Re: [GRASS-dev] Question regarding GRASS_NOTIFY

2022-12-15 Thread Nicklas Larsson via grass-dev
I have finally had the time to take a little better look at the code and 
actually test
ximgview/wxpyimgview. I replaced my first PR [1] for deleting GRASS_NOTIFY
with a PR [2] with which a G_warning is issued if the system call fails.

The documentation on using ximgview/wxpyimgview, including the signal handling,
could probably be improved. I will at least file a ticket with that aim.

Thank you Glynn for jumping in on this, I very much appreciate it!


> On 4 Mar 2022, at 20:28, Glynn Clements  wrote:
> Nicklas Larsson via grass-dev wrote:
>> I personally never had the need for the use of GRASS in this way, so forgive
>> my ignorance in this regard.
>> However, one thing stands out very clear from my newly gained experience:
>> there is a lack of documentation on this use of GRASS_NOTIFY. For instance,
>> it is not clear to me is whether it is required or optional to set 
>> with e.g.:
>> export "GRASS_NOTIFY=kill -USR1 `pidof ximgview`”
>> for this to work as intended. Surely it is not expected a user should look 
>> for this
>> information in the mailing list.
> I think that it's "expected" that the user will just use the GUI.
> It seems doubtful that anyone (other than me) actually used this. I no
> longer actively follow GRASS; I only remained subscribed to the list
> for cases (like this) where someone is asking about arcane details of
> stuff I worked on in the past.
>>> What sort of "sanitisation" would you suggest? The variable is set by
>>> the user, its value is passed directly to the shell.
>> I’d say it would be better to avoid sanitation, with what I mean making sure
>> GRASS_NOTIFY hasn’t been compromised, at all. Couldn’t the desired outcome
>> of using GRASS_NOTIFY be implemented in another way?
> Well, it could be made a GRASS ($GISRC) variable. A fixed command name
> could be inconvenient if you have multiple GRASS sessions in different
> shells (again, I don't think this is "typical" user behaviour). It
> could use some other mechanism entirely (e.g. a filename identifying a
> socket or named pipe to which D_close_driver would write) would work,
> but would be a non-trivial effort for something that probably isn't
> even used.
> I'm not sure manipulating GRASS_NOTIFY gets you much compared to
> manipulating e.g. EDITOR or BROWSER. And unless there's been a
> significant effort on security since I was active, using GRASS with
> untrusted inputs or an untrusted environment has much bigger issues.
> In any case, ximgview/wxpyimgview don't appear to have had any
> substantial changes or issues (i.e. nothing that doesn't appear to be
> a repository-wide clean-up) in the last decade, so non-GUI usage of
> the display subsystem is probably a non-issue at this point.

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Re: [GRASS-dev] how to derive polygons (bounding boxes) from text strings

2022-12-15 Thread Maris Nartiss
I did some tinkering around the potential interface for such module:

Uwe, if nobody else has stepped up to help you, poke me after
Christmas as I might have some spare evening before the New Years eave
to do more fiddling.

trešd., 2022. g. 14. dec., plkst. 22:16 — lietotājs Markus Neteler
() rakstīja:
> Hello Uwe,
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 10:29 AM  wrote:
> >
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I have a point feature layer with attributes for a text string (call it 
> > 'label') and the fontsize in map units (which are meters in my case).
> >
> > Is there a way in Grass to derive polygons (like boundig boxes) from this 
> > input information which enclose the label string letter  when those are 
> > used to label the points?
> >
> > For those who know ArcMap: what I mean is exactly what happens when you 
> > export Annotation features as Shapes in ArcCatalog: you get a polygon layer 
> > in which each text string has a polygon hull which fits the height and 
> > width, respectively.
> >
> > From a developer, I heard that this can be done d_get_text_box from display 
> > library, which is not exposed to the end user.
> Well, it is exposed to the "C language" end user :-)
> For a local test, I have added these lines (as a simple debug output):
> git diff display/d.text/
> diff --git a/display/d.text/main.c b/display/d.text/main.c
> index a5fb7fec7..0aab3db8d 100644
> --- a/display/d.text/main.c
> +++ b/display/d.text/main.c
> @@ -626,10 +626,12 @@ static void draw_text(char *text, double *x,
> double *y, double size,
> D_text_rotation(0.0);
>  D_get_text_box(text, &t, &b, &l, &r);
> +fprintf(stdout, "t: %.2f, b: %.2f, l: %.2f, r: %.2f\n", t, b, l, r);
>  t = D_u_to_d_row(t);
>  b = D_u_to_d_row(b);
>  l = D_u_to_d_col(l);
>  r = D_u_to_d_col(r);
> +fprintf(stdout, "t: %.2f, b: %.2f, l: %.2f, r: %.2f\n", t, b, l, r);
>  if (rotation != 0.0)
> D_text_rotation(rotation * 180.0 / M_PI);
> I guess it would do what you need - tested in North Carolina sample
> data location:
> GRASS nc_spm_08_grass7/user1:d.text >
> g.region raster=zipcodes_elev_avg
> d.mon wx0
> # test 1: font size 4
> d.text text="This is a test of d.text" color=yellow bgcolor=gray size=4
> t: 228897.44, b: 228500.00, l: 626709.08, r: 634951.64
> t: -26.02, b: 0.00, l: 3.39, r: 543.13
> # test 2: font size 6
> d.text text="This is a test of d.text" color=yellow bgcolor=gray size=6
> t: 229096.16, b: 228500.00, l: 626735.00, r: 639098.84
> t: -39.04, b: 0.00, l: 5.09, r: 814.69
> > Since I am not a programmer, I am looking for help how to use 
> > d_get_text_box. My goal ist o integrate it in a
> > simple Python script which I already have. This script can import 
> > Shapefiles, do simple GIS processing using
> > GRASS modules and write the shapes back.
> The (current) pity is that there is no Python wrapper around the
> display library in
> > Of course, if coding is necessary to accomplish this, I will pay for it.
> Maybe not a hard task to write this Python access to the C function
> D_get_text_box() but unfortunately I am lacking time.
> Hopefully someone else here is willing to pick up the task.
> Best,
> Markus
> > thank you and best regards, Uwe
> >
> ___
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