[gmx-users] bend angles of a kink motif

2015-06-01 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear Users

Can we calculate the bend angle of a kink motif in an alpha helix from a .xtc 

Thanks a lot.

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[gmx-users] gmx distance

2016-05-02 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear users,

I want to calculate distances between two groups center of masses in z 
direction. I use the gmx distance command:
" gmx distance -f all.xtc -s e-.25.tpr -n index.ndx -select ' com of group 
"PROT" plus com of group "NPROT"'  -oxyz distxyz.xvg" 

But in my output files, I don't have distxyz.xvg file.

Any help would be appreciated.  

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[gmx-users] Atom was not found

2014-06-18 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear Users,
I want to simulate a protein by GROMACS. 
When I use pdb2gmx command, topology and other files are produced from my
pdb file.
But when I define a box for my protein by editconf before pdb2gmx, I face
with this fatal error:

"Atom OXT in residue VAL 226 was not found in rtp entry VAL with 8 atoms
while sorting atoms"

of course as I said, without defining a box, pdb2gmx is ok!!

Thanks for any help,

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[gmx-users] distance tracking

2014-09-17 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear GROMACS users,
Is it possible to track H-bonding or distance between two certain atoms in
Best wishes, 

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[gmx-users] Electrostatic energy between two groups of atoms

2014-09-23 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear users,
Can we calculate electrostatic energy between two groups of atoms in
Best wishes,

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[gmx-users] potassium ion in GROMOS

2014-09-30 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear users,
How can we define potassium ion in GROMOS ions.itp file?

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[gmx-users] POPC with CHARMM

2014-11-24 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear Users,
I want to simulate POPC membrane with CHARMM ff using GROMACS 4.6.5.
but in CHARMM ff directory, there is no popc itp file. How can I proceed?

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[gmx-users] -vsite hydrogen

2014-12-29 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear Users,
I am simulating a membrane protein with charmm ff with a 2fs time step.
How the results will be affected if I use a 5fs time step by using "-vsite
hydrogen" option in pdb2gmx? Do my results loose their accuracy if I use
this option?
Best wishes,

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[gmx-users] cpu gpu performance

2015-01-04 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear Users,
I'm simulating a membrane protein system with approximately 185000 atoms
with an  Intel Corei7 cpu.
I have two questions:
1. Performance of my simulations is about 1.8ns/day. Is this performance
normal for such a system? Or my simulations are suffering from lack of
2. when I use mdrun command with -nb gpu, the performance reduces to
1.3ns/day!! How can I resolve this problem?

my mdp file parameters are:
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
nsteps  = 1500
nstlog  = 1000
nstxout = 5000
nstvout = 5000
nstfout = 5000
nstcalcenergy   = 100
nstenergy   = 1000
nstxtcout= 2000; xtc compressed trajectory output every 2 ps
cutoff-scheme   = Verlet
nstlist = 20
rlist   = 1.0
coulombtype = pme
rcoulomb= 1.0
vdwtype = Cut-off
vdw-modifier= Force-switch
rvdw_switch = 0.9
rvdw= 1.0
tcoupl  = berendsen
tc_grps = PROT   NPROT   SOL_ION
tau_t   = 1.01.0 1.0
ref_t   = 303.15   303.15   303.15
pcoupl  = berendsen
pcoupltype  = semiisotropic
tau_p   = 5.0 5.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5  4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0 1.0
constraints = h-bonds
constraint_algorithm= LINCS
continuation= yes
nstcomm = 100
comm_mode   = linear
comm_grps   = PROT   NPROT   SOL_ION
refcoord_scaling= com
and at the end of log file when I use gpu I have:

NB=Group-cutoff nonbonded kernelsNxN=N-by-N cluster Verlet kernels
 RF=Reaction-Field  VdW=Van der Waals  QSTab=quadratic-spline table
 W3=SPC/TIP3p  W4=TIP4p (single or pairs)
 V&F=Potential and force  V=Potential only  F=Force only

 Computing:   M-Number M-Flops  % Flops
 NB VdW [V&F]65.721780  65.722 0.0
 Pair Search distance check 354.0956963186.861 0.1
 NxN QSTab Elec. + LJ [F] 78361.108992 4153138.77792.2
 NxN QSTab Elec. + LJ [V&F]1094.086656   88621.019 2.0
 1,4 nonbonded interactions  92.3662448312.962 0.2
 Calc Weights   273.4639389844.702 0.2
 Spread Q Bspline  5833.897344   11667.795 0.3
 Gather F Bspline  5833.897344   35003.384 0.8
 3D-FFT   19866.277292  158930.218 3.5
 Solve PME5.271904 337.402 0.0
 Shift-X  2.625854  15.755 0.0
 Bonds   14.647068 864.177 0.0
 Propers106.938468   24488.909 0.5
 Impropers1.961496 407.991 0.0
 Virial   4.877756  87.800 0.0
 Stop-CM  1.125366  11.254 0.0
 Calc-Ekin9.753172 263.336 0.0
 Lincs   20.1621961209.732 0.0
 Lincs-Mat  129.913632 519.655 0.0
 Constraint-V96.517170 772.137 0.0
 Constraint-Vir   4.084834  98.036 0.0
 Settle  18.7309266050.089 0.1
 (null)   0.653184   0.000 0.0
 Total 4503897.712   100.0
 R E A L   C Y C L E   A N D   T I M E   A C C O U N T I N G

On 1 MPI rank, each using 8 OpenMP threads

 Computing:  Num   Num  CallWall time Giga-Cycles
 Ranks Threads  Count  (s) total sum%
 Neighbor search18 14   0.301  8.175   0.4
 Launch GPU ops.18486   0.063  1.719   0.1
 Force  18486   4.351118.334   6.3
 PME mesh   18486   8.685236.229  12.5
 Wait GPU local 18486  52.321   1423.144  75.5
 NB X/F buffer ops. 18958   0.389 10.571   0.6
 Write traj.18  1   0.265  7.221   0.4
 Update 18486   

Re: [gmx-users] how to make molecular model with both ion channel and lipid bilayer?

2017-08-15 Thread h . alizadeh
Charmm-gui.org could help you.
On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 07:55 PM, "Li, Tong"  wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to make a model of ion channel with cell membrane. Is there a 
specific software to make this? I mean just the coordination file. VMD can 
generate the membrane automatically, I can find the 'pdb' files of ion 
channels, but I have no idea how to combine them.

Thanks all,
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[gmx-users] g_membed itp file

2014-06-04 Thread h . alizadeh

Dear GROMACS users,
I'm a new GROMACS user and I would like to apologize for my basic question.
I want to use g_membed to insert protein in membrane according to Wolf's
paper manual. I have the pdb, mdp and top files in my directory, but when I
enter the command

grompp -f sample.mdp -c merged.gro -p merged.top -o input.tpr

I face with this fatal error:
Fatal error:
Topology include file "ffoplsaalipid.itp" not found

Now I want to know how can I create this itp file?
Best wishes,

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[gmx-users] g_membed itp file

2014-06-04 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear GROMACS users,
I'm a new GROMACS user and I would like to apologize for my basic question.
I want to use g_membed to insert protein in membrane according to Wolf's
paper manual. I have the pdb, mdp and top files in my directory, but when I
enter the command

grompp -f sample.mdp -c merged.gro -p merged.top -o input.tpr

I face with this fatal error:
Fatal error:
Topology include file "ffoplsaalipid.itp" not found

Now I want to know how can I create this itp file?
Best wishes,

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[gmx-users] Too many LINCS warnings

2014-06-17 Thread h . alizadeh
Dear all,
In  one of my simulations when I use the command

mdrun -v -deffnm nvt

I face with this fatal error:

Too many LINCS warnings (1056)
If you know what you are doing you can adjust the lincs warning threshold
in your mdp file
or set the environment variable GMX_MAXCONSTRWARN to -1,
but normally it is better to fix the problem
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

I dont know what does it mean and how can I fix it!

Best wishes,

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