Re: [Haskell-cafe] It's not a monad - what is it? looking for nice syntactic sugar, customizable do notation?

2008-09-02 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Oops, needed to convert one more >> into a comma:

(rootElt ! [xmlns "";
 ,lang "en-US"
 ,xml_lang "en-US"
 ]) $ concatXml


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] It's not a monad - what is it? looking for nice syntactic sugar, customizable do notation?

2008-09-02 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Marc Weber wrote:
> (3) Third idea:
>  xmlWithInnerIO <- execXmlT $ do
>xmlns ""; >> lang "en-US" >> xml:lang "en-US"
>head $ title $ text "minimal"
>body $ do
>  args <- lift $ getArgs
>  h1 $ text "minimal"
>  div $ text $ "args passed to this program: " ++ (show args)
> I still think that (3) would be superiour..
> Is there a way to define my own >>= and >> functions such as:

There is also the combinator approach of Text.Html, which
gives you a syntax similar to (3) but without abusing "do":

(rootElt ! [xmlns "";,
   lang "en-US" >> xml:lang "en-US"]) $ concatXml
  [head $ title $ text "minimal"
  ,body $ concatXml
[h1 $ text "minimal"
,div $ text $ "args passed to this program: " ++ (show args)

You use concatXml (it's concatHtml in the library) followed
by a list, instead of do, for nesting.

(Also, it's stringToHtml instead of text in the library.)

A few more brackets, but still pretty clean. Also, you'll have
pass in your args from somewhere else, in the IO monad -
which is probably a better design anyway.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] It's not a monad - what is it? looking for nice syntactic sugar, customizable do notation?

2008-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
> I still think that (3) would be superiour..
> Is there a way to define my own >>= and >> functions such as:
>   {-# define custom do doX; 
> (>>=) : mybind , >> : "my>>" #-}
>   body $ doX
> args <- lift $ getArgs
> This would be terrific.
> Sincerly
> Marc Weber

dons has told me about 
  06:27 < dons>
  06:27 < lambdabot> Title: 8.3.�Syntactic extensions,

example :

  module Main where
  import Prelude
  import Debug.Trace
  import System.IO

  main = do
let (>>=) a b = trace (show "woah") $ (Prelude.>>=) a b
getLine >>= print

so actually this can be done? I'll try it.

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] It's not a monad - what is it? looking for nice syntactic sugar, customizable do notation?

2008-09-01 Thread Marc Weber
Context: Basic xml validation of vxml does work now.
  So I'm looking for a convinient way to use it.

(1) My first approach:

  putStrLn $ xml $
((html_T << ( head_T << (title_T <<< "hw")
 << (link_T `rel_A` "stylesheet" `type_A` "text/css" 
`href_A` "style.css")
 <<  ( body_T << ((script_T `type_A` "text/javascript") <<< 
"document.writeln('hi');" )
   << (div_T `onclick_A` "alert('clicked');" `style_A` 
  <<< "text within the div"
  ) )

  That's straight forward:
   >> : add subelement
  >>> : add text
  However having to use many parenthesis to get nesting is awkward.

(2) My second idea:

  (#) = flip (.)

  putStrLn $ xml $
( headC ( (titleC (<<< "hw"))
# (linkC (rel_AF "stylesheet" # type_AF "text/css" # href_AF 
"style.css" ) )
# bodyC ( scriptC ( type_AF "text/javascript" # text 
"document.writeln('hi');" )
# divC ( onclick_AF "alert('clicked')" # style_AF "color:#F79"
  # text "text within the div" )
) html_T

  headC a b = head with context where a is a function adding subelements then
  adding itself to the elemnt passed by b
  Thus headC id parent would add headC to parent
  I don't feel much luckier this way
(3) Third idea:

  xmlWithInnerIO <- execXmlT $ do
xmlns ""; >> lang "en-US" >> xml:lang "en-US"
head $ title $ text "minimal"
body $ do
  args <- lift $ getArgs
  h1 $ text "minimal"
  div $ text $ "args passed to this program: " ++ (show args)

  WASH is using do notation which is really convinient.
  elements beeing at the same level can be concatenated by new lines,
  subelemnts can be added really nice as well.
  However: This can't work.
  (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
  but I need this
  (>>) :: m a -> m' b -> m'' b
  (>>) :: m st a -> m st' b -> m st'' b
  along with functional dependencies that st' can be deduced from st and st''
  from st'..
  There are some happy cases eg when having a DTD such as (a | b)* because the
  state will "loop" and not change.. But this is no solution.

(4) Another way would be defining
<< : (add subelement
<|> : concatenate same level (+++) of xhtml lib

html << head << title <<< "title"
 <|> meta ..
 <|> body << div
  <|> div

However you already see the trouble.. ghc will read this as

(html << (head << (title <<< "title")))
 <|> meta ..
 <|> (body << div)  -- body should be added to html, not to head!
 <|> div

There would be a solution using different fixities
html <<1 head <<2 title <<< "title"
  <|2> meta 
 <|1> body <<2 div
  <|2> div <<3 div <<4 div

so that <<4 binds stronger than <<3 etc..
But I think thats awkward as well.

(5) But ghc is rich, I can think of another way: Quasi Quoting..
  html do
head do
  meta $1
  link $2
  body do
div $3
div $4
|] (Dollar1 "bar") (Dollar2 "foo") (Dollar3 "foo3") (Dollar4 "foo4")

the wrapper type sDollar{1,2,3,4} aren't necessary, but they will help eg if
you remove the $2 line. They also enable you using a substitute more than once.

(6) Another solution would be writing a preprocesor reusing alreday exsting
code (HSP or WASH ?) or the haskell-src packages?

Is there yet another solution which I've missed?

I still think that (3) would be superiour..
Is there a way to define my own >>= and >> functions such as:

  {-# define custom do doX; 
(>>=) : mybind , >> : "my>>" #-}
  body $ doX
args <- lift $ getArgs
This would be terrific.

Marc Weber
Haskell-Cafe mailing list