Re: [Haskell-cafe] About mplus

2007-09-04 Thread ok

On 5 Sep 2007, at 6:16 pm, Henning Thielemann wrote:
I think it is very sensible to define the generalized function in  
terms of the specific one, not vice versa.

The specific point at issue is that I would rather use ++ than
`mplus`.  In every case where both are defined, they agree, so
it is rather frustrating to be blocked from using an operator
which would otherwise have been appropriate.

Of course it is not a show-stopper; I can simply make something
else up.

I am a little puzzled that there seems to be no connection between
MonadPlus and Monoid.  Monoid requires a unit and an associative
binary operator.  So does MonadPlus.  Unfortunately, they have different
names.  If only we'd had (Monoid m, Monad m) => MonadPlus m...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] About mplus

2007-09-04 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, David Benbennick wrote:

On 9/4/07, ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been thinking about making a data type an instance of MonadPlus.
 From the Haddock documentation at, I see that any such
instance should satisfy

mzero `mplus` x = x
x `mplus` mzero = x
mzero >>= f = mzero
v >> mzero  = mzero

but is that all there is to it?  Are there no other requirements for
MonadPlus to make sense?

Also, mplus has to be associative.  I.e.
   (a `mplus` b) `mplus` c == a `mplus` (b `mplus` c)

I also wondered why, once MonadPlus was added to the language, the
definition of ++ wasn't changed to
(++) = MonadPlus
(with the MonadPlus instance for [] defined directly).

You mean (++) = mplus.  I've wondered that too.  Similarly, one should
define map = fmap.

I think it is very sensible to define the generalized function in terms of 
the specific one, not vice versa.

 And a lot of standard list functions can be
generalized to MonadPlus, for example you can define

filter :: (MonadPlus m) => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a

Always using the most generalized form is not a good idea. If you know you 
are working on lists, 'map' and 'filter' tell the reader, that they are 
working on lists. The reader of a program doesn't need to start human type 
inference to deduce this. Also the type inference of the compiler will 
fail, if you write too general. Say, you are in GHCi, have your definition 
of 'filter' and you write

Prelude> filter Char.isUpper (return 'a')

To what monad this shall be specialised? Rely on type defaulting? Ok, you 
can use type signatures.

See also:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread ok

On 4 Sep 2007, at 6:47 am, Vimal wrote:
In my Paradigms of Programming course, my professor presents this  
piece of code:

while E do
  if F then

He then asked us to *prove* that the above programming fragment cannot
be implemented just using if and while statement, even if S and T can
be duplicated a finite number of times

You might want to look up the Bohm-Jacopini theorem.
If you think about it, you'll realise that it's actually quite
straightforward to convert *any* flow-chart into a single while
loop containing a single case statement, with just one extra
integer variable.  (Hint: the integer variable plays to rôle of PC.)
But to keep it simple, all we really need is procedures and if;
no whiles and no extra variables.

proc Example
if E then
if not F then
end if
end if
end proc

I remember my amusement, years ago, when I finally understood tail
recursion:  ANYTHING you can program using labels and gotos can be
programmed using procedure calls, provided your compiler supports
TRO (as both the C compilers I use do, in fact).

Now let's do the example without procedures:

Stopped: Boolean := False;
while not Stopped and (E) loop
if F then
Stopped := True;
end if;
end loop;

Off-hand, the only assumption I'm aware of making is that E, S, F, and
T do not themselves contain non-local control transfers.

Or let's do it in another language.

(do ()
((or (not E) (progn S F)))

That's Common Lisp.  To get the Scheme version, replace 'progn by  

One can do very similar things in Algol 68, Pop-2, Pop-11, any member of
the Bliss family, BCPL, lots of languages.

1. There are boolean operations
2. Boolean expressions are evaluated from Left to Right
3. Boolean expressions can be short-circuited

You don't need 2 or 3.
Take the loop version and tweak it:

Stopped: Boolean := False;
while not Stopped loop
if E then
if F then
Stopped := True;
end if;
Stopped := True;
end if;
end loop;

In order to prove the transformation impossible, you now know that
you will need to assume that
A. You are not allowed to introduce any new variables.
B. You are not allowed to define any new procedures.
C. You are not allowed to use a programming language with a
   loop-and-a-half construct.

Ad C, consider Ada's

exit when not E;
exit when F;
end loop;

It's a long time since I saw any reference to it, but there's
"Zahn's situation-case", see 

This must also be ruled out under C.

In fact, you have to make so many apparently arbitary restrictions on
what you are allowed to do that the question becomes "why?".  What *is*
the point of this exercise?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Finance-Quote-Yahoo 0.3

2007-09-04 Thread brad clawsie

i know minor point releases do not merit a list announcement but yahoo
discontinued a url i was using to download data, so users of this
package must upgrade. sorry for the hassle.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] About mplus

2007-09-04 Thread David Benbennick
On 9/4/07, ok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been thinking about making a data type an instance of MonadPlus.
>  From the Haddock documentation at, I see that any such
> instance should satisfy
> mzero `mplus` x = x
> x `mplus` mzero = x
> mzero >>= f = mzero
> v >> mzero  = mzero
> but is that all there is to it?  Are there no other requirements for
> MonadPlus to make sense?

Also, mplus has to be associative.  I.e.
(a `mplus` b) `mplus` c == a `mplus` (b `mplus` c)

> I also wondered why, once MonadPlus was added to the language, the
> definition of ++ wasn't changed to
> (++) = MonadPlus
> (with the MonadPlus instance for [] defined directly).

You mean (++) = mplus.  I've wondered that too.  Similarly, one should
define map = fmap.  And a lot of standard list functions can be
generalized to MonadPlus, for example you can define

filter :: (MonadPlus m) => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a

(This is not the same as filterM.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-04 Thread Thomas Conway
On 9/5/07, Stefan O'Rear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've always wondered why Prolog uses DFS, instead of some complete
> method like DFID or Eppstein's hybrid BFS...  having to worry about
> clause order seems so out of place.

Well, a couple of reasons are pretty well agreed in the Prolog community:

1. Order of side-effects.

2. Efficiency of implementation.

and arguably

3. Hysterical Raisins.

Dr Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-04 Thread Thomas Conway
On 9/5/07, Derek Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's because Prolog is -ugly-.  The only reason I recommend it is
> because it's archetypical and there aren't any other logic languages
> with anywhere near the mindshare/significance.  For a thing of sheer
> beauty, see, e.g. LolliMon.

Oh, look, I quite like Prolog in some respects. Especially Nu-Prolog
which has safe negation.

I also highly recommend learning it. It will enrich the way you think
about problems, especially if you get to know it well enough to
understand how logic variables are implemented, etc.

ps I feel obliged to put in a good word for Mercury which I worked on,
along with a few other denizens in this forum. See
Dr Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Sterling Clover

On Sep 4, 2007, at 5:03 PM, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
Otherwise you would need a very clever compiler/editor machine  
learning system, that looks at how a class of users fixes a certain  
error, so the compiler can adapt its error message the next time a  
similar pattern occurs (which is science fiction right now I think...)

On that note, I've been finding GHC's type suggestions often worse  
than useless, and wish it wouldn't even bother to try -- even more  
confusing for new users to have the compiler suggest pointless things  
like declaring an instance of Num String or whatever. I'd prefer it  
if it could just tell me what *specific* part of an expression, which  
symbol even, the expected and inferred values differed. On the other  
hand, when trying to guess at operator precedence rules, the "applied  
to too many" and "applied to too few" errors are actually pretty handy.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Sterling Clover
You get the logic and code blowup problems that require either local  
variables, breaks, gotos, or continuations because you're working  
with tests that generate side-effects. Mixing side-effects and tests  
is going to generate a goto, sure, but if the code was rewritten in a  
functional style the problems would go away, even in an imperative  

Or even:

myFunc E' = if E' do
if not F then do
myFunc E

main = do myFunc E

of course you could rewrite this in a while loop too although you'd  
have to use an assignment, but at least still not one with a silly  
"done" variable.

E' = E
if not F
E' = E

I've actually used this sort of construct plenty of times in  
imperative languages (putting "fenceposts" in a list generated by an  
enumerator, etc.)  because its clearer and simpler than break. Break  
isn't as bad as goto, but it can also lead to difficulty reasoning  
about large functions along the same lines. in Java I often find  
myself initializing a return value upfront and then setting it  
according to the logic of the program rather than calling "return" at  
arbitrary points for the same reason again -- it lets you avoid  
duplicate cleanup code and reason clearly about the flow of control  
in your program. Of course, this is what a "finally" block is for,  
except finally blocks are ugly, while unwindProtect in, say, lisp, is  
somewhat neater except it breaks with full continuations, which is  
why, as i understand it with my still limited Haskell-fu, a monadic  
context that you can enter and exit is the cleanest way to enforce  
this stuff, and it works precisely because the pure functionality is  
enforced. Okay, now I'm rambling.

Except that I do note, now, that assignment, and I suppose procedures  
are disallowed as well because the original question was apparently  
only with regards to "using just the if and while statement" (which I  
assume would also disallow the logical operators used in the initial  
post as well). All of which maybe, is just therefore the professor's  
way to push students to realize that if and while *alone* are  
insufficiently expressive to generate all possible flow control  
combinations (i.e. one can't construct an if/while calculus the same  
way one can construct an S K one).


while E do
  if F then

On Sep 4, 2007, at 11:39 AM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

Vimal wrote:
Ah, yes, it is possible in this case, but you have used an extra  

It is okay, but our professor doesnt want to put emphasis on
Computability here (or maybe I dont realize it), but the point is:  

such programming constructs really necessary in a programming
language? i.e. Is Breakl, goto, falling through switch/case
statements, necessary in a language?

If your (or your professor's) question is not about computabily,  
but about expressivenes, what's the point of asking for a proof? In  
a turing-complete language, everything should be expressible :)

Sensible questions may include: how easy is it to express a  
language feature using only other language features? (local or  
global transformation needed, code blowup, mechanical  
transformation or rewrite-from-scratch?)

This also brings another point. What if there are N loops like this,
and there is no break statement available in your language? You would
have to use N conditional variables, and would make mainting the code
a horrible thing to do.

I disagree. You would have to introduce a temporary variable for  
every breakable loop, an assignment to the approbiate variable for  
every break and a lot of tests of temporary variables to skip parts  
of the loop body. Since breaks can only occur withing the loop  
body, and each break only breaks the innermost loop, all of these  
temporary variables can share the same name and shadow each other  
in the case of nested loops. by reserving a approbiate name (like  
"done") for this variable by convention.

Reading such code, you can just just resugar the code by reading  
"if not done then", "done := true" and "let var done = false in  
while ..." as primitives.

This is a local transformation, the code blowup is linear and it is  
possible to do it mechanically. I therefore consider the break  
statement as easily emulated by temporary variables.

On the other hand, the obvious next step would be to provide actual  
names for these three uses of the "done"-variable, either by using  
whatever abstraction means provided by the language, or by adding  
syntactic sugar. In Haskell, we would simply define an approbiate  
monad to hide the "if not done then"-parts in the bind operation  
and reuse the existing syntactic sugar for monadic expressions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] About mplus

2007-09-04 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 03:35:03PM +1200, ok wrote:
> I've been thinking about making a data type an instance of MonadPlus.
> From the Haddock documentation at, I see that any such
> instance should satisfy
>   mzero `mplus` x = x
>   x `mplus` mzero = x
>   mzero >>= f = mzero
>   v >> mzero  = mzero
> but is that all there is to it?  Are there no other requirements for
> MonadPlus to make sense?
> I also wondered why, once MonadPlus was added to the language, the
> definition of ++ wasn't changed to
>   (++) = MonadPlus
> (with the MonadPlus instance for [] defined directly).

It was.  They changed it back in Haskell 98, as part of a grand program
of dumbing down the langauge...  Cale Gibbard says {{{I get the impression
there were a lot of people on the Haskell 98 committee who really really
hated polymorphism.}}}.


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-04 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 01:21:52PM +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
> but to interpret this as a *program* you have to consider how it will
> be executed. In particular, using SLD resolution, conjunction (/\, or
> ',' in Prolog notation) is not commutative as it is in predicate
> logic.

I've always wondered why Prolog uses DFS, instead of some complete
method like DFID or Eppstein's hybrid BFS...  having to worry about
clause order seems so out of place.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-04 Thread Derek Elkins
On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 13:21 +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
> On 9/2/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > One of standard exercices in Prolog is the construction of the
> > > meta-interpreter of Prolog in Prolog. While this is cheating, I recommend
> > > it to you. It opens eyes.
> >
> > Ever tried implementing Haskell in Haskell? ;-)
> In many respects, Haskell is a much higher-level language than Prolog.
> Before you all gasp and go , consider the following argument.
> In Prolog, you need to pay close attention to the exact order in which
> things are executed.

That's because Prolog is -ugly-.  The only reason I recommend it is
because it's archetypical and there aren't any other logic languages
with anywhere near the mindshare/significance.  For a thing of sheer
beauty, see, e.g. LolliMon.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] About mplus

2007-09-04 Thread ok

I've been thinking about making a data type an instance of MonadPlus.
From the Haddock documentation at, I see that any such
instance should satisfy

mzero `mplus` x = x
x `mplus` mzero = x
mzero >>= f = mzero
v >> mzero  = mzero

but is that all there is to it?  Are there no other requirements for
MonadPlus to make sense?

I also wondered why, once MonadPlus was added to the language, the
definition of ++ wasn't changed to
(++) = MonadPlus
(with the MonadPlus instance for [] defined directly).

Aside from getting msum and guard, is there any point in bothering to
make something an instance of MonadPlus?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learn Prolog...

2007-09-04 Thread Thomas Conway
On 9/2/07, Andrew Coppin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One of standard exercices in Prolog is the construction of the
> > meta-interpreter of Prolog in Prolog. While this is cheating, I recommend
> > it to you. It opens eyes.
> Ever tried implementing Haskell in Haskell? ;-)

In many respects, Haskell is a much higher-level language than Prolog.
Before you all gasp and go , consider the following argument.

In Prolog, you need to pay close attention to the exact order in which
things are executed. In preditcate logic you may write (using
haskellish term notation)

a(xs,ys,zs) <= (xs = [] /\ ys = zs) \/ (xs = (x:ws) /\ zs = x:vs /\
a(ws, ys, vs))

but to interpret this as a *program* you have to consider how it will
be executed. In particular, using SLD resolution, conjunction (/\, or
',' in Prolog notation) is not commutative as it is in predicate

This is good in some respects - in this respect it is easier to write
efficient Prolog than Haskell, but at the same time, compilers can't
rewrite programs (i.e. optimize) nearly so effectively. And that's not
even taking into account that Prolog is impure, so the compiler has to
watch out for side effects.

Also, still considering "append", as a high level specification of the
relationship between lists and their concatenation, it is ill-typed:

append([], Ys, Ys).
append([X|Xs], Ys, [X|Zs]) :- append(Xs, Ys, Zs).

(Ye Gods! My Prolog *has* rusted quickly!)

>From the clauses, it is clear that the first argument must satisfy

list([X|Xs]) :- list(Xs).

but the same is not true of the second and third arguments.

?- append([1,2,3], 4, Zs).
Zs = [1|[2|[3|4]]]

Lee Naish has written in detail on this subject.

Another argument in favour of Haskell being high-level is John Hughes'
"glue" argument. If you don't know what I mean, go and read "Why
Functional Programming Matters".

Hey, that was fun. I have barely written *any* Prolog since I finished
my thesis. :-)

Dr Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: xmonad 0.3

2007-09-04 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart

The xmonad dev team is pleased to announce the 0.3 release of xmonad. 

xmonad: a tiling window manager


xmonad is a tiling window manager for X. Windows are arranged
automatically to tile the screen without gaps or overlap, maximising
screen use. All features of the window manager are accessible from the
keyboard: a mouse is strictly optional. xmonad is written and extensible
in Haskell. Custom layout algorithms, and other extensions, may be
written by the user in config files. Layouts are applied dynamically,
and different layouts may be used on each workspace. Xinerama is fully
supported, allowing windows to be tiled on several screens.


* Very stable, fast, small and simple.
* Automatic window tiling and management
* First class keyboard support: a mouse is unnecessary
* Full support for tiling windows on multi-head displays
* Full support for floating windows
* XRandR support to rotate, add or remove monitors
* Per-workspace layout algorithms
* Per-screens custom status bars
* Easy, powerful customisation and reconfiguration
* Large extension library
* Extensive documentation and support for hacking

Since xmonad 0.2, the following notable features and bug fixes have appeared:

New features:

  * floating layer support: transients windows are not tiled by default,
and windows may be dragged to and from a traditional floating layer
(which allows mouse-resizing, and overlapping windows).

  * improved Xinerama support: workspace switching reuses multiple
displays more effectively.

  * huge new extension library. Over 50 extensions to xmonad have been
contributed by users, and are available all in a standard library,
with documentation.

More information, screenshots, documentation and community resources are
available from:

Xmonad is available from hackage, and via darcs. Happy hacking!

The Xmonad Team:

Spencer Janssen
Don Stewart
Jason Creighton

Xmonad has also received contributions from at least:

Alec Berryman Andrea Rossato Chris Mears
Daniel Wagner David Glasser David Lazar
David Roundy Hans Philipp Annen Joachim Fasting
Joe Thornber Kai Grossjohann Karsten Schoelzel
Michael Sloan Miikka Koskinen Neil Mitchell
Nelson Elhage Nick Burlett Peter De Wachter
Robert Marlow Sam Hughes Shachaf Ben-Kiki
Shae Erisson Simon Peyton Jones Stefan O'Rear

as well as many others on the IRC channel and mailing list. Thanks to everyone!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-04 Thread Michael Vanier


I'm reminded of the IRC post that said that "Haskell is bad, it makes you hate other 


Dan Weston wrote:

And here's my guide for public health officials...

WARNING: Learning Haskell is dangerous to your health!

Disguised as a fully-functional programming language, Haskell is 
actually a front for a working math-lab, supported by a cult of 
volunteers seeking to ensnare weak-headed but normal programmers 
susceptible to the dogma that laziness is a virtue.

Though cut with syntactic sugar to be more palatable to newbies, each 
Haskell construct is in fact a contagious mix of higher-order functions, 
lambda expressions, and partial applications, a highly addictive gateway 
drug to category theory, initial algebras, and greco-morphisms.

Some users have gotten trapped inside an IO monad unable to get out 
safely, and even gone mad trying to decipher commutative diagrams or 
perfect their own monad tutorial. Signs of addiction include prefixing 
co- to random words or needlessly replacing recursive functions with 
combinators and pointfree notation. The least fixed point of this 
unnatural transformation is the inability to find joy in the use of 
imperative programming languages. In some cases, hackage is irreversible 
and can lead to uncontrolled blogging.

Further study is needed to understand the strong correlation between 
intelligence and Haskell addiction. Meanwhile, those at risk should be 
made to program in teams to suppress their creative drive.

Dan Weston

Paul Johnson wrote:
This page ( has a 
template for an "elevator pitch".  This is what you say to someone 
when you have 30 seconds to explain your big idea, for instance if you 
find yourself in an elevator with them.  I thought I'd try 
instantiating it for Haskell.

For software developers who need to produce highly reliable software 
at minimum cost, Haskell is a pure functional programming language 
that reduces line count by 75% through reusable higher order functions 
and detects latent defects with its powerful static type system.  
Unlike Ada and Java, Haskell allows reusable functions to be combined 
without the overhead of class definitions and inheritance, and its 
type system prevents the hidden side effects that cause many bugs in 
programs written in conventional languages.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-04 Thread Dan Weston

And here's my guide for public health officials...

WARNING: Learning Haskell is dangerous to your health!

Disguised as a fully-functional programming language, Haskell is 
actually a front for a working math-lab, supported by a cult of 
volunteers seeking to ensnare weak-headed but normal programmers 
susceptible to the dogma that laziness is a virtue.

Though cut with syntactic sugar to be more palatable to newbies, each 
Haskell construct is in fact a contagious mix of higher-order functions, 
lambda expressions, and partial applications, a highly addictive gateway 
drug to category theory, initial algebras, and greco-morphisms.

Some users have gotten trapped inside an IO monad unable to get out 
safely, and even gone mad trying to decipher commutative diagrams or 
perfect their own monad tutorial. Signs of addiction include prefixing 
co- to random words or needlessly replacing recursive functions with 
combinators and pointfree notation. The least fixed point of this 
unnatural transformation is the inability to find joy in the use of 
imperative programming languages. In some cases, hackage is irreversible 
and can lead to uncontrolled blogging.

Further study is needed to understand the strong correlation between 
intelligence and Haskell addiction. Meanwhile, those at risk should be 
made to program in teams to suppress their creative drive.

Dan Weston

Paul Johnson wrote:
This page ( has a 
template for an "elevator pitch".  This is what you say to someone when 
you have 30 seconds to explain your big idea, for instance if you find 
yourself in an elevator with them.  I thought I'd try instantiating it 
for Haskell.

For software developers who need to produce highly reliable software at 
minimum cost, Haskell is a pure functional programming language that 
reduces line count by 75% through reusable higher order functions and 
detects latent defects with its powerful static type system.  Unlike Ada 
and Java, Haskell allows reusable functions to be combined without the 
overhead of class definitions and inheritance, and its type system 
prevents the hidden side effects that cause many bugs in programs 
written in conventional languages.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-04 Thread Greg Fitzgerald

> This page ( has a template
for an "elevator pitch".
> I thought I'd try instantiating it for Haskell.
> For software developers who need to produce highly reliable software at
minimum cost...

Looks like a good pitch for developers.  Here's my attempt for management:

For software project leaders looking to decrease the risk of software
construction in large componentized systems.  Haskell is a programming
language where software components can be built safely and predictably from
existing components without increasing the system's overall complexity.
Unlike Java or C, Haskell functions are called 'safe' because each function
either explicitly states its side effects or is guaranteed to have none.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-04 Thread David Pollak

It's a good start, but it's a little too "feature" oriented rather than
"benefits" oriented.

Features: makes programmers more productive, allows projects to grow larger,
allows maintenance teams to pick up the code with less skills xfer, faster
time to market and faster and more reliable changes to existing systems.

All features boil down to improving bottom line (saving money), improving
top line (creating more revenue), or customer satisfaction.

My 2 cents (aka 1.2 euro pennies)



On 9/4/07, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This page ( has a
> template for an "elevator pitch".  This is what you say to someone when
> you have 30 seconds to explain your big idea, for instance if you find
> yourself in an elevator with them.  I thought I'd try instantiating it
> for Haskell.
> For software developers who need to produce highly reliable software at
> minimum cost, Haskell is a pure functional programming language that
> reduces line count by 75% through reusable higher order functions and
> detects latent defects with its powerful static type system.  Unlike Ada
> and Java, Haskell allows reusable functions to be combined without the
> overhead of class definitions and inheritance, and its type system
> prevents the hidden side effects that cause many bugs in programs
> written in conventional languages.
> Comments?
> Paul.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

lift, the fast, powerful, easy web framework
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-04 Thread Michael Vanier
It's very nice, but I would say that anyone who needs an elevator pitch shouldn't be using or 
working with Haskell.  Haskell is for people who already "get it".  I've had job offers from people 
just because they knew I _liked_ Haskell, even though they weren't asking me to use it for the job.

OTOH, something like this might be useful for pitching Haskell to students, which is where the real 
growth opportunities are (minds not yet closed).


Paul Johnson wrote:
This page ( has a 
template for an "elevator pitch".  This is what you say to someone when 
you have 30 seconds to explain your big idea, for instance if you find 
yourself in an elevator with them.  I thought I'd try instantiating it 
for Haskell.

For software developers who need to produce highly reliable software at 
minimum cost, Haskell is a pure functional programming language that 
reduces line count by 75% through reusable higher order functions and 
detects latent defects with its powerful static type system.  Unlike Ada 
and Java, Haskell allows reusable functions to be combined without the 
overhead of class definitions and inheritance, and its type system 
prevents the hidden side effects that cause many bugs in programs 
written in conventional languages.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Elevator pitch for Haskell.

2007-09-04 Thread Paul Johnson
This page ( has a 
template for an "elevator pitch".  This is what you say to someone when 
you have 30 seconds to explain your big idea, for instance if you find 
yourself in an elevator with them.  I thought I'd try instantiating it 
for Haskell.

For software developers who need to produce highly reliable software at 
minimum cost, Haskell is a pure functional programming language that 
reduces line count by 75% through reusable higher order functions and 
detects latent defects with its powerful static type system.  Unlike Ada 
and Java, Haskell allows reusable functions to be combined without the 
overhead of class definitions and inheritance, and its type system 
prevents the hidden side effects that cause many bugs in programs 
written in conventional languages.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 23:03 +0200, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
> Jonathan Cast wrote:
> > I don't think this has been mentioned explicitly yet, but the
> > discrepancy is purely for pedagogical purposes.
> >
> > In Gofer, list comprehensions (and list syntax, IIRC) /was/ generalized
> > (to an arbitrary instance of MonadPlus).  But that means that any
> > mistake in your syntax likely brings up a type error mentioning
> > MonadPlus.  This confuses CS freshmen (who are easily confused anyway);
> > thus, Haskell restricts list syntax to lists so the type errors are
> > simpler.
> >
> > By contrast, most CS freshman have already used languages with multiple
> > number types, so all you have to do is explain that type errors
> > involving Num are Haskell's way of dealing with them.  So the syntax can
> > be generalized to the type class in that case without confusing freshmen
> > as much.
> >
> > jcc
> >
> >   
> Well, that is a very good reason, but for newbies (or should I say, for 
> me ;-) ), most error messages are very confusing anyway! An since 
> Haskell is really an advanced language, why not go all the way? It feels 
> to me that for learning FP to newbies, a small subset of Haskell would 
> be more suitable to get started, so really easy error messages can be 
> given (Helium does that already?)

Exactly.  But the Haskell 98 standard pre-dates Helium.  I think
Haskell' could be made more complicated now that Helium exists, but
don't know whether that's in the cards.

> Otherwise you would need a very clever 
> compiler/editor machine learning system, that looks at how a class of 
> users fixes a certain error, so the compiler can adapt its error message 
> the next time a similar pattern occurs (which is science fiction right 
> now I think...)

GHC I think tries to mediate this through the minds of its developers.

> Now, these complex error messages are not just for Haskell; when I did 
> complicated C++ template programming, the error message sometimes became 
> as long as a full page when printed, and it took me more time to 
> decipher the error than to fix the code ;-)
> PS: Gofer, is that an existing language? As far as some googling can 
> tell me, it's dead?

Right.  Gofer died the quick death of most research languages, although
it influence Hugs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Peter Verswyvelen

Jonathan Cast wrote:

I don't think this has been mentioned explicitly yet, but the
discrepancy is purely for pedagogical purposes.

In Gofer, list comprehensions (and list syntax, IIRC) /was/ generalized
(to an arbitrary instance of MonadPlus).  But that means that any
mistake in your syntax likely brings up a type error mentioning
MonadPlus.  This confuses CS freshmen (who are easily confused anyway);
thus, Haskell restricts list syntax to lists so the type errors are

By contrast, most CS freshman have already used languages with multiple
number types, so all you have to do is explain that type errors
involving Num are Haskell's way of dealing with them.  So the syntax can
be generalized to the type class in that case without confusing freshmen
as much.


Well, that is a very good reason, but for newbies (or should I say, for 
me ;-) ), most error messages are very confusing anyway! An since 
Haskell is really an advanced language, why not go all the way? It feels 
to me that for learning FP to newbies, a small subset of Haskell would 
be more suitable to get started, so really easy error messages can be 
given (Helium does that already?) Otherwise you would need a very clever 
compiler/editor machine learning system, that looks at how a class of 
users fixes a certain error, so the compiler can adapt its error message 
the next time a similar pattern occurs (which is science fiction right 
now I think...)

Now, these complex error messages are not just for Haskell; when I did 
complicated C++ template programming, the error message sometimes became 
as long as a full page when printed, and it took me more time to 
decipher the error than to fix the code ;-)

PS: Gofer, is that an existing language? As far as some googling can 
tell me, it's dead?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Dan Piponi
On 9/3/07, Vimal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> In my Paradigms of Programming course, my professor presents this piece of 
> code:
> while E do
>   S
>   if F then
>  break
>   end
>   T
> end

This is seriously offtopic but kinda fun anyway...

There's a nice formalism for investigating this kind of problem called
"Kleene Algebra with Tests" (KAT). Google to find out more - I
hesistate to give a link as every link I can find points to a file in
a proprietary format or requires a password, but there are lots of
documents out there.

The idea is that it gives a way to describe the path of execution of
imperative programs using notation remarkably like regular
expressions. The above loop could be written as X where X =
E'+ES(F+F'TX). E and F are 'tests' while S and T are more like
'actions'. For a test X, X' means "not X" and these symbols behave
just like regular expressions except that X+X'=1. A normal while loop
with no breaks, while (A) { B }, is given by Y where Y = ABY+A', so Y
= (AB)*A'. Anyway, the task is now an algebraic one: show that you
can't construct a solution to X = E'+ES(F+F'TX) using composition of
E, F, S, T and the Y = ABY+A' while-construction. Note that the
process of converting the imperative code to algebraic notation is
remarkably similar to that of porting imperative code to recursive
Hakell code, and that tests look a lot like guards in a
non-determinstic monad. (That was my obligatory mention of Haskell to
make things seem vaguely on topic.)

Also check out the folk theorem here: which can  be solved much
more easily using KAT.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installation of GLUT package

2007-09-04 Thread Paul L
hs_GLUT_getProcAddress in cbits/HsGLUT.c apparently requires FREEGLUT
or GLUT_API_VERSION >= 5 or OPENGLUT to be defined at compile time in
order to work, as the standard GLUT 3.7 doesn't even have the
glutGetProcAddress(..) function.

Paul Liu

On 9/4/07, Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2007 15:37, Paul L wrote:
> > The detection of freeglut or glut is at compile time by checking if
> > some function exists. Otherwise it's not able to link. So you'll have
> > to re-compile the Haskell GLUT package.
> Show me the code where the alleged tests are made, please... :-) The only
> things which are determined at build time are the linker options for linking
> OpenGL/GLUT applications and the calling convention on the platform in
> question. If you change your GLUT DLL to a freeglut DLL, everything should
> work, including freeglut extensions. If not, I consider this as a bug and
> I'll try to fix it. But to see what's going on, some logs, commandlines, etc.
> are needed to reproduce what other people have done.
> For a more detailed discussion, perhaps the hopengl list might be more
> appropriate.
> Cheers,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Request for code review - Knuth Morris Pratt for Data.Sequence

2007-09-04 Thread Justin Bailey
Using the code developed for ByteStrings by myself, Christ Kuklewicz
and Daniel Fischer, I've implemented Knuth-Morris-Pratt substring
searching on Data.Sequence "Seq" values. Attached you'll find the
library in The algorithm is implemented in the module

At the root, SpeedTest.hs can be compiled on Windows with the
"prof_compile.bat" file included (you'll need to install the
"regex-dfa" and "regex-base" packages from
Hackage to build). SpeedTest searches for a known value in the 7 MB
file "endo.dna" (which can be downloaded from using several different
algorithms and methods: strict and lazy bytestrings, regular
expressions, and the KMP algorithm for "Seq" values.

SpeedTest is pretty fast but I worry about its space usage. It may
just be the nature of Seq values, but I cannot get it to run in
constant space when I think it should be. I'm especially interested in
help here.

All comments and feedback are welcome. Since the zip file includes a
darcs context file, feel free to send patches.

Description: Binary data
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installation of GLUT package

2007-09-04 Thread Sven Panne
On Tuesday 04 September 2007 15:37, Paul L wrote:
> The detection of freeglut or glut is at compile time by checking if
> some function exists. Otherwise it's not able to link. So you'll have
> to re-compile the Haskell GLUT package.

Show me the code where the alleged tests are made, please... :-) The only 
things which are determined at build time are the linker options for linking 
OpenGL/GLUT applications and the calling convention on the platform in 
question. If you change your GLUT DLL to a freeglut DLL, everything should 
work, including freeglut extensions. If not, I consider this as a bug and 
I'll try to fix it. But to see what's going on, some logs, commandlines, etc. 
are needed to reproduce what other people have done.

For a more detailed discussion, perhaps the hopengl list might be more 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code from "Why Functional Programming Matters"

2007-09-04 Thread Rene de Visser
"Andrew Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> current position (or, even more ideally, the so-called "principal
> variation", which is the best series of moves from the current
> position). Is there a good way to collect this, without mapping some
> sort of function over the tree that puts a list of moves on every node
> too?
> Hughes seems to completely ignore this, and I wonder if it's because
> it gets ugly to implement.

While Hughes code looks nice, the more efficient you make your search the 
uglier it is going to be (at least with my Haskell skills)
In reality you will at least want iterative deepening and principle 
variation search.

I posted code for PVS (ugly code)

I thought I had some code doing iterative deepening based on this, but it 
looks like I lost it somewhere.

If you want to use hash tables, history, killer moves, etc. Then I think you 
are going to have to monadize everything.

It is a pity that Hughes doesn't demonstrate adding some of these things. 
Maybe it is possible using arrows? (without making everything look like C, 
which would be my solution).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Jonathan Cast
On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 16:06 +0200, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > If you are happy with writing "do {1;2;3;4}" you are certainly also happy
> > with "cv [1,2,3,4]", where cv means 'convert' and is a method of a class
> > for converting between lists and another sequence type.
> >
> > class ListCompatible lc where
> >cv :: [a] -> lc a
> >rt :: lc a -> [a]   {- restore :-) -}
> >
> > Better don't adapt the names, but the idea would work, wouldn't it?
> >
> >   
> Oh but I will not write "do {1;2;3;4}", this was just an idea :-) Yep, 
> your approach certainly works, but I just found it was a bit of a 
> discrepancy in Haskell (numbers getting better lifting support than lists).

I don't think this has been mentioned explicitly yet, but the
discrepancy is purely for pedagogical purposes.

In Gofer, list comprehensions (and list syntax, IIRC) /was/ generalized
(to an arbitrary instance of MonadPlus).  But that means that any
mistake in your syntax likely brings up a type error mentioning
MonadPlus.  This confuses CS freshmen (who are easily confused anyway);
thus, Haskell restricts list syntax to lists so the type errors are

By contrast, most CS freshman have already used languages with multiple
number types, so all you have to do is explain that type errors
involving Num are Haskell's way of dealing with them.  So the syntax can
be generalized to the type class in that case without confusing freshmen
as much.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Vimal wrote:

Ah, yes, it is possible in this case, but you have used an extra variable.
It is okay, but our professor doesnt want to put emphasis on
Computability here (or maybe I dont realize it), but the point is: Are
such programming constructs really necessary in a programming
language? i.e. Is Breakl, goto, falling through switch/case
statements, necessary in a language?

If your (or your professor's) question is not about computabily, but 
about expressivenes, what's the point of asking for a proof? In a 
turing-complete language, everything should be expressible :)

Sensible questions may include: how easy is it to express a language 
feature using only other language features? (local or global 
transformation needed, code blowup, mechanical transformation or 

This also brings another point. What if there are N loops like this,
and there is no break statement available in your language? You would
have to use N conditional variables, and would make mainting the code
a horrible thing to do.

I disagree. You would have to introduce a temporary variable for every 
breakable loop, an assignment to the approbiate variable for every break 
and a lot of tests of temporary variables to skip parts of the loop 
body. Since breaks can only occur withing the loop body, and each break 
only breaks the innermost loop, all of these temporary variables can 
share the same name and shadow each other in the case of nested loops. 
by reserving a approbiate name (like "done") for this variable by 

Reading such code, you can just just resugar the code by reading "if not 
done then", "done := true" and "let var done = false in while ..." as 

This is a local transformation, the code blowup is linear and it is 
possible to do it mechanically. I therefore consider the break statement 
as easily emulated by temporary variables.

On the other hand, the obvious next step would be to provide actual 
names for these three uses of the "done"-variable, either by using 
whatever abstraction means provided by the language, or by adding 
syntactic sugar. In Haskell, we would simply define an approbiate monad 
to hide the "if not done then"-parts in the bind operation and reuse the 
existing syntactic sugar for monadic expressions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Vimal
> I hadn't interpreted the "reminding of Knuth" that way. I
> wouldn't count break as a goto -- what makes goto especially
> nasty is that the destination isn't indicated by the
> structure of the source; it could be just anywhere. Break is
> slightly more structured.

Maybe you might need to take a look at this :-)

Linus does get a little serious about Pascal.

But I feel that gotos, like pointers is a tool that makes programming easy
(in some context, like modeling a simple FSA). So, its better that we
take them in a
"Use them with Caution" attitude!
Okay, "pointers" may not be a nice thing to discuss here :-)

I have been a little sluggish in my replies to mails that came here. I forgot
to click "Reply All". These are smoe of the missed replies ...

> But it IS possible.  Just add a boolean flag:
> done = False
> while E and not(done) do...
> I'll let you work out the rest.  Unless I am missing something here... are
> you not allowed to introduce extra variables? It's a strange thing for your
> professor to ask, since under reasonable assumptions, anything that is
> computable can be done only using if and while.  goto (which is essentially
> what break is) is never necessary.

Ah, yes, it is possible in this case, but you have used an extra variable.
It is okay, but our professor doesnt want to put emphasis on
Computability here (or maybe I dont realize it), but the point is: Are
such programming constructs really necessary in a programming
language? i.e. Is Breakl, goto, falling through switch/case
statements, necessary in a language?

This also brings another point. What if there are N loops like this,
and there is no break statement available in your language? You would
have to use N conditional variables, and would make mainting the code
a horrible thing to do.

> Possibly, you are not allowed to change the sequence of machine operations at 
> all. See, if you change "while(A){B}" to "if(A){B};while(A){B}", the sequence 
> is exactly the same; but it's not possible in this case.

Changing the sequence is fine as long as the execution of one doesnt
affect another.
So, he is trying to bring the idea of functional programming here, to
avoid side-effects.

> It reminds me of a paper by Knuth, where he states that "goto" statement is 
> necessary; don't remember the title, however.

Thanks for the info! I willl check it out soon!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Peter Verswyvelen

Henning Thielemann wrote:

If you are happy with writing "do {1;2;3;4}" you are certainly also happy
with "cv [1,2,3,4]", where cv means 'convert' and is a method of a class
for converting between lists and another sequence type.

class ListCompatible lc where
   cv :: [a] -> lc a
   rt :: lc a -> [a]   {- restore :-) -}

Better don't adapt the names, but the idea would work, wouldn't it?

Oh but I will not write "do {1;2;3;4}", this was just an idea :-) Yep, 
your approach certainly works, but I just found it was a bit of a 
discrepancy in Haskell (numbers getting better lifting support than lists).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Jon Fairbairn
"Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sep 4, 2007, at 5:02 , Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
>>> It depends on arbitrary restrictions on what constitutes an
>>> (boolean) expression, something that is anathema to
>>> functional programmers :-) Spot the language:
>>> while if E
>>>   then S; F
>>>   else False
>>>   fi
>>> do T
>>> od
 It reminds me of a paper by Knuth, where he states that
 "goto" statement is necessary; don't remember the title,
>>> I don't remember needing a goto in Haskell...
>> Well, for imperative languages, of course.
> We're talking goto-the-concept, since "break" counts as
> "goto";

I hadn't interpreted the "reminding of Knuth" that way. I
wouldn't count break as a goto -- what makes goto especially
nasty is that the destination isn't indicated by the
structure of the source; it could be just anywhere. Break is
slightly more structured.

> thus, so does MonadCont, and so does pattern match failure
> in a monad.

I've never been entirely happy with those...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installation of GLUT package

2007-09-04 Thread Paul L
On 9/4/07, Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But coming to the main point: I can't see a reason why the GLUT package needs
> to be rebuilt, it gets the freeglut-specific API entries dynamically (at
> least, that was the plan ;-). Replacing the original GLUT DLL with the
> freeglut DLL should work. because freeglut *is* a drop-in replacement for the
> old GLUT (modulo support for some obscure input devices). A more detailed
> description of what goes wrong with that simple approach would be helpful...

The detection of freeglut or glut is at compile time by checking if
some function exists. Otherwise it's not able to link. So you'll have
to re-compile the Haskell GLUT package.

Paul Liu
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Sep 4, 2007, at 5:02 , Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:

It depends on arbitrary restrictions on what constitutes an
(boolean) expression, something that is anathema to
functional programmers :-) Spot the language:
while if E
  then S; F
  else False
do T

It reminds me of a paper by Knuth, where he states that
"goto" statement is necessary; don't remember the title,

I don't remember needing a goto in Haskell...

Well, for imperative languages, of course.

We're talking goto-the-concept, since "break" counts as "goto"; thus,  
so does MonadCont, and so does pattern match failure in a monad.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Serial Communications in Haskell

2007-09-04 Thread Mitar

> > You can check how I did this in my Lego Mindstorms NXT interface,
> > pre-beta version:
> >
> >
> That's really cool! I hope you can upload this to hackage soon.

I do not think it is ready yet. It is working but it is missing
extensive testing (making some bigger programs in practice, to see how
it behaves and to see if the API is sane) and of course documentation
(how to use it, examples, tutorials ...). I will continue with this
project in a few months.

(The main reason is that I do not have any experience with Hackage and
Cabal nor I have time now for this. But if anybody wants to help ...)

I am using it in my AI robot research project where I am using Lego
Mindstorms NXT unit and communicating with it over Bluetooth. And the
AI is made in Haskell. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: FFI and DLLs

2007-09-04 Thread Simon Marlow

Lewis-Sandy, Darrell wrote:
An early proposal for the FFI supported importing functions directly 
from dynamic link libraries:


This looks like it was dropped from the final version of the addendum in 
favor of C header files as the sole form of import entities.  Not being 
a C programmer, how would one go about importing a foreign function 
(e.g. void Foo(void) ) from a dynamic link library (e.g. foo.dll)??   
Would someone be willing to provide an explicit example?

You don't have to do anything special to import a function from a DLL. 
e.g. here's one from the Win32 library:

foreign import stdcall unsafe "windows.h CloseHandle"
  c_CloseHandle :: HANDLE -> IO Bool

The windows.h header file isn't essential unless you're compiling via C 
with GHC, when compiling direct to native code with -fasm the header file 
is ignored.  Note that by convention most functions in DLLs are called 
using the stdcall convention, so you have to specify this on the foreign 

To link against the DLL, the easiest way is to name the DLL directly on the 
command line.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

> Henning Thielemann wrote:
> > Why not just
> >  FancySequence.fromList [1,2,3,4]
> >   or
> >  FancySequence.fromList $ 1:2:3:4:[]
> > ?
> Yes of course, but the same could be said for numbers, e.g when you need
> an Int, you have to type (Int.fromNumber 1), (Float.fromNumber 1),
> (Double.fromNumber 1), etc... I don't like that because it makes writing
> numeric type independent generic code impossibe, so luckily the Haskell
> compiler automatically inserts fromInteger or fromRational calls to lift
> a generic number into a specific representation. But it does not provide
> the same for lists, e.g. there is no fromList function which is a member
> of some List typeclass that the compiler automatically uses just like it
> does for numbers. I think this is a bit of a discrepancy.

If you are happy with writing "do {1;2;3;4}" you are certainly also happy
with "cv [1,2,3,4]", where cv means 'convert' and is a method of a class
for converting between lists and another sequence type.

class ListCompatible lc where
   cv :: [a] -> lc a
   rt :: lc a -> [a]   {- restore :-) -}

Better don't adapt the names, but the idea would work, wouldn't it?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Miguel Mitrofanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > It reminds me of a paper by Knuth, where he states that
>> > "goto" statement is necessary; don't remember the title,
>> > however.
>> I don't remember needing a goto in Haskell...
> Well, for imperative languages, of course.

I think my point is that it requires a narrow definition of
imperative language; you don't need gotos if the other
control structures are rich enough¹, imperative or not.

[1] the proof of which is, allow first-class functions...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Miguel Mitrofanov
> It depends on arbitrary restrictions on what constitutes an
> (boolean) expression, something that is anathema to
> functional programmers :-) Spot the language:
> while if E 
>   then S; F
>   else False
>   fi
> do T
> od
> > It reminds me of a paper by Knuth, where he states that
> > "goto" statement is necessary; don't remember the title,
> > however.
> I don't remember needing a goto in Haskell...

Well, for imperative languages, of course.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Off topic] Proving an impossibility

2007-09-04 Thread Jon Fairbairn
Miguel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>On 9/3/07,Vimal<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>while E do
>>>if F then
>>>He then asked us to *prove* that the above programming fragment cannot
>>>be implemented just using if and while statement, even if S and T can
>>>be duplicated a finite number of times
>>But it IS possible.  Just add a boolean flag:
> Possibly, you are not allowed to change the sequence of
> machine operations at all. See, if you change
> "while(A){B}" to "if(A){B};while(A){B}", the sequence is
> exactly the same; but it's not possible in this case. 

It depends on arbitrary restrictions on what constitutes an
(boolean) expression, something that is anathema to
functional programmers :-) Spot the language:

while if E 
  then S; F
  else False
do T

> It reminds me of a paper by Knuth, where he states that
> "goto" statement is necessary; don't remember the title,
> however.

I don't remember needing a goto in Haskell...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Extending the idea of a general Num to other types?

2007-09-04 Thread Peter Verswyvelen

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Why not just
 FancySequence.fromList [1,2,3,4]
 FancySequence.fromList $ 1:2:3:4:[]
Yes of course, but the same could be said for numbers, e.g when you need 
an Int, you have to type (Int.fromNumber 1), (Float.fromNumber 1), 
(Double.fromNumber 1), etc... I don't like that because it makes writing 
numeric type independent generic code impossibe, so luckily the Haskell 
compiler automatically inserts fromInteger or fromRational calls to lift 
a generic number into a specific representation. But it does not provide 
the same for lists, e.g. there is no fromList function which is a member 
of some List typeclass that the compiler automatically uses just like it 
does for numbers. I think this is a bit of a discrepancy.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Are type synonym families really equivalent to fundeps?

2007-09-04 Thread Tom Schrijvers

I think one can change my earlier proposal to include this, but there are zero
examples of this syntax, so I am likely making up some syntax that does not 

type instance (A_T a ~ A_T (RHS (Var x) a)) => A_B_C (RHS (Var x) a) (x->b) =
A_B_C a b

type instance (A_T a ~ A_T (RHS (Var x) a)) => A_C_B (RHS (Var x) a) c = x ->
A_C_B a c

type instance (A_T a ~ A_T (RHS [t] a)) => A_B_C (RHS [t] a) b = A_B_C a b
type instance (A_T a ~ A_T (RHS [t] a)) => A_C_B (RHS [t] a) c = A_C_B a c

I am afraid you are right: this syntax does not exist. Type family 
instances cannot have a context. They are unconditional.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
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