[Goanet] Bible verse for the Day

2020-08-21 Thread Devak Argham
Memorial of The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Luke 1: 30-33

30  Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found
favor with God.

31  Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall
name him Jesus.

32  He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord
God will give him the throne of David his father,

33  and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom
there will be no end.”

[Goanet] Whitewash, Red Stone - Paulo Varela Gomes (Joy Menezes)

2020-08-21 Thread Joy Menezes
Whitewash , Red Stone - Paulo Varela Gomes

This is one of the few books that gives chronological insight on the
evolution of the church architecture from a European to a Goan style. Gives
a detailed insight on the how various factors affected the architecture of
these churches and made them what they are today. This book also compares
Goa churches to the European ones to show the similarities and differences
between them.

[Goanet] Fortress and Forts of Goa - Dr P.P Shirodkar (Joy Menezes)

2020-08-21 Thread Joy Menezes
Fortress and Forts of Goa - Dr. P.P Shirodkar

This beautiful book written by Dr. P.P Shirodkar is the most comprehensive
guide to forts of Goa I've come across. Be it either Portuguese or of
Indian origin, this book covers most of them and gives detailed description
of each of them. This is the only book that covers all the fortress of Goa.

[Goanet] Goa Book Cover Challenge - An Outline of Pre-Portuguese History of Goa

2020-08-21 Thread Tanmay Pereira Naik
An Outline of Pre-Portuguese History of Goa - Gerald A. Pereira

What began as an MA thesis for my grandfather, ended up being one of the
few books to discuss Goa's history before its colonisation by the
Portuguese on 25 November 1510. Initially intending to explore the
Political History of Goa, he decided to complete his MA in History due to a
lack of professors for Politics in Bombay University. The thesis would not
have been possible without the help of the likes of Prof. Pandurang
Pissurlekar, Gomant Vibhushan Lambert Mascarenhas, and the eminent Dr. D.
D. Kosambi.

The book begins with the early settlers like the Gaud Saraswat Brahmins and
the Aryans, going on to describe Goa under the Bhojas, Mauryas, Silaharas
and the Kadambas. Later chapters cover the empires of Vijayanagara, the
Mohemedans and finally, the Portuguese conquest of Goa.

The cover of the book depicts the Mahadeva Temple at Tambdi Surla, Sanguem,
and the back cover depicts the Buddhist caves at Harvalem, known better for
their Shivalingas. The book was self-published in 1973.


"Cogito ergo sum" - I think, therefore, I am.

Re: [Goanet] 2020 Goa Book Cover Challenge - Goa: A Daughter's Story, written by Maria Aurora Couto,

2020-08-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
Fatima, you better pray that Dr Couto doesn't notice that you call her work
a novel :-)  Otherwise helpful and informative. Thank you! FN

On Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 22:27, Maria Fatima Pais 

> Day 2: Book 2  #2020GBCC
> <
> https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/2020gbcc?__eep__=6&source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG
> >
> Goa: A Daughter's Story, written by Maria Aurora Couto,
> This novel takes you through the history of Goa, through various invasions
> and the occupation by the Portuguese 450 years ago, the influence the
> Marathas and the Portuguese had on culture of the people.  She touches upon
> the topic of religious persecution under the Portuguese and the forced
> conversions to Christianity, a subject still not openly talked about.  I
> have always been inquisitive about this and the caste system among
> Christian Goans.  The story moves naturally to the state of affairs in
> modern day Goa.
> Maria Fatima Pais
> New Delhi
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

Re: [Goanet] Government of the Fukot, for the Fukot, by the Fukot

2020-08-21 Thread Roland Francis
Disgraceful on the part of the Goa Govt, but I am not surprised.

The official would probably have charged the Department for the “purchase”
of the pictures, pocketed the money and given you ‘credit’.


On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 8:52 AM Rajan Parrikar  wrote:

> A week ago I received an email from the Goa government (GTDC) asking if
> they could use one of my Ganesha images. I replied saying that I would be
> glad to provide a quote for an image license. They, of course, wanted it
> for free. They were going to bestow on me “credit” for my own photo. How
> benevolent.
> This is par for the course. People write saying they they will “credit”
> me for my photo. If you create something, credit is intrinsic to you,
> the creator of that artwork. Nobody else gets to award it to you.
> You wouldn’t think of giving “credit” to services you regularly pay
> for, would you? The next time you are at a doctor’s office try saying you
> will give her “credit” for the treatment you received. Or when you next
> hire an interior designer, tell him you will give him “credit” for his work
> instead of payment.
> The same Goa government that routinely squanders crores of rupees of
> taxpayer money on extravagant galas and lavish personal expenses
> of ministers & cronies does not have a budget to license a photo. Remember
> the Great Leader wanted to send a posse to Brazil at your expense for the
> football World Cup? Truly an “extraordinary life” if you can spend
> someone else’s crores living it up!

I am relieved, by the way. The last thing I desire is doing business
> with any arm of the Goa or Indian government. But they are not getting
> anything for fukot from me. It takes time, sweat, and coin to produce high
> quality imagery.

Raja Parrikar
> --
Roland Francis

[Goanet] #2020-GBCC

2020-08-21 Thread Eric Pinto
A Hundred experiences by one of Goa's prominent photographers Pantaleao
Fernandes. Very well illustrated book. Mapusa market on Friday is a
veritable haunt. Artist Orijit Sen had a whole room devoted to the town
with its quaint shops in the little nooks and crannies. But that's another
You can even " Mingle at a village feast " and " Toll the bells at Naguesh
Temple ", one of the oldest temples in Goa.
Eric Pinto

[Goanet] UK: Zoom Webinar Goans in Britain Part of South Asian Heritage Month 18 August 2020 ? Observations by Rose Fernandes

2020-08-21 Thread augusto pinto
Rose Fernandes asks some interesting questions as to why Goans come to
England which I've excerpted below my post.

She says she doesn't understand why Goans leave their decent houses and go
to England where they frequently have to stay in at best one room in a
shared house.

She is essentialy referring to the Goans who have got to England by the
Portuguese passport route fairly recently, unlike those like her migrated
there from East Africa.

The reasons are indeed complex and my friend the erudite Late Prof. Alito
Sequeira of Goa University's Sociology Department once suggested to me some
of those reasons.

While the economic argument is no doubt at the base of migration, the
status of a person within Goa is another very important factor. And status
in Goa has as much to do with class as well as caste. Political status may
be yet another factor.

Getting a job in Goa is a highly competitive affair, but the problem gets
exacerbated for Goans because there are numerous kinds of jobs which reduce
a person's status. Most of these jobs are linked to manual labour which is
closely linked to the caste system (incidentally I also speak about
Christians who doctrinally can't have a caste, but those who know Goa well,
know better.)

Mind you, many of these jobs can earn a person a more than decent living,
but there are few takers among Goans and these are being done by migrants
to Goa from other parts of India.

When they however go abroad, they can work at a variety of jobs which they
would never do in Goa, as they couldn't care less what others in England
think, and by and large people in England don't give a damn about what
other people like them do.

And on the occasional opportunities they get to go back to Goa, their
status is up there with the best as they can go out to good restaurants and
do other good things

In the meantime when they take the wife and children, they can hope they
will be able to improve their status like the Africander Goans did over a
period of time.

Finally there is also the issue of political status: in England, a small
country, you have Keith and Valery Vaz, Suella Braverman, Priti Patel among
others who can aspire to high political status. People who migrate to
England perceive (whether rightly or not I don't know for sure) that they
are going to a more egalitarian society where they can hope to rise to the
top over a period of time.

In Goa and India, particularly in the Goan Catholic community, they see
little hope in the future politically.

There may be other reasons, but I will stop here.

"Dr Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes outlined two reasons for the 21st century
migration of Goans, through the Portuguese passport, to Britain.   Firstly,
the opening of the border between Goa and the rest of India resulting in
free movement of labour causing a ?competition for jobs? in Goa.
 Secondly, the local Goan observing the spending power by visitors coming
from abroad, a visual sign that people who have ventured abroad had made
and were making it ?big?.   However, I find this quite the reverse speaking
to my circle of friends, the 21st century Goan migration also consists of
Catholic Goans who have left well paid and secure jobs in Goa coupled with
a wonderful lifestyle, and headed for the UK.   In fact, just the other
day, one of our friends announced that he was leaving his big ?villa in the
sun? in Goa and heading to the UK where, I assured him, there was no hope
at all of him having an equivalent lifestyle here and definitely not the
same sized property!   At best, one room in a
 shared house.   So are the real reasons for Goans coming to the UK more
complex, are they multiple faceted, do we have to dig deeper for the truth
and is there any hope of finding it?

Turning to the ?competition for jobs? did those who migrated to the UK
really think there was no local competition in the UK for jobs?   Or were
they prepared to do jobs no one wanted to do in the UK?

The coronavirus pandemic has certainly put things in perspective in UK and
Goa.   Fast forward to August 2020 in Goa Today for the life of cross
border migrants captured in a short film ?Trapped in Paradise? These people
came to fill the void left by the 21st Century Catholic Goans, click link


As a 20th Century Goan, when I first came into this country there was an
advertisement ?Happiness is a Cigar called Hamlet?.   My observations of
21st Century Goans are that they are no longer content with their previous
lifestyle of rice, curry and fish.   Instead ?Happiness is a watch called
Rolex? or ?Happiness is a car called Rolls Royce?, while some people are
still dreaming of their first second hand Mercedes Benz parked outside.
Status is more important in Goa than in the UK hence the need to acquire
and ?flash their cash? by any means possible.

Rose Fernandes"

[Goanet] 2020 Goa Book Cover Challenge - Goa: A Daughter's Story, written by Maria Aurora Couto,

2020-08-21 Thread Maria Fatima Pais
Day 2: Book 2  #2020GBCC

Goa: A Daughter's Story, written by Maria Aurora Couto,

This novel takes you through the history of Goa, through various invasions
and the occupation by the Portuguese 450 years ago, the influence the
Marathas and the Portuguese had on culture of the people.  She touches upon
the topic of religious persecution under the Portuguese and the forced
conversions to Christianity, a subject still not openly talked about.  I
have always been inquisitive about this and the caste system among
Christian Goans.  The story moves naturally to the state of affairs in
modern day Goa.

Maria Fatima Pais
New Delhi

[Goanet] 2020 Goa Book Cover Campaign

2020-08-21 Thread Sneha Umarye
Book Title: Ek Kali Umaltanach
Language: Marathi
Author Name: Sushma Vachasundar
Post by: Sneha Umarye


This is a memoir, written by a mother, describing her daughter’s life
journey from Goa to Russia. This is a story of Anagha’s short yet
courageous life. This is a story of her determined fight against destiny.
This is a story of a Goan, teenage girl who lived short but inspired many.
She suffered from a chronic disease of Achondroplasia. Pain is agonising.
But how to handle it calmly, with a smile on face is what this real story
tells us. Living her battling life, challenging the medical science, Anagha
passed away in July 2000. It fills one with hope despite all the pain.

Publisher: Aasus Publications, P.D.A. Colony, Porvorim Pin 403521

[Goanet] A game of his own ... In this biography, Parrikar emerges as an astute leader, adept in manipulative politics, but with accomplishments way behind his potential. (MK CHANDRA BOSE, Deccan Hera

2020-08-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
The book is a sympathetic political biography mirroring the quicksand
politics of Goa. Between 1990 and 2000, the tiny state saw 13 chief
ministers. Based on personal accounts of near and dear ones, RSS
contemporaries, IITians, bureaucrats and politicians, the authors build a
portrait of Parrikar as an astute leader, quick to understand complex
issues, adept in manipulative politics and power hungry, with
accomplishments way behind his potential.

FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436


2020-08-21 Thread Bernado Colaco
 RIP Anand Madgaokar. I remember the sports competitions in the 70's and 80's 
at the Campal Stadium (possibly the only good thing that happened after 61). 
Madgaokar was a top badminton player of those days. 

In the death of our dear Annand V. Madgavkar Goa has lost a true great Goan
who was always so concerned about the State. He was totally committed to
the welfare of Goa. An outsanding sportsman and a very successful
businessman he was. Over the years he was closely and dedicatedly
associated with numerous public agitations on various issues concerning
Goa.  A so cheerful and fun loving soul Annand always was.

.Aires Rodrigues


[Goanet] Schedule for Saturday 22nd August 2020

2020-08-21 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smart phone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Saturday 22nd August 2020

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:24 AM
Psalm 51 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

12:30 AM
Novem Jivit - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

12:56 AM
Music - Nimanne Jevonn - George Coelho

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Friday

1:45 AM
Vocation  - A Prophetic Call - Talk by Sr Sirisha Kota

1:57 AM
Poem - Ankvar Marie by Sandhya Fernandes

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:25 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 39 - Gay ani Vag - Fr. Pratap Naik sj

2:33 AM
Fuddarache Dive -  Joel Rodrigues interviewed by Michael Gracias

3:02 AM
Poilo Updes - Talk by Adv F.E Noronha

3:50 AM
Hymns - St Joseph H.S. Usgao

3:55 AM
53rd Mando Festival - Old Goachi Porzolit Fulam  - Teenager

4:08 AM
Music - Glory to You  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

4:40 AM
Youthopia - Joash Mendonca - TT Unpire interviewed by Tancia Pires

5:05 AM
Tell me a story - Wedding Feast at Cana

5:28 AM
Prophetic Role of Religious - Talk by Sr Saral

5:40 AM
Gift of Tongues - Talk by Sr Elsis Mathew MSMI

6:06 AM
Play - Attraversiamo - Tyron Souza & Marvin Fernandes

6:18 AM
Vinoti - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

6:45 AM
My Music Video - Bore Khobreche Dut Zaum-ia -  Cielda Pereira

6:50 AM
My  Music Videos - Jezu Mhojo Raja - Myran Travasso

6:57 AM
Morning Prayer  - Our Lady Queen and Mother

7:00 AM
Mass from Chorao followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:45 AM
Bhajans 5

8:07 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem   - Our Lady Queen and Mother

8:12 AM
Music - Abide in Me  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

8:43 AM
Talk - Tumi Mhoje Govai - Fr Freddy Braganca

9:05 AM
The Sick Need Jesus - Fr Denis D'Souza

9:28 AM
Magnificat (Konkani)

9:30 AM
Testimony - Neville Fernandes

9:43 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  103 Mazor  - Fr Pratap Naik sj

9:50 AM
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi - Felix da Cruz interviewed by Daniel de Souza

10:23 AM
Biblical Web Series - Eps 3 - DCBA

10:27 AM
Ganesh Chaturthi ani Igorzmateachi Xikovnn - Sem Slater Alemao

10:35 AM
Maka Bitorli Pekovnni Zai Mhunn Koxi Kollta - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

11:05 AM
Do you fear? - Homily by Fr Patrick Viegas on Pentecost

11:18 AM
Intercessions (English)

11:30 AM
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

12:15 PM
The Holy Eucharist - Talk By Msgr. Alex Rebello

12:53 PM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 6

12:55 PM
Couples Prayer (Konkani)

1:00 PM
Prophetic Intercession 2 - Cyril John

1:25 PM
Falling in Love - Love versus Lust - Hosted by Judie D'Cunha

1:57 PM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 9

2:05 PM
On the Third Day - Eps 2 - Managing Soil-borne disease - Nelson Figueiredo
and Joaqiuim D'Souza

2:30 PM
My Music Video - Bore Khobreche Dut Zaum-ia -  Cielda Pereira

2:35 PM
Poem - Ruzai by Sandhya Fernandes

2:38 PM
Hymn - Sonvsarachi Ranni- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

2:43 PM
Hymns - O.L. of Merces H.S. Merces

2:46 PM
Prayer of Grandparents - English

2:48 PM
Documentary - Scanner

3:04 PM
Ask Dr Sweezel - Ice Pack or Moist pack?

3:08 PM
Psalm 95 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

3:12 PM
Music - Devache Mate - Victor Da Costa

3:15 PM
Skit  - Reach out the World Needs You - St Thomas Parish Catechetical
Apostolate, Aldona

3:24 PM
Bible Project - Heaven and Earth

3:30 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet

3:40 PM
Atmik Margdorxon - Ek Niyall 2 - Br. Malvino Alfonso OCD

3:55 PM
Hymn - Sacred Heart - Brian Colaco

4:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 9

5:00 PM
Praise and Worship -  Youth United for Christ (YU4C)

5:28 PM
Share the Good News - Fr Fernando da Costa

6:16 PM
Angelus - English

6:18 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

6:30 PM
Novena Mass 8 from Chorao followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:15 PM
Seven Sorrows of Mary - Fr Pio Furtado sfx

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:55 PM
Hymn - Maie Kaklutin Ge Bhorlole - Assencia Fernandes

8:00 PM
Media Track  - Episode 52

8:30 PM
Catechism for Confirmation -1

8:53 PM
Ganesh Chaturthi and Church Teachings - Sem Melito DCosta

9:00 PM
Adoration 5 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

9:30 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:46 PM
Holy Spirit  Talk by Fr Henry Falcao

10:37 PM
Mil Mel Nel Show - II

11:05 PM
Food Quest - Food Engine - Joel Moniz

11:29 PM
Hymn - All  over the world, the Spirit is moving -  Fr Seville Antao

11:32 PM
The Earth - Our Home - Sand Mining

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] The caste system in India

2020-08-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
You might disagree with some of the things said here:

FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Book 2-2020GBCC

2020-08-21 Thread Armenia Fernandes
2020 Goa Book Cover Challenge
Sorrowing Lies My Land by Lambert Mascarenhas
Considered the first novel in English by a Goan author, SLML traces the
hopes, loss and pathos of Tobias Costa’s family against the backdrop of
socio-political change sweeping across Portuguese Goa. Makes for an
engrossing read.
Best regards,

*Armenia Fernandes*

Mobile: +91 9822696807
Email:   armen...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Government of the Fukot, for the Fukot, by the Fukot

2020-08-21 Thread Rajan Parrikar
A week ago I received an email from the Goa government (GTDC) asking if
they could use one of my Ganesha images. I replied saying that I would be
glad to provide a quote for an image license. They, of course, wanted it
for free. They were going to bestow on me “credit” for my own photo. How

This is par for the course. People write saying they they will “credit” me
for my photo. If you create something, credit is intrinsic to you, the
creator of that artwork. Nobody else gets to award it to you.

You wouldn’t think of giving “credit” to services you regularly pay for,
would you? The next time you are at a doctor’s office try saying you will
give her “credit” for the treatment you received. Or when you next hire an
interior designer, tell him you will give him “credit” for his work instead
of payment.

The same Goa government that routinely squanders crores of rupees of
taxpayer money on extravagant galas and lavish personal expenses of
ministers & cronies does not have a budget to license a photo. Remember the
Great Leader wanted to send a posse to Brazil at your expense for the
football World Cup? Truly an “extraordinary life” if you can spend someone
else’s crores living it up!

I am relieved, by the way. The last thing I desire is doing business with
any arm of the Goa or Indian government. But they are not getting anything
for fukot from me. It takes time, sweat, and coin to produce high quality

Here is the transcript of the exchange. The name of the official has been


Rajan Parrikar

[Goanet] Book2

2020-08-21 Thread Armenia Fernandes

[Goanet] Widow remarriage a new beginning

2020-08-21 Thread Nelson Lopes
Human approach most welcomed

It is  most gratifying experience to make the life of others happy  by
being magnanimous  in  our attitudes , behaviour and actions. It is a
gesture of selflessness the other being First at a personal sacrifice
A NEWLY wedded couple was in for a big surprise .Within months of happy,
love  marriage  the husband was diagnosed  with  terminal stage of cancer
and passed away within a year.The wife was heart broken , shatteted and
desperate  .The sweet mother  in  law , inspite of her sorrow stood  by her
,comforted her and convinced her of life ahead without being lonely  .She
motivated her to begin her life afresh .It was on one such occasion her
husband  good friend proposed to her.She was shocked and taken a back   and
refused politely She confided with her mother in law.,
Who encouraged her to think very seriously ,forgetting her sentimental
feelings about her own son  .The decision was not very easy but both the
families  supported her to take the opportunity of a new beginning .
Fortunately   she had no issue   and encumbrances .The society may not be
very receptive to these actions, but finally it is their own life and they
have the right to make their choice  They were married the mother in law
giving her away at the church ceremony. It was a tearful, happy occasion
for all
In another similar example the newly married couple had  grandiose plans
for their  future .Unfortunately within six months the husband passed away
in an accident .The  grief stricken mother in law was very supportive of
her entering into a new life, as she had long years ahead. The daughter in
law  did not appreciate her idea and wrongly presumed that she wanted to
get rid of her . After a year and constant prodding by mother in law she
finally  chaged her mind  and decided to share the rest of  her life with
her husband friend, who was most willing to be her life partner.  Initially
there was fierce opposition from girls family, but mother in law stood lije
a rock  for her and persuaded her to go ahead, which she finally did  .Both
the husbands were bachelor .As of today they are a fine   adjusting couple
living happily
They maintain friendly and cordial relations  with their mother in laws who
made a difference to them
THE third example   the husband expired living a young  bride and a child.
The girls parents were a  strong force  of motivation  but the mother  in
law was reluctant and un supporting . The selfish reason  being  her own
security,   disguised as concern for  the child and family inheritance .
The husband was also a bachelor  . In all the 3 examples they have children
of their own and are living a harmonious life without any stigma or  caring
for social disapproval
How wonderful that the society is changing it's hard attitudes and there is
a new horizon  of  appreciation ,accommodation,  acceptance  of reality
.The maximum support must come from both the parents  without being selfish
about own security  wealth and inheritance issues  These examples are
really inspirational agaisnt  aged old  traditions and customs which offer
a  new ray of hope and promise in the lives of unfortunate  widows. The
admiration for mother in laws, thinking out of box  and obliquely is

Master  Melburn  Lauriston Furtado, Assumpta Convent with a score of 521 AT
SSC 2020 ,GBSHSE is the First Boy in A.V C.  He receives Rs  4575 cash  in
founded awards with citations  as follows  Mr Benjamin Silva, late Mr
Martin Coutinho and late Mr n MRS Renato Leena Mascarenhas awards welcome


[Goanet] Goans in Britain -The latest Zoom Session

2020-08-21 Thread Mervyn Maciel
Mr. Ravi Vaz and the Goan Association(U.K.) are to
be congratulated on staging this interesting Zoom
session with two prominent Goan Speakers -
The Rt. Hon. Suella(Fernandes) Braverman and
Dr. Stella Mascarenhas in attendance.
  For anyone thinking that the Goan Association(UK)
is not alive and kicking, they need to think again.

Mervyn Maciel


2020-08-21 Thread Stephen Dias
All authorities which includes CCP, CAPT OF PORTS , GSIDC AND RESIDENTS are
busy with the renovation of their structures at Miramar. There is totally
no transparency what it is going on in Miramar as the constructions are
seen in full swing. Behind Pergola still nobody knows what kind of
construction is coming up in this area and what is the purpose of it.
Several months before we have seen  work of cementing on the beach area is
taking place by using JCBs and the  whole stretch of this belt is also
under renovation with GSIDC. We know that a huge construction for late
Parrikar Samadhi is coming up which is going to close the entrance to
Miramar beach in this side which was once upon a time was a free access to
those who wanted to go for  sea bathing especially for elders who have
contracted with artrites and rheumatism and now this passage is blocked.
Today ( 20th Aug) I saw a Cross at Miramar were seen  people are praying at
open area is being closed with metallic sheets and some few housing nearby
have also started their renovation work.
We, the Panjimite are puzzled the way such illegal or legal constructions
are going on having no transparency at all but we know only that our
Miramar beach is being destroyed.
Better sense may prevail on governnent authorities who don't realise the
importance of beach which we have enjoyed our olden days passing our time
happily sitting on beach side.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula


2020-08-21 Thread Nelson Lopes

Master  Melburn  Lauriston Furtado, Assumpta Convent with a score of 521 AT
SSC 2020 ,GBSHSE is the First Boy in A.V C.  He receives Rs  4575 cash  in
founded awards with citations  as follows  Mr Benjamin Silva, late Mr
Martin Coutinho and late Mr n MRS Renato Leena Mascarenhas awards


2020-08-21 Thread Aires Rodrigues
All the best wishes to my fellow Senior Citizens on World Senior Citizens
Day. It is my first. It does seem at all like being a Senior Citizen.
Looking forward to my first flight soon as a Senior Citizen. It will be to
Shillong to spend a few days in Meghalaya. Stay young and Stay safe.

* “Nobody Grows Old Merely by Living a Number of Years. We Grow Old by
Deserting Our Ideals. Years May Wrinkle the Skin, but to Give Up Enthusiasm
Wrinkles the Soul.” – Samuel Ullman*

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Once Upon a time in Aparanta

2020-08-21 Thread Bernado Colaco
 The North Indians think Goa is a place of rock and roll similar to the Cuba of 
Fulgencio Batista. Women and booze is easily available. Besides they are 
bhingtankars meaning tight fisted. Nuttin will come out from their pockets. 
I picked up this book after reading the back cover of the book which begins
this way and a few other reviews of the book which talk about the state of
Goa as it is today, especially about people from other cities wanting to
settle there.  I'm a Goan living in Delhi and I sometimes wonder why the
Goans seem to hate North Indians so much when on the other hand, Delhi
people who come to know I am from Goa love me all the more for it!!

Maria Fatima Pais


[Goanet] UK: Zoom Webinar Goans in Britain Part of South Asian Heritage Month 18 August 2020 – Observations by Rose Fernandes

2020-08-21 Thread MELVYN FERNANDES
UK: Zoom Webinar Goans in Britain Part of South Asian Heritage Month

18 August 2020 – Observations by Rose Fernandes

In his opening address, Ravi Vaz (from minute 3.34) spoke of “food parcels to 
600 families in the UK” and Suella Braverman (minute 7.13) thanked Ravi and his 
team for the “6,000 food parcels through volunteer’s effort”.   These two 
unverified statements clearly indicate that with the current coronavirus 
pandemic, at least for some families that have come from Goa or other parts of 
the world and made UK their home, the dream is fast turning into the sad 
reality of “Breadline Britain”.

Dr Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes outlined two reasons for the 21st century migration 
of Goans, through the Portuguese passport, to Britain.   Firstly, the opening 
of the border between Goa and the rest of India resulting in free movement of 
labour causing a “competition for jobs” in Goa.   Secondly, the local Goan 
observing the spending power by visitors coming from abroad, a visual sign that 
people who have ventured abroad had made and were making it “big”.   However, I 
find this quite the reverse speaking to my circle of friends, the 21st century 
Goan migration also consists of Catholic Goans who have left well paid and 
secure jobs in Goa coupled with a wonderful lifestyle, and headed for the UK.   
In fact, just the other day, one of our friends announced that he was leaving 
his big “villa in the sun” in Goa and heading to the UK where, I assured him, 
there was no hope at all of him having an equivalent lifestyle here and 
definitely not the same sized property!   At best, one room in a shared house.  
 So are the real reasons for Goans coming to the UK more complex, are they 
multiple faceted, do we have to dig deeper for the truth and is there any hope 
of finding it?

Turning to the “competition for jobs” did those who migrated to the UK really 
think there was no local competition in the UK for jobs?   Or were they 
prepared to do jobs no one wanted to do in the UK?

The coronavirus pandemic has certainly put things in perspective in UK and Goa. 
  Fast forward to August 2020 in Goa Today for the life of cross border 
migrants captured in a short film “Trapped in Paradise” These people came to 
fill the void left by the 21st Century Catholic Goans, click link below: 


As a 20th Century Goan, when I first came into this country there was an 
advertisement “Happiness is a Cigar called Hamlet”.   My observations of 21st 
Century Goans are that they are no longer content with their previous lifestyle 
of rice, curry and fish.   Instead “Happiness is a watch called Rolex” or 
“Happiness is a car called Rolls Royce”, while some people are still dreaming 
of their first second hand Mercedes Benz parked outside.  Status is more 
important in Goa than in the UK hence the need to acquire and “flash their 
cash” by any means possible.  

Rose Fernandes

Thornton Heath


20 August 2020


2020-08-21 Thread Oscar Carmino Lobo
Dear Adv Rodrigues

Thank you for giving us
information about the Governor Mr Satya Pal Malik that has been transferred

There does not appear to be any adverse feed back about the Govenor. Is
there any way that public can ask the Governor General the basis in which
Mr Malik was transferred?

Thank you.
Oscar Lobo

On Thu, 20 Aug. 2020, 5:25 pm Aires Rodrigues, 

> It was known two weeks ago that Chief Minister Pramod Sawant had managed to
> convince his High Command that Satya Pal Malik should be removed as Goa
> Governor. The decision at the highest level was taken and all that they
> were waiting was for the Independence Day ceremony to be over.
> The post of Governor is an important constitutional post and as the Chief
> executive of the State has Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Financial
> powers amongst other discretionary powers to ensure the smooth running of a
> State. When the Government of the day abdicates in its duty the Governor is
> duty bound to step in, and Satya Pal Malik intervened in the State’s
> interest on issues like Mhadei, Mining, COVID crisis and that skewed move
> of the Government to construct a new Raj Bhavan.  He was also so keen that
> Goa should focus on agriculture and avoid environmental degradation.
> The very unceremonial shunting of Satya Pal Malik was in bad taste. Goa has
> lost out on a gregarious personality with a robust heart who has always
> been a socialist. He was indeed a good listener with a very clear mind and
> believed in achieving results. A very caring and considerate soul he was.
> We have lost a very modest, practical Governor who believed in delivering
> good governance to the poorest of the poor. He was very anguished and
> pained at the manner in which Goa was being misgoverned.
> With a very irresponsible and insensitive Government in power, our only
> saving grace was that in Satya Pal Malik we had a very proactive and astute
> Governor who did not tolerate or approve any reckless actions and wrong
> decisions.
> In his just 10 month tenure in Goa the very amiable Governor Malik was very
> popular and became the people’s voice while making the Raj Bhavan
> accessible to the common man. He had a mind of his own and to Chief
> Minister Pramod Sawant’s dismay Satya Pal Malik very rightly refused to be
> a rubber stamp Governor.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires
> www.airesrodrigues.com


2020-08-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
Aires, were these the same guys who were beating up people in Goa during
the recent ultra stringent early days of the lockdown? FN

On Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 11:36, Aires Rodrigues 

> The Central Government is duty bound to ensure on a priority the utmost
> well being of the officers and constabulary of the Central Industrial
> Security Force (CISF). It is so horrifying to see the pathetic working and
> living conditions of these personnel who are shunted around the country
> wherever their services are requisitioned.
> It is so painful that due to the work related stress, the suicide rate
> amongst the CISF is very high.  This force which works so dedicatedly and
> very professionally, at times even putting their lives at risk must be well
> taken care of.

> Prime Minister Narendra Modi must ensure that the salaries, perks and
> benefits of the CISF and the welfare of their families is enhanced to
> commensurate with the extremely hard work they put in their line of duty.

> The government must Walk the Talk and 'Sab ka Saath Sab Ka Vikas' cannot be
> its hollow slogan. If the Government does not come to the rescue of the
> toiling CISF, this would be a fit case for the National Human Rights
> Commission to intervene.

[Goanet] The Souza Evolution (GQ India, August 2020)

2020-08-21 Thread V M

In the middle of May, earlier this year, an important moment in Indian art
history played out in the unlikely location of Safed, perched high in the
mountains of Galilee in Israel.

The young Goan-British-Israeli artist Solomon Souza recalls it as “an
end-of-the-world, last supply-run type of thing” because lockdown had been
temporarily lifted, while the Covid-19 pandemic continued to rage
throughout the region. He was taking the opportunity to say goodbye to his
mother before moving to Jerusalem and “a perfect studio set-up”. Even while
he was getting into his car to leave, Keren Souza-Kohn came to him “with a
large roll of canvas in her arms. I could see it was old, dog-eared and

That dusty bundle turned out to be an extremely consequential gift from the
past, directly from the hands of the great, pioneering modernist painter
(and founder of the seminal Progressive Artists Group of the 1940s) Francis
Newton Souza.

Solomon says, “It had belonged to my grandfather, and must have been the
last roll he ever bought. My mother had procured it after helping to clean
out his apartment in New York soon after his death in India in 2002, and
she’d been holding onto it for almost 20 years. Now it was being passed on
to the next generation, and I felt its powerful potential the moment it
touched my hands. I knew his canvas could only be used to pay homage to my

The results of this extraordinary passing of the baton are in your hands.
GQ readers are immensely privileged to bear witness to this startling,
eye-popping, irresistibly compelling and utterly gorgeous international
public debut. Solomon says, “I’ve taken up my grandfather’s brutal style,
his shocking colours and heavy-hitting lines. Moving as he did, I attempt
to allow the canvas the privilege of feeling as it would if Souza himself
was painting upon it.”

As anyone familiar with both artists’ oeuvres will be able to attest, these
new paintings on weathered canvas are all Solomon, yet also bear the
signature imprints of his grandfather’s artistic DNA. The three heads are
uncannily reminiscent of Souza’s talismanic 1955 Six Gentlemen Of Our
Times, although serene, where the originals were spiky with fury. But it is
the painting of the young couple that truly takes the breath away, with its
lightning strike of museum-calibre genius, along with clear echoes of the
superb 1940s oils on board that first made Francis Newton’s reputation.

Solomon says these subjects “are leaving behind them the distant smog, the
strain of city life, with the future in their hands, and the tools with
which to tend to our damaged, cracked and dry earth, and the seeds of
potential it contains.” In fact, much the same can be said about this early
work: his first truly mature and self-contained painting, his only major
artwork to directly confront and embrace his Indian heritage. Souza is
dead. Long live the new Souza.

It’s been a wild ride over the past year for Solomon. In January, even as
the Covid-19 contagion spread stealthily across Europe, but just before its
presence turned the world upside-down, he found himself strapped into an
extensive safety harness that was dangling from the business end of a crane
at Stamford Bridge, the hallowed 143-year-old stadium home of Chelsea
Football Club in London.

This was the biggest career moment in the young (he turned 27 in July)
artist’s life, capping an extraordinary series of highlights, which had
culminated in his debut in India last December – the ancestral land of his
grandfather. For several magical weeks, he’d roamed Goa on a scooter laden
with cans of spray paint, creating murals of unsung Goan heroes, from the
Goan-Angolan anti-colonial freedom fighter Sita Valles to the nonagenarian
artist Vamona Navelcar, for the Serendipity Arts Festival that immediately
attracted considerable attention and acclaim.

But now was the really big time: a personal commission from Roman
Abramovich (the Russian-Israeli billionaire owner of Chelsea) to
commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz – the
notorious Nazi concentration camp, where an estimated 1.1 million people

Solomon knew all about the subject of his paintings: three footballers who
had been condemned to Auschwitz (two of them perished, the third was a
British prisoner of war who survived to return home). And there was another
more personal inspiration too: It was the memory of his grandmother
Liselotte Kristian (née Kohn), who fled Prague immediately after the Nazi
invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939, and had been studying acting at the
storied Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London when she met the
hungry-eyed FN Souza. Most of that Jewish branch of Solomon’s family tree
perished in the Holocaust.

The Chelsea commission allowed him to pay tribute to them, in ways which
offered up both memorialisation and closure. But there was an additional
intriguing plot twist