[Goanet] TRIBUTE: Norbert Rego, who knew something of everything and everything of page-making (by Dr Olav Albuquerque)

2023-11-15 Thread Goanet Reader
By Dr Olav Albuquerque

Norbert Rego, who passed away on Monday, November 13, 2023,
at the age of 70 years, was my colleague and friend for
several decades in The Times of India (ToI) at Mumbai.  He
spent over 40 years in the ToI and adeptly brought out the
Sunday Review much before some staffers were removed and it
was shut down. He knew exactly what to say and how to say
it. And what is more -- how to display it using banner
headlines which adroitly fit into the space which kept
changing with the changing advertisement position.

Norbert was ailing for two days before he died of a heart
attack on the afternoon of November 13. He was admitted to
hospital and discharged. After he returned home, he was
feeling uneasy until the end came on Monday afternoon.

  I knew him as a warm, friendly, courteous and
  diligent human being.  More than that, he was a
  competent professional, bringing out the Sunday
  Review with feisty headlines, witty acronyms and
  uplifting visuals to inject dull and prosaic copy
  with vivacity, sparkle and life.

When I first knew him, he was working under Fatma Zakaria,
the mother of the now US-based noted journalist Fareed
Zakaria.  She later joined The Daily, a tabloid launched by
Russy Karanjia, a colourful and irreverent tabloid, which
however folded up like its sister-publication the Blitz.

Norbert would frequently chat with me in the fourth floor
canteen of The Times of India building at Fort, opposite what
is now known as Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus.  And sometimes,
another journo, the Goan-origin Ivan Fera, from the
Illustrated Weekly of India, would join us in the canteen for
a cup of tea or snacks which were heavily subsidized and cost
one rupee or more -- something unbelievable today.

Ivan Fera later died of cancer, at the age of 36.  He never
told a soul he was suffering from this killer illness.

  Our discussions would cover politics, law, science
  and technology.  Norbert was an aficionado, who
  knew something of everything and everything about
  page-making and page-design.  Apart from writing
  crisp copy.

After we spoke, Norbert would rush off to meet his deadline
which crept up every week.  Before that, he would phone
contributors to coax them to meet their deadlines.  And when
they did, with shoddy copy, he would phone them again with a
diplomatic touch asking to clarify a badly-written phrase

Norbert was the President of The Catholic Staff Association
of The Times of India and managed this Association very well
with the Secretary of the Association, Sylvester Lobo, who
was a chief sub-editor in Science Today, before it closed
down.  Sylvester Lobo and this writer worked under the then
feisty and outspoken Publishing-Director, Pritish Nandy, the
anti-thesis of Girilal Jain, who was dour, kept to himself,
and nearly always wore a suit-and-tie to office.

As a journalist, Norbert Rego was in a class by himself.
Though a deskman, he wrote articles and news items which were
carried in the newspaper.  His book reviews were pithy,
succinct and encapsulated the essence of the book in as few
words as possible.

In fact, he was neither taciturn nor loquacious. He spoke
when he had to. But the titbits he revealed about other
senior journos like Walston Rego and his brother R.H.S.
Rego, were interesting.  As were his titbits about his boss
and the then Editor of the Sunday Review, Fatma Zakaria.

  These were a triumvirate of Regos -- Rainier
  Hercules Socrates Rego (or RHS for short), Walston
  Rego, and well, my friend, Norbert Rego, the
  quietest and the most sober of all the three Regos.
  And all the three Regos were in different
  departments of Bennett Coleman & Co.  RHS Rego
  headed the News Bureau, Walston was a Chief
  Sub-Editor in the Economic Times while Norbert was
  in the Sunday Review section.


Norbert Rego was a first-hand witness of the turbulent 1990s
in Bennett Coleman & Co.  Journalists who were members of the
then vibrant Bombay Union of Journalists (BUJ) went on a
strike because The Independent (a new newspaper from the ToI
stable) had just been started to wean away journalists from
The Indian Post, another paper then doing well, with
attractive salaries.  And well, hasten the shutting down of
The Indian Post.

All the BUJ members were afraid these journalists from The
Independent, located on the fifth floor would be brought down
to the ToI on the third floor and placed above us with fat
salaries and fancy designations.  This is exactly what took

Norbert Rego carried on unperturbed because he was practical,
analytical, and level-headed.  He refused
promotions-on-contract linked to a questionable
evaluation-criterion with the result that he lost his
seniority to juniors who were not as competent as he was.
Had he to accept these promotio

[Goanet] Medicinal Plants of Goa

2023-11-15 Thread Themistocles D'Silva
Rafael Barreto's name is long lost to history.
In his time, as professor of pharmacy and etnoparmachologist at
*Escola Medica, *he studied and documented a considerable number
of plants indigenous to Goa, for its medicinal and other uses.
His many publications in Portuguese lie dormant in the libraries and

For more see the attached.


Re: [Goanet] [GRN] Medicinal Plants of Goa

2023-11-15 Thread Frederick Noronha

This book is still in print. While it deals with recipes, it also has a
number of "home remedies".
QUOTE: More than half the book is taken by the home encyclopedia which has
home remedies for everything from sore eyes to snake bites and scorpion
stings. There is a section on how to guard against burglars, how to clean
ivory articles and how to buy a cow by checking her udders. There is even a
section on sex education. UNQUOTE
One might add that it comes from the Mangalorean community, whoise food,
language and home remedies are close to Goa they being (centuries-old)
outmigrants from here.

On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 03:08, Themistocles D'Silva 

> Rafael Barreto's name is long lost to history.
> In his time, as professor of pharmacy and etnoparmachologist at
> *Escola Medica, *he studied and documented a considerable number
> of plants indigenous to Goa, for its medicinal and other uses.
> His many publications in Portuguese lie dormant in the libraries and
> archives.
> For more see the attached.
> Themistocles
> --
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[Goanet] GoaNet - a premier list. WHY??

2023-11-15 Thread Eddie D'Sa

High time for an African or Asian Pope to be elected.
But do we need one at all?
Let a bunch of African & Asian leaders make the decisions.
Keep the Euros out for a change.

Why is GoaNet a premier list? What has it achieved so far?
Better to abolish it.

-- Original Message --
From: "Roland Francis" 
To: "GoaNet" 
Sent: Wednesday, 15 Nov, 23 At 00:41
Subject: [Goanet] Cancel The Pope & The UNO
The Pope wants to make changes but either he is opposed tooth and nail 
at consultative time or a clique of cardinals and bishops with their own 
agenda, ignore those changes when implementation time comes.
The UN is on a similar track. The majority of members vote to make the 
Body perform in line with charter ideals to force peace in violent 
situations, but a couple of countries veto common sense solutions, 
imagining they are still in victory flush of the WWII era. Some even 
have the temerity of making the UN do their bidding because they finance 

So why does the world need either of them?
As for Gilbert’s suggestion to send no-nonsense Suella Braverman to 
Rwanda to set up a British Refugee Welcome Centre, I think she would be 
more effective cleaning up the drug addicts and homeless who have taken 
over many once-prosperous towns and cities in the US while Washington 
unlimited funds to Israel and Ukraine.
The times they are a changing. Moody’s now rates the credit outlook for 
the US for the first time as negative, mentioning it can no longer rely 
on their Sovereign Currency strength to finance their bottomless expense 


Roland Francis

[Goanet] Schedule for Thursday 16th November 2023

2023-11-15 Thread CCR TV

Channel of God's love

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.

Click the link below.


Email ID: ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Thursday 16th November 2023

12:00 AM

Rosary - Luminous Mysteries

12:27 AM

Psalms 23 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

12:30 AM

The Law and You - Mediation- Sayonara Telles Laad

12:56 AM

Our Father - in Punjabi

1:00 AM

Novena Day 5 in Konkani from Pilar

2:00 AM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Uzvaddache Mister

2:26 AM

Devachem Utor - Zannvaichem Avesor 17 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:34 AM

Pastoral Letter 2023-2024 - Sr. Flavia Gomes MSA in English

2:48 AM

Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 290 - UDKACHO GLAS - Fr Pratap Naik sj

3:00 AM

Global Goan - A Voice - Eps 1

4:00 AM

Poem - Durbollkay - Manisha Pereira

4:02 AM

Saint Robert Bellarmine - Quote

4:05 AM

Goychea Futtbolachea Vostad Ep 9 - M.M. Mutawalli interviewed by Daniel de

4:54 AM

Hymn - Sant Antoni Ixtta- Fr Seveille Antao OFM Cap

5:00 AM

Kolakarachi bhett - Julius Mesquita interviewed by Meena Goes

5:36 AM

Pastoral Letter 2023-2024 - Sr. Myra Mendes SFN in Konkani

5:44 AM

My Music Videos - Khuxe Monan Gorib Tim Subhagi

5:50 AM

Pekovnni - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

6:17 AM

Saint Gregory Nazianzen - Quote

6:20 AM

Praise of God - Savio Mascarenhas

6:51 AM

Hymn - St Thomsa H.S. Cansaulim

6:55 AM

Sokalchem Magnnem - Thursday Wk 2 & 4

7:00 AM

Praise and Worship

7:29 AM

Morning Prayer Thursday -Week 2 & 4

7:32 AM

Devachem Utor - Zannvaichem Avesor 18 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:40 AM

Hymn - Namo - Fr Glen D'Silva sfx

8:00 AM

Music - Abide in Me followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

8:30 AM

Abundant Life - Public Speaking - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

9:00 AM

What is Spiritual Freshness? - Talk by Alfwold Silveira

9:30 AM

Importance of Teaching and Preaching - Talk by Colin Calmiano

10:20 AM

Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 23

10:25 AM

Aimorechen Magnnem

10:30 AM

Live Novena in Konkani from Pilar Day 6

11:30 AM

Daily Flash

11:35 AM

Bible Project - Gospel of Luke - Ch 3 - 9

11:40 AM

Creative Strokes - Yolanda De Souza

12:10 PM

Phishing in Troubled Waters - Cybercrime - Episode 1

12:45 PM

Poetic Short Film - Ek Kavita Don Kavinchi

1:00 PM

Spring Cleaning our Soul - Edith Melo Furtado

1:30 PM

Hymn - Moga. Moga Khursavoila - Frazer Andrade

1:40 AM

Compassion - A talk by Fr Norbert D'Silva SJVRC

2:25 AM

Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 5

2:30 PM

Novem Jivit - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

3:00 PM

Wealth out of Waste - Jewellery

3:15 PM

What's Cooking - Season 2 - Episode 11

3:30 PM

Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:47 PM

Prayer for India 5

3:50 PM

You too can be a Saint - Carlo Acutis

4:00 PM

Rosary - Luminous Mysteries

4:28 PM

Pope's Intentions

4:30 PM

Senior Citizens Exercises - 3

5:00 PM

Health Matters - Cancer Treatment - Dr Jean Louis De Menezes

5:25 PM

Hymn - Welcome Holy Spirit - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

5:30 PM

Creative Strokes - Yolanda De Souza

6:00 PM

Bible Project - Gospel of Luke - Ch 3 - 9

6:05 PM

Intercessions English

6:11 PM

Angelus - English

6:15 PM

Live Novena in English from Pilar Day 6

7:15 PM

Vocation - Society of Pilar - Fr. Diogo

7:24 PM

Hymn - Bapa Mhojeo Mogall -Velroy Fernandes

7:30 PM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Uzvaddache Mister

7:56 PM

Kids Programme Eps 1 - The right way - Do not litter

8:00 PM

Golden Brigade - Peter and Alcina D'Cunha

8:35 PM

The Constitution and Fundamental Duties -Adv. Jatin Ramaiya

8:48 PM

Prayer : Benedictus

8:52 PM

Devachem Utor - Zannvaichem Avesor 19 -Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:00 PM

Adoration - Fr Saturnino Colaco

10:10 PM

Ratchem Magnem

10:20 PM

Hymns - St Lawrence HS - Agassaim

10:28 PM

Atmik Ekchar

10:30 PM

All Strings attached

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Name of Bank : ICICI Bank

Branch Name: Panaji Branch


Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183