[ha-Safran] Masorah and Text Criticism in the Early Modern Mediterranean (Magnes press)

2014-11-19 Thread Celestina Levant


We would like to introduce a book published by Magnes press and The
David and Jemima Jeselsohn Collection :
If you would like to review this book please contact me.

Masorah and Text Criticism in the Early Modern Mediterranean

Moshe Ibn Zabara and Menahem de Lonzano

By Jordan S. Penkower

MS Zurich, Jeselsohn 5, is the first half of a Sefardi Masoretic Bible
completed by Moshe Ibn Zabara in 1477, which was later heavily glossed,
especially in the Pentateuch, by Menahem de Lonzano. The other half of
the manuscript is preserved in MS Sassoon 1209. This study first
examines Zabara's work in the manuscript, in comparison with his other
manuscripts. The main part of this study is devoted to Menahem de
Lonzano: his biography and bibliography, his wide-ranging text critical
work, and his detailed work on the Zabara Bible. The volume is
illustrated with approximately 150 color photos, with a concentration of
32 photographs in appendix 1 of folios in MS Jeselsohn 5 with
micrography. Two other appendices by specialists are devoted to the
decoration program and to the palaeography and codicology of MS
Jeselsohn 5.


For more info please press here

Price: $ 72.00

Celestina Levant
International Sales and Marketing 
Magnes Press
Tel: 972-2-6584780
Fax: 972-2-5633370


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[ha-Safran] לכבוד שבת - רשימה קצרה מספריית הרמב"ם

2014-11-19 Thread rambaml1


לכבוד שבת  - הרשימה השבועית בבלוג "עם הספר
" :

"גור בארץ הזאת"(בראשית פרק כו פסוק ג)לפרשת תולדות

לחסידות גור

מפוארת של בניין הארץ והתיישבות בה.

שורשיה נעוץ  בימי אדמו"רותו של ר' אברהם מרדכי אלטר
בעל ה"אמרי אמת",  בין שתי מלחמות עולם

לקריאת הרשימה לחץ נא כאן .

חורף טוב !

*אבישי אלבויםמנהל ספריית הרמב"ם (בית אריאלה)*

*ספריית הרמב"ם מתקוונת אליך,שירות סריקה ומשלוח חומר תורני מתוך ספרים
וכתבי-עת ישנים וחדשים. *

*"חומר המוגן בזכויות יוצרים - השימוש בהתאם לתנאי חוק זכויות יוצרים, תשס"ח
-2007. לידיעתך, שימוש הוגן ביצירה מותר למטרות כגון לימוד, ביקורת ומחקר"*
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[ha-Safran] AJL Wiki back online

2014-11-19 Thread Joyce Levine
*The AJL Library Management Resource Wiki is now back online. You can
access it at http://nesiya.wikispaces.com
 or through the new AJL website under
"Knowledgebases." *
*For submissions to the wiki, please email Joyce Levine
at publicati...@jewishlibraries.org *

*Joyce Levine *
Director of Library and Media Services
North Shore Hebrew Academy High School 
400 North Service Road
Great Neck, NY 11020

Publications Chair
Association of Jewish Libraries 

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[ha-Safran] Collection Analysis Tool for LC Classification

2014-11-19 Thread Robin Gluck

Does anyone know of a free online collection analysis tool for LC 
classification collections?  Something that is similar to Titlewave for Dewey.

Thanks for your help,

Robin Gluck

Robin Gluck, Librarian
Jewish Community High School of the Bay
1835 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94115

 Empowering Individuals | Enriching Community | Embracing Pluralism

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[ha-Safran] Graphic novels for children

2014-11-19 Thread WJC Librarian
I have a student in Hebrew School around nine years old  (third grade) who 
loved the Barry Deutsch graphic novels of Hereville. He asked if there are more 
or other graphic novels that he can read. I cannot find others with Jewish 
content other than the Rabbi Harvey books. Does anyone have any other 

Thanks for your help.

Arlene Ratzabi
Librarian, Hendel Family Library
Westchester Jewish Center
Palmer & Rockland Aves.
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Tel 914-698-2960
Fax 914-698-3610

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" - 
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Re: [ha-Safran] Young Adult Shoah memoirs

2014-11-19 Thread Nathan Moskowitz
My parent's memoirs just came out: Kuzmino Chronicles:Memoirs of teenage 
Holocaust Survival.
I believe the book is very educational for the general public and would make 
excellent reading material for young adults in particular. Below is the link 
for those who are interested.
Best Regards,Nathan

List Price: $15.00 

Add to CartAbout the author:
Nathan C. Moskowitz, MD, PhD, FACS, FICS is a visionary painter, neurosurgeon, 
neuroscientist, and inventor. He is the author of a neuroscience book 
,"Molecular Modulation of Chemical Presynaptic Neurotransmission" (Praeger 
Press), and a biblical art book, "The Color of Prophecy: Visualizing the Bible 
in a new light" (Gefen Publishing House). He published over thirty scientific 
articles related to neuroscience and neurosurgery, multiple articles on 
biblical analysis for the Jewish Bible Quarterly, as well as forty 
patents/patent pendings of medical device designs and applications. He has 
exhibited his paintings either in solo or group exhibitions in the United 
States, Europe, and Australia, and one of his paintings is in the permanent 
collection of the Yad Vashem Art Museum in Israel. He is currently Assistant 
Professor of Neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Medical School, a member of the 
Arts and Letters Council of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, 
and President and Founder of the Shoah Forensics Art Institute. 
Kuzmino Chronicles Memoirs of Teenage Holocaust SurvivalAuthored by Nathan C. 
Moskowitz MD PhD 

Leib and Gittel Moskowitz were both born and raised in Kuzmino, a small town in 
Transcarpathia, in what was then Czechoslovakia. As children they hardly knew 
each other. In May 1944 when they were both fifteen years old, they and their 
families were herded off to Auschwitz in cattle cars. From there, their paths 
temporarily diverged. Each was transported to a separate series of 
concentration and labor camps. Both miraculously survived their ordeals and 
after liberation spent many years waiting to come to the USA. Leib spent this 
time in a Displaced Persons camp in Germany while Gittel spent these same years 
in the United Kingdom. Their separate life trajectories re-converged when they 
both settled in New York where they became reacquainted, married and raised a 
This book chronicles Leib's and Gittel's turbulent Holocaust saga in their own 
words. Historical documentation is juxtaposed alongside their memoirs, as well 
as corroboratory documents obtained from the International Tracing Services 
(ITS) collection held by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), 
Yad Vashem, and numerous other sources. Photographs are also included to 
further corroborate their very clear and precise recollections.
This book hopes to honor the many family members and countless of individual 
souls recollected by Leib and Gittel. Their memoirs not only testify to the 
ordeals suffered by these victims, but also shed light on the fate suffered by 
millions of martyred Jews, and of those fortunate enough to have survived.  
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