Re: how to create tray icon using gtk 2.8.20 version

2008-03-24 Thread Chris Vine
On Wed, 2008-03-19 at 15:30 +0530, praveenya kumar wrote:
> Hai!
> I want to create a tray icon with a popup menu on click.
> I wrote a program using GtkStatusIcon which worked well. The same program is
> giving compilation error saying GtkStatusIcon undeclared.
> I found that Gtk 2.10 (fc 8) supports GtkStatusIcon, but not Gtk 2.8.20 (fc
> 5).
> My system has Gtk 2.8.20. I do not want to change my Gtk for this reason. So
> I need a work around solution for creating tray icon using Gtk 2.8.20version.

Look for eggtrayicon.


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sliding panel

2008-03-24 Thread Kevin DeKorte
Hash: SHA1

I'd like to create a panel that slides out of the way, little animation
kinda thing and I had something working but gtk really didn't slide it
out of the way it just showing the first and then the last. Now I
understand that due to performance that not every panel change should be
drawn but any idea how I can do this...

what I have is this

An hbox that contains a fixed and then a vbox.. and I want to be able to
shrink the vbox away..

so I put in a loop code that set the size of the vbox smaller until it
got to 1. I was able to see the first state and the state where the vbox
was down to 1 but I didn't see any of the steps in between. I even tried
put a g_usleep in there to see it and I wasn't able to see the box

I had something like this

&x, &y, &width,
&height, NULL);
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
rect.width = width;
for (i = height ; i > 0; i--) {
rect.height = i;



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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

GtkStatusIcon bad default size when used with GtkIconFactory

2008-03-24 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat

I'm trying to use the GtkIconFactory system to set the icon used by
GtkStatusIcon. Once I've created the GtkIconSet for my icons (I have SVg
and PNG versions of the same icon), I use
gtk_status_icon_set_from_stock. Everything goes right, except that the
created icon is 20x20 px by default (i.e. when the GNOME panel is set to
a size of 24 px), when it should be (like every app does) 22x22.

Normally, the status icons measure: (height of the panel) - 2 px. But
this is not true in my case until the panel is >= 26 px. The strange
point is, if I set the GtkStatus Icon directly from an icon file, the
size is 22x22.

Is that a bug in GNOME or am I doing something wrong? I guess this would
be the prefferred way of setting up a status icon, since with a custom
sotck icon it can be risized without problems - but still I may have
missed something.

Thanks in advance!

Here's for reference a part of the code that I use, if you like (it's in
gnunet-gtk from the GNUnet project):

  char *instDir;
  char *iconPath;
  GtkStatusIcon *trayIcon;
  GtkIconSet *iconSet;
  GtkIconSource *iconSource;

  iconSet = gtk_icon_set_new ();
  iconSource = gtk_icon_source_new ();
  iconPath =
g_build_filename (instDir, "..", "gnunet-gtk",
  "gnunet-gtk-status-connected.svg", NULL);
  gtk_icon_source_set_filename (iconSource, iconPath);
  g_free (iconPath); 
  gtk_icon_set_add_source (iconSet, iconSource);
  iconPath =
g_build_filename (instDir, "..", "gnunet-gtk",
  "gnunet-gtk-status-connected.png", NULL);
  gtk_icon_source_set_filename (iconSource, iconPath);
  g_free (iconPath);
  gtk_icon_source_set_size_wildcarded (iconSource, FALSE);
  gtk_icon_set_add_source (iconSet, iconSource);

  gtk_icon_factory_add (GNUNET_GTK_get_iconFactory(),
  gtk_icon_set_unref (iconSet);
  gtk_icon_source_free (iconSource);
  gtk_status_icon_set_from_stock (trayIcon, "gnunet-gtk-status-connected");

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: sliding panel

2008-03-24 Thread Bastiaan Veelo
I think the problem is that no events are handled as long as you stay in 
your loop, i.e., the GTK loop is not visited. Change the usleep line with

while (gtk_events_pending ()) gtk_main_iteration ();

and see what happens.


Kevin DeKorte wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'd like to create a panel that slides out of the way, little animation
> kinda thing and I had something working but gtk really didn't slide it
> out of the way it just showing the first and then the last. Now I
> understand that due to performance that not every panel change should be
> drawn but any idea how I can do this...
> what I have is this
> An hbox that contains a fixed and then a vbox.. and I want to be able to
> shrink the vbox away..
> so I put in a loop code that set the size of the vbox smaller until it
> got to 1. I was able to see the first state and the state where the vbox
> was down to 1 but I didn't see any of the steps in between. I even tried
> put a g_usleep in there to see it and I wasn't able to see the box
> shrinking.
> I had something like this
>   gdk_window_get_geometry(controls_box->window, 
> &x, &y, &width,
> &height, NULL);
> rect.x = x;
> rect.y = y;
> rect.width = width;
> for (i = height ; i > 0; i--) {
>   rect.height = i;
>   gtk_widget_set_size_request(controls_box,width,i);  
>   gdk_window_invalidate_rect(controls_box->window,&rect,TRUE);
>   g_usleep(1000);
> }
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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> gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

TreeView indent-expanders style property

2008-03-24 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Does anyone know what the indent-expanders style property does?

I currently see

| Line 1
| Line 2
| >   Line 3
| Line 4

What I would like is

| Line 1
| Line 2
| >  Line 3
| Line 4

Can I use indent-expanders to achieve this effect?  Is there a way to
achieve it?  The point is to avoid wasting space on lines that don't
require an expander arrow.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: TreeView indent-expanders style property

2008-03-24 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
I looked into that a few weeks ago.
I think the style property only worked when you hid the expanders.
Applicatins like pidgin then create custom cellrendeners with expanders
to make up for that.

On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 15:50 -0600, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> Does anyone know what the indent-expanders style property does?
> I currently see
> | Line 1
> | Line 2
> | >   Line 3
> | Line 4
> What I would like is
> | Line 1
> | Line 2
> | >  Line 3
> | Line 4
> Can I use indent-expanders to achieve this effect?  Is there a way to
> achieve it?  The point is to avoid wasting space on lines that don't
> require an expander arrow.
Best Regards,
Med Venlig Hilsen,

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

GTK+ application on dual head

2008-03-24 Thread rona . dinihari
hello to all, i'm rona.

i have a problem with my gtk+ application. i use xmlrpc to send command
and data to this application, which should display on second monitor on
dual head system. it works well on first monitor, but it wouldn't display
when running on second monitor.

i have tried to output some trace. i use GtkLabel, set the text, and get
back the text to see if it has been updated. from the trace it looks ok.
but it still wouldn't display the update.

This is what i use in my xorg.conf:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "defaultLayout"
Screen   0 "Screen0" 0 0
Screen   1 "Screen1" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "Xinerama" "off"
Option "Clone" "off"

This is the command i use to run on second display:
DISPLAY=:0.1 myapp

How can i fix this?
Why it wouldn't update the display correctly on second monitor?

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