[GRASS-dev] /lib/gis/area_poly1.c: algorithm poorly described, new comments for consideration please

2013-10-30 Thread Richard Roger
Dear Dev list,
I hope this is the correct place to post a request for an update to two 
comments in /lib/gis/area_poly1.c, and replace it with something more 
My remarks are based on reading /lib/gis/area_poly1.c from 
This file has routines for computing areas of polygons on the ellipsoid.  The 
algorithm is hardly described, and it is not trivial to work out what is going 
on.  My comment addresses that deficiency.
Richard Roger
1. The comment before the routine G_begin_ellipsoid_polygon_area reads:
 * \brief Begin area calculations.
 * This initializes the polygon area calculations for the
 * ellipsoid with semi-major axis a (in meters) and ellipsoid
 * eccentricity squared e2.
 * \param a semi-major axis
 * \param e2 ellipsoid eccentricity
For the comment to be self-consistent, the last line should be:
 * \param e2 ellipsoid eccentricity squared
2.The comment before the routine G_ellipsoid_polygon_area describes briefly 
what it
 * Note: This routine assumes grid lines on the connecting the 
 * vertices (as opposed to geodesics).
I find this comment less than useful.  The method this routine implements for 
computing area is
not one that I have been able to find explicitly in the literature, i.e., I did 
not recognize the Qbar
function nor the QBarA, QbarB, etc., constants.  As such, it is not at all 
obvious just what area this
routine computes.  With some work, I have been able to figure out what is going 
on.  I suggest
the Note be replaced with, e.g.,
 * Note: This routine computes the area of a polygon on the
 * ellipsoid.  The sides of the polygon are, in general, not geodesics.
 * Each side is actually defined by a linear relationship between
 * latitude and longitude, i.e., on a rectangular/equidistant
 * cylindrical/Plate Carr{'e}e grid, the side would appear as a
 * straight line.  For two consecutive vertices of the polygon, 
 * (lat_1, long1) and (lat_2,long_2), the line joining them (i.e., the
 * polygon's side) is defined by:
 * lat_2  -  lat_1 
 * lat = lat_1 + (long - long_1) * ---
 * long_2 - long_1
 * where long_1 < long < long_2.  This is not a straight line on 
 * the ellipsoid.
 *   The values of QbarA, etc., are determined by the integration of
 * the Q function.  Into www.integral-calculator.com, paste this 
 * expression :
 * sin(x)+ (2/3)e^2(sin(x))^3 + (3/5)e^4(sin(x))^5 + (4/7)e^6(sin(x))^7
 * and you'll get their values.  (Last checked 30 Oct 2013). 
 * This function correctly computes (within the limits of the series
 * approximation) the area of a quadrilateral on the ellipsoid when
 * two of its sides run along meridians and the other two sides run
 * along parallels of latitude.

Dr. R. E. Roger| Senior Spatial Analyst
NSW Department of Primary Industries |NSW Office of Water
181 - 183 Anson Street| Orange NSW 2800 | PO Box 53 | Orange NSW 2800
T: 02 6363 8729 |F: 02 6361 3839 |E: richard.ro...@water.nsw.gov.au
W: www.water.nsw.gov.au ( http://www.trade.nsw.gov.au/ )

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Object-based image classification in GRASS

2013-10-30 Thread Pietro Zambelli
Hi Moritz,

I'm writing some modules (in python) to basically do the same thing. 

I'm trying to apply a Object-based classification for a quite big area (the 
region is more than 14 billions of cells).

At the moment I'm working with a smaller area with "only" ~1 billions of 
cells, but it is still quite challenging.

To speed-up the segmentation process I did the i.segment.hierarchical 
module [0]. that split the region in several tiles, compute the segment for 
each tile, patch all the tiles together and run a last time i segment using 
the patched map as a seed.

for a region of 24k row for 48k cols it required less than two hour to run 
and patch all the tiles, and more than 5 hours to run the "final" i.segment 
over the patched map (using only 3 iterations!).

>From my experience I can say that the use "v.to.db" is terribly slow if you 
want to apply to a vector map with more than 2.7 Millions of areas. So I've 
develop a python function that compute the same values, but it is much 
faster that the v.to.db module, and should be possible to split the 
operation in several processes for further speed up... (It is still under 

On Wednesday 30 Oct 2013 21:04:22 Moritz Lennert wrote:
> - It uses the v.class.mlpy addon module for classification, so that
> needs to be installed. Kudos to Vaclav for that module ! It currently
> only uses the DLDA classifier. The mlpy library offers many more, and I
> think it should be quite easy to add them. Obviously, one could also
> simply export the attribute table of the segments and of the training
> areas to csv files and use R to do the classification.

I'm extended to use tree/k-NN/SVM Machine learning from MLPY [1] (I've 
used also Parzen, but the results were not good enough) and to work also 
with the scikit [2] classifiers.
Scikit it seems to have a larger community and should be easier to install 
than MLPY, and last but not least it seems generally faster [3].

> - Many other variables could be calculated for the segments: other
> texture variables (possibly variables by segment, not as average of
> pixel-based variables, cf [1]), other shape variables (cf the new work
> of MarkusM on center lines and skeletons of polygons in v.voronoi), band
> indices, etc. It would be interesting to hear what most people find 

I'm working to add also a C function to the GRASS library to compute the 
barycentre and the a polar second moment of Area (or Moment of Inertia), 
that return a number that it is independent from the orientation and 

> - I do the step of digitizing training areas in the wxGUI digitizer
> using the attribute editing tool and filling in the 'class' attribute
> for those polygons I find representative. As already mentioned in
> previous discussions [2], I do think that it would be nice if we could
> have an attribute editing form that is independent of the vector digitizer.

I use the i.gui.class to generate the training vector map, and then use this 
map to select the training areas, and export the final results into a file (at 
the moment only csv and npy formats are supported).

> More generally, it would be great to get feedback from interested people
> on this approach to object-based image classification to see what we 
> do to make it better.

I'm definitely interested on the topic! :-)

Some days ago I've discussed with MarkusM, that may be I could do a GSoC 
next year to modify the i.segment module to automatically split the domain 
in tiles, run as a multiprocess, and then "patch" only the segments that 
are on the border of the tiles, this solution should be much faster than my 
actual solution[0]. Moreover we should consider to skip to transform the 
segments into vector to extract the shape parameters and extract shape 
and others parameters (mean, median, skewness, std, etc.) directly as 
last step before to free the memory from the segments structures, writing 
a csv/npy file.

All the best.


[0] https://github.com/zarch/i.segment.hierarchical
[1] http://mlpy.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://scikit-learn.org/
[3] http://scikit-learn.org/ml-benchmarks/

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2116: r.kappa: call to r.stats fails if spaces in path

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2116: r.kappa: call to r.stats fails if spaces in path
 Reporter:  mlennert   |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  6.4.4
Component:  Raster | Version:  svn-releasebranch64  
 Keywords:  r.kappa, path  |Platform:  Unspecified  
  Cpu:  Unspecified|  

Comment(by glynn):

 Replying to [comment:4 mlennert]:

 > I hadn't applied the patch, yet, since you suggested G_vspawn_ex(), and
 I didn't find the time to look into that. Should that solution be
 preferred ?

 The spawn functions are preferable (that's what r.kappa uses in 7.0), as
 they avoid the shell altogether.

Ticket URL: 

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2047: GRASS doesn't build on FreeBSD

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2047: GRASS doesn't build on FreeBSD
 Reporter:  lbartoletti  |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect   |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  blocker  |   Milestone:  6.4.4
Component:  Compiling| Version:  svn-releasebranch64  
 Keywords:   |Platform:  Other Unix   
  Cpu:  x86-64   |  
Changes (by neteler):

  * version:  6.4.3 RCs => svn-releasebranch64
  * milestone:  6.4.3 => 6.4.4


 Could you try with a recent SVN snapshot?


 (I am not sure if this report is actually a blocker for 6.4.4)

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grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] Object-based image classification in GRASS

2013-10-30 Thread Pierre Roudier

Thanks heaps for the script. It's really is useful and will facilitate
the adoption of i.segment. It certainly would be a nice addition to
the wiki page.

Unfortunately I can't comment too much on this, as my object-based
classification projects are on hold, but I'll try to give that a shot
sometime soon.

It could also be interesting to try non-supervised approach using
i.segment to limit the "salt and pepper" noise affecting such



2013/10/31 Moritz Lennert :
> Hello,
> Based on the great work on i.segment by Eric and MarkusM, I've been trying
> to put up a complete workflow allowing object-based image classification in
> GRASS. Conclusion: it is possible with currently available tools, even
> though some components would be nice to have in addition. Attached you can
> find a simple shell script which shows all the steps I went through. I
> commented it extensively, so it hopefully is easy to understand.
> Some remarks:
> - This only works in GRASS 7.
> - It uses the v.class.mlpy addon module for classification, so that needs to
> be installed. Kudos to Vaclav for that module ! It currently only uses the
> DLDA classifier. The mlpy library offers many more, and I think it should be
> quite easy to add them. Obviously, one could also simply export the
> attribute table of the segments and of the training areas to csv files and
> use R to do the classification.
> - At the top of the script are a series of parameters that have to be
> defined before being able to use the script as such (but the script is more
> meant as a proof-of-concept than as a real script)
> - Many other variables could be calculated for the segments: other texture
> variables (possibly variables by segment, not as average of pixel-based
> variables, cf [1]), other shape variables (cf the new work of MarkusM on
> center lines and skeletons of polygons in v.voronoi), band indices, etc. It
> would be interesting to hear what most people find useful.
> - I do the step of digitizing training areas in the wxGUI digitizer using
> the attribute editing tool and filling in the 'class' attribute for those
> polygons I find representative. As already mentioned in previous discussions
> [2], I do think that it would be nice if we could have an attribute editing
> form that is independent of the vector digitizer.
> More generally, it would be great to get feedback from interested people on
> this approach to object-based image classification to see what we can do to
> make it better.
> Moritz
> [1] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/2111
> [2] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2013-February/062148.html
> ___
> grass-dev mailing list
> grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev

Landcare Research, New Zealand
grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2123: v.to.db: allow upload of multiple variables at once

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2123: v.to.db: allow upload of multiple variables at once
 Reporter:  mlennert |   Owner:  grass-dev@…
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  7.0.0  
Component:  Vector   | Version:  svn-trunk  
 Keywords:  v.to.db multiple operations  |Platform:  Unspecified
  Cpu:  Unspecified  |  
 It would be convenient, if v.to.db could allow uploading multiple
 variables in one run, i.e. something like this:

 v.to.db mymap op=area,perimeter,compact,fd

 Obviously, this would only work if all the chosen variables pertain to the
 same feature type, so a check for that would be necessary.


Ticket URL: 

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2122: v.to.db: add eigenvalues of covariance matrix of coordinates

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2122: v.to.db: add eigenvalues of covariance matrix of coordinates
 Reporter:  mlennert |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Vector   | Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  v.to.db eigenvalues  |Platform:  Unspecified  
  Cpu:  Unspecified  |  
 [Going on with my series of notes on what would be great to have in

 The eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the coordinates of the
 vertices of a polygon represent the major and minor (+ medium in 3D) axes
 of an ellipse (ellipsoid in 3D) that approximates the polygon. These
 values can be used to approximate different variables in shape analysis
 (length, direction, asymmetry, etc). It would be great if v.to.db could
 calculate these values.

Ticket URL: 

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2121: v.rast.stats: allow choice of statistics

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2121: v.rast.stats: allow choice of statistics
 Reporter:  mlennert  |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  enhancement   |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Vector| Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  v.rast.stats  |Platform:  Unspecified  
  Cpu:  Unspecified   |  

Comment(by mlennert):

 Trac didn't like my use of the pipe character as OR operator, so "variance
 stddev" should read "variance OR stddev".

Ticket URL: 

grass-dev mailing list

[GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2121: v.rast.stats: allow choice of statistics

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2121: v.rast.stats: allow choice of statistics
 Reporter:  mlennert  |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  enhancement   |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  7.0.0
Component:  Vector| Version:  svn-trunk
 Keywords:  v.rast.stats  |Platform:  Unspecified  
  Cpu:  Unspecified   |  
 It would be convenient if v.rast.stats allowed a choice of statistics that
 one wants to upload to the attribute table. Currently, it creates 9


 a series of which can actually be derived from others (mean, range, sttdev
 || variance, coefficient of variation), meaning that only 5 are really
 needed (n, min, max, variance || stddev, sum).

 So, at least we could limit the uploaded statistics to those 5, or even
 allow choice of statistics through a parameter.


Ticket URL: 

grass-dev mailing list

Re: [GRASS-dev] [GRASS GIS] #2116: r.kappa: call to r.stats fails if spaces in path

2013-10-30 Thread GRASS GIS
#2116: r.kappa: call to r.stats fails if spaces in path
 Reporter:  mlennert   |   Owner:  grass-dev@…  
 Type:  defect |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  6.4.4
Component:  Raster | Version:  svn-releasebranch64  
 Keywords:  r.kappa, path  |Platform:  Unspecified  
  Cpu:  Unspecified|  

Comment(by mlennert):

 Replying to [comment:3 hamish]:
 > simple quoting fix committed in devbr6 & relbr64 with r58111,2.
 > it should be tested in wingrass before closing the ticket, see the
 i.smap help page for an example.

 Thanks a lot ! I hadn't applied the patch, yet, since you suggested
 G_vspawn_ex(), and I didn't find the time to look into that. Should that
 solution be preferred ? Should we maybe leave the ticket open as a
 reminder, or should we just say that if it works in windows we're happy
 with this quick fix for grass6 ?


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grass-dev mailing list