2016-10-28 Thread Con Menezes

 A program dedicated to the innovative Australian farmers.  

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[Goanet] Easy listening selection.....Maria........Mohammed Rafi & Lorna....lyrics.

2016-10-28 Thread Con Menezes


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2016-10-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 


The life and times of Tai & the party she nurtured

The life and times of Tai & the party she nurtured

29 Oct, 2016, 08:07AM IST

A-   A+

Circa March 9, 2012: There she sat on the front row of dignitaries at the 
swearing in of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, her frail tiny frame concealed 
in a sea of people and VIPs. She certainly wasn’t the star of the day, almost 
having faded into oblivion before making what turned out be the last plunge at 
activism/politics – the language agitation and the fight to keep education 
grants away from English medium schools, a movement Herald has vehemently 
opposed as it went against the grain of inclusion that Goa is meant to be. 
Noticing this Herald writer near the front rows, Mrs Kakodkar signalled that 
she wanted to speak. And then she said, “I have never been a favourite of your 
paper and I do not agree with your stand on several issues, but I love the way 
your paper argues and speak ups and debates strongly. This keeps democracy 
alive and for that I read you.”

Incidentally, this was the first meeting with her and very unfortunately, 
turned out to be the last because further conversations did not happen. But 
what stood out, as it did during her three decades of active political life is 
her firm stand on issues, often mistaken for rigidity, coupled with the grace 
and flexibility to accept and hear alternate thought.

Her passing also marks the fall of another pillar who lived in an era where 
political acrimony never offset social graces. Politics was still fought in a 
manner hard and bitter, power was still sought, the political field was still a 
minefield and yet, principles dictated politics. And principles outshone pelf. 
And in doing so, both her principles and her politics worked. For her, for her 
party and for a Goa which believed in regionalism as the mantra for self 
protection, preservation and growth.

To many though MGP did not include all. For large chunks of Salcete, MGP was 
the “other” and to many in the MGP, Salcete was the land across the proverbial 
mountain of discomfort and distrust. But it took a Shashikala Kakodkar to 
bridge that or even attempt to bridge that. Before her and after her moving out 
of active politics, there is no one in the MGP who has managed to, or even 
attempted to win the hearts of Xaxtikars. (See report on the bottom of this 
page). This journey started in 1973 when the Benaulim seat fell vacant after 
the death of the UGP MLA. This is when Shashikala Kakodkar decided that MGP 
would contest Benaulim and asked Dr Wilfred Mesquita, a minority leader 
(current BJP Vice President) to prepare the ground. Her message to him was 
clear, “I’m going to Benaulim not to win but to understand the feeling of the 
people of Salcete”. MGP narrowly won that seat in the normal round of counting, 
however, the victory of their candidate Menino Jesus Ferrao, popularly known as 
Luta Ferrao was challenged by Wilfred D’Souza. The EC then ordered the counting 
of votes of those whose votes were illegally cast before they arrived at the 
booth, and were then allowed to cast their votes separately, which were kept in 
sealed envelopes. When this was done, Dr D’Souza was finally declared the 

As she kept the legacy of MGP alive, during her clear run as Chief Minister 
from 1973 to 1979 after the death of her father Dayanand Bandodkar, she also 
had her frailties. She faced toppling games and also made, what many call the 
cardinal mistake of merging MGP with the Congress (I). Though she extracted 
herself from this, the act led to a cascading effect after which MGP was never 
the same.

In 1977 Advocate Shankar Lad and Dayanand Narvekar defected from “Tai”, as 
Shashikala was lovingly called till her last day, and along with a group 
consisting of Willy D’Souza (Congress U) and then new Janata Party leaders, 
Jack Sequiera, Ferdinho Rebello and Mhadav Bir attempted to form a government. 
But look at the politics of principle in those days, A Janata Party government 
in Delhi led by Prime Minister Morarji Desai refused saying that there should 
be no government formed by defections. The Assembly was dissolved, but Morarji 
Desai did not allow his own party’s government from being formed in Goa.

Then came the era, post her 

[Goanet] Cemetery spruce-up... at Saligao

2016-10-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Village volunteers in Saligao are planning to clean up the cemetery from
3.30 pm on Saturday (Oct 29, 2016), in preparation for the All Souls Day
early next week.

The group has been working to have the place painted, and have been
planting decorative plants in the area too. On All Souls Day (Nov 2),
family members and friends of the departed light up the graves at 6.30 am
onwards, and Mass is at 7 am in the cemetery.

For those who might have not read of it earlier, a lot of volunteer work
has gone into giving a facelift to the Saligao cemetery. The goal is to
simply make for a better final resting place in the village

[Goanet] At the bottom of the Arabian Sea, a 500-year-old shipwreck from the fleet of Vasco da Gama.

2016-10-28 Thread MD
(apologies if this story appeared in GNet earlier)
At the bottom of the Arabian Sea, a 500-year-old shipwreck from the fleet
of Vasco da Gama.
It was a dark and stormy night!
The wreck uncovered off the coast of Al Hallaniyah island (on Arabian Sea)
is almost certainly da Gama’s ship Esmeralda, which sank with its captain
and da Gama’s uncle, Vincente Sodré, on board in 1503. David Mearns’s
shipwreck salvage company, Blue Water Recoveries, returned to conduct a
full excavation of the site in partnership with the Ministry of Heritage
and Culture in Oman. Pushed around by high-energy wave surges the divers
called the washing machine, the ship and its riches had been buried deep in
sand at the bottom of the sea.
Among those armaments are a bronze ship’s bell dated 1498 — the earliest
ship’s bell to be discovered, a copper alloy disc bearing the Portuguese
royal Coat of Arms and thought to be part of an astrolabe and, rarest of
all, a tiny silver medallion known as the ghost coin of Dom Manuel I. The
coin, minted by Portuguese King Dom Manuel in 1499, was an indio, specially
made for trade with India. It is a ghost because, until now, only one has
ever been found. The discovery of the second ghost coin hints at what the
ill-fated Esmeralda was doing in the Arabian Sea in the first place.
Esmeralda had been part of a massive armada led by da Gama in order to
conduct trade — and in many cases, wage war. The fleet followed the route
famously pioneered by da Gama four years earlier: a circuitous, 24,000-mile
voyage around the Cape of Good Hope and up Africa’s eastern coast that took
the better part of a year and killed the better part of da Gama’s crew.
Nevertheless, his carreira da India provided the first link between Europe
and the spices of the East that didn’t depend on overland routes controlled
by Arab traders and Venetian merchants. To 15th century Portugal, eager for
trade riches and finally some flavor in their food, da Gama’s new route was
a very big deal.
That first successful voyage was a turning point in world history: the
beginning of the ages of exploration, imperialism and globalization, with
all their change and brutality. And what happened on da Gama’s second
voyage, including the demise of the Esmeralda, was a grim harbinger of the
violent centuries that lay ahead — for both the colonized and the
The armada set out in 1502, the fourth such fleet to be sent by King Dom
Manuel. Its predecessors hadn’t fared well — the people of Calicut (now
Kozhikode, on India’s western coast) didn’t take kindly to being bossed
around by entitled Europeans, and the Portuguese had responded by
bombarding the city to shreds.
So da Gama’s fleet was well-stocked with weaponry and given broad license
to use it. He tried (not entirely successfully) to subdue uncooperative
Indian kingdoms and attacked any other ships he encountered in the Indian
Ocean, including one carrying Muslim pilgrims on their way back from Mecca.
Da Gama burned the boat along with its 300 passengers.
When he headed back to Portugal in early 1503, da Gama left behind a
squadron of five ships led by his two uncles — Vincente and Brás Sodré. The
goal, according to the Nautical Archaeology report, was to forcibly control
and dominate the spice trade.
The Sodré brothers had their own ideas, though. Rather than patrol the
Indian coast, they set out for the Gulf of Aden, which was full of
lucrative opportunities for piracy on the high seas. They spent the next
several months capturing Arab ships, plundering their cargo and killing
their crews.
By April, monsoon season had arrived, and one of the ships was in need of
repairs, so the squadron retired to Al Hallaniyah for some rest and trade.
The local fishermen warned the Portuguese that their choice of port — on
the exposed windward side of the island — was a poor one, but the Europeans
were recklessly confident in the strength of their iron anchors and hulking
ships. They moved the squadron’s smaller ships to the other side of the
island, away from the fiercest winds, but left Vincente Sodré’s Esmeralda
and Brás’s São Pedro where they were.
Their haughtiness proved deadly: When the storm came, both vessels were
dashed against the rocky shore. Vincente went down with his ship, and Brás
died not long after of undetermined causes.
Five hundred years later, it seems that the ship that bore Vincente’s
ambitions and loot has finally been found. But the Sodré brothers — and the
100 or so crew members who died with them — are still missing.
According to National Geographic, a survey of Al Hallaniyah island revealed
dozens of burial cairns that are thought to be non-Islamic (they’re
oriented differently than burial sites for Muslims). But when the sites
were excavated, researchers couldn’t find any human remains. It’s likely
that the buried bodies deteriorated from prolonged exposure to animals and
the elements.
It was those missing men that Mearns thought about during his long search
for the Esmeral

[Goanet] Gumót, Goan traditional Instrument.(Demo by Roque Lazaro)

2016-10-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Gumót, Goan traditional Instrument.(Demo by Roque Lazaro)

_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] #GoaMediaLeaks part 2: So who’s politician ‘P’ who’s taken 460 crore, a hemorrhaged vision and Et tu Claude Alvares!

2016-10-28 Thread Mayabhushan
#GoaMediaLeaks part 2

So who’s politician ‘P’ who’s taken 460 crore, a hemorrhaged vision and Et
tu Claude Alvares!

The second and the last leak from this batch of emails is a communication
from August last year addressed to Herald Editor Sujay Gupta, general
manager Michael Pereira and Datta Shetkar, who co-owns/ed Brand Mentors, a
brand consultancy firm in the employ of the newspaper.

The email is a compilation of minutes of a meeting held at Herald managing
director Raul Fernandes’ residence. According to the matronly acronym MoM,
those who were also present at this meeting were renowned environmentalist
Claude Alvares, artiste Subodh Kerkar and one Pravin. The meeting was
intended to draw up a skeleton for Vision 2022 for Goa. (Vision 2014/15 was
perhaps articulated by Herald marketing manager Adwait Desai’s
video-graphed pitch to the casino honcho)

While it is the duty of a newspaper is to keep its readers informed,
exposure to inter-office memos such as these, often offer a window to the
inner functioning and thought-processes of an organisation and people at
its helm.

You can see for yourself, if there are any lines of similarity between the
content published in the newspaper and the information cached in these
internal documents.

Many of the 77 points listed in the MoM are factual and no-brainers like
the issue of communal harmony, ground water, dilution of Goan identity, etc.

But there are several positions taken by those holding top positions in the
media house and others present, could do with a bit of scrutiny.

For example, when these gents agree on formation of a core team to achieve
‘Vision 2022’ and commit to choosing their own candidates (#10 of the MoM
says ‘no people’s candidates), should newspaper readers not know the
identity of these budding candidates, the media house is backing? How will
the media house decide on coverage of the pool of other candidates, which
the 2017 elections throw up, when political parties make their nominations
and independents throw their hats in the ring?

The Vision 2022 also reveals an insight of the members in this core group,
including the media bosses, about the ruling BJP government and Defence
Minister and former Goa chief minister Manohar Parrikar.

In one instance, there is a reference to Parrikar in #77, which says that
the former Goa chief minister was utilising government monies to corner

There is also a reference to a political leader, whose name starts with a
‘P’, who, the Vision 2022 document alleges, has ‘taken’ 460 crore to be
released just before elections. Although the leaked document contains the
name, I have consciously chosen to blank it out, because it makes a direct
graft charge against ‘P’ the politician. Perhaps, the Vision 2022 document
guys possess evidence to suggest the exact quantum of corruption, I
unfortunately, do not.

The Saligao dump site, says the document, has been given to a BJP
contractor to operate, while also adding that the Make in India campaign is
an eyewash.

Lastly, where does Claude Alvares, a green activist, who enjoys a more than
significant amount of goodwill and regard in Goa and around India, fit into
this Vision business?

This question is most perplexing and I hope Claude does give us some kind
of explanation for his choice, especially when his last known association
in 2008 with Sujay Gupta, a journalist with terrific craft, ended up with
the environmentalist writing an article ‘Mining blues and its many hues:
when PR gets it badly wrong’ and summing up with this paragraph.

“At the end, Gupta asks for a "mature" debate on mining. Mature debates can
only be held with mature journalists, not immature hacks,” Claude says in
the conclusion of his interesting article which you must, I repeat must,
read here .


Incidentally, Gupta had also filed a Rs. 500 crore defamation case against
fellow green activist Sebastian Rodrigues in 2009, during the former’s
association with the Timblo Group.

This passage makes interesting reading now, in retrospect, especially when
Claude along with Herald, editorially headed by Sujay, are working on a
vision for Goa: Vision 2022!

I confronted Gupta on the street outside the GUJ (Goa Union of Journalists)
office after the press conference he had organised. (Miguel and a few of
the brethren from the media were also present.) At this point of time, he
flatly denied any involvement in the press conference "except for sending
out two or three SMS messages."
I got one of those messages, like many other journalists.
Fortunately it has remained un-erased on my cell and so I can recall it
here verbatim: "People of colomb, who were shown films by sebi rodrigues
depicting the killing of policemen by naxalites will meet the press at the
GUJ hall. They will also spk abt the activities of sebi and his group from
jharkhand in the mining ar

[Goanet] Narkasur 2016 - Pics and Video

2016-10-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

More here

[Goanet] minguel mhonnta

2016-10-28 Thread Michael fernandes
goem tankam mellonk nam mhonn, mharaxtravadi zalet bejar. atam nettan fuddem 
sorleat, konknni korunk kabar.michael.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2016-10-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
In retrospect

FEAST OF ST Judas Thadeus

Chinchinim ,today, 28 October 2016 celebrates the feat of St Judas Thadeus
another one of the apostles. The land mark, architectural wonder at
Chinchinim is cynosure of all eyes and cannot be missed  . The Novena mass
and prayers are held inside the Church .Monthly mass in his honour is held
in the church 0n the first Thursday of the month. The Eucharistic
celebration on feast day at 4 .30pm  is   from top of the altar Seating
arrangement for the faithful  around the monument and in front. Feast mass
attracts a large flock of faithful. The faithful to day are mostly
parishioners  , unlike in the yester years when most of the  Catholics
present  were from outside the Village, Even some non Catholics
participated in the past with some hope of wishes being granted. The
devotion to the saint Judas Thadeus and celebrations is specific to
Chinchinim. While others attended in thanks giving of favours received .At
times the President celebrating the feast offered some refreshments and  a
holy picture as a memento. The monthly attendance normally is satisfactory.
The only other time the monument comes to life is on Good Friday morning,
when way of the cross is conducted solemnly from atop of the altar of the
monument with the ground busting to the seams with devout Catholics

The credit of erecting  this magnificent  structure goes to late Fr Rocha
and his memory associated with it and devotion cannot be erased in spite of
the  bitter controversy that was generated., It was his determination  and
steadfastness that led to the building of this eye catching structure,
perhaps one of the  very unique aesthetic civil structure anywhere in Goa.,
The roof /ceiling design proved to be a daunting challenge. It was finally
 set on the ground and then  lifted up on the top with great anticipation
of anxiety and safety. The architect was a very experienced military person
and never gave  up his task. The  outstanding monument gives Chinchinim a
very distinct identity and people are proud naturally  of its heritage.  In
the past,  Novenas were held on every Thursday  evening and 3 to 4 thousand
Congregation  of faithful s is to throng the venue. The people were from
far and wide, but not many from the Village took part.. Huge water Jars
were filled with Holy water and people used to Q up to take the dispensed
Holy water., There were traffic arrangements made by traffic police. The
Chinchinim market remained closed on Thursday evening, The P.P was Fr Elias
and elderly man with FR Artemio D Costa  and Fr Rocha as the assistants.,
The former was pioneer of the Mount Mary`s High School and worked
tirelessly to make his dream take a concrete shape with tremendous
 opposition from management of then St Bosco`s School, , but with
determination and backing of the  people and church authorities it took
shape. Fr Rocha was totally immersed with his devotion and construction of
the monument, as the result the traditional ceremonies of the Church were
under severe strain and P.P. found difficult to  cope up with the pressure.
The attitude of Fr. Rocha vastly differed in his celebrations of Eucharist
at Novena and in the Church and which Parishioners resented. Donations
poured in in thousands and the whole monument was financed in its entirety
by  such donations, The Fabrica made available the property.  The  monument
is now enclosed, barricaded and protected because during football matches
the spectators used to make it as  a viewing gallery and that led to
disrespecting of a sacred  religious place of worship. To day it  adorns
automatic, self switching on and off lightening system and painted giving
the monument a beautiful  attractive appearance.  Recently the
deteriorating roof of the monument in particular was given a fresh lease of
life by painstaking  repairs

The trouble started when the Church asked for accounts of income and
expenditure, because it was a part of Church activity and not a private
affair.Fr Rocha used to maintain his own accounts and not subject to any
external verification even by the Fabrica. He could not be faulted of
misappropriation .financial impropriety but the same could not be said of
those closely associated and trusted by him, Both Fr. Rocha and Fr. Artemio
  were individuals in their approach under the church, each concerned with
specific activity, that they concentrated their energies upon .A transfer
of both assistant simultaneously spread the fire of discontent rebellion Fr
Artemio  demanded the expenditure on account of the school, which the
Bishop settled. Fr Rocha offered resistance, defied being emotionally
attached and started staying below the room under the monument for
sometime, as independent of ecclesiastical authorities. Some disgruntled
 politically motivated elements  stoked the fire of defiance and there were
ugly scenes at the place. False rumours  were spread  that  the church was
eager to get control of financial resources. When Bhisop visit


2016-10-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues

In Shashikala’s Kakodkar’s death Goa has lost a great leader. Goa’s second
Chief Minister, Shashikala Kakodkar was known as ‘Tai’ to us all. She took
over the reins of Goa on August 12, 1973 following the death of her father,
Goa’s first Chief Minister, Dayanand Bandodkar.  Shashikala Kakodkar was
India’s third lady Chief Minister, the first being Sucheta Kriplani (Uttar
Pradesh) and the second being Nandini Satpathy (Orissa). Shashikala
Kakodkar had a firm grip over the administration unlike some of the
subsequent Chief Ministers.

As a friend of the family, Shashikala’s three sons Yatin, Sameer and Abhay
we played together as children. Shashikala’s three boys were brought up as
normal kids never pampered or allowed to play truant unlike most children
of today’s tribe of politicians. In spite of her busy schedule as Chief
Minister, whenever I was at their Porvorim residence at lunch time she made
sure lunch was served at her hands.

In 1979 the student community proved to be a formidable force to be able to
challenge the then Government headed by Shashikala Kakodkar. It was the
kindling of student activism in Goa. It was the desire that the student
community in Goa should get 50% bus concession. The powerful bus owner's
lobby was being fully supported by the Shashikala Kakodkar Government. The
student agitation spread from Pernem to Canacona and within 13 days of
launching of the agitation the Shashikala Kakodkar Government decided to
concede to the demand of the student community for 50% bus concession.

During the same student agitation, on 7th Jan 1979 she was being
felicitated at Azad Maidan on her 44th birthday by a committee headed by
the late Mr. V.M Salgaoncar. As she was not conceding to our demand for 50
% bus concession we decided to demonstrate and disrupt her felicitation
function at Azad Maidan. We were successful and ended up with VM
Salgaoncar’s Mercedes car badly smashed in that chaotic evening. It was
just a coincidence that I later graduated in law from VM Salgaoncar’s

Shashikala Kakodkar was definitely never vindictive. Though I was a very
close family friend of the Kakodkar family, Shashikala respected my right
to oppose some of her government’s policies and decisions. And for this I
respected and always held her in the highest esteem. She was more than a
"Tai" to me. She was always very concerned about my well being.

Shashikala Kakodkar graciously conducted herself even after being out of
power. She at all times kept herself abreast with issues concerning Goa.
We should always remember the contribution of this great lady towards the
development of Goa and in particular the upliftment of the Bahujan Samaj.
May her Soul rest in eternal peace.

[Goanet] Getting started a restaurant in Goa.

2016-10-28 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Health benefits of Tamarind.

2016-10-28 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Easy listening selection........Libertango.......by Group Zamar.

2016-10-28 Thread Con Menezes


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


2016-10-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
In Shaskikala’s Kakodkar’s death Goa has lost a great leader. Goa’s second
Chief Minister, Shashikala Kakodkar was known as ‘Tai’ to us all. She took
over the reins of Goa on August 12, 1973 following the death of her father,
Goa’s first Chief Minister, Dayanand Bandodkar.  Shashikala Kakodkar was
India’s third lady Chief Minister, the first being Sucheta Kriplani (Uttar
Pradesh) and the second being Nandini Satpathy (Orissa). Shashikala
Kakodkar had a firm grip over the administration unlike some of the
subsequent Chief Ministers.

As a friend of the family, Shashikala’s three sons Yatin, Sameer and Abhay
we played together as children. Shashikala’s three boys were brought up as
normal kids never pampered or allowed to play truant unlike most children
of today’s tribe of politicians. In spite of her busy schedule as Chief
Minister, whenever I was at their Porvorim residence at lunch time she made
sure lunch was served at her hands.

In 1979 the student community proved to be a formidable force to be able to
challenge the then Government headed by Shashikala Kakodkar. It was the
kindling of student activism in Goa. It was the desire that the student
community in Goa should get 50% bus concession. The powerful bus owner's
lobby was being fully supported by the Shashikala Kakodkar Government. The
student agitation spread from Pernem to Canacona and within 13 days of
launching of the agitation the Shashikala Kakodkar Government decided to
concede to the demand of the student community for 50% bus concession.

During the same student agitation, on 7th Jan 1979 she was being
felicitated at Azad Maidan on her 44th birthday by a committee headed by
the late Mr. V.M Salgaoncar. As she was not conceding to our demand for 50
% bus concession we decided to demonstrate and disrupt her felicitation
function at Azad Maidan. We were successful and ended up with VM
Salgaoncar’s Mercedes car badly smashed in that chaotic evening. It was
just a coincidence that I later graduated in law from VM Salgaoncar’s

Shashikala Kakodkar was definitely never vindictive. Though I was a very
close family friend of the Kakodkar family, Shashikala respected my right
to oppose some of her government’s policies and decisions. And for this I
respected and always held her in the highest esteem. She was more than a
"Tai" to me. She was always very concerned about my well being.

Shashikala Kakodkar graciously conducted herself even after being out of
power. She at all times kept herself abreast with issues concerning Goa.
We should always remember the contribution of this great lady towards the
development of Goa and in particular the upliftment of the Bahujan Samaj.
May her Soul rest in eternal peace.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2016-10-28 Thread AIFF Media
Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the report regarding former footballers from Bengaluru
lauding Bengaluru FC's feat.



*NEW DELHI:* On eve of JSW Bengaluru FC's historical AFC Cup final date
with Iraq’s Air Force FC on November 5, 2016, yesteryear heroes from the
Garden City of India praised the Blues' untiring effort to attain the
enviable feat.

*READ MORE:* *https://www.the-aiff.com/news-center-details.htm?id=7570


For all other updates and all news and exclusive pictures please follow our
Official Twitter Handle @IndianFootball at

Also follow and like the Official Page of Indian Football Teams on Facebook
at *https://www.facebook.com/TheIndianFootballTeam

Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

[Goanet] Goa River Marathon - 2016 - Hurry, Register NOW !

2016-10-28 Thread Robin Viegas

From: Goa River Marathon 

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Goa River Marathon 2016

[Goanet] TWO WEEKS of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in Goa;

2016-10-28 Thread Pankaj Sekhsaria

TWO WEEKS of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in Goa;
 Oct 29 to Nov 10, 2016

A series of events by Pankaj Sekhsaria

Pankaj Sekhsaria is a member of the environmental action group, 
Kalpavriksh where he works on issues of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands 
and also edits the bi-monthly newsletter, the Protected Area Update. He 
is a freelance journalist, photographer and author, most recently, of 
The Last Wave – an island novel, a story based in the Andaman Islands. 
He has authored/edited three other, non-fiction books, two of which are 
based in the A&N Islands
	He graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Pune University in 1993 
and followed this with a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication from the 
Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, in 
1998. He was recently awarded a PhD in Science and Technology Studies 
(STS) from the Maastricht University, Netherlands, for his thesis 
‘Enculturing innovation – Indian engagements with nanotechnology.’

Starting early 2016, he’s been exhibiting his pictures of the Andaman & 
Nicobar Islands as part of the exhibition titled ‘Island Worlds…of land 
and sea’. This is a selection of pictures from 20 years of photography 
in the islands and all the pictures have been printed on silk fabric to 
create a new visual and aesthetic experience. ‘Island Worlds…’ was first 
exhibited in Pune in February 2016, then in Chennai in September and 
will be in Goa from Oct 29 to Nov 10.
See the following links for a review of the Pune 
exhibition and for a selection of pics that will form part of the 
1)	In the Hindu: 

The Last Wave is Pankaj’s debut novel. It is as much a novel based in 
the islands as it is a novel about the islands. The story of The Last 
Wave is deeply embedded in the ecology, history and people of the 
Andamans and has been critically acclaimed, and very well received.

For a review of the book in The Indian Express see here:

For the fb page of the novel see: 

Following are the details of the events as they will be taking place in Goa
Oct 29-Nov 10
‘Islands Worlds…of land and sea’ – the photo exhibition of the islands 
printed on silk at Carpe Diem, Majorda

Inauguration: Saturday, October 29, 6 pm
Oct 31
A presentation on the A&N islands, reading from The Last Wave and a 
discussion at 6 Assagao, Assagao, Time: 8 pm


Nov. 4
Reading from The Last Wave and a conversation with Rahul Chandawarkar on 
writing, photography and the islands at The Dogears Bookshop, Margao; 
Time: 5 pm


Nov. 8
A ppt presentation on the A&N islands at Carpe Diem, Majorda, 6pm

Pankaj Sekhsaria, PhD
Author, 'The Last Wave - An Island Novel', Harper Collins India, May 2014
Member, Kalpavriksh Environment Action Group

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pankaj.sekhsaria
twitter: https://twitter.com/pankajsekh


2016-10-28 Thread Mayabhushan


It’s been a while since I put out the first note about this story. Took me
a few days to tighten my guard. What to do? One doesn’t suffer a hacking
attempt everyday!
Poor sods perhaps believed these documents (unfortunately, there’s no video
this time :( ) came to me via email.
Here’s what I believe.
It’s the same story with most leaks really. Some guy quits an organisation,
disgruntled, with a chip on his shoulder and leaks information to someone
who can broadcast it.

Perhaps this was how I landed this information.
Anyway, enough about the potatoes, let’s get back to the meat and the gravy.

Five documents were leaked to me, presumably by a former employee of the
organisation. There was no note along with these sheets of pages, which
seem to be self explanatory.
Lets deal with the one-pager first.

This letter written in June last year by Datta Shetkar, who along with
Abhay Mishra ran/runs a brand consulting firm Brand Mentors and were
associated with the Herald newspaper for a few eventful years.

Datta, the author of the letter in an email to Herald General Manager
Michael Pereira, appears to be summarising an offer made by one Raja
Shukla, a business development consultant with a media industry background,
vis a vis implementing a central government scheme in Goa.

What’s significant here, is the open reference to corruption and cuts,
which Datta so non challantly describes in his email, which according to
him could be necessary to factor in, if the offer from Shukla is to be

Datta explains the bribes to be potentially paid in great detail.

He refers to them as “local bribes” and “cuts to panchayat secretaries”.
Like a masterful tailor, who knows how to snip and stitch a pair of
trousers, Datta goes on to explain even the ‘depth’ and ‘width’ of the

Another significant point made by Datta, is a reference made to the ruling
Bharatiya Janata Party in Goa, which he claims would want to corner a
lion’s share of scheme’s benefits and also expresses a fear about the BJP
possibly arm-twisting them by blocking the scheme-related funds.

At the bottom of the letter, Datta also says, that these are personal
Here are some key questions which this disclosure raises:

- Can those in the employ of a newspaper, which likes its readers to
believe, that it is at the front-lines of anti-corruption crusading, coolly
refer to ‘local bribes’ and ‘cuts to panch secretaries as ‘significant
upfront investment’?
How did the management respond to the author of the letter, who has
suggested, albeit as a personal view, a virtual a la carte listing of
bribes to be paid, in order to avail the benefits of a central government

Datta did telephonically respond to my questionnaire which I sent him in
the wee hours of Thursday.

He said, that he had never in his career asked or recommended to any of his
clients to offer a bribe to get things done. Datta also said that in the
past, he has had to let go of business, because he refused to indulge in

Datta also suggested that I may have interpreted this letter wrongly and
that he was only advising his client against the perils of the proposal.

He also suggested that the project discussed in the email came a cropper.

Now, the letter, comment and Datta's response is before you. Make your own


Questions to Datta

Dear Datta,

I am in the process of writing a social media story about suggestions made
by you, as part of Brand Mentors, to Herald, about paying bribes to obtain
government funding.

Would appreciate if you could respond to the queries below, which I will
incorporate in the story.

1) Did you ever suggest to your former associates, the Herald, about paying
of bribes to avail a government scheme and the funds it comes with?
2) While payment of bribes is not a rarity in government businesses, do you
think it is right to weave in payment of bribes, as part of an upfront
investment? Do you think this amounts to an attempt to institutionalise
corruption and a corrupt corporate governance practice?
3) Could you tell us what happened to the summary of the offer sent by you
to the Herald management in June 2015, where you made the bribery
suggestion? Was it accepted or ignored by the addressees?
4) What exactly does the 'depth' of a cut and a 'width' of a cut mean in
the context of a letter?

Would appreciate your response by around mid-day on Thursday.

best regards


P.S. For those who may have forgotten. The Louis Berger scam was all about
a private agency, Louis Berger, paying bribes to officials of a government
agency, in that case the Government of Goa, to lay its hands on a
government project and the funds which come with it.

[Goanet] U.S. charges 61 over India-based impersonation scam

2016-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...9. ANNA - Xavier Cugat and his Orchestra

2016-10-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
I remember this one, from then I was very young and we lived in a compound!
I suppose one would do a samba to this number?




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Goa uniform family laws

2016-10-28 Thread Pamela D'Mello