Re: [Haskell-cafe] ByteString search code available in easy-to-digest form

2007-11-07 Thread Justin Bailey
On Nov 7, 2007 2:21 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris mentioned that he did, but I haven't had time to write anything
> benchmarky yet.

I used the attached program to benchmark the various functions against
"endo.dna"[1], a 7 MB file that came with this year's ICFP contest. It
appends a pattern that occurs nowhere in the file to the end of that
file and then searches for it. Strict and lazy bytestring searches
using KMP are performed, plus a search using the existing bytestring
searches and using a List.

You'll have to change the import from Data.ByteString.KMP for it to
compile but otherwise it should work out of the box..


module Main


import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.KMP as K
import Data.List (isInfixOf)

main =
testStr <- readFile "endo.dna" >>= \s -> return $ s ++ searchStr
lazyTestStr <- L.readFile "endo.dna" >>= \s -> return $ L.append s lazySearchStr
strictTestStr <- S.readFile "endo.dna" >>= \s -> return $ S.append s strictSearchStr
putStrLn $ ("(kmpMatchLL): " ++ show ({-# SCC "kmpMatchLL" #-} K.kmpMatchLL lazySearchStr lazyTestStr))
putStrLn $ ("(kmpMatchSS): " ++ show ({-# SCC "main_kmpMatchSS" #-} K.kmpMatchSS strictSearchStr strictTestStr))
putStrLn $ ("(strict): " ++ show ({-# SCC "main_findStrict" #-} S.findSubstring strictSearchStr strictTestStr))
putStrLn $ ("(naive): " ++ show ({-# SCC "main_findSubstringLazy" #-} findSubstringLazy lazySearchStr lazyTestStr))
putStrLn $ ("(list) found: " ++ show ({-# SCC "main_findList" #-} searchStr `isInfixOf` testStr))
putStrLn "Done!"

lazySearchStr = toLazyBS searchStr
strictSearchStr = toStrictBS searchStr

toLazyBS = L.pack . map (toEnum . fromEnum) 
toStrictBS = S.pack . map (toEnum . fromEnum)

findSubstringLazy :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Maybe Int
findSubstringLazy !test !big = go big 0
go !s !n | test `L.isPrefixOf` s = Just n
 | L.null s  = Nothing
 | otherwise = go (L.tail s) (n+1)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ByteString search code available in easy-to-digest form

2007-11-07 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Don Stewart wrote:

Do we have any benchmarks, for say, 1G files, versus linear, naive
(strict) search?

Chris mentioned that he did, but I haven't had time to write anything 
benchmarky yet.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ByteString search code available in easy-to-digest form

2007-11-07 Thread Don Stewart
> I've packaged up the fast Boyer-Moore and Knuth-Morris-Pratt code that 
> Chris Kuklewicz posted a few months ago:
> The consensus at the time was that the code was not ready for rolling 
> into the bytestring package, but now it's easy to install and start 
> working with.
> API docs:
> Patches against the darcs repo welcome:
>   darcs get
> Credit to Justin Bailey, Daniel Fischer, and Chris Kuklewicz for their 
> hard work.
> (Currently only tested against GHC 6.6.1, FYI.)

Do we have any benchmarks, for say, 1G files, versus linear, naive
(strict) search?

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ByteString search code available in easy-to-digest form

2007-11-07 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
I've packaged up the fast Boyer-Moore and Knuth-Morris-Pratt code that 
Chris Kuklewicz posted a few months ago:

The consensus at the time was that the code was not ready for rolling 
into the bytestring package, but now it's easy to install and start 
working with.

API docs:

Patches against the darcs repo welcome:

  darcs get

Credit to Justin Bailey, Daniel Fischer, and Chris Kuklewicz for their 
hard work.

(Currently only tested against GHC 6.6.1, FYI.)