Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Bush Continues to Unite the World... Against Him

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Bush Continues to Unite the World... Against Him

January 23, 2007
by Jim Lobe

Despite two years of a concentrated effort by Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice and her public diplomacy major-domo Karen Hughes to boost
Washington's global image, more people around the world have an unfavorable
opinion of U.S. policies than at any time in recent memory, according to a
new BBC poll released Monday.

The survey, which polled more than 26,000 people in 25 countries, including
the U.S., between November and January, found that a 49 percent plurality
overall believes the U.S. is playing a "mainly negative" role in the world
today, compared to less than a third (32 percent) who said Washington's
influence was "mainly positive."

And in the 18 countries where respondents were asked the same question in
each of the past two years, the latest poll found a substantial drop in the
percentage who said they viewed U.S. influence as positive, from 40 percent
in 2005, to 36 percent last year, to 29 percent in 2007.

"According to world public opinion, these days the U.S. government hardly
seems to be able to do anything right," said Steven Kull, director of the
University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA),
which, along with Canada-based Globescan, conducted the survey.

Germany and Indonesia, where nearly three out of four respondents said they
had a mainly negative opinion of U.S. influence, were the least favorable,
while 69 percent of French and Turkish respondents agreed.

The sharpest drops in positive ratings over the past year were found in
Poland (62 percent in 2006 compared to 38 percent in 2007), Indonesia (40
percent to 21 percent), the Philippines (85 percent to 72 percent), and
India (44 percent to 30 percent).

Respondents in the United States also showed greater opposition to their
government's policies than in previous years, according to the survey.

Another Washington Post-ABC News poll, released on the eve of President
George W. Bush's State of the Union speech to Congress Tuesday, found that
65 percent of respondents oppose the so-called "surge" of more than 21,000
additional U.S. troops to Iraq, while 48 percent called the war the most
important issue today.

The findings of the BBC poll echo those of another major survey of 14
foreign countries released last June by the Pew Research Center's Global
Attitudes Project. It found that Washington's global image had slipped over
the previous year, particularly in Europe and Asia, as well as
predominantly Muslim countries, and that Washington's continuing
intervention in Iraq appeared to be the main cause.

The new BBC poll found that the most negative views were evoked by policies
pursued by the Bush administration in connection with its "global war on
terror" and the Middle East.

Nearly three in four respondents overall (73 percent) said they disapproved
of Washington's role in the Iraq war. Opposition was particularly intense
in Egypt, France, and Lebanon where more than three out of four respondents
said they "strongly disapprove[d]."

At the same time, more than two out of three (68 percent) overall said the
U.S. military presence in the Middle East provokes more conflict than it
prevents. More than four out of five respondents in three Latin American
countries – Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico – and in two mainly Muslim
countries – Egypt and Indonesia – took that position.

Conversely, only 17 percent overall said they thought Washington's military
presence exercised a stabilizing influence in the Middle East. The most
positive views on this question were found in Nigeria, the only country
where a plurality (49 percent) said it was stabilizing, the Philippines (41
percent), and Kenya (40 percent).

Perhaps not coincidentally, the same three countries were the only ones,
aside from the U.S. itself, where majorities of respondents said
Washington's influence in the world was "mainly positive."

On related issues, 67 percent of all respondents said they disapproved of
Washington's handling of detainees at Guantanamo, while only 16 percent,
concentrated in Kenya, Nigeria, India, the Philippines, and the U.S., said
they approved.

Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of respondents overall also said they
disapproved of U.S. policy during last summer's war between Israel and
Lebanon's Hezbollah, compared to 21 percent – again concentrated in the
same five countries – who said they approved.

Opposition to the U.S. role in the conflict, during which Washington
strongly backed Israel and repeatedly defended it in UN Security Council
deliberations, was particularly intense in Argentina (79 percent "strongly
disapproved" of the U.S. role), Egypt (78 percent), Lebanon itself (76
percent), the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (71 percent), France and Brazil
(63 percent).

Sixty percent of respondents o

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Stop the Jewish barbarians in Hebron

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Stop the Jewish barbarians in Hebron

Jan. 17, 2007 21:48 | Updated Jan. 18, 2007 14:07

That woman, the one who it turns out is named Yifat Alkobi, the Jewish 
woman that confronted, cursed, spat on and threatened her Arab neighbor in 
Hebron, she who is imprisoned in her own home, seemed somehow familiar to me.

Gradually, from the cobwebs of my childhood memories, I dredged up the 
image of a Hungarian neighbor in Novi Sad, who used to stand at the 
entrance to her home and curse us every time we went into the street - just 
like Yifat Alkobi.

When we decide, and rightly so, to never under any circumstances compare 
the behavior of Jews to that of Nazis, we are forgetting that anti-Semitism 
only reached its height at Auschwitz. It had existed, was active, 
frightening, harmful and disgusting - exactly like Alkobi's image - in the 
years that preceded Auschwitz too. And behind shuttered windows hid 
terrified Jewish women, exactly like the Arab woman of the Abu-Isha family 
in Hebron.

It is unthinkable that the memory of Auschwitz should serve as a pretext to 
ignore the fact that living here among us are Jews that behave toward 
Palestinians exactly the way that German, Hungarian, Polish and other 
anti-Semites behaved toward Jews.

I am not referring to crematoria or pogroms, but rather to the persecution, 
hounding, stone-throwing, undermining of livelihood, scare tactics, 
spitting and contempt.

It was all of these things that made our lives in the Diaspora so bitter 
and harrowing, even before they began the wholesale killing of Jews. I was 
afraid to go to school because little anti-Semites lay in wait on the way 
and beat us. In what way is a Palestinian child in Hebron any different?

EVEN THOSE that justify the occupation for ideological or religious reasons 
- or perhaps especially those that seek to justify the occupation - should 
be ashamed, as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said of himself, when seeing 
these pictures. We all bear responsibility for the suffering of the 
Palestinians, but it would not have been possible to establish a Jewish 
state without causing them some harm.

But there is no reason or justification for the thuggery of the kind 
demonstrated time after time by the residents of the Jewish settlement in 
Hebron toward their Arab neighbors.

The settlement of Jews in Hebron is the original sin. Now, they are adding 
insult to injury. And at best, we, the Jewish citizens of the State of 
Israel say, "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

We forget that this hounding of the Palestinian neighbors in Hebron happens 
not only at the moment we see it on television, but rather day after day, 
every day of the year (with the exception of Yom Kippur). The truth is that 
I too only pipe up occasionally and pay lip service by means of articles 
such as this. Even worse: I reacted with silence to this when I was justice 
minister too. We left the task of protest to the extreme leftist groups, 
who provoke well-deserved loathing from us all other days of the year.

We are familiar with the excuse of "We didn't know." So, for the record: We 
do know.

We will never be able to forgive ourselves - our consciences won't let us - 
and neither will our children if we do not make our army and police put an 
end to the Jewish barbarism in Hebron.

The writer is a former MK.



-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] US occupation turns 3.7 million Iraqis into refugees

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

US occupation turns 3.7 million Iraqis into refugees

By James Cogan
23 January 2007

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported this month that the US
invasion and occupation of Iraq has forced one out of every eight Iraqis to
flee their homes­more than 3.7 million people. The agency described the
refugee crisis caused by the Iraq war as the worst in the Middle East since
the ethnic cleansing that accompanied the creation of Israel in 1948. The
Zionist military and paramilitary death squads drove an estimated 711,000
Palestinian Arabs from their land.

UNHCR estimates that two million Iraqis are now living outside the
country­including those who left before 2003 but have failed to return due
to the country’s catastrophic situation. Some 50,000 Iraqi émigrés returned
in 2005, but just 1,000 came back last year.

Another 1.7 million Iraqis have been internally displaced. At least 500,000
people fled their homes in 2006 as a result of US military repression and
the dramatic rise in sectarian violence between rival Shiite and Sunni
militias in the wake of the destruction of a prominent Shiite mosque in
Samarra last February. It is thought that 80,000 to 100,000 people are
joining the ranks of internal and external refugees each month.

The cause of the refugee crisis is the political, economic and social
collapse in Iraq after close to four years of US occupation. The UN Human
Rights Office report for the period November 1, 2006 to December 21, 2006,
stated: “The civilian population remains the main victim of the prevailing
security situation, characterised by terrorist acts, action by armed
groups, criminal gangs, religious extremists, militias, as well as
operations by security and military forces. The resulting insecurity,
sectarian prejudice, and terror negatively and comprehensively affect the
enjoyment of basic rights and freedoms by the population at large. In
addition, growing unemployment, poverty, various forms of discrimination
and increasingly limited access to basic services, prevent most citizens
from realizing their economic, social and cultural rights.”

The UN specifically condemned the actions of the US military: “Armed
operations by the Multinational Forces-Iraq [the official title of the
US-led occupation forces] continued to restrict the enjoyment of human
rights and to cause severe suffering to the local population. Continued
limitations of freedom of movement and lack of access to basic services
such as health and education are affecting a larger percentage of the
population and depriving it of basic rights for extended periods of time.”

Many Iraqis have felt they had no choice but to leave the country. While
there are no precise numbers, up to 800,000 are taking refuge in Syria;
another 700,000 in Jordan; 100,000 in Egypt; 40,000 in Lebanon; 50,000 in
Iran and a large number in Turkey.

The Iraqi refugees are being accorded no rights. The Jordanian monarchy
labels them as “temporary visitors”. It has not made any request for
international assistance and is not cooperating with agencies such as
UNHCR. Only 21,000 Iraqis in Jordan have been registered by the UN and just
800 have been recognised as refugees eligible for international resettlement.

Syria has also rejected calls for Iraqis on its territory to be recognised
as refugees and is treating them as tourists or illegal immigrants. Iran
has sealed its borders to any more Iraqis, while the Gulf States, such as
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, are refusing to allow them to enter their
territory at all. While doing nothing to assist refugees, Saudi Arabia has
allocated $500 million to construct a fence along parts of its
1,000-kilometre border with Iraq, to prevent “terrorists” and “illegal
immigrants” from entering. The fence will have security gates, guard posts
and electronic movement sensors.

The majority of Iraqi émigrés live in considerable hardship and a
significant proportion are sinking into complete poverty. Jordan charges
Iraqis for all services, including a $US225 fee for a one-year work permit.
Many families are reportedly sharing small apartments and paid employment
is difficult to obtain. Syria has now begun charging refugees for health
care and also limits their ability to work. More than 10 percent of Iraqi
families in Syria are headed by women due to the death, imprisonment or
disappearance of their men. UNHCR noted this month that there are
increasing reports of female Iraqi refugees being forced into prostitution.

The strain of the inflow on Jordan is leading to an ever-more restrictive
attitude toward the Iraqi refugees, who now make up 10 percent of the
population. This would be equivalent to the US taking in 30 million
refugees. Fearful of political unrest among the desperate émigré community,
Jordan has begun blocking entry to males aged between 17 and 35. It 

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Laman Web Masjid As-Shariff, Dengkil

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik Azwan Muhamad
Assalamualaikum Wbt...
  Laman web interaktif masjid sila layari 

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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Zionist Crime : What was the crime of this Palestinian baby?

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

What was the crime of this Palestinian baby?

From: "Mohammed A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: {(SaveYoungMuslims)} What was the crime of this Palestinian baby?

As-salaamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Hope you are in the best of health and Imaan (faith), Ameen.

I just wanted to share a short story a brother told at the Interpal event. 
It's a really horrbile story, but sadly it is the norm in Palestine.

A husband was rushing his wife to the hospital in his car as she laid there 
in extreme labour pains. They then were stopped by israeli soldiers when 
they got to one of those road stops (they're all over Palestinian roads). 
The soldiers just laughed at her and they knew that she needed to be at the 
hospital immediately. They then checked them (i think for passes etc) and 
they purposely took their time.

She coulnd't bare the pain and fell out of the car onto the sand. The 
soldiers laughed more. As she gave birth she felt the baby's head hit the 
floor and she quickly took it up to her chest. She could feel the baby 
breathing against her chest. After a short while the breathing stopped and 
her newborn child sadly passed away in her arms.

Imagine this sister's pain as she carried her baby for 9 months, gave birth 
on the sand in so much pain only to loose her baby, because she was 
prevented from reaching the hospital.

So many of our sisters give birth this way and loose their babies because 
of this. This shows us the extent of pain and suffering they go through all 
the time.

May Allah keep them strong, ease their pain and give them a place in Jannah 
where they can be happy and peaceful forever, Ameen.

Take care Inshallah,
May Allah make it easy for us to help our suffering brothers and sisters 
around the world, we have so much 2 be greatful for.

Wa 'alaikum assalaam

Please pass this story on so that people can see what they go through ,how 
much we should help them and how greatful we should be.

Jazakallah khair



-muslim voice-

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] minta tolong - Imam Mahdi, nas-nas kewujudannya dalam Al-Quran

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik norjannah mohamed noh
  Nak minta jasabaik netters yg boleh kemukakan bahawa Imm Mahadi memang akan 
muncul diakhir zaman kelak. atau mungkinkah ianya satu bidaah.
  semoga menjadi manfaat buat semua.

Ramizan Ramlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 21:42:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Ramizan Ramlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tiga Watak Di Akhir Zaman - memang dah kat depan mata
To: norjannah mohamed noh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  is there a reference for Imam Mahdi in the Quran?
  (just asking for my own knowledge)


Help Palestine [hidayahnet] assalamualaikum

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik Nurul Shuhada
tahun nie na nak spm
  maka ana terpaksa off. bwat sementara.
  halalkan ilmu yang ana dari antunna dan antum...
  yang banyak mencurahkan isu semasa.
  doakan ana demi kejayaan islam 
  memartabaykan islam dipersada dunia.
  semoga ana dapat menjadi insan. penerus kegemilangan islam...
  doakan ana jiga menjadi insan yang solehah dan mujtahidah
  maafkan ana andai ada di antara kita yang berkecil hati.
  sepanjang ana menumpang ilmu di sini.
  maafkan salah silap ana

8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
 with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] SERUAN MUHARRAM PB Pemuda Al-Irsyad

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik Mansyur

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Memasuki tahun baru Muharam 1428 Hijriah, yang jatuh 
tepat pada Sabtu 20 Januari 2007, Pengurus Besar (PB) 
Pemuda Al-Irsyad mengucapkan SELAMAT TAHUN 
BARU HIJRIAH 1428 Hijriah. Semoga sukses selalu 
menyertai kita, dan semoga Allah SWT mempermudah jalan 
kita dalam mengarungi tantangan umat di tahun 1428 H ini.

Dalam momentum Tahun Baru Hijriah ini, PB Pemuda Al-Irsyad 
mengimbau seluruh aktifis, anggota dan simpatisan Pemuda 
Al-Irsyad, para pemuda Islam di seluruh nusantara, dan segenap 
komponen bangsa Indonesia untuk makin keras meningkatkan 
upaya pemberantasan praktek-praktek kemaksiatan di negeri ini, 
seperti kolusi dan korupsi yang tetap dahsyat menggerogoti negeri
ini, mafia perberasan, penyebarluasan pornografi dan pornoaksi, 
narkotika, minuman keras, pembalakan liar (illegal logging), 
penimbunan beras demi mendongkrak harga bahan pangan pokok 
itu, serta praktek-praktek kotor lain yang menyengsarakan rakyat.

Pemuda Al-Irsyad juga meminta pemerintah untuk serius 
mengungkap dalang pembunuhan terhadap aktifis HAM, 
Munir Thalib, SH, yang juga aktifis Al-Irsyad.

Melalui Seruan Muharam ini, Pemuda Al-Irsyad juga 
menyatakan mengutuk keras berlanjutnya pendudukan 
(penjajahan) Amerika Serikat di Irak yang telah dan terus 
memakan korban sampai ratusan ribu warga Irak, dan 
meminta pasukan AS segera keluar dari bumi Irak. Pemuda 
Al-Irsyad juga mengutuk keras aksi terorisme negara yang terus
dilakukan secara telanjang oleh pasukan zionis Yahudi Israel 
di bumi Palestina, serta mengecam sikap diam komunitas 
bangsa-bangsa internasional menghadapi kebiadaban Israel di
Palestina dan Amerika di Irak.

Mafia Beras dan Rakyat yang Kelaparan:

Selama tahun 1427 H (2006), terutama beberapa bulan 
terakhir, kita menyaksikan pemandangan nestapa, yaitu 
rakyat yang tidak punya apa-apa lagi, sampai tidak bisa 
memenuhi kebutuhan paling pokok mereka, yaitu makan 
nasi. Yang sedikit beruntung, mereka mencampur sedikit 
nasi yang bisa mereka miliki dengan makanan lain yang 
kurang layak (nasi aking dan sejenisnya).

Ini semua kerana sudah habisnya daya beli masyarakat 
akibat menggilanya harga-harga seluruh kebutuhan, terutama 
pasca kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM), sementara 
pendapatan mereka justeru semakin turun. Ratusan ribu orang 
bahkan tidak lagi memiliki penghasilan karena terkena PHK 
akibat perusahaan atau pabrik tempat mereka kerja tutup 
(bangkrut). Tak sampai disitu saja, mereka pun kian terhimpit 
setelah melambungnya harga bahan pangan pokok, dalam hal 
ini beras, akibat kelangkaan beras yang disinyalir merupakan 
hasil permainan para 'mafia beras.'

Dalam usianya yang sudah lebih 8 (delapan) tahun, rezim 
Reformasi yang kini mewujud dalam pemerintahan Susilo 
Bambang Yudhoyono dan Jusuf Kalla ternyata gagal memenuhi 
kebutuhan paling pokok ribuan rakyat negeri ini, yaitu makan.

Dalam Negeri

Selama tahun 2006 kita memang mencatat upaya keras 
yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk memerangi praktek korupsi, 
terutama yang dilakukan para mantan pejabat Negara. 
Banyak mantan anggota legislatif dan eksekutif yang diperiksa
dan diadili. Tapi di sisi yang lain kita juga masih melihat adanya 
kebijakan 'tebang pilih' dalam pemberantasan korupsi, 
khususnya yang dilakukan oleh para pejabat negara rezim 
sekarang. Kita juga belum melihat pengusutan terhadap 
penyimpangan dalam beberapa kasus divestasi saham 
pemerintah di BUMN dan perusahaan lain yang dilakukan 
pejabat negara di masa lalu, seperti dalam kasus divestasi 
PT Indosat dan BCA.

Aparat hukum juga tampak masih setengah-setengah dalam 
menangani kasus-kasus pembalakan liar dan narkoba. Bahkan
beberapa pejabat yang seharusnya menjadi ujung tombak 
dalam memerangi illegal logging dan narkoba, malah ikut 
menjadi bagian dalam kasus ini, baik ikut terjun dalam kejahatan 
ini atau sebagai beking para pelakunya. Persis kata pepatah:
pagar makan tanaman.

Lemahnya aparat hukum juga terlihat jelas dalam kasus kian 
maraknya penyebaran bahan-bahan pornografis dan aneka 
kegiatan yang bisa dikategorikan pornoaksi. Benar kata 
penyair Taufik Ismail, bahwa saat ini kita tengah dikepung 
oleh "Gerakan Syahwat Merdeka (GSM)."

Dalam soal pengungkapan dan penyidikan pembunuhan 
terhadap aktifis HAM Munir Thalib SH, aparat hukum nyata 
sekali justeru bertindak mengaburkan fakta-fakta hukum, yang 
ini bisa dibaca sebagai upaya melindungi para pembunuh Munir. 
Kami menuntut aparat hukum negeri ini membongkar tuntas
terbunuhnya Munir. Dan bila aparat tetap tetap berlari di tempat,
maka kami mendukung upaya menginternasionalisasi kasus 
Munir ini ke badan-badan dunia terkait.

Untuk itu, memasuki tahun 1428 H ini, Pemuda Al-Irsyad 
menyerukan kepada seluruh anggotanya bersama-sama seluruh 
elemen bangsa ini untuk tidak hanya berdiam diri menghadapi 
segala kerusakan itu. Berbuatlah untuk mencegah kapal Republik 
ini karam, dan kandas di dasar lautan kerusakan moral. 
Bertindaklah sesuai deng

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Zionist Criminal : Israel Builds Synagogue Under Al-Aqsa: Palestinians

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Israel Builds Synagogue Under Al-Aqsa: Palestinians – January 3, 2006

Occupied Jerusalem - The Supreme Islamic Association and Al-Aqsa
Association for Construction of the Holy Shrines accused Israel on Tuesday,
January 3, of building a Jewish synagogue beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque, warning
that the continued Israeli excavations jeopardize the mosque's structure.

"The synagogue has been built right beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque, some 90m from
the Dome of the Rock," Raed Salah, the leader of the Islamic Movement
inside the Green Line, told a press conference in the holy city, reported

He said the synagogue includes seven rooms tracing the Jewish history.

"One of these rooms features Germany's Nazi rule and the World War II

Salah said that works were in full swing to build another synagogue for
women under the mosque.

The conference featured video footages and photos documenting the synagogue
as well as the continued Israeli excavations.

Al-Haram Al-Sharif, which includes Al-Aqsa Mosque, represents the heart of
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Jews claim that their alleged Haykal (Temple of Solomon) exists underneath
Al-Haram Al-Sharif which was the first qiblah (direction Muslims take
during prayers).

Al-Haram Al-Sharif's significance has been reinforced by the incident of
Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj (the night journey from Makkah to Al-Quds and the
ascent to the Heavens by Prophet Muhammad).

"Full Swing"

Sheikh Ekrema Sabri, the Mufti of Al-Quds and Palestine, echoed a similar

"The Israeli authorities have been exploiting the big gates of the western
side of al-Aqsa since 1996 through conducting a series of excavation works
which ended with clandestinely erecting a synagogue," he told the same

"Constructing such a synagogue proves that the Israelis did not find any
sign for their alleged Haykal, that is why they made up some rooms to
vaguely narrate their religious history," Sabri added.

He urged the Arab and Islamic worlds to intervene to halt Israeli
excavations under Al-Aqsa.

Salah, meanwhile, warned that Israeli excavations under the holy site were
threatening the structure of the mosque.

"A truck driver was assigned to move equipments to the excavation sites and
he was shocked to see a huge tunnel under the mosque that can allow a truck
to pass through," he said.

He said excavations under the mosque are continuing in full swing to
establish the Haykal before 2007, dismissing them as a "black stain" on

Israeli authorities recently unveiled an underground site that they say
strengthens Jewish ties to the compound.

Palestinian and Jordanian archeologists have warned that ongoing Israeli
excavations have weakened the foundations of the mosque, cautioning it
would not stand a powerful earthquake.

A part of the road leading to one of the mosque’s main gates collapsed in
February, 2004 due to the destructive Israeli digging work.

New Intifada

Salah warned that the Israeli aggressions against the Muslim holy site
would have grave repercussions.

"You are inviting an uprising against you just to stop your attack on the
mosque," he said, addressing himself to the Israeli government.

Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out in September 2000 after a provocative visit by
then opposition leader Ariel Sharon to the mosque.

In 1996, eighty people were killed in clashes with the Israeli occupation
forces to protest the opening of an Israeli tunnel alongside the compound.

On August 21, 1969, Al-Aqsa was set ablaze, gutting its southern wing –-
some 1,500 square meters out of a total of 4,400 -- and destroyed the
historical pulpit established by Muslim hero Salahudin Al-Ayyubi.

Palestinians pointed the finger at Jewish extremists and the Israeli
government, which claimed that the fire was triggered by a short circuit
but later admitted that a man from Australia, who sought refuge in a
kibbutz, was found guilty.

The man was set free after receiving psychiatric counseling


The above report is likely to inflame Muslim opinion worldwide – maybe as
intended – and coupled with growing tension over Iran, could ultimately
lead to a global clash of cultures.

However, this is not entirely unexpected. It has in fact been in the
pipeline for a long time. Over a century ago one of modern Freemasonry’s
guiding lights outlined just such a clash when he spoke of how a Third
World War could be ignited by provoking a clash between Islam and Zionism

According to Pike: "The Third World War must be fomented by taking
advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati"
between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.”

We could be witnessing the openi

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Ulasan Wakil Petani, Nelayan Dan Masyarakat Luar Bandar Terhadap Pengesyoran Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz Tentang USFTA

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik Akhramsyah Sanusi
Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Siang,
Sokongan berterusan saudara/i dalam mengagihkan maklumat ini amatlah dihargai. 
Sekian, wassalam...

Ulasan Wakil Petani, Nelayan Dan Masyarakat Luar Bandar Terhadap Pengesyoran 
Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz Tentang USFTA
d/a 21, Lintang Delima 15, 11700 P.Pinang
Tel ; (6) 04 6596930 Fax ; (6) 04 6596 931 Email ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
15 Januari 2007
Surat Kepada Pengarang

Penjelasan YB Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz berkenaan beras di USFTA di alu-alukan 
dan diharapkan isu-isu lain dalam US FTA dapat diperjelaskan kepada masyarakat 
Kami wakil petani, nelayan, pengguna, masyarakat luar bandar dan wakil-wakil 
NGO wilayah utara mengalu-alukan penjelasan YB Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz 
berkenaan isu beras di US FTA.

Walaubagaimanapun harus diperjelaskan bahawa permohonan berkenaan penjelasan 
ini bukan perkara baru kerana pelbagai pihak termasuk pihak jawatankuasa 
bertindak telah meminta pihak kerajaan lebih terbuka berkenaan perundingan US 
FTA bukan sahaja berkenaan isu beras tapi juga berkenaan isu-isu lain dalam 
perundingan USFTA kerana semuanya menyentuh kepentingan awam.

Walaubagaimana pun, jawatankuasa bertindak berhasrat meminta penjelasan 
daripada Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri tentang maklum balas US 
berhubung permintaan Malaysia untuk tidak memasukkan Beras dalam perundingan 
tersebut memandangkan perundingan masih ber-langsung dan tiada ketetapan yang 
jelas boleh dibuat sehingga perjanjian ditandatangani.

Dalam pemerhatian kami, USFTA bukan sahaja memberi kesan dalam bidang 
perdagangan tetapi juga memberi implikasi kepada mata pencarian dan kehidupan 
kami semua Rakyat Malaysia terutama masyarakat desa yang dijangka menerima 
kesan yang teruk. Sebagai contoh, syarat – syarat harta intelektual akan 
memberi kesan antara lain:
bahan kimia pertanian yang digunakan oleh petani-petani berkemungkinan menjadi 
lebih mahal;
kos sara hidup mungkin naik kerana barang-barang contohnya ubat-ubatan adalah 
diramalkan menjadi lebih mahal;
kos pendidikan dan buku-buku mungkin meningkatkan
Produk hasil desa juga tidak akan dapat dilindungi dan insentif kepada usahawan 
kecil desa boleh dilihat sebagai Halangan Bukan Cukai dalam USFTA ini.

Petani juga resah berhubung tekanan dari syarikat bioteknologi US melalui US 
FTA yang cuba melobi untuk membawa massuk barangan ubah suai genetik mereka ke 
Malaysia dimana kesan produk tersebut kepada kesihatan dan alam sekitar di 
pertikaikan dalam waktu yang sama ia mungkin meningkatkan kebergantungan petani 
kepada industri tersebut disamping meningkatkan kos pertanian.

Kami sangat bimbang bahawa Kerajaan Malaysia tidak membuat penelitian mendalam 
terutama pada kajian kos – faedah sebelum menandatangani USFTA dan apabila 
perundingan terbabit diadakan secara tertutup, tiada sebarang maklumat 
didedahkan pada awam dan tidak berlaku sebarang perbincangan telus dengan para 
petani dan masyarakat awam.

Kami menggesa semua pihak khususnya kerajaan Malaysia untuk menghentikan 
rundingan lanjut USFTA sehingga kita mengetahui bagaimana kesannya kepada 
petani, keselamatan pengeluaran makanan Negara dan kesannya kepada masyarakat 
terutamanya diluar bandar.

Ia adalah tidak mencukupi dengan hanya memberi jaminan-jaminan. Kita perlu 
didedahkan tentang kandungan sebenar perundingan terbabit dan mengetahui samada 
kerajaan kita telah membuat satu penilaian kos – faedah yang terperinci bagi 
menunjukkan bahawa Rakyat Malaysia akan mendapat faedah yang sewajarnya.

Che Ani Mat Zain
Wakil Jawatankuasa Bertindak

What kind of emailer are you? Find out today - get a free analysis of your 
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Help Palestine [hidayahnet] File - Reminder from Moderator

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik hidayahnet



1- The moderators will hide email of the senders to hidayahnet. As such, if you 
wish to include your email (maybe for others to reply to you), please include 
your email address in the body part of your email.

2- If you wish to promote your business, please only send no more than one mail 
per week and please combine all promotional emails in one email (rather than 
sending 3 or 4 emails promoting different products.

3- For those interested to reply to particular business advertisement, please 
email direct to the sender, and not to the egroup.

4- Be careful before promoting any external islamic links as it could be 
developed by non-muslim aiming to spread false teaching. If any doubt, please 
ask the moderator to help.


If your mailbox clogged with mails from Hidayahnet, you may wish to change your 
membership settings as below:

Please note of the 3 ways in receiving email/messages:
- individual email
- daily digest (all messages combined in one single email per day)
- no email (receive no messages but still allow you to read the messages on the 

The above settings can be changed by yourself or alternatively, you can email 
the moderator of your request. 


As a reminder for those sending our forwarding emails. To avoid those msg 
becoming junk and go unread, and becoming big in size unnecessarily, I would 
appreciate if sender put some effort in making it nicer and more attractive to 
reader. Some suggestions include:
- cut and paste the main message/content, (leaving behind the long thread/list 
of previous senders). However, pls include the source of message, usually the 
original sender (the first sender!) name (and if possible email and other 
details which deem important).
- pls also make sure that the "subject" of the email is not long winded, such 
as: [other group]fwd[other group]Prayer at the time of war ...etc. Please only 
put the topic of the msg, and delete the rest (eg, subject = Prayer at the time 
of war)
- also, usually we forget to remove the unnessary advert by yahoo and content 
from previous egroup (such as footnote) at the bottom of the email. Kindly 
remove them as they are irrelevant.
Hopefully the above, can make your email looks tidy and reduces the size 
significantly, and most importantly, I will have no objection in APPROVING them.
Above is only suggestion, and I welcome any other comments/suggestions.


Hidayahnet Moderator

p/s: We welcome any comments and suggestions to improve the egroup. Kindly send 
it direct to the moderators.

Islamic_Board - Malaysia - Islamic Events and Notices

iPerintis - eGroup untuk Saintis dan Jurutera Muslim