Assalamualaikum wrb Beware! - Original Message - From: amnaj To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 9:36 PM Subject: [Big-Tree] DIOXINS & MICROWAVING Dear all,ABOUT DIOXINS & MICROWAVINGOn Channel 2 this morning, they had a Dr Edward Fujimoto from Castle Hospital on the program. He is the manager of the Wellness Program at the hospital. He was talking about dioxins, and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics, releases dioxins into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.Dioxins are carcinogens (cancer causing agents), and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he recommends that we should be using glass, Corning Ware, or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results without the dioxins. So such things as TV dinners, instant saimin and soups, etc. should be removed from the container, and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad, but you don't know what is in the paper. It is just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from thefoam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.To add to this: Saran (plastic) wrap, placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food. Instead, you should use a paper towel. Please "PASS THIS ON" to your friends and loved ones.Bye for now.Guan. So, now I know what is "Safe for Use with Microwave Oven" refers only to the container! - Amnaj Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT Strictly For Brothers of Class 1974 (MCE) and 1976 (HSC)===To subscribe, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]To unsubscribe, send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
H-Net* Utk berkongsi
A. RUMAH BANGLO (4 blk) MURAH DI KAWASAN INDUSTRI OLAK LEMPIK (lokasi antara Dengkil dan Banting)1) DESA PURNAMA Olak Lempik - Hanya dari RM 185k - Berbaki 17 Lot sahaja- Lot banglo seluas 4700kps hingga 7100kps- 15 minit ke KLIA- 15 minit ke Bandar Banting - 20 minit ke Cyberjaya/Putrajaya- Bumiputera sahaja- 2 rekabentuk yang berlainan sedia ada- distrategikan sebagai kawasan perindustrian Selangor- akses dgn cepat ke lebuhraya utama. Kami juga menyediakan SKIM MUDAH MILIK (bagi yg layak) - Deposit serendah RM1000- Pembiayaan hingga 95% bagi yang layak.- Baki dari pengeluaran KWSP (1% - 2% commission utk yg mendapatkan pembeli)UNTUK KETERANGAN LANJUTHubungi012 - 2389351 (Jalil) Labur dan miliki kondo smart home Bandar Teknologi Universiti Lagenda di Mantin (3 blk dan 3 blk air; luas 1020 kp): Anda hanya perlu bayar: Deposit RM2000 (dikembalikan selepas bank keluarkan pinjaman) Tahun per-1 bayar: ~ RM500 Tahun ke-2 bayar : ~ RM1000 (Bergantung pd bank dan tempoh pinjaman) Kemudian dapat: Tahun ke-3 ke atas (melalui skim Guaranteed Return Scheme = sewa RM1500/bln). Ini bermakna bayar ~ RM2 dlm masa 2 tahun lepas tu pinjaman dibereskan melalui GRS. Sewa bulanan (RM1500) Pinjaman Bank = Keuntungan Anda!
H-Net* Imbas kembali terrorist sebenar
Assalamualaikum wrb 11 September Tribute to Innocent Victims of Terrorism NEW YORK (AZZAM): As the World gears up to mark the first anniversary of the 11 September attacks, we would like to pay tribute to the innocent victims of terrorism: innocent men, women and children who have been brutally murdered without any crime, without any television channel to mention their plight, without any magazine to print their photos, without any newspaper to list their biographies and without any cotton quilts to carry their name patches. On this day, we remember the 121,237 Iraqi Muslim babies who have died in these last twelve months (World Heath Organisation statistics) as a direct result of American-imposed sanctions on Iraq, preventing critical child-medicines from reaching Iraqi hospitals. Three times as many Iraqi babies die every month as a result of these sanctions, than were killed in the 11 September 2001 attacks. On this day, we remember the 31,202 Afghan Muslim civilians who have been brutally murdered since October 2001, by American warplanes indiscriminately bombing their villages, houses, mosques, hospitals and wedding parties. Ten times as many innocent Afghans have been killed by Americans than were killed in the 11 September 2001 attacks. On this day, we remember the 6084 Indian Muslims killed and burnt in cold-blooded killing orgies organised by the Indian Government in Gujarat, during the last twelve months. On this day, we remember the 5078 Chechen Muslim civilians who have been killed by Russian aerial bombing during the last twelve months, having been given a green light by the American 'War on Terror'. On this day, we remember the 3039 Palestinian Muslims who have been murdered by Americans (via weapons held in the hands of Israeli soldiers) since September 2001. On this day, we remember the 2170 Uzbek Muslims who have been taken away from their homes by the American-backed Karimov Government in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. On this day, we remember the 1473 Chinese Muslims who have been executed in public after having been forced to drink alcohol and the flesh of swine, in the East Turkestan (Muslim) region of China. On this day, we remember the 1399 Kashmiri Muslims murdered and the 852 gang-rapes carried out by Hindu and Sikh soldiers in Occupied Kashmir. On this day, we remember the 1261 Indonesian Muslims massacred by Christians in the Maluku region of Indonesia, having been supplied with M-16 assault rifles, rocket launchers and funds by the Netherlands. On this day, we remember the 598 Muslim, Mujahid prisoners being kept in small cages in Guantanamo Bay, after their beards were forcibly shaved, their hands and feet were bound and their eyes and ears were covered, in conditions where they are subject to malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases. On this day, we remember the deaths of the hearts of 1.2 billion Muslims Worldwide who are blind to the above, but awake to a few people killed on 11 September 2001. [AZZAM PUBLICATIONS, 11 SEPTEMBER 2002] Masih ada alasan lagi-kah ummah ini menghindar dr jihad?
H-Net* Testing
assalamualaikum wrb testing. hrp maaf
H-Net* Wasiat Hasan al-Hudhaibi kepada Ikhwan
Wahai Ikhwan, sesungguhnya Allah telah menjadikan kamu tentera untuk menegakkan kebenaran, kemuliaan dan ketinggian di tanah air kamu dan di dunia Islam seluruhnya. kewajipan tentera yang ikhlas ialah sentiasa bersedia untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab dalam mengharungi medan perjuangan. oleh itu menjadi kewajipan kamu, bersedia setiap masa untuk melakukan apa saja yang boleh membawa kepada kemenangan di medan pengislahan dan pembebasan ummah. maka sucikanlah jiwamu, bersihkan hatimu, perangi hawa nafsumu sebelum kamu memerangi musuhmu. sesungguhnya orang yang tidak mampu menewaskan nafsunya, lebih tidak mampu untuk mengalahkan musuhnya di medan perang bersenjata. jadilah kamu contoh bagi apa yang kamu cakapkan dengan mempamirkan akhlak al-Quran agar kamu dikenali manusia dengan akhlak kamu sebelum mereka mengenali kamu dengan kata-katamu.
H-Net* Rmh utk disewa di seksyen 7 S/Alam
Assalamualaikum Kpd yg berminat shj. Rmh teres 2 tingkat utk di sewa di blkg UiTM. Sewa RM1200/bln. Yg berminat utk beli rmh/bungalo dekat dgn KLIA/Cyberjaya/Putrajaya (area Sepang/Dengkil) boleh juga hubungi saya Tel:012-2389351
H-Net* Iklan rmh: tak berminat delete terus
Assalamualaikum wrb Maaf moderator buat iklan sikit. 1) Sek.7 Shah Alam (teres dua ting. intermediate - rm250, end lot rm350) 2) Kpg subang (bungalo - rm330, semi-D - rm215) 3) Dekat F1 cicuit - bungalo-rm260 berminat tel:012-2389351
H-Net* An expression can combine any variable,.
All unary operators take the highest precedence. The precedence of binary operators is indicated by their position in the table. The unary operators are: OperatorType of Operation - Unary minus ! One's complement The binary operators are listed in the following table in their order of precedence. Operators with higher precedence are listed first: Operators Type of Operation Type Restrictions * /Multiplicative Integers + -AdditiveintegersStrings (+ only) < > <= >= Relational Integers == != EqualityIntegers, strings, booleans and Logical AND Booleans or Logical OR Booleans Examples: count = 3 + 5 * 40 transmit "Hello" + " there" delay 24 / (7 - 1) 6. boolean.com Description: Binary data
H-Net* Eid al mubarak
Assalamualaikum wrb Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin. minal 'aaeidin wal faizin (semuga termasuk dalam golongan orang yang kembali dan menang) drpd kami sekeluarga. Jalil/Maznah
H-Net* Untitled Document
Title: Untitled Document IF THESE ARE OUR FRIENDS, THEN WHO ARE OUR ENEMIES?Amir Butler, Australian Muslim Public Affairs Committee Whilst the world rallies against the Taliban, many point to theNorthern Alliance as being the future leaders of Afghanistan or, atleast, instrumental in aiding the West in conquering the Taliban. As reports of British and American troops providing aid to NorthernAlliance fighters flood in, and an admission by Vladimir Putin thatthe Russians have been arming and supporting them, certainuncomfortable questions need to be asked. If Australians know little about their enemies in this war, they knoweven less about their "friends". A question that we all need to askis, if this is really a just war, how can the United States and herallies justify supporting an army that has been universally condemnedfor war crimes and human rights abuses? Prior to the appearance of the Taliban, Afghanistan was a killingfield as warring factions battled it out for control of Kabul. In1994, at least 25,000 civilians were killed in rocket and artilleryattacks on the city. One third of Kabul was reduced to rubble. Therewas no law or order, and, according to Human Rights Watch, Ahmad ShahMasood's faction and others, engaged in rape, summary executions,arbitrary arrest, and torture. Describing pre-Taliban conditions, a 1995 Amnesty International reportreads: "Women and girls all over Afghanistan live in constant fear ofbeing raped by armed guards. For years, armed guards have been allowedto torture them in this way without fear of reprimand from theirleaders. In fact, rape is apparently condoned by most leaders as ameans of terrorizing conquered populations and or rewarding soldiers." It was exactly in response to this lawlessness that the Talibanappeared. The Taliban were originally students from local madrassas(religious schools) who were asked by desperate villagers to clean upthe crime that was rampant under the Rabbani regime. Within a veryshort time, the warring factions had been largely disarmed or repelledto the north, and there was some semblance of peace and stability inAfghanistan. Enter the Northern Alliance. With the appearance of the Taliban, thewarring factions united to fight the new common enemy. The NorthernAlliance is made up of groups representing Shi'ite, Sunni andCommunist interests. All the vast ideological and political differences wereput aside in the face of the threat of an Islamic state forming inAfghanistan. The only thing they had in common was a hatred of theTaliban. If the Taliban are removed, there is little doubt that warwill once again ensue between each of these factions as they competefor power and leadership. According to Human Rights Watch's backgrounder entitled "MilitaryAssistance to the Afghan Opposition" (October 2001), our new friendshave a history of committing horrific war crimes, often against civilians. On September 20-21, 1998, Masood's forces launched rockets at Kabul,killing up to 180 civilians. The Red Cross released a statement onSeptember 23, 1998 condemning these attacks as being indiscriminateand the deadliest that the city had seen in three years of war. In May 1997, Northern Alliance forces executed 3,000 captured Talibansoldiers. HRW reports that the lucky ones were taken to the desertand shot, whereas others were thrown down wells and blown up withgrenades. In January, 1997, Northern Alliance planes dropped cluster bombs onresidential areas in Kabul. Many civilians were killed and wounded inthe indiscriminate attack. In March, 1995, HRW reported that forces under the command ofMasood, entered the Kabul neighbourhood of Karte She and raped andlooted the area's Hazara population. The 1996 US State Departmentreport on human rights recorded that, "Masood's troops went on arampage, systematically looting whole streets and raping women". For the United States to utilise the services of the NorthernAlliance, when the US State Department itself condemned them for massrapes and war crimes is inconceivable. It may also be illegal, underthe Leahy Law, a US law that prohibits the provision of assistance toforeign forces that have committed gross human rights violations.Yet, if the first casualty of war is the truth, then in this war, thesecond casualty has been the law. The use of the Northern Alliance to fight a war against terrorism islike using the Mafia to fight the war on drugs. It is immoral andhypocritical. More importantly, it demonstrates the kind of duplicityand injustice in American foreign policy that has led many around theworld to hold so much contempt for it. -- Australian Muslim Public Affairs Committee (AMPAC)PO Box 180PASCOE VALE SOUTH VIC 3044Tel/Fax: +61-(0)3-8300-7556Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web: http://www.muslimaffairs.com.au
H-Net* Fw: the cola habit
e > >world would advise you to do. > >Two months ago, there was a competition in > >Delhi University "Who can drink the most Coke?". The > >winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because > >too much carbon dioxide in the blood and not enough > >oxygen. From then on, the principal banned allsoft > >drinks from the university canteen. > >Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of Pepsi and in 10 days it is > >dissolved! Teeth and bones are the only human organ that stay intact for > >years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your soft > >intestines and stomach lining! > > > >Request to All : > >Forward this message to your friends to increase the > >awareness of these soft drinks being produced by the > >so called GREAT USA. > >Have a wonderful life > > > >Break the habit > > > >Schoolgirls who drink cola are five times as likely to > >suffer bone fractures as girls who don't, Harvard researchers warn in > >Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (vol 154, p 610). Team > >leader > >Grace Wyshak says it's unclear whether the phosphoric acid in cola drinks > >weakens bones, or whether the problems occur because cola drinkers consume > >less milk, which provides bones with calcium. Either way, the findings > >raise > >ominous questions about the skeletal health of a population "that > >has gone through adolescence drinking more soda-pop than any previous > >generation", she warns. > > > >From New Scientist magazine, > >17 June 2000 > >http://www.newscientist.com/news/news_224343.html > > > > > > > _ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp > ( Melanggan ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] pada body : SUBSCRIBE HIZB) ( Berhenti ? To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] pada body: UNSUBSCRIBE HIZB) ( Segala pendapat yang dikemukakan tidak menggambarkan ) ( pandangan rasmi & bukan tanggungjawab HIZBI-Net ) ( Bermasalah? Sila hubungi [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Pengirim: jalmaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
H-Net* Ceramah Keluarga ISA dan TYDP Shah Alam
Assalamualaikum wrm Muslimat Seksyen 4 akan mengadakan perjumpaan/ceramah oleh keluarga tahanan ISA beserta TYDP Shah Alam jam 8.30pm bertempat di markas PAS seksyen 4 pada Jumaat, 18 Mei,2001. Hrp dapat hadir utk memberikan sokongan.
H-Net* Fw: [kwj-net] Warden Wanita dikehendaki segera!
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 2:47 PM Subject: [kwj-net] Warden Wanita dikehendaki segera! Assalamualaikum war wabRaudhatus Sakinah, merupakan pusat perlindungan dan bimbingan bagi remaja puteri (sebuah Institusi dibawah JIM) beralamat di Taman Melawati Kuala Lumpur memerlukan dengan segera:Dua orang warden wanita untuk menyelia dan membimbing remaja puteri di pusat tersebut secara sepenuh masa.Gaji: RM500.00-600 sebulanKelulusan: sekurang-kurangnya SPMPengalaman: pernah menjadi peer counselor di sekolah, penasihat rakan sebaya atau pernah menjadi sukarelawan dalam organisasi NGO yang melibatkan remaja. atau yang sewaktu dengannya.Kelayakan lain: emphatic, sabar, mudah memahami orang lain, memakai tudung dan memahami Islam sebagai satu cara hidup.Berminat sila hubungi Puan Yusnani Tel: 4025 4681 (HP): 0123056359 atau Cik Ruzaimah Tel: 407 3379Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Taala Wabarakatuhu. Kwj-Net ialah Forum Diskusi untuk semua Ketua Ketua Wanita di peringkat Negeri dan Daerah. Ianya tidak melambangkan pendirian Wanita JIM secara rasmi.Selamat Berdiskusi ---