Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec2 vs. parsec3... again

2011-01-14 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Evan Laforge  wrote:


Then I found out that
> compiling with profiling enabled makes attoparsec slow and parsec
> fast.

Yes, the SCC annotations added by GHC have a fairly high cost.

I think my short term solution is going to be remove -auto-all from
> attoparsec's cabal---I'm not profiling attoparsec and so I don't want
> my entire profile output to be internal attoparsec functions.  But
> presumably the flag was added there for a reason, so maybe there are
> people who really want that.

Yes - me :-)

I typically turn on profiling for most of my libraries while I think of them
as "under development", a period of indefinite length that comes to an end
when I deem the performance good enough. None of my libraries has actually
hit that point yet :-)

This isn't completely without basis. For instance, I made some big speed
improvements to attoparsec's very performance-sensitive takeWhile function
just the other day, thanks to -auto-all.

I might, though, see if there's a way I could enable that flag only for
myself (in a way that I wouldn't routinely forget).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec2 vs. parsec3... again

2011-01-14 Thread Evan Laforge
> Now attoparsec-text is more than twice faster, allocates even less
> memory and the total memory figures seem right.
> Bottom line: I think this benchmark doesn't really represent the kind
> of workload your parser has.  Can you reproduce these results on your
> system?

I spent quite a bit of time trying to reduce this down to a minimal
reproduction and getting confusing results.  Then I found out that
compiling with profiling enabled makes attoparsec slow and parsec
fast.  When I compile without any profiling, here's what I get, in CPU

parsec run 100 - time: 1.22s -
atto bs run 100 - time: 0.38s -
atto text run 100 - time: 0.78s -

This looks more like I expect it to.  I don't understand the parsec
thing... one of the first things I did was recompile and reinstall
parsec2, making sure to pass -p to configure, and verify that there is
a /usr/local/lib/parsec-
However, on closer inspection, I believe I've found the culprit.
Compiling with 'build -v' for attoparsec reveals a ghc cmdline line:
'-prof -hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o -auto-all'.  Compiling parsec has: '-prof
-hisuf p_hi -osuf p_o'.  And indeed, attoparsec cabal has
'ghc-prof-options: -auto-all', which parsec's cabal does not.  And in
fact, parsec3 also has this -auto-all, which both explains why the
profile is full of internal functions and why parsec3 was so much
slower than parsec2.

I'm glad to have finally tracked this down, but unhappy that I spent
so much time on it.  It seems like a trap waiting to be sprung if
various libraries are compiled with their individually specified
flags, which have major effects on performance.  Maybe I should have
noticed, but it seems pretty subtle to me.  GHC will refuse to compile
non-profiling libs against a profiling build, but doesn't go down to
the level of flags.

I think my short term solution is going to be remove -auto-all from
attoparsec's cabal---I'm not profiling attoparsec and so I don't want
my entire profile output to be internal attoparsec functions.  But
presumably the flag was added there for a reason, so maybe there are
people who really want that.  Is there a better solution?  GHC warns
when linking a profiling lib compiled with different profiling flags?
A separate .p_auto-all_o suffix?  Removal of ghc-prof-options from
cabal?  A consensus to standardize on a set of flags?

BTW, yes my situation is a little different from your test.  It's lots
and lots of little expressions for a simple language in an in-memory
structure that get parsed individually.  So I don't care about file
reading speed, but I do care about parser startup overhead, since it's
lots and lots of little parses.  The numbers above are how long it
takes to parse "2.34" 1m times.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec2 vs. parsec3... again

2011-01-14 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Evan Laforge  wrote:
> Well, I tried it... and it's still slower!
> parsec2, String: (a little faster since last time since I have new computer)
>        total time  =        9.10 secs   (455 ticks @ 20 ms)
>        total alloc = 2,295,837,512 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
> attoparsec-text, Data.Text:
>        total time  =       14.72 secs   (736 ticks @ 20 ms)
>        total alloc = 2,797,672,844 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)


> Just in case there's some useful criticism, here's one of the busier parsers:
> p_unsigned_float :: A.Parser Double
> p_unsigned_float = do
>    i <- A.takeWhile Char.isDigit
>    f <- A.option "" (A.char '.' >> A.takeWhile1 Char.isDigit)
>    if (Text.null i && Text.null f) then mzero else do
>    case (dec i, dec f) of
>        (Just i', Just f') -> return $ fromIntegral i'
>            + fromIntegral f' / fromIntegral (10 ^ (Text.length f))
>        _ -> mzero
>    where
>    dec :: Text.Text -> Maybe Int
>    dec s
>        | Text.null s = Just 0
>        | otherwise = case Text.Read.decimal s of
>            Right (d, rest) | Text.null rest -> Just d
>            _ -> Nothing

I've tried creating a benchmark using this code.  It's on the recently
created attoparsec-text darcs repo [1,2].  There is a 2.7 MiB test
file with many numbers to be parsed.  The attoparsec-text package was
installed using -O (Cabal's default) and the test program was compiled
with ghc -hide-package parsec-3.1.0 --make -O2.

Using parsers that return the parsed number as a double and then sum
everything up, I get the following timings:

   2,241,038,864 bytes allocated in the heap
  46 MB total memory in use (1 MB lost due to fragmentation)
  MUT   time1.10s  (  1.13s elapsed)
  GCtime0.15s  (  0.20s elapsed)
  Total time1.25s  (  1.32s elapsed)

   1,281,603,768 bytes allocated in the heap
 101 MB total memory in use (2 MB lost due to fragmentation)
  MUT   time0.58s  (  0.62s elapsed)
  GCtime0.47s  (  0.54s elapsed)
  Total time1.05s  (  1.16s elapsed)

   1,558,621,208 bytes allocated in the heap
  47 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
  MUT   time0.82s  (  0.84s elapsed)
  GCtime0.46s  (  0.51s elapsed)
  Total time1.27s  (  1.35s elapsed)

'attoparsec_text_builtin' uses Data.Attoparsec.Text.double available
on the darcs version of the library.  It tries to handle more cases,
like exponents, and thus it is expected to be slower than your
version.  'attoparsec_text_laforge' and 'parsec_laforge' are very
similar to the one you gave in your e-mail, but with some
modifications (e.g. Text.Read.decimal can't be used with Strings).
Using attoparsec-text is faster and allocates less, but for some
reason the faster version takes up a lot more memory.

As the total memory figures were strange, I created a different
version that parses the input but does not create any Doubles.
Instead of summing them, the number of Doubles (if they were parsed)
is counted.  These are the results:

 985,843,696 bytes allocated in the heap
  25 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
  MUT   time0.38s  (  0.39s elapsed)
  GCtime0.07s  (  0.10s elapsed)
  Total time0.45s  (  0.49s elapsed)

parsec_laforge_discarding double_test.txt +RTS -s
   1,471,829,664 bytes allocated in the heap
  28 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
  MUT   time0.66s  (  0.68s elapsed)
  GCtime0.44s  (  0.46s elapsed)
  Total time1.10s  (  1.14s elapsed)

Now attoparsec-text is more than twice faster, allocates even less
memory and the total memory figures seem right.

Bottom line: I think this benchmark doesn't really represent the kind
of workload your parser has.  Can you reproduce these results on your

Cheers! =)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Needed: A repeatable process for installing GHC on Windows

2011-01-14 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 23:53:33 +0100, Johan Tibell   


Earlier today I was trying to set up a Windows build bot for the
'network' package. That turned out to be quite difficult. Too much
playing with PATHs, different gcc versions, etc. Does anyone have a
repeatable, step-by-step process to install GHC and get a build
environment (where I could build network) going?


A Google search lead to:

Henk-Jan van Tuyl


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Question concerning Network.Curl.Opts

2011-01-14 Thread Michael Litchard
I'm having trouble passing header strings properly, and I'd like some advice
on how to proceed. Below is a capture of what is being sent, versus what I
am trying to send. I won't include all code, only what I think is necessary.
If I have omitted something important, please let me know. How could I
discover what the cause of the discrepancy is?
Thanks again for any feedback.

Here's a snippet from the header, what is being sent.

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Cookie: domainLogonTicket=SLXa10225c6e8389b3eb181e3df5dcf08de;

^ compare this to CurlHttpHeaders

Here's the part of the source I think is relevant

> launch :: String -> String -> IO (Either String String)
> launch user pass = do
>  -- Initialize Curl
>   curl <- initCurl

>   -- Sequence of steps
>   let steps = do
>   curlResp curl urlInitial method_GET
>   curlResp curl urlLogin $ loginOpts user pass
>   curlResp curl urlFlash1 method_GET
>   curlResp curl urlFlash2 method_GET
>   curlResp curl urlGetResource resourceOpts< here's where the
problem is revealed

>   runErrorT steps
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>   -- username and password
>   user:pass:_ <- getArgs

>   -- Launch webpage
>   resp <- launch user pass

>   -- Response comes as Either String String
>   -- You have to handle each case
>   case resp of
> Left  err  -> print err
> Right body -> putStrLn body

> resourceOpts :: [CurlOption]
> resourceOpts =
>   [ CurlHttpHeaders
> [ "Accept  text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*"
> , "Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5"
> , "Accept-Charset  ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"
> , "Keep-Alive  115"
> , "Connection  keep-alive"
> , "X-Requested-WithXMLHttpRequest"
> , "X-Prototype-Version"
> ]
> , CurlEncoding "gzip,deflate"
> , CurlReferer "";
>   ]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] H98, OOHaskell - getting started with objects in Haskell

2011-01-14 Thread Alberto G. Corona

2011/1/14 gutti 

I'm especially interestes in engineering calculation tasks where cellular
> automata could be used. In that case all u have to do is to give the class
> the right properties and that "let it grow".
> Such a localised intelligence approach seems an ideal OO - task. I don't
> know whether something functional could achieve the same.

Thanks to your question, I took another look and the old and wonderful
OOHaskell paper. It is very well written and describes almost exhaustively
the haskell alternatives and their shortcomings:

Honestly, with the information I can have, my view is that the ·"let it
grow" issue in the full is only achievable by following the OOHaskell path,
but you can use the other ways paying a little price.

This past discussion also applies:

> Sounds like a nice challenge. -- I'll chew on a small example.
> Cheers Phil
> --
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Needed: A repeatable process for installing GHC on Windows

2011-01-14 Thread Johan Tibell

Earlier today I was trying to set up a Windows build bot for the
'network' package. That turned out to be quite difficult. Too much
playing with PATHs, different gcc versions, etc. Does anyone have a
repeatable, step-by-step process to install GHC and get a build
environment (where I could build network) going?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] H98, OOHaskell - getting started with objects in Haskell

2011-01-14 Thread Nick Rudnick

Hi Philipp,

depending on what engineering calculations you are interested in, you 
might like , a direct descendant of O'Haskell, 
targeted at embedded real-time systems.

If you are just stepping out of the OO programming world, it might be 
helpful to imagine OO as a rather narrow specialization of a concept 
called type, so that from the FP perspective it is just one of so many 
alternatives so that it gets lost a little -- which may be a useful 
translation to use.

So the short answer to "where's OO?" in Haskell might just be "data", 
while the expressive freedom of type classes / families might surprise 
you. There have been some people playing with cellular automata, Google 
helps, e.g.:

Both cases might give you an impression how it's done with Haskell types.

If you really are interested in using the OO class concept together with 
the Haskell type system by a more than practical motivation, an expert 
in the field who is interested in the subject for a long time is Peter 
Padawitz ( 
); he has presented a 
beautiful synthesis based on category theory, swinging types 
). Of 
course, he did also use O'Haskell for his programming works in the past.



On 01/14/2011 12:23 AM, gutti wrote:


thanks for all Your answers (and again I'm amazed how active and good this
forum is).

I expected OOHaskell to be on the somewhat "extended" side, but I didn't
expect it to be so uncommon.
This very strong and clear feedback is indeed very valuable.

I think I see the complexities of OO-programming in larger programs
(unforeseen interactions), but I'm still doubtfull, that functional
programming can equally adress all tasks equally efficient.

I'm especially interestes in engineering calculation tasks where cellular
automata could be used. In that case all u have to do is to give the class
the right properties and that "let it grow".

Such a localised intelligence approach seems an ideal OO - task. I don't
know whether something functional could achieve the same.

Sounds like a nice challenge. -- I'll chew on a small example.

Cheers Phil

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] H98, OOHaskell - getting started with objects in Haskell

2011-01-14 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

On 11-01-13 06:23 PM, gutti wrote:

I'm especially interestes in engineering calculation tasks where cellular
automata could be used. In that case all u have to do is to give the class
the right properties and that "let it grow".

Such a localised intelligence approach

seems to be exactly existential type and/or message passing.

It looks OO because people's first exposure to existential type and 
message passing is through OO. But OO also bundles a lot of things not 
needed for this, for example I doubt that inheritance is needed. You 
could use OO but you don't need OO.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] H98, OOHaskell - getting started with objects in Haskell

2011-01-14 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, den 13.01.2011, 15:23 -0800 schrieb gutti:
> I'm especially interestes in engineering calculation tasks where cellular
> automata could be used. In that case all u have to do is to give the class
> the right properties and that "let it grow". 
> Such a localised intelligence approach seems an ideal OO - task. I don't
> know whether something functional could achieve the same. 

Is this really ideal for OO? I thought that in a cellular automaton, all
cells have to change synchronously. In addition, cells have to access
the old states of their neighbours to compute their new states. So you
would have to heavily synchronize the objects.

In this light, I’d say that the distributed OO approach isn’t very
practical. A global control of the whole system might be better.

Note that I’m by no way an expert in cellular automata. I’m just
thinking of the game of life. :-) 

Best wishes,

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