inclusion of Goa in the nomination of
Western Ghats as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and in support of Goa’s first
Tiger Reserve.

Now that whole hell has broken loose in Goa regarding illegal mining, we
must not lose sight of the fact that contrary to popular belief, and the
even more popular slogan “Goa, going, gone… “, miraculously there are still
parts of Goa that have escaped the claws of the mining industry and its

One of them is the Western Ghats, which expands across five states along the
west coast of India.  But the fragile ecosystem of this mountain range is in
danger of being destroyed by the pressures and demands of a growing
population.  But in Goa the Western Ghats are in danger of ever contracting
  proximity of an ever expanding mining belt.

Internationally recognised as one of the world's eihteen bio-diversity
hotspots, and the habitat of an incredible number of endemic species, these
mountains are the last refuge for wildlife in the region. They also act as
the monsoon gateway and are the mother of all our rivers in Goa. For the
benefit of present and future generations, it is imperative that we protect
the Western Ghats from short sighted “development” projects. Given the
current standard of government we have especially in Goa, only a UNESCO
World Heritage status will protect the Western Ghats from falling in the
hands of the mining industry.

And why a tiger reserve? Many Goans these days are very concerned about
saving our heritage and our culture – our buildings, our music and dances,
our cuisine and so on. But I bet very few did ever consider the Tiger as
part of our heritage.  Goa has a special relationship with Tigers. Tigers
obviously made a very big impression on our ancestors, so much so that in
such a small place like Goa, there are 15 names of places related to Tigers
– *Vagh* (in Konkani) - *Vagh Colamb*, *Vaghator, Vagapeth, Vagh Dongari* to
name a few. There are 10 tiger shrines in and near Hindu temples.  Having
almost wiped out the entire tiger population in Goa, we must protect and
cherish the few that are still in our forests.  If we have 15 places named
after tigers, and ten shrines, the least we can do is have at least one
protected place for them in Goa.

India is one of the countries which have some Tigers left amongst the 3000
left across the world. The magnificent species whose numbers were close to
1, 00,000 a hundred years ago struggles to survive within a human population
of 1.2 Billion. Goa’s forests are one of the last of its refuge and if Goa,
one of the most progressive states in India cannot ensure its survival in
its forests, what example can we set for other states to follow?  Goans need
to cherish the legacy of Jim Corbett and Kenneth Anderson who worked in the
forests of India to protect its natural heritage. The bottom line is, if the
tigers survive in India so do we. Many countries across the world have
called upon India to do more to save the species. As Goan’s, don’t we have a
duty towards saving it from extinction?

The links below will take you to the petition. Please do read it and if you
please do sign!

[Goanet] Goa news for September 27, 2011

2011-09-26 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Hegde says he was not willing to become Goa Lokayukta -
Hindustan Times

*** '03 Lokayukta Bill will be the law in Goa - Times of India
ining-scam-bellary-iron-ore-mining-scam/1/152741.html">Goa comes
close to Bellary scam in excess mining of iron ore

*** 55-year-old man shoots, injures youth at Chandel - Times of

*** New Jesuit superior for Goa province - Times of India
mes of IndiaGOA: The Jesuit superior general Fr Adolfo Nicolas
has appointed Fr Rosario Rocha, 59, as the new superior of the
Goa province, comprising Goa and the districts of Belgaum, South
Kolhapur and Sindhudurg, to succeed Fr Anthony da Silva who
completes his ...

*** Goa mining scam: Sonia seeks detailed report by Friday -
Hindustan Times
harge Jagmeet ...

*** Goa travel mart to showcase State's 'hidden treasures' -
Hindu Business Line
ndu Business LineGoa Tourism wants to promote the State as one
with "hidden treasures" in the upcoming Goa International Travel
Mart (GITM) 2011 from October 21 to 23. Organised and jointly
promoted by the Department of Tourism, the Government of Goa and
Goa Tourism ...

*** Seminar at XCHR, Porvorim - Times of India
orvorim, from 9.30am to 5.30pm from September 29 to ...

*** Monsoon may retreat from Goa this week, says met dept -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: A thick fog on Sunday in some parts of Goa
made visibility difficult beyond 200 metres. There is a chill in
the air and the mercury dropped to as low as 22.7degree celsius
on Saturday. The monsoon is retreating from Goa. ...

*** Pricked by a Rose - Times of India
tudios, and a 50-room guesthouse will ...

*** Has the govt been just in providing compensation while
acquiring land for ... - Times of India
mes of IndiaGOA: Legally the government has to pay a market
price for the land. However, due to the fact that people do not
declare the actual price in the sale deeds, the government takes
advantage of this to cheat the owners, who are made to fight in
courts for ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Persistent bogus political and religious propaganda on Goanet

2011-09-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

I am not the only one on Goanet that does not believe in global nexuses and 
mafias involving tens of national governments and international private 
non-profit organizations, thousands of research scientists, hundreds of 
politicians, and scores of drug companies out to destroy humanity and the world 
for a profit. I am not the only one who does not believe that capitalism is 
unethical, and that it needs to be replaced by Marxism. There are many 
Goanetters like me who are skeptical of such world-wide conspiracy theories,



RESPONSE : Santosh, You can 
believe whatever your mind dictates to you. You seem to be the only one
on Goanet forum with views that there do not exist research scientists, medical
doctors, drug Companies and politicians with a criminal minded nexus that is
detrimental to Humanity. If you believe that certain researches by scientists
are not carried out with scientists on pay sheet of  Drug Companies, that at 
times these researches are not
falsified on Company dictates, human, that political clout is not used to get
these products FDA approval, etc.; you can continue to do so as each one has
his freedom of thought. I will not waste my precious time just to correct one
person as I have already tried to before as seen from the below link.  I will 
only state here a corrected
version of what you stated in the previous post. Correct ethics in the medical
profession cannot be instilled by being properly trained, one has to be in the
medical profession by VOCATION. This includes even the Drug Companies and FDA
as they provide medicines for human well being, and anything done in these
circles for personal gains, overlooking the harm to humanity, is unethical.


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.                           

[Goanet] Museum of Christian Art opens for masses | The CSF

2011-09-26 Thread Con Menezes

Re: [Goanet] Victor Hugo Gomes... speaks on Goa's agrarian past

2011-09-26 Thread Mario Viegas

Caro Frederico,

Muito boas as tuas notícias. Enviar-te-ei brevemente as nossas revistas 
que publicam tuas notícias. Agora quero pedir-te que me envies uma foto 
do Victor Hugo Gomes. Pode ser?

Um abraço,
Mário Viegas

Victor Hugo Gomes

Victor Hugo Gomes, a restorer by profession, always had a fascination
for the various rituals and traditions that were an integral part of
his young days. When based in Lucknow as a painter, he joined a team
from M S University (Baroda) in researching tribal art and lifestyles
in various places in North India. On being offered a Lalit Kala
Academy (Goa) scholarship, he chose to study “Exper...imental
transitions in the world of art”. This subject covered the use of
different materials and processes in art over time.

[Goanet] 3rd Global Konkani Music Awards

2011-09-26 Thread Mandd Sobhann

Mandd Sobhann proudly announces the

3rd Global Konkani Music Awards

Awards on offer:

1. Best Singer, Female - 2010

2. Best Singer, Male - 2010

3. Best Lyricist - 2010

4. Best Music Composer - 2010

5. Best Music Arranger - 2010

6. Best Music Album - 2010

* Any Konkani Vocal Music Album
(C.D./Cassette/V.C.D./D.V.D.) released in the year 2010 (January to 
December), anywhere in the world, in any dialect of Konkani, by anyone 
belonging to any religious and communal denomination - is eligible for 

Even devotional songs / albums are eligible

* The Awards will consist of -
(a) The Title
(b) Cash Prize of Rs. 25,000/- (each)
(c) Public honour

* For Rules, Application/Nomination forms, log on to: /
or contact:
Phone: 91-824-2230489 / 2232239 (Kalaangann Office)

* Application/Nomination in the prescribed form, with proper 
attachments, must be sent to Kalaangann, Makale, Shaktinagar, Mangalore 

Last date to receive Applications/Nominations - October 25, 2011

Mandd Sobhann

[Goanet] A Tribute to MICKEY CORREA, the great Goan Jazzman

2011-09-26 Thread joelds
*A Tribute to MICKEY CORREA, the great Goan Jazzman*
MICKEY CORREIA would have been 98 years old today – 26th Sept 2011 - but
breathed his last a couple of days earlier. The legendary musician from
Moira in North Goa (India), regaled audiences in Karachi, Mumbai and
elsewhere. The Mombasa-born superb reedman played alongside music greats
like Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and others. His longest
innings lasted from 1930 to 1960 as Taj Mahal Hotel’s band leader in
residence in Mumbai. The video clip is from Joel D’Souza’s personal
video-library, recorded at the residence of Patricia, Mickey’s daughter, at
Dona Paula, Goa, sometime in 2005. Popular cartoonist Alexyz's voice too is
heard in the conversation.
Check at goamovie

Re: [Goanet] "Talk to him well, he's a Global Goan"

2011-09-26 Thread joelds

Hi Fred,

Your's is a quick, great review of the Konkani play "Tum Khuim Asa?" 
from the Kala Academy competition. I felt the community spirit was alive 
and kicking right through the performance. The narrative took to task 
some Goan attitudes, but also provided possible alternatives to some of 
our current ills. It had everything from modern mobile phones to the 
solar cooker... and how effective these would be in certain 
circumstances. I saw Roland Martins (GoaCan) watching it quite 
seriously, with Alexyz and Salil Konkar (Moving Images) in the same row. 
 There were several others too... elite or otherwise. And that reflects 
tiatr today (as shown and seen), whatever one may feel or say... about 
it, there is some sort of an equaliser at play, to bring together all 
sorts of people to the theatre through tiatr... the medium being the 
mother-tongue. You heard the frequent applause when someone came across 
an interesting piece of dialogue... and not merely the comic songs (as 
in a normal tiatr situation). Could be the mixed Catholic-Hindu audience.

Thanks for the candid pictures of the tiatr, which in fact had the 
largest cast, and the charming flower show brought all of them on stage 
together... and some at the fish market... with Abolem and Kukut ruling 
the roost. I can't believe that such crowd scenes are possible in any 
tiatr. Kudos to Mario Fernandes for the "global" perspective, to 
director Shirish Naik and Fr Santan, parish priest of Pomburpa, for 
motivating all of them.

2011/9/21 Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا 

Talk to him well, he's a Global Goan

AS I found my way backstage,

Re: [Goanet] Food of another day... nachni

2011-09-26 Thread frenny pinto
Never eaten it because I dont know how it tastes, but the husband and 
family still swears by the ever so popular with healthy Goan homes 
Nachiniachem teezan.


From: Frederick Noronha

While passing by the Panjim municipal market the other day, I came 
across the women selling traditional Goan products. Along with the 
jackfruit (even the seeds are not wasted, but sold!) and black-jaggery 
(of coconut), I saw neat plastic packets of nachni.

Read all Goanet messages at:

Re: [Goanet] On Fred's column on Goa's debate.....

2011-09-26 Thread lyrawmn
You are right.   
I. Nunes does not ‘do’ colour treatment in prose befitting the chick lit genre, 
believing that such raising of  “creative writing” to new heights complete with 
abject, obsequious  treatment of subjects [read suck up] is better left to the 
more  practiced  authoress. And self-described journalist.  
Nunes quotes Mark Twain: Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college 
I. Nunes
Carvalho wrote 


Re: [Goanet] "Talk to him well, he's a Global Goan"

2011-09-26 Thread Joseph St. Anne

Thank you, Fred. I enjoyed this piece.

- Original Message -
From: "Frederick FN Noronha

Talk to him well, he's a Global Goan

AS I found my way backstage, adjusting to the low-light, I
heard Abolem admonish Cucut (or was it someone else?): "Talk
to him well.  He's a Global Goan."

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (27Sep11)

2011-09-26 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  Justicc (R) Hegde Mem Jan Lokpal Comm.  ***

"Goa must implement 2007 Lokyukta Bill already passed...the 2011 draft 
is a Joke-yukta to protect you know who..."

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Who's Goan where? [Frederick Noronha | Devil's Advocate, in Herald]

2011-09-26 Thread

What? No Goans in the US of A?

-Original Message-
From: Goanet Reader

Who's Goan where?  [Frederick Noronha | Devil's Advocate]

  So, how many Goan expats are there in different
  parts of the globe? As things stand, we probably
  don't have a clue, but only very rough estimates
  and exaggerations.

Re: [Goanet] Victor Hugo Gomes... speaks on Goa's agrarian past

2011-09-26 Thread Gil Rebelo

Dear Frederick,

Can you please inform me how to write my name in devnagri script next to 
my name? I noticed that now you have added also in arabic, very 
interesting and unusual.

Thank you.


Gil Rebelo

[Goanet] Knee Health - Bad Habits That Could Be Destroying Your Knee Joints - RealAge

2011-09-26 Thread Con Menezes

[Goanet] COLUMN: Does Gandhigir, Annagiri inspire dadagiri and goondagiri?

2011-09-26 Thread Nisser Dias

Does Gandhigir, Annagiri inspire dadagiri and goondagiri?
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at
SMS to 9422437029

In recent times or to be more specific since April Indians (minus 
politicians) of all hues came together as one to support 74 year old 
Anna Hazare in his fight against corruption or rather to make elected 
representatives accountable for their actions. We have observed in 
recent times that Union cabinet minister have caused losses to the 
country to tune of lakhs of crores of rupees. While some are cooling 
their heels in the Tihar jail as criminals, there are many who have got 
away scot free. There are as many in our state too.

Be that as it may our countrymen tend to follow prevalent trends. During 
the end of 2003, polity of this country were hugely inspired by 
Bollywood movie Munnabhai MBBS starring droopy eyed Sanjay Dutt. The 
movie was a runaway success and since Dutt professes “jaddo ke chappee” 
 non-violence method of bridging gaps in relationships the term 
Gandhigiri came to be coined. That Sanjay Dutt was an accused in the 
Mumbai blast in and was convicted under Arms Act is a different matter.

But the fact of the matter is Mahatma Gandhi did resort to fast unto 
death to protest injustice, violence and even untruth by his companions, 
comrades, followers and the Indians at large, but the difference was the 
‘Father of the Nation’ undertook this fasts either in his abode or 
Sabarmati Ashram where not a single individual was inconvenienced but 
made everybody including the governors of British empire to sit up and 
take notice. There was not a single individual including his wife to 
keep accompany him in the fast, though she would worry and urge him to 
end his fast.

It was not at all a grand display or posturing. It was neither a show of 
strength or an exhibit of oratory skills, but was simply a protest to 
right a wrong and as Gandhiji himself would meekly put it as self 
purification. Nonetheless Mohandas K Gandhi – a barrister at law in 
South Africa return to his country and brought the might British Empire 
to its knees and forced them to handover reins of administration to the 
country men and leave India. This is example of true grit and determination.

But gone are the days when true statesman, patriots used to
resort to penance to force others to introspect and realize that they 
were wrong. When nobody even the government refused to take cognizance 
of such protests came in what is now known as Annagiri. To resort to 
Annagiri you have seek permission from various authorities like the 
district administration, police, traffic cell and lots others. The 
permissions or NOCs are required so that the routine life is not 
paralyzed or common man is inconvenienced or that there is no law and 
order situation arising from the protests.

Though these type are well publicized and stage is erected with huge 
shamianas provided with chairs and even fans for thousands of supporters 
and in some cases air conditioners for the main activists with doctors 
attending them round the clock, ambulances stationed and equipped with 
the latest gadgets and life saving drugs and the works, police 
protection 24 hours a day. Providing foods for tens of thousands of 
supporters. Collection and accepting donations to the tune of crores of 
rupees or lacks of dollars. Mahatma Gandhi would have not only rebuked 
such practice but would have undertaken another fast to put an end to 
such practice

There are backroom talks to resolve the matter and backroom channels 
working to convince the protestors to call of the hunger strike. 
Functioning of the Parliament is derailed with either the Opposition or 
political party having political interest disrupting the working of the 
parliament or legislative assembly.

Take the example of Anna Hazare protest. Wide publicity by the minute, 
national news channels competing with each other to increase its ratings 
forcing the government to faulter, comprise and finally give in to the 
demands. There was no such a hype when Mahatma Gandhi resorted to hunger 
strikes. Basically the common man was not put to hardships because of 
the protest.

Some in the year 2006 BJP in Goa tried to gain some cheap publicity. 
Zuari bridge continued to remain closed for heavy vehicles even after 
repairs were done because the concerned minister could not schedule time 
to officially declare it open. So the BJP workers swooped on the 
Agassaim side of the bridge and blocked the bridge paralyzing even light 
vehicles from using the bridge thereby causing hardships to the 
thousands of commuters. Manohar Parrikar addressing the media said that 
his partymen had resorted to Gandhigiri to protest, however for 
commuters who were inconvenienced called it dadagiri.

Last year BJP paralyzed the entire state to protest against price rise. 
They saw to it bandh was total with all the markets and shops downing 
their shutters. More recently BBSM called for a bandh a

[Goanet] "Cultural Scripts" An American learns English.

2011-09-26 Thread eric pinto
  Katherine Russell Rich was in her thirties when she travelled to Udaipur to 
live and to learn Hindi. The upshot was the book 'Dreaming in Hindi' published 
in 2009.  Here is an excerpt:
  Wierzbicka argues that emotionsderive from "cultural scripts," and as such 
are learned in the language of the culture.  Perhaps this explains why, months 
into learning Hindi, I became keenly aware of a feeling I've never experienced 
before. It comes from outside me, fills me and the room. It's longing: for 
something I can't name but I know is unbounded, an object or state that's near 
divine.  In English, the closest word for this emotion would be "melancholy,"  
but it's a melancholy laced with joy and expectation - more like the Poruguese 
'saudade.'  These opposite qualities make the feeling nearly unbearably 
bittersweet, so transporting that I never want it to end.  It is sharpest when 
I listen to certain haunting Hindi songs.
   The book ends with the customory credits offered by an author. Here 
is what she says about an editor,  Anjali Singh. "In at the end, and she proved 
to be a writer's dream: deeply respectful, able to see the best in the work, 
and indefatigable in her arguments when she's absolutely right. Which, as it 
turned out, was much of the time."
 Katherine lives in Boston, where she teaches writing.

Re: [Goanet] Ecology of Man: Pope Gives German Parliament Lesson in Natural Law

2011-09-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
This real good, thank you Soter!
Wisdom and knowledge for a lot of our 'modern day' other thinking peoples 
and their weird philosophies. etc.
Nascy Caldeira

From: "" 
Sent: Monday, 26 September 2011 9:32 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Ecology of Man: Pope Gives German Parliament Lesson in 
Natural Law

for those of you who may like to know more about this go to the link below.
Soter D'Souza

Re: [Goanet] Goa news for August 27, 2011

2011-09-26 Thread Claudius Simon


happy to get your information daily.

only 2 points today:

1. that stuff about the innterim-gouvernor: It's too much of a 
press-release of his speaker. "widely travelled" and all his posts he 
hold incl. the animal husbandry. nothing of any interest.

2. (first story) did not the policeman, that officer, boast around how 
he is selling drugs and how easiely he gets them in the narcotic cell 
and gets away with it?

what happened to him? still servicing for India somewhere...


--- Goanet News Service schrieb am Sa, 27.8.2011:

Von: Goanet News Service
Betreff: Goa news for August 27, 2011
Datum: Samstag, 27. August, 2011 01:30 Uhr

Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa Police tried to kill me: Israeli drug dealer -
bi-brings-drug-lord-atala-goa">CBI brings drug lord Atala to Goa

[Goanet] Bulgarian Donkey for Elections- Donkeys could contest elections against Goan Ministers

2011-09-26 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Donkeys would make better Politicians as compared to Most Goan MLA's today
particularly the Ruling Ministers who are devastating Goa!!  Unlike the
latter MLA's, the *Donkey* has a strong character.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] Flying Foxes

2011-09-26 Thread JoeGoaUk
Flying Foxes
video clip

a pic

some discussions – Church roof, Fruits, Cantalli,  trapping, delicacy etc 

for Goa & NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc  

[Goanet] Fluid that 'magically' rebuilds teeth could make the dentist's drill obsolete | MNN - Mother Nature Network

2011-09-26 Thread Con Menezes

[Goanet] "Talk to him well, he's a Global Goan"

2011-09-26 Thread JoeGoaUk

[Goanet] "Talk to him well, he's a Global Goan"

Two riders on my above comments:

I'm not trying to influence the jury (if they read
cyberspace).  Others probably put in equally determined
efforts.  My comments on 'Tum Khuim Asa?' (Where Are You?)
are based on a random and chance encounter,
reaching there by happenstance and getting permission to click some
images which will be copylefted in cyberspace.

Thanks FN,
I don’t think anything that is shown or written in the cyberspace
or media for that matter, can influence the Jury (Tiatr Competition).
For, I understand that while we all go home after the tiatr,
the jury (3 members) stays on for at least next 20-30 minutes or so to finalise
their reports/judgement.  It is then sealed and handed over to the waiting KA’s 
 It’s opened only after the end of the festival/competition. i.e. on 11thNov 
2011 in this case 
and results declared same day by noon.

btw, your post also appeared in GT yesterday
the tiatr clip is here, if anybody missed it 

for Goa & NRI related info...

For Goan Video Clips

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

[Goanet] Oct 2, 2011 – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2011-09-26 Thread Richard D'Souza
Reflections on the Sunday Liturgy from Pedro Arrupe Institute, Raia,

27th Sunday Oct 2, 2011

Is 5:1-7; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43

Spiritual Reflection: Fr. Patrick de Melo SJ

Although Jesus directed the parable of the wicked tenants at the
Jewish leadership of his day, it still has a lot to teach us about
stewardship. As such it has very important lessons for church leaders
in particular but also for all of God's people in general. We all have
at least received life from God. Life is given to us in trust and we
are expected to cultivate and manage this life in such a way that it
bears good fruit - fruit that we can present to God the owner of our
lives on the day of reckoning.

Today's gospel calls for responsibility and accountability in our
dealings with God, which include our dealings with our fellow human

The parable teaches us a lot about God and how God relates to us.
First we see the Providence of God. "There was a landowner who planted
a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a
watchtower." Before God entrusts a responsibility to you, He makes
provision for all that you will need in carrying out the
responsibility. After all it is his work, the work of God, that we are
doing (mission Dei) and not our own works.

There is the same loving care by the landowner for the vineyard and we
do well to linger here and dwell on the goodness of God. "What could I
have done for my vineyard that I have not done?" God is ever lovingly
interested in his creation; he is interested in each one of us. Not
only does he love each one of us and the full of creation, but he also
nourishes and sustains his creation with his love.

The Gospel parable in comparison to the first reading puts emphasis on
the fact that God’s love for his vineyard is also shown in that he
provides for its care through the tenants he puts in-charge of his
vineyard. God’s love is demonstrated and expressed not in the
abstract, but through us, through you and through me. We become the
instruments of God’s love in this world.

"Then he leased it to tenants and went to another country" This shows
God's Trust in us. God does not stand looking over our shoulders,
policing us to make sure we do the right thing. God leaves the job to
us and goes on vacation to a far country, so to say. God trusts that
we will do the right thing. Unfortunately many of us don't.

The story also highlights God's Patience with us. God sends messenger
after messenger to the rebellious managers who would not render to God
what is His due. With each messenger, God provides another chance for
us to put an end to rebellion and do the right thing. Finally there
comes a last chance. God plays His last card and sends His only son.
If we miss this last chance, then we've missed it.

In the end we see God's Judgement in which rebellious humanity lose
their very lives, and their privileges are transferred to others who
are more promising. The picture is that of a provident, trusting,
patient, but also a just God.

>From all this we can learn a lot about ourselves and how we stand in
relation to God. First we see human Privilege. Like the managers of
the vineyard, everything we have is a privilege and not a merit. This
is what we mean when we say that everything is God's grace. Grace is
an unmerited favour. Life itself is a privilege which can be taken
away from any of us at any moment. Privilege comes, however, with
Responsibility. We are ultimately responsible and accountable to God
for the way we use or abuse our God-given privileges. God has given us
all that we need to make a judicious use of all our privileges, yet we
retain the ability to abuse them. This is called Freedom.

Let us then pray for the wisdom and the courage never to abuse our
privileges but rather to make a judicious use of all the privileges
and opportunities that God gives us.

Scriptural Reflection: Richard D’Souza SJ

The context of today's Gospel reading follows from the one of last
week with Jesus giving another parable hitting out at the Chief
Priests, the Pharisees and the Scribes. This parable of the wicked
tenants is a modification and a further interpretation of a commonly
known vineyard parable which we read in the first reading from the
Prophet Isaiah. Jesus is attacking the close-heartedness of the Jewish
religious hierarchy for not only refusing to believe in him, but also
failing to bear any fruit.

The original parable found in Isaiah probably dates back to the time
of King Jotham (740-736 BC), father of the famous King Ahaz, along
with the rest of the first five chapters of the Book of Isaiah. These
oracles of Isaiah, who preached in the Southern Kingdom of Judah, are
mainly directed against the social injustice and the formalism in
religion which had crept into Jewish society. He speaks of the
corruption and rebellion of the people (1:2), their self-sufficiency
(5:21), their arrogance (2:7), their superstition a

[Goanet] The SS Gairsoppa

2011-09-26 Thread Roland Francis
Today's international news tells of a BISN (British India Steam Navigation)
shipwreck loaded with a treasure of silver worth about $230m being located
by a US recovery and salvage firm. The silver it seems is cored with 2.5%
gold which should be a huge addition to the stated value.
The ship built in 1919 was acquired by BI sometime later and pressed into
wartime service. It was part of a convoy going from Chittagong to England in
1941 and having left the convoy due to a lack of fuel, was sighted by a
German Luftwaffe plane and shot down by a U-boat off the coast of Galway,
The treasure was no doubt a small part of the loot extorted from Indian
maharajahs as a token of their loyalty and help in the war effort. What they
got in return was a title, tea with HM or lesser royalty and an accompanying
portrait later hung in an estate drawing room of a marbled place somewhere
in the dusty interior of a princely state.
If a colonial power looted nineteenth and twentieth century India, it was
not the Portuguese who had to pump in their own money into a poor Goa, not
the French who got nothing but tea and a few spices from Pondicherry and
Mahe, and certainly not the Dutch who by that time were vanquished by the
real capo de tutti cappi of the colonial mafia, the British. France is
certainly paying for their sins in Pondicherry by lifetime pensions to the
locals who having served their 20 years in the French army overseas starting
from age 20, roam around bars in lungis, leading retired lives at age 40,
generously paying for their arrack in French Francs. The Brits will never
end  paying enough to all the colonials now inhabiting their island from
Africa, India and the rest of the world, to come close to reparation for all
that they brazenly took away.
Being BI, the Gairsoppa must have been populated on the decks with lascars
(native seamen) from the Konkan, Goa and Chittagong. Lots of Goan seamen
must have been drowned in the torpedoing by the U-boat since it is known
that only one lifeboat was launched with 6 European officers and 2 lascars,
of which only 2 officers survived. A steam ship of the size of the Gairsoppa
must have carried a complement of no less than 250 seamen and 20 officers
who were required not only to deal with matters of sailing, but also with
the additional task of defending the vessel with quick maneuvers that
required all available hands, when underwater and above sea prowlers were
sighted. The names of those seamen are inscribed in a memorial stone in a
cemetery in Chittagong. It would be very interesting if a Goanetter could
provide us with those names. They were probably not buried in Goa due to the
tight Govt purse of the war years, the thinking being that the cost of
distance burial would probably have paid for some 25 pounder cannon that
were required to defend Singapore from the Japanese.
The name Gairsoppa reminds me of the derogatory description that Bombay boys
used for country hicks who made their way recently to the city. If they came
from the rest of Maharashtra, they were called Pandus or Sakarams (the
latter became in time a common name for the lowly "bluebottle" aka police
havaldars). If the they came from south India they were called Gairsoppas.
To this day I don't know what that means or how it came about, but if the
haughty board members of BI gave it to one of their ships, no doubt it would
have been because a Coimbatore or Travancore maharajah donated a hefty part
of his kingdom's exchequer to them either to show off his wealth or to pay a
political ransom.
To those who are not aware, India's rajahs and maharajahs of yore were more
wealthy in their time than the princes, emirs and kings of the Persian Gulf
are today. There are many books written on that part of India's past with
truly interesting photographs that make such reading so interesting. If
there are three subjects that totally fascinate me even today and on which I
spent a large part of my boyhood, they are the Second World War, the Italian
mob in the US and the extravagant lives of India's native royalty.
Roland Francis