Re: Problems to compile gtk with jhbuild + imendio patchs

2007-12-20 Thread Richard Hult
Arx Cruz skrev:
 Sorry if is the wrong place to post this, but im having problems in compile
 Gtk with Quartz support through imendio patchs using jhbuild,
 All packages compiles very well, but when i try compile gtk i have this

There is some new accessibility code that was added recently and we 
haven't had time to make that build for OS X yet. It should be fixed in 
a couple of days.


Imendio AB,
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: App blueprint, advice please!

2007-12-20 Thread Patrick
Hi Michael

Thanks for the signals and slots tip, that's great.

As for NI:
My experience is limited and quite dated(8-9 years) but it is my 
understanding that in order to distribute free (as in beer) Labview 
code the recipient must have Labview loaded. It is possible to generate 
an executable that will run without Labview loaded but a small license 
fee must be paid back to NI. In addition I believe this executable code 
generation option is at an additional premium to the base Labview.

Indeed some of the instruments I want to control have their own NI 
drivers already. This however has not displaced the native software that 
shipped with the instruments originally. I believe only an open source 
model will provide enough empowerment to tempt lab operators away.

I started with Linux back in 2004 but it is only in the past year that I 
have started posting to lists. I have been completely awestruck at the 
responses to my questions, both here and on other lists. With so many 
talented people like you answering my questions without expectation of 
compensation, how can a company like NI compete in terms of customer 
service, I am saving up for this project. I would rather spend 2K 
sponsoring my open source comrades then those punks at NI

Okay I am back now, Have a great day-Patrick

Michael L Torrie wrote:
 Patrick wrote:
 Lets say a customer had a detector and a pump to pump a sample through 
 it. We could write a Bash script that works something like this:

 -icon launches Bash script
 -sends variable  2 to pump command to pump 2 ml per minute
 -pump command sends signal to serial port or GPIB bus, etc
 -bash sends variable 230 to set the detector to wavelength 230 nm
 -bash autozeros detector
 -launches plot command
 -after that launches data process command
 -then launches database storage command
 - emails whoever, turns your coffee maker on or whateveretc..etc

 Seems to me that the lingua franca of this kind of scientific instrument
 control and data collection is LabView.  Most institutions already have
 site license for this software.

 LabView is ideal for several reasons:
 - Works with most GPIB cards, indeed most interface cards come with
 labview drivers
 - Easy graphical environment.  Lets you chain things together (in a
 similar manner to bash, actually), but it's all within the program,
 rather than kludging together non-integrated programs.  Plus it's all
 in-process.  No external spawning things needed, which is expensive.
 - Royalty free code.  You can sell you vi programs or give them away,
 or whatever.  They aren't compiled, but can be obfuscated, or not.  So
 you could sell labview code that people could modify.

 On the other hand, there's no reason why you couldn't use GTK and, say,
 Python to do similar things provided that you have drivers for the GPIB
 boards, and have a well-defined interface that you can use to easily
 build modules that you can string together.  Certainly I don't believe C
 is the appropriate language to do any gluing.  I would recommend python.
  Data collection modules that need to be close to the hardware can be
 done in C, but the rest could easily be done in python.  If you defined
 a protocol for modules to communicate with each other, then you can very
 easily string modules together, hooking data out buses on one module
 (object) with the data in on another module.  The GTK signals and slots
 mechanism would make this quite easy to do, all in-process.


 It's a terrible over simplification but hopefully illustrates the idea.

 I only have a few hundred dollars to put towards this now but hopefully 
 by the later half of 2008 it will be a few thousand. Please feedback 
 with any thoughts you might have on this whole process. Thanks-Patrick


 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list



gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Multi-threaded UI Freezes on GDK Call

2007-12-20 Thread Michael McCann
Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 20:37 -0500, Michael McCann wrote:

 Yes, I've already tried that, to no avail. My code basically only 
 consists of:

 gdk_screen_get_default(): Get the default screen
 gdk_screen_get_root_window(): Get the root window 
 gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(): Get a pixbuf from the entire screen
 gdk_pixbuf_save_to_bufferv(): Save the pixbuf to a buffer.

 taking a screenshot of the root window takes a considerable amount of
 time, depending on the size of the screen and the amount of windows on

 gnome-screenshot forks in the background to avoid blocking the UI; since
 GDK cannot be called from multiple threads, forking is the only option
 you have.


Thanks for all of the suggestions. I'll try out the fork method you 
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Calling gtk-builder-convert from makefile

2007-12-20 Thread Micah Carrick
I have a glade file which I have to convert using gtk-builder-convert 
first. This converts it from .glade to .xml and the make file installs 
it. How would I run gtk-builder-convert on the source .glade file prior 
to copying the .xml file?

- Micah Carrick

  Developer -
  GTK+ Forums -

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

GLib 2.15.0 released

2007-12-20 Thread Matthias Clasen
GLib 2.15.0 is now available for download at:

glib-2.15.0.tar.bz2 md5sum: 52536475a3f301842cf3448f19af094c
glib-2.15.0.tar.gz  md5sum: 8348f77a5aacf6382ee816f986ae7820

This is the first development release leading up to GLib 2.16.


 * This is unstable development release. While it has had
   a bit of testing, there are certainly plenty of bugs
   remaining to be found. This release should not be used
   in production.

 * Installing this version will overwrite your existing
   copy of GLib 2.14. If you have problems, you'll need
   to reinstall GLib 2.14.

 * GLib 2.16 will be source and binary compatible with
   the GLib 2.14 series; however, the new API additions
   in GLib 2.15.0 are not yet finalized, so there may
   be incompatibilities between this release and the final
   2.16 release. In particular GIO may still see API

 * The new GIO component in this release is accompanied
   by a new module, GVFS, that contains various backend 
   implementations. GIO can be used without GVFS, but then
   it only supports local filesystems.
 * Bugs should be reported to

About GLib

GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis for projects
such as GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C,
portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as
an event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system.

More information about GLib is available at:

An installation guide for the GTK+ libraries, including GLib, can
be found at:

Overview of Changes from GLib 2.14.x to GLib 2.15.0

Major new features:

 * GIO: a VFS API, designed to replace GnomeVFS. The GIO implementation 
   in GLib has support for local filesystems. The new, separate gvfs 
   module contains various backend implementations (cifs, ftp, sftp,
   http, ...)

 * GChecksum: provides various hash algorithms, such as MD5, SHA-1
   and SHA-256
 * GTest: a test framework 
Smaller additions:

 * GHash:
 - GHash has iterators, as an alternative to g_hash_table_foreach

 * GMarkup: 
 - g_markup_parse_context_get_element_stack: New function to
   get the stack of open elements
 - G_MARKUP_PREFIX_ERROR_POSITION: New flag to improve error
 - g_markup_collect_attributes: Convenience function for handling

* GKeyFile: 
 - Functions that take a GError now return a boolean to indicate 
   success, instead of void
 - Various performance improvements

* GAsyncQueue:
 - g_async_queue_new_full: new function that allows to specify
   a free function for leftover elements
* GError:
 - g_prefix_error and g_propagate_prefixed_error: New functions
   to ease error propagation

* Internationalization:
 - C_: A new 2-argument variant of the Q_() macro 
 - Use native character set conversion API on Windows

* GLib builds with automake 1.10

* Bugs fixed:
 455725 specific combination of g_utf8_strlen and g_pattern_match...
 467537 g_convert_with_iconv() not resetting iconv() state correc...
 497033 Commandline option parser should warn about missing optio...
 504527 gchecksum: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitiali...
 445362 Non-numeric local labels in gatomic.c are causing linker ...
 482313 gregex: no way to tell why compilation failed
 317775 main loops continues to run after g_main_loop_quit() has ...
 418778 Insufficient pkg-config version requirement
 436293 g_option_context_new() doc should mention that the string...
 466557 glib-mkenums shifts ARGV[0] to undefined
 468882 GKeyFile doesn't accept True as a true boolean value
 469551 application --help messages are garbaged on none UTF-8 lo...
 479724 Memory leak upon calling g_main_loop_run in the seconda...
 490061 outptrs uninitialized after g_parse_long_long
 490637 gobject documentation patch
 495294 glib-genmarshal prints warnings but returns 0
 496046 option to prefix location of errors for GMarkup
 498113 tests/regex-test fails on 64bit environment
 500506 Fails to build on OSX 10.4
 500638 gkeyfile speedup ...
 500875 Make check fails as there is no test target for build...
 502511 g_assert_cmphex prints invalid message
 502927 g_array_index triggers cast aligment warning
 503029 g_time_val_from_iso8601 parse non-ISO8601 dates
 503222 Need context to translate
 503420 gkeyfile leaks a hash table
 503470 Fix build when builddir != srcdir
 504227 Inverse variant for g_test_trap_assert_stdout, g_test_tra...
 71704  file include order
 491957 Misprint in the specification of the interface g_main_co...
 491959 Misprint in description of the structure GThreadPool
 491965 Mistype in the specification of the function g_hook_list...
 491966 Misprint in the specification of the interface g_main_co...
 491968 The documentation does not 

how to handle rgb pixels before draw to drawingarea using cairo

2007-12-20 Thread thexin chan
i am write a application like a tv watch soft,using em28xx capture video
as yuyv format,and converted to rgb24 when recived.

here ,some code to draw video frame to drawingarea.


vidin-width * 3);

gdk_display_flush(gdk_display_get_default());   gdk_threads_leave();

i want to draw some string ,image on the drawingare,i call below
function after drawing frame,but there will blinking.

static void show_text_on_video(void)
cairo_t *cr;
PangoLayout *layout;
PangoFontDescription *desc;

cr = gdk_cairo_create(wbus-drawingarea-window);
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr);

pango_layout_set_text(layout, wbuscanner\n阿哈哈, -1);
//desc = pango_font_description_from_string(SimSun Bold 60);
//pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, desc);

cairo_select_font_face (cr, Sans,
cairo_set_font_size (cr, 70.0);
cairo_move_to (cr, 70.0, 165.0);
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.5, 0.5, 1);

pango_cairo_update_layout(cr, layout);
pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, layout);


then i used gdkpixmap create from rgb data and draw something on it ,and
draw to drawingarea,but this method was slower.(data is


vidin-width *3);

cr = wbus-cr;
//cairo_select_font_face (cr, Sans,
//cairo_set_font_size (cr, 70.0);
cairo_move_to (cr, 70.0, 165.0);
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.5, 0.5, 1);



how can i draw strings ,image on the raw rgb24 ,and draw to drawingarea?


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