Re: [IAEP] [Olpc-socal] Meet MOOC, Learn Python, Be Part of a Huge Experiment

2012-08-28 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
this is great!!! I'm in

Hi Folks…

Want to be part of a giant educational experiment? Sign up for the
Mechanical MOOC course: A Gentle Introduction to Python.  Thousands of
students are expected to participate in this free course that starts on
October 15. Participants will use a variety of already existing resources
and a lot of peer-to-peer interaction.

Learn more about the course and the experiment here:

And, if it sounds intriguing… join me by signing up here:

OLPC-SoCal mailing list

I�m moderate on extroversion.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] (Safe) How Can We Hope To Find the Right Answers If We Don't Know What The Right Questions Are?

2012-07-05 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
The following is a video I watched yesterday, which provides an approach
to flipping classroom activities and lecture time where learners get
lectures online, on-demand before and after doing activities in team with
others at and close to their own level, in the classroom. The teacher
moves between the team activities as needed.

Another one is the Portal to media literacy:

Hi Folks,

The discussion we have been having about education and teacher training
the last few days has really started me thinking about what exactly should
education for the 21st century be? After tossing the question around my
mind for a while and talking with my husband, also a retired teacher, I
realize that it isn't likely we will have the right answer just based on
our experiences.

I think it is important for us as, supporters of open source educational
technology via OLPC and Sugar Labs, or anything else, to have some idea of
what the correct answer is. We cannot expect to help students learn, or
teachers teach, for the future they will live in if we don't have a
general idea of the answers. In fact, at this point, I'm not sure we even
know what the questions should be!

So, I did what we learned to do in grad school. I started by looking for
what others have already said about the topic. I went to Amazon and looked
for recent books that would bring to light the opinions of others who are
respected authorities in the field. I realize this doesn't mean they have
all the answers, but it is a good place to start.

Among the many listed, I found 2 books, both anthologies, that look like
they may have some good ideas: "Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a
Changing World," Edited by Heidi Hayes Jacobs, and "21st Century Skills:
Rethinking How Students Learn," Edited by James Bellanca and Ron Brandt. I
intend to get these books and read them with pencil and highlighter in

I am hoping some of you others on the Support Gang list and IAEP list will
accept my challenge and do the same. I'm also hoping some of you will add
other resources to this tiny list of 2 items.

Then, sometime in the not to distant future, perhaps at the SF Community
Summit in October, or SCaLE 11X in LA in January, we can meet for a series
of thoughtful discourses that will help guide us in doing all we can to
improve education for today's children and their teachers using our very
special resources.

Caryl (aka Grannie B)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

I�m moderate on extroversion.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] SoaS Breakthrough!

2012-01-12 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
Maybe can be something that might work for
some of what we can use.

2012/1/13 Iain Brown Douglas :
> On Wed, 2012-01-11 at 03:21 +0100, Rubén Rodríguez wrote:
>> The method I think would be a breakthrough for a school is to use a
>> thin
>> client environment. One server is enough to run a typical school, you
>> only need to manage one standard GNU/Linux computer, the clients need
>> no software or configuration, and they can keep whatever they already
>> have in their hard drives untouched and usable. Also all the students
>> data are in an easy to backup spot, installing an activity in the
>> server
>> makes it available for everyone instantly, and you can also combine it
>> with class management software like iTALC.
> This sounds useful.
> (For reference: )
> So, if an enthusiastic volunteer had demonstrated Sugar on a Stick to a
> school's "IT person" who has no previous sugar or linux experience -
> what would need to be on their learning curve, to set up such a system?

Probably rewardingly tricky.
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

I’m moderate on extroversion.
School 2.0

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] FW: eSN Partner: Prepare your students for the future

2011-08-16 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
Thanks Caryl, for sending the info in this e-mail,

I found the following 8-pager
to be what i suggest we look at adopting for our promotion and work in the
PLN arena.


A few months ago some of us were discussing PLNs for teachers and how they
might apply to OLPC.  Here is an interesting book review that discusses
PLNs for both teachers and students.  It is a fairly new direction in
education that most of us will want to know more about.  You don't have to
be a student or teacher to have a PLN!
Hace unos pocos meses discutimos PLNs* para docentes y como pueden
applicar a OLPC. Aquí esta una revista de un libro sobre PLNs para
docentes y estudiantes.  Puede ser de interes a Uds.  Puede ponerlo en
Google Translate si nescesita. No nescesita estar docente ni alumno para
tener un PLN!*Redes de aprendezaje personal

Subject: eSN Partner: Prepare your students for the future
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 08:58:10 -0400

 | 800.733.6786
(re)defining professional development

Coauthors Will Richardson and Rob Mancabelli Share
 Why PLNs Are an Essential Foundation for the 21st Century Learner

In order to create successful learning networks in the classroom, teachers
must first create learning networks of their own. Don't know how? In
Personal Learning Networks, the authors share step-by-step advice and
real-world examples of how to form global learning networks. To help you
get started, Solution Tree asked the authors why PLNs are making a
difference in the classroom—and why you should consider creating your own

Q. Please define personal learning networks as they apply to educators and
the world of education in general.

A. A personal learning network (PLN) consists of the
people and resources that fuel our learning.
 During the past decade, this network is increasingly online.
 In a PLN, we can learn anytime, anywhere, with potentially anyone around
the world who shares our passion or interest.
 We can literally build global classrooms of our own making on the web
that include communities of learners we interact with on a regular basis.

Q. What is the link between learning networks and student

A. PLNs are an essential foundation for the 21st century learner.
 Students who create their own networks drive their own learning.
 PLNs work across all subject areas because they connect students to
people and resources customized to their own learning style.
 PLNs transform education by making it more customized, global, real-time,
and connected.

Q. Why did you decide to focus on learning networks as a means to improve
student achievement?

A. Our ability to construct these types of networked connections is a
fundamental part of learning in the 21st century.
 In this new world of learning, student achievement will be framed not so
much by what a child knows, but whether or not that child has learned how
to learn.
 In this sense, PLNs are capacity building.
 They enable students to go beyond their local teachers and textbooks,
making the entire world their classroom.

Study Guide


the Authors





on Twitter





on Twitter

Q. Could you describe the research and/or real-world stories that went
into Personal Learning Networks?

A. Thousands of educators are beginning to create
connected learning experiences for the students in their classrooms, and
there is more and more evidence every day that the interactions we can
have within these networked spaces are challenging many of the traditional
structures in our society.
 This book taps into those stories to create a compelling context for

Q. What do you think is the most important message from Personal Learning

The way we learn is changing, and this is a moment filled with both
opportunities and challenges for educators and learners of all stripes.
 If we are to fully understand these opportunities and help our students
take advantage of them, we need to form our own PLNs.
 Only by learning through our own networks can we work together to bring
them to our classrooms and our schools in effective ways.

To learn more about this book, and how to implement a personal learning
network into your professional development plans, click here

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  Phone: 301-913-0115 . Fax: 301-913-0119

  You are receiving this eMail newsletter at as part
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Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs: account confirmation

2011-06-30 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
Thank you so much for the elp files.  it's a great story and introduction
to many videos and they capture so much.

Hi Everyone,

I've been running the Australian training for teachers and the
XO-certification course at course is available for
everyone to view when logged in as a guest. This course was mainly pulled
together by myself and some other team members at OLPC Australia- Liddy
Neville produced the previous course that some of you mentioned. It is no
longer active and cannot be accessed.

Anyone is welcome to use the course materials to build on for their own
training purposes- it is (BY-NC-SA). The learner manual is a synthesis of
much of the great info out already about the project and XOs- but it
be noted much of the technical information is specific to the Australian
build. If you would like to rework it, it has been put together in a nice
little tool called eXe (, another open source
project, which allows you to export to interlinked html pages, and I have
posted the manual here (
While the manual and course itself is available to reuse as you wish,
note that participant responses in forums or lessons they have posted are
not- please don't reuse their work without asking them, especially since
Australian teachers have varying intellectual property clauses related to
their employment depending on the jurisdiction.

The course is not available for enrolment for people outside the
program because I simply don't have time to facilitate that number of
participants. It's also highly contextualised to Australia so it wouldn't
necessarily make sense for teachers from other countries to work through
as is.

Please feel free to email me if you have any further questions or I can
with anything. We're very keen to contribute to the OLPC international
community if we can!


Tracy Richardson

Education Manager
OLPC Australia

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Valerie Taylor
Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2011 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs: account confirmation

Liddy is listed as the teacher / owner of the course. I sent her a message
to get the "key" as the course access is restricted - disappointing for
something that is part of an open community. Hope to hear from her and
a look around. It looks like she hasn't accessed this site in more than a
year. If the Australia original site has been updated more recently, it
would be most current.



On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:27 PM,   wrote:

>> > What is the objective of these Moodle courses? Were they created

>> > for specific audiences? Would it be ok if others who are interested

>> > in Sugar access them?


> I could have this wrong, I would need to view the moodle resources, but
> I
believe that it is a clone of a Moodle course done for OLPC Australia.


> The Australian version could have later
> edits
or may have abandoned all the early material, I am not sure.


> The original Moodle course by Liddy Neville was done for school teachers
in the Australian deployments.


> Tony



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] FW: [OLPC Bolivia] No logro aprender Sugar / I cannot learn Sugar why would YOU want to?

2011-06-15 Thread Kenneth Wyrick

Since this seems to be something you have sincere passion about, would you
be willing to simply list/summarize specific points that you see that
Carlos made so we can talk about them point by point to hopefully arrive
at a more succinct overall intention of his communication?

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Kenneth Wyrick  wrote:
> Oh! Ok I get that, now. Also, view my comments as a gut level response
> as
> a newbie to this project who is looking for specific constructive dialog
> instead of generalities that are easily thrown around.
> Maybe it's just me but I replied how I felt as I read what was written.
> So, I still want to know what his purpose is for spending time with the
> olpc? Based on what I read, he sees the apple as our competitor. I could
> have done without the apple promo.

I can't claim to speak to Carlos's concerns.   My comment was more
about the reaction to his posting than to his posting itself.  My
point was that his critique should not be dismissed out-of-hand, but
needs to be explored in more depth, ideally in his native language and
on the lists where he originally posted it.

We have all had to be "talked off the ledge" at one point or another
with Sugar or OLPC frustrations.  Often the important thing to bring
someone back into the fold is just to let them know that tthey have
been heard and to validate their frustrations (to the extent you can).
 It is my impression that the prodigals who return to the family often
make the most dedicated volunteers, it just takes some patience and
understanding to hear them out and really get to the root of their



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] FW: [OLPC Bolivia] No logro aprender Sugar / I cannot learn Sugar why would YOU want to?

2011-06-15 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
Oh! Ok I get that, now. Also, view my comments as a gut level response as
a newbie to this project who is looking for specific constructive dialog
instead of generalities that are easily thrown around.

Maybe it's just me but I replied how I felt as I read what was written.
So, I still want to know what his purpose is for spending time with the
olpc? Based on what I read, he sees the apple as our competitor. I could
have done without the apple promo.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Kenneth Wyrick  wrote:
> i see an apple guy trying to down FLOSS in it's truest form. the olpc is
> a
> key human access to experiencing ingenuity at it's starts
> with
> self

Don't shoot the messenger.  Carlos is a prolific contributor to our
Spanish localization effort and his critique is worthy of
consideration.  Please read beyond the framing of it in the context of
commercial packages and look for the meat of his concerns.  To do
otherwise is to dismiss genuine insight from someone with extensive
deployment experience.  This is not a bomb thrown by an outsider, but
a genuine plea for improvement from an insider.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Concrete feedback

2011-06-15 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
I'm glad to see all the entries which tells me what they clicked on and if
they didn't create anything then I'm curious to know why. maybe for long
term use there could be a way to sort entries based on size of the entries
or something like that which would put the files with no content near the

i like having an option to log everything or filter the list.

You are showing one of the more commons problems when we talk about the
Many times, bugs in activities are perceived like bugs in the Journal.
If one activity is not well sugarized, is a problem in the activity and
And from a long time, the default way wen you open one activity, is open
last instance.
This is not the right solution, because is not useful for all the
but solve the issue with Browse, Terminal, etc.
About massive operations, you can see the work from tch about multiple
selection operations.


> *Concrete Feedback:*
> The journal is always full of garbage, hundreds of empty entries:  *is
> there a possibility to "CLEAN" the JOurnal?,* or much better, that the
> programs won't write empty entries?
> Empty entry = when a kid opens "Browse", and he closes 10 seconds later,
> it
> is useless that entry.
> If the kid uses "Write" for more than 15 minutes, probably he wrote
> something useful.
> For example , If the kid opens "Write" but he don't write anything, that
> entry would not be save on the journal.
> ANother example: Programs that are not well "sugarized", they save lots
> and
> lots of useless entries on the journal.
> The problem is not the space, those entries don't occupy nothing. The
> problem is the amount of entries.
> *
> Paolo Benini
> Montevideo
> ___
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] FW: [OLPC Bolivia] No logro aprender Sugar / I cannot learn Sugar why would YOU want to?

2011-06-15 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
i see an apple guy trying to down FLOSS in it's truest form. the olpc is a
key human access to experiencing ingenuity at it's starts with

where apple starts with i and thinks it;s a pod business to make money
with good products that they are now making more affordable accessible
small visual calculator gadgets that track and communication our every
movement without choice

i'd like to know what about the stability of fedora are you referring to
as not being so good?

i'd like to hear what your intentional use or even interest in olpc is
other than using our mailing list to try and crush our efforts to futher
your mac attack on humanity? you might as well be a mac henry the step
child of mc donalds uncle...

Hi Folks,
This is a FYI... Carlos Rebassa, a Rap Ceibal volunteer many of us met in
Uruguay has come up with a surprisingly critical complaint about Sugar.
He included a link to an English version, but did not send it to IAEP or
the Support Gang lists.  I have no idea what prompted his criticisms nor
can I figure out exactly what they are.  Carlos is fluent in English. He
lived in New York and sold Real Estate there for many years.  If any of
you want to reply, you can send it to the olpc-sur list or directly to

Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 21:31:49 -0300
Subject: [OLPC Bolivia] No logro aprender Sugar / I cannot learn Sugar

No logro aprender
I cannot learn Sugar

Carlos RabassaVoluntarioRed de Apoyo al Plan CeibalMontevideo, Uruguay

lista OLPC-Bolivia
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] [squeakland] [ANN] Waveplace starting another five laptop projects in Haiti

2011-06-07 Thread Kenneth Wyrick
great to hear about waveplace activities and plans.
i'm in the process of joining the ranks of the olpc movement, here in SoCal

it's interesting that you are in Bethehem PA were a long time buddy was

i'm in the assessment/design phase to plan for the establishment of a
mobile SoCal olpc XOWiki repair, lending and presentation lab fleet
service. I need help on setting up olpc servers within central la
communities, where i reside.

To ramp up for what I'm doing I'd very much like to participate in your
mentor program...hope it's feasibile for me to do so and spend time with
your EToys training materials, asap. I realize you just had a major event
and if by chance you have podcasts, presentations on a site please send me
the urls. is a bio on me, fyi.

I created in 1997 as a project of the
(the domain now in on a server in PA maybe close to where waveplace is

October 2010 I finally created which is a box
colocated here in LA at where I'm developing curriculum
and learning resources for various floss related projects in a business
context of entrepreneurship




I saw on Swedish news yesterday that Rwanda was buying OLPC to every


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Timothy Falconer 

> Hello everyone,
> Waveplace will be traveling back to Haiti in ten days to start enough
> five
> laptop projects, bringing our total there to 19 schools.
> I'll be blogging daily starting today, focusing this time on the people
> and
> emotions involved, so please tune in:
> You can also follow my Twitter feed to get more regular updates:
> Take care,
> Tim
> --
> Timothy Falconer
> Waveplace Foundation
> + 1 610 797 3100 x33
> ___
> squeakland mailing list
squeakland mailing list


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Re: [IAEP] Texas Senate Bills 866 & 867 regarding dyslexia passed over the weekend

2011-05-27 Thread Kenneth Wyrick

I'm in. I'm using

and they also have an RT for real-time kernal settings

I've know about Musix for a while and really like their website interface

Another option is the portable studio computers and
software which was created by 64studio folks for Ron at Indamixx

I'm hopefull about there being another and is what initially provided the best desktop to migrate
from using windows at all in 2004 or so

I've standardized on and /ubuntu for
running the package on my

I know this is a lot and I'm finally moving forward with 3 core aspects of
an enterprise learning system

the conversations toolkit

which was developed by Stanford Research Institute.

Learning Management Systems of which has
Moodle Elgg and LAMS (MEL), http;//

Entrepreneurship Simulations Curriculum GIS Framework

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Customer Relations Management (CRM) and

Hi there!

I am a lurker on this list - read posts once in a
while. Last semester I was teaching at an elementary school and used
Sugar on a live CD with the kids. It was a big hit and I passed out at
least a hundred Sugar CDs to students. They squealed with delight and
begged to use it in class.

A very important piece of dyslexia
legislation passed the house and senate unanimously in Texas over the
weekend. The three most important features in my mind are:

* All
school personnel must be trained in the recent scientific studies about
dyslexia ( Reference: )
* Teachers
must use multi-sensory methods (audio, video, etc.) to teach dyslexic
* Schools must incorporate assistive technologies that are
helpful to dyslexic students

I am currently working on writing a high
school class that accommodates dyslexia ( It
is a music technology type class and I am using Musix, a Linux OS that
focuses on music compostion and audio/video production, for my software
base. Downloads are already available of course, but I will make sure
students can inexpensively purchase live DVDs or USBs that are software

I am writing to the folks on this list, hoping that one of you
will take on a similar project for dyslexic elementary students using
Sugar. Make a Moodle site and post video & audio with lessons using

If one or more of you wish to do this, make sure you write to
Virginia Gonzalez (, the state dyslexia
consultant and tell her about it so she can get the word out.

You know
that commercial interests will see dollar signs and try to make a buck
off of this. I would do it myself, but this class I am working on will
at least take months to finish.

Thanks! And thanks for creating Sugar!

Marilyn Hagle

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)