[Goanet] SEQC April Quiz

2013-04-02 Thread Rajiv D'Silva
Hi all,

The Sunday Evening Quiz Club's Panjim Quiz for April will be held on the 7th
of this month at 5.00 pm at the International Centre Goa, Dona Paula. The
quiz will be hosted by Srijit Kumar, and is open to all. For more details,
visit www.seqc.blogspot.com.




[Goanet] The Best Religion

2013-04-02 Thread petronela Souza Roy
Hello Ana Maria,

Like you there are many sincere and simple folk.
I enjoyed your article "The Best Religion" - for your is Christianity.

For others is their childhood or cultural RELIGION>
There are two kinds of truths:
a) Relative truth and b) Absolute truth.

Relative truth is the one which relates to us. In your case it is Christianity.
If the person was brought up a Budhist then his/hers is this "relative" TRUTH>

In the Bible you do not find the word "christianity" and the word "christian is 
found twice or thrice.

A Christian is the one who is an apprentice of Jesus. When our Lord walked in 
this earth, he had his
Twelve disciples or apprentices, with whom he spent His life. In other words he 
traned them by doing and teaching. (See Acts 1:1-2)
And the Twelve learned from Him. Their lives were revolutionized. Besides them 
He had others the 70 and maybe more. Jesus influenced ALL who walked with Him. 
Some were friends, the drunkards, the sex worker/s,
the blind and the lame besides those who had AIDS (lepers).

As we celebrate His resurection - we must remember that JESUS LIVES.
Remember He never created "christianity" - but His ways were childlike (Mathew 

Soon after His death He ascended, and promised to return. Return He will, 
sooner or later.

In the meanwhile how does His life affect us today?
a) He invites us thus:Mathew 11verse 28-29 Come to Me, all you who labor and 
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.
 b) We respond by faith. Just ASK Him. BELIEVE He is alive and He means what He 
says and says what He means.
It is an invitation. A call to "learn" you are not forced or asked to take an 
oath. One can choose for a religion insted of a relationship. Jesus calls us to 
a living relationship with God our Heavenly father, and after His RESURECTION 
this was made possible. 

To-day christianity is marketed in the "super churches" it is monopolized and 
Today one has to shell our money for salvation there are spiritual middlemen or 
agents lurking around!

Jesus gave His life free to ALL those by Faith respond to His invitation.
As simple as that, but responding just by a mental assent is not enough. One 
has to follow Him and learn from Him and He is humble and meek. Remember 
meekness is not weakness. I love Jesus in my simplicity and sincerety. He had 
grace and guts! Grace from above and guts from below to those who opposed Him.
What a Saviour!

Have a blessed Passover.

[Goanet] Godemodni in Goa

2013-04-02 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

KERI: Ghodemodni is an important form of warrior folkdance performed during
Shigmo in some villages of Sattari, Bicholim, Pernem and Dharbandora
talukas in Goa, Dodamarg taluka in Maharashtra and Khanapur taluka in

It reflects the rich tradition of warfare inherited by the Maratha
community that migrated from the Ghat region with horses, swords and better
techniques of warfare.

Today, with battles no longer using horses or weapons such as swords,
lances and bows and arrows, it is left to ghodemodni to bring the past back
to life.

Cultural historian, the late Anant Dhume, had written, 'Ghodemodni has
evolved from 'ghode mandani', meaning arrangement of horses for periodical
exhibition of their training to evaluate fitness by the king.'

'The horses,' he explained, 'Were brought from Arabia, Persia and
Afghanistan by Arab and Persian merchants via sea route to the Malabar
coast and then to Goa. Villages like Naneli, Pali, Charavane, Ivre-Budruk,
Ivre-Khurd, Golauli, Rive and Dongurli were an excellent amphitheatre for
horse raids.'

Once every two years, Mundalgiryache Mol in Sattari taluka's Thane village,
witnesses a spectacular ghodemodni performance, with 14 dancers decked in
costumes that show them riding a horse each.

Fato Gaonkar, from Thane, says, "Once upon a time, the forested villages
were inhabited by tribals, locally known as Meshe. They were assassinated
by the Marathas who had migrated from the Ghat region, under the leadership
of Kolgiro and Mundalgiro."

Today, ghodemodni is celebrated in the villages where the Marathas with the
tradition of warfare settled.

In Goa, these include most villages in Sattari taluka; Sarvan, Bordem,
Mulgao, Ladfe and Kharpal in Bicholim taluka; Hankhane, Ibrampur and Morjim
in Pernem taluka; and Dharge in Dharbandora taluka.

In neighbouring Maharashtra it is observed in Sasoli, Virdi, Matne and
Ambadgao; while in Karnataka it is celebrated in Parwad, Kankumbi and Degao
in Khanapur taluka.

Rashmi Shetgaonkar from Morjim says, "Our ghodemodni is scheduled for April
2. Around 13-16 dancers will take part under the supervision of folk
artiste Pandu Shetgaonkar who is 100 years old."

Elaborating further, she says the dancers will depict scenes of warfare as
they dance to the sounds of the dhol and tasso. The procession will start
at the Brahman shrine at Varchawada and proceed towards the Morjai temple.

A dispute among locals in Hankhane in Pernem taluka has stopped the
celebration of ghodemodni and even shigmo for the last three years.

Back in Sattari taluka, ghodemodni in Poriem exhibits the communal harmony
between Hindus and Muslims.

As it proceeds towards Sanquelim town, and before entering it, the Poriem
ghodemodni troupe visits the durgah of Babar Pir, a pious Muslim saint.
There the assembled Muslim community welcomes the troupe.

The procession then travels to the Maruti temple in Sanquelim where the
troupe from Gavthan also lands up and both enact battle scenes to the
delight of spectators.

The construction of the Anjunem dam led to the submergence of Anjunem,
Gulle, Ponsuli and Kelavade villages in Sattari. While residents of three
villages were rehabilitated at Morlem, those of the fourth were settled in
Keri. So while, in the past, 11 horses would assemble at Baravansh Mol in
the now-submerged Gulle, today, this tradition is observed in the new
colony of Morlem.

And thus through ghodemodni the memory of warfare is kept alive during

[Goanet] Mango King

2013-04-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
king of Mangoes
These Medium variety, Rs.500 per doz
Panjim Market, 02.04.13

bigger size Rs.1200 per doz

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, DialĀ  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2013-04-02 Thread Alfred de Tavares

A very long time ago, ca 1963 "O HERALDO's" toto factum, Lord bless me,his name 
escapes me, asked for a sketch on my great friend in virtue and vice. My 
was entitled: Meeting Walfrido Antao or a Collusion with Folly...

Indeed, it was thus. Meeting Walfrido on a pleasant--or, otherwise-- morning 
one could 
never know when, or how -- how many mornings later-- or where the jaunt would 
end. One 
thing you could be certain though: one was ready to be hung out to dry

The protagonists were many great cheerful souls...the greater number of them, 
not among us; Aurobindo & Thelma, Lucio, Suresh usually being the core... & I.

That, Walfrido instructed us was the essence of existentialism... . None 
doubted him,
questioned himbeing past the stage of doubt & so on.

He was veritably a true disciple of existentialism throughout his life... drunk 
or sober.

Jean-Paul Satre, Albert Camus and others of that gang of late fortiesgoing 
into fifties he
considered his true "comrades-in-life". Marx...Lenin also ran but, negligibly.

It was not just illusion. He had, indeed, lived his best years with them 
treasured them in 
his heart...

Around end sixties, when I was leaving for Europe...with no settled 
plan...unfocussed with 
nil orientation in my sozzled mind...before my blinkered eyes.

"You must go to Paris," was Walfrido's  undaunted stricture to me.

One very wet (not to be read as rainy), sitting in a ramshackle "ghaddi" in 
Thana, Cortalim
he decided that he should take steps to ensure it.

He needed a piece of paper and a pen. Although flowing with "urraca" & verilly 
Goa's elite, the required
implemests were unimplatable at Shettye's tavern.

For, although among the present were Proto Barbosa, Lima Leitao and thus many 
others, we had just bathed 
at the nearby fountain, Kensarval, and were nigh "au naturel".

Finally, responding to Walfrido's persistent demand, Shettye emptied a packet 
of "Simlas" and provided him 
with the its cover and a pencil from somewhere.

On that dear Walfrido wrote me with a "Mon chere Jean-Paul" introduction.

That scrap of paper remained with me and I, duly, it in my "potly" when I, 
eventually, reached Paris.

I was, then, working at the American Library in Paris, on the Rue General Camou 
and showed it to
M. Gpldberg, the director. He informed me that Satre no longer received casual 
visitors but directed me to
Cafe Flor, his customary haunt.

They gave me same information bur suggested I leave the scrap with them.

I was surprised when within a few days Satre wrote me to see him at the cafe.

He was very affable and ordered us  cup of warm milk. However, he soon called 
out to the waiter and 
changed the order, "par le monsieur de Goa un ballon de cognac."

He was, indeed, near blind. Enquired very fondly about Walfrido and asked me to 
inform him that "Mama"
remembered them well and missed "her boys." Mama was Albert Camus legendary 
mother with a sort of
an "ashram" in Paris.

After a few years and  many further perambulations I visited Goa, by then 
married to Eva; an incredible
surprise awaited us: Walfrido had met with his "road to Damascus". Of drink? he 
disdained even a smell 
of it.

He was the high-guru of the Alcoholics Anonymous' Goa chaperand most of our 
"soro" chapter along 
with him.

Sozzled or sober, Walfrido was always the absolute personification the 
gentleness and absolute generosity.

He lived in Fontainhas in a "comencalidade." The landlady, Dona Peregrina, 
...martyred through her endless 
tribulations...and they wre many other than chronically unpaid rents. However, 
on one point of morality she put 
her foot down,...unmovably: NO GIRLS IN THE ROOM.

Aurobindo, Thelma and I, one Christmas day met Walfrido, unusually frolorn, in 
Pio's bar. Moreover, he had his
"hatli potli" with him. He responded anxious queries, a palpable victim to 
manly emotions:

"O que posso dizer pa? Aquela minha patroa nao tem coracao; ou, si tem um e 
certamente feito de granite.
Ontem noite depois de for visado a porta do ultimo bar aberto, passeiva em 
Gaspar Dias, em profunda conteplacao
quando meu pe acertou uma coisa soave e mole...era apenas um crianca com quase 
nada para cobrir-se contra o frio...

"Oque outro a fazer...levei-lha a casa. na manha quando a mulher me acordou com 
cha, viu a pobrezita e quis saber 
muito berrante: QUE E ISSO?

"D. Peregrina eu Ti trouxe un Menino Jesus."

"Toda furiosasem uma gotinha de merce e amor Christao atirou-nos na rua."

The Menino Jesus, like a badly plucked chicken, sat at a distant table, shaking 
although it was miday.

We collected the two and spent a couple of weeks restoring the M.J. to a less 
ghstly pullet until Walfrido's 
latest crisis was somehow patched up again for the moment.

Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, December 26, 2013.



2013-04-02 Thread books