[iagi-net-l] Fwd: [Dosen ITB] Homo Floriensis ... Nenek moyang baru orang Indonesia

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik khoiril anwar maryunani
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Peneliti Indonesia & Australia menemukan fosil manusia mini (t <= 1 m).
Barangkali temuan itu bisa menjelaskan mengapa pada umumnya orang
Indonesia kecil-kecil (dibandingkan bule-2 atau orang afrika)...

Dosen mailing list

RE: [iagi-net-l] Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Kuntadi, Nugrahanto

Mungkin ilmuwan Indonesia pikir "hobbits" itu hanya ada 
di dalam film Lord of The Rings (=dongeng) aja Kimakanya better to not 
involved kali yah?

  -Original Message-From: Musakti, Oki 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 
  7:57 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [iagi-net-l] 
  Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis
  (Koq nggak kedengaran ada ilmuwan 
  Indonesia yang ikut di tim ini ya...?)
  Menarik, disini disebutkan bahwa salah satu survival 
  strategy untuk mengatasi kondisi yang minim resources adalah dengan 
  ‘mengecilkan diri’.
  - - - - - - - - -
  Found - the newest members of the human 
  By Deborah Smith
  October 29, 2004
  A previously unknown species of miniature human barely 
  a metre tall, who hunted pygmy elephants and giant rats, lived on 
  Australia's doorstep until at least 13,000 years ago.
  Australian and Indonesian scientists have unearthed a 
  near-complete skeleton of a female member of the species, nicknamed Hobbit, in 
  a cave on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, 600 kilometres 
  east of Bali.
  The archaic humans co-existed for tens of thousands of 
  years with our own species and might have died out only 500 years ago. 
  Archaeologist and team member Mike Morwood, from the University 
  of New England, said they were about the size of a modern three-year-old.
  "They weighed around 25 kilograms and had a brain 
  smaller than most chimpanzees," Professor Morwood said. "Even so, they used 
  fire and made sophisticated stone tools. Despite tiny brains, these little 
  humans almost certainly had language."
  The discovery of the species, published today in the 
  journal Nature, is being hailed as one of the most important in a century in 
  the study of human origins. Until now, it had been thought our only recent 
  cousins were the Neanderthals in Europe, who died out about 
  30,000 years ago.
   "The find is startling," said another team 
  member, Dr Robert Foley, of the University of Cambridge. "It is 
  breathtaking to think that such a different species of hominin existed so 
  Named Homo floresiensis, it is the smallest species of 
  human ever found. It is the first that overlapped recently with our species to 
  have been discovered since Neanderthal remains were found in the 
  The island the small humans lived on, 
  Flores, was a "lost world" inhabited by creatures as strange as 
  they were - giant rats and giant lizards, komodo dragons, and primitive dwarf 
  elephants that were extinct elsewhere.
  Bones including the skull, jaw, pelvis and leg of a 
  30-year-old woman were uncovered last year in Liang Bua cave on 
  Flores and dated to about 18,000 years old.
  More recently, the team has uncovered her arm bones as 
  well remains from six other little people, who lived in the cave from about 
  95,000 years ago to 13,000 years ago. The existence of the species will prompt 
  a "major rethink" of how humans evolved, according to another on the team, 
  Peter Brown, of the University of New England.
  "The most remarkable thing is that someone with that 
  sort of small brain size was behaving in many ways like a modern human in 
  terms of hunting and the stone tools they used," he said.
  Professor Morwood said the little people were thought 
  to have evolved from larger archaic humans, Homo erectus, who managed to sail 
  across to Flores from Java about 800,000 years ago.
  They evolved into dwarfs, like the elephants on the 
  island, because small creatures had a better chance of survival on a remote 
  island where there was little food and no major predators.
  Homo erectus spread from Africa to Asia 
  more than a million years ago, but were eventually replaced by our species, 
  Homo sapiens, who left Africa about 120,000 years ago, according to the 
  leading theory of human movement.
  The little Homo floresiensis species survived on 
  Flores long after Homo sapiens had moved into the region and 
  begun to colonise Australia and New Guinea 50,000 years ago.
  Bert Roberts, of the University of 
  Wollongong, whose team carried out the dating, said there were a lot of 
  detailed folk tales on Flores about little people.
  "These stories suggest there may be more than a grain 
  of truth to the idea that they were still living on Flores up 
  until the Dutch arrived in the 1500s," Professor Roberts said. "The stories 
  suggest they lived in caves. The villagers would leave gourds with food out 
  for them to eat, but legend has it these were the guests from hell. They'd eat 
  everything, including the gourds."
  It is 110 years since the last human species was 
  discovered in South-East Asia - the 700,000-year-old Homo 
  erectus Java man specimen.

  Santos Ltd A.B.N. 80 007 550 923 
Disclaimer: The 

Re: [iagi-net-l] Melihat Kembali Tektono-Volkanik Banten Block

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Sukmandaru Prihatmoko
Menarik Pak Awang...

Dari sisi batuan volkanik (igneous)-nya, Honje Complex terdiri dari 3
kelompok, secara urutan umur adalah (1) Honje volcanics, andesitic-basaltic
yang berumur 10 - 11Ma (bertepatan dengan mulai membengkoknya pelurusan
Sumatra - Jawa di Selat Sunda), (2) dacitic tuff dan associated rhyolite
complex, yang dalam paper saya (dkk) kita sebut sebagai Cibaliung Tuff,
berumur 4.95Ma (Jawa dan Sumatra sudah memisah), serta (3) basalt flows yang
menorobos zona-zona struktur sebagai back arc rift basalt (?), yang ini
belum ada dating-nya tapi lebih muda dari Cibaliung Tuff.

Yang menarik adalah adanya time gap sekitar 5 juta tahun antara Honje
volcanic dan Cibaliung Tuff dimana tidak ada aktifitas vulkanism. Apakah ini
ada kaitannya dengan meredanya tectonic event pada kurun waktu tsb, sehingga
volcanism juga mereda? Saya belum tahu.

Untuk konsep "high and low" di seputaran Ujung Kulon - Honje - West
Malingping, apakah Pak Awang punya paper detil ttg ini?

Salam -Daru

- Original Message - 
From: "Awang Satyana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Melihat Kembali Tektono-Volkanik Banten Block

> Bagian barat Pulau Jawa ini menarik secara geologi, sekarang hampir
seluruhnya masuk ke dalam Provinsi Banten. Dan di geologi, wilayah ini pun
biasa disebut Banten Block. van Bemmelen sejak tahun 1949 telah menyebut
wilayah ini sebagai Banten Block dan membuat batasnya berupa garis hampir
selatan-utara dari Teluk Pelabuhan Ratu sampai Teluk Jakarta. Bukan sekedar
garis batas wilayah, ternyata adalah juga garis batas geologi. Kata van
Bemmelen, terdapat perbedaan arah struktur yang menyolok antara struktur2 di
Banten Block yang didominasi arah Utara-Selatan dengan struktur2 Jawa yang
didominasi Barat-Timur. Publikasi2 selanjutnya memang menunjukkan hal itu.
> Publikasi2 tektonik terbaru menunjukkan bahwa Pulau Jawa pernah menyatu
dengan Sumatra, sehingga orientasi Pulau Jawa pun hampir seperti Sumatra.
Lalu sejak sekitar Mio-Pliosen kedua pulau saling berpisah,  Pulau Jawa
terputar anti-clockwisely sedangkan Sumatra terputar clockwisely, membuka
Selat Sunda semakin melebar ke arah selatan mirip2 triangle zone. Penelitian
terbaru paleomagnetik Jawa menunjukkan bahwa bagian timur Pulau Jawa
(datanya belum lengkap, jadi baru diketahui bagian timurnya saja) pernah
menduduki paleo-latitude lebih ke selatan di banding sekarang - jadi
membenarkan bahwa Pulau Jawa pernah terotasi anti-clockwisely.
> Kelihatannya, pemisahan Sumatra dan Jawa ini meninggalkan banyak "luka"
geologi baik di Banten maupun di Lampung, berupa segmented basements di
kedua wilayah tersebut yang berarah utara-selatan, sehingga di Banten
misalnya ditemukan sistem horst dan graben seperti Ujung Kulon High - Ujung
Kulon Low - Honje High - West Malingping Low. Di Selat Sunda, di pusat
pemisahan ini, lebih parah lagi segmentasi-nya. Dan kondisi ini diperparah
dengan aktifnya Sesar Mendatar Sumatra yang dextral dan Sesar Mendatar Ujung
Kulon (di offshore baratdaya Pelabuhan Ratu). Kedua sesar mendatar ini
saling berposisi step-over, seperti ber-estafet dari Sesar Sumatra ke Sesar
Ujung Kulon. Daerah estafet adalah Selat Sunda, akibatnya akan tebentuk
extensional stress pada kedua sesar dextral tersebut di wilayah Selat Sunda,
dan terbukalah Selat Sunda melalui mekanisme pull-apart basin, sebagai
konsekuensi dua sesar mendatar yang membentuk releasing stepover. Segmentasi
kerak di wilayah Lampung, Selat S
>  unda,
>  dan Banten jelas akan terpengaruh ini, juga pemisahan Sumatra-Jawa.
> Konsekuensi lain, adalah banyak sintetic faults yang besar-besar yang juga
punya sifat releasing, baik di Lampung dan di Banten. Nah, ini lalu
berimplikasi ke "banjir lava basal" di Lampung dan Banten karena sesar2
sintetik ini menjadi konduit untuk lepasnya magma naik ke permukaan. Di
Lampung ada Rajabasa dan Sukadana complex, di Banten ada Danau Complex
dengan Gunung Karang dan Pulasari puncak2nya. Ini adalah kompleks gunungapi
berupa backarc volcanism yang dikontrol sistem sesar yang rifting. Di Selat
Sunda sendiri, dua arah sesar utara-selatan dan sesar arah Sumatra
berpotongan, dan di salah satu perpotongannya, muncul Gn. Krakatau yang
paroxysmal letusannya pada 1883, pantas saja, dikontrol dua sesar.
> Lalu karena ada proses penenggelaman di Selat Sunda itu, tertariklah garis
palung di depannya lebih ke arah utara, membuat pola konkaf pada palung,
suatu hal yang tidak lazim sebab palung secara umum adalah konvex ke arah
> Di luar itu, di Banten Block juga ada Bayah Dome yang terkenal itu, yang
batuan tertuanya (volkanik) katanya seumur dengan Jatibarang Fm. di Cirebon.
Maka di banyak publikasi ditariklah garis volcanic arc Eosen dari Bayah ke
Cirebon. Benarkah semudah itu menghubungkannya ? Mestinya tidak sesederhana
itu, maka perlu melihat kembali sejarah keseluruhan Banten Block.
> Masih banyak yang mesti dikerjakan dari wilayah ini

RE: [iagi-net-l] Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Iman Suyatno
Selain Mike Morwood dari New England University, peneliti Indonesia yang
ikut ambil bagian adalah dari Pusat Penelitian Purbakala Indoenia,


Oki, menarik posting-nya, saya yakin ini akan memerlukan konfirmasi
penelitian lanjutan. Masa ilmuwan Indonesia tidak ada yang ikut, kok di
artikelnya disebut ada ilmuwan Indonesia dan Australia, hanya tak
disebutkan namanya yang Indonesia.
"Musakti, Oki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


(Koq nggak kedengaran ada ilmuwan Indonesia yang ikut di tim ini ya...?)


Menarik, disini disebutkan bahwa salah satu survival strategy untuk
mengatasi kondisi yang minim resources adalah dengan 'mengecilkan diri'.



- - - - - - - - -


Found - the newest members of the human family

By Deborah Smith

October 29, 2004



A previously unknown species of miniature human barely a metre tall, who
hunted pygmy elephants and giant rats, lived on Australia's doorstep
until at least 13,000 years ago.


Australian and Indonesian scientists have unearthed a near-complete
skeleton of a female member of the species, nicknamed Hobbit, in a cave
on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, 600 kilometres east of Bali.


The archaic humans co-existed for tens of thousands of years with our
own species and might have died out only 500 years ago. Archaeologist
and team member Mike Morwood, from the University of New England, said
they were about the size of a modern three-year-old.


"They weighed around 25 kilograms and had a brain smaller than most
chimpanzees," Professor Morwood said. "Even so, they used fire and made
sophisticated stone tools. Despite tiny brains, these little humans
almost certainly had language."


The discovery of the species, published today in the journal Nature, is
being hailed as one of the most important in a century in the study of
human origins. Until now, it had been thought our only recent cousins
were the Neanderthals in Europe, who died out about 30,000 years ago.




 "The find is startling," said another team member, Dr Robert Foley, of
the University of Cambridge. "It is breathtaking to think that such a
different species of hominin existed so recently."


Named Homo floresiensis, it is the smallest species of human ever found.
It is the first that overlapped recently with our species to have been
discovered since Neanderthal remains were found in the 1800s.


The island the small humans lived on, Flores, was a "lost world"
inhabited by creatures as strange as they were - giant rats and giant
lizards, komodo dragons, and primitive dwarf elephants that were extinct


Bones including the skull, jaw, pelvis and leg of a 30-year-old woman
were uncovered last year in Liang Bua cave on Flores and dated to about
18,000 years old.


More recently, the team has uncovered her arm bones as well remains from
six other little people, who lived in the cave from about 95,000 years
ago to 13,000 years ago. The existence of the species will prompt a
"major rethink" of how humans evolved, according to another on the team,
Peter Brown, of the University of New England.


"The most remarkable thing is that someone with that sort of small brain
size was behaving in many ways like a modern human in terms of hunting
and the stone tools they used," he said.


Professor Morwood said the little people were thought to have evolved
from larger archaic humans, Homo erectus, who managed to sail across to
Flores from Java about 800,000 years ago.


They evolved into dwarfs, like the elephants on the island, because
small creatures had a better chance of survival on a remote island where
there was little food and no major predators.


Homo erectus spread from Africa to Asia more than a million years ago,
but were eventually replaced by our species, Homo sapiens, who left
Africa about 120,000 years ago, according to the leading theory of human


The little Homo floresiensis species survived on Flores long after Homo
sapiens had moved into the region and begun to colonise Australia and
New Guinea 50,000 years ago.


Bert Roberts, of the University of Wollongong, whose team carried out
the dating, said there were a lot of detailed folk tales on Flores about
little people.


"These stories suggest there may be more than a grain of truth to the
idea that they were still living on Flores up until the Dutch arrived in
the 1500s," Professor Roberts said. "The stories suggest they lived in
caves. The villagers would leave gourds with food out for them to eat,
but legend has it these were the guests from hell. They'd eat
everything, including the gourds."


It is 110 years since the last human species was discovered in
South-East Asia - the 700,000-year-old Homo erectus Java man specimen.

Santos Ltd A.B.N. 80 007 550 923 Disclaimer: The information contained
in this email is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it
is addressed and may be confidential or contain privile

Re: [iagi-net-l] Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Awang Satyana
Oki, menarik posting-nya, saya yakin ini akan memerlukan konfirmasi penelitian 
lanjutan. Masa ilmuwan Indonesia tidak ada yang ikut, kok di artikelnya disebut ada 
ilmuwan Indonesia dan Australia, hanya tak disebutkan namanya yang Indonesia.
Kenapa memerlukan konfirmasi penelitian lanjutan ? Sebab ada beberapa hal dari teori 
yang dikemukakan atas penemuan ini yang rasanya akan bertentangan dengan pengetahuan 
paleo-antropologi maupun paleo-vertebrata saat ini.
"Hobbit" mengingatkan saya ke cerita2 Harry Potter, memang manusia kerdil. Dalam 
ekologi ada teori yang disebut "biogeografi pulau" yang intinya menyebut bahwa ukuran 
dan jumlah spesies hewan akan mengecil/membesar mengikuti kecil/besarnya pulau (jadi 
berbanding lurus). "Hobbit" akan cocok dengan ini, walaupun adanya komodo dan tikus 
besar terasa bertentangan (kecuali kalau komodo dan tikus besar memang hewan primitif 
yang endemik - berarti mereka kelak akan mengecil ukurannya kalau menerapkan teori 
evolusi / spesiasi karena kendala ekologi). 
Yang agak berat adalah teori bahwa "Hobbit" ini peralihan dari Homo erectus Jawa yang 
mengerdil karena ukuran pulau. Belum ada cerita bahwa Homo erectus bermigrasi ke Nusa 
Tenggara, yang ada adalah Homo wadjakensis yang umurnya lebih muda dari Homo erectus, 
sebab leluhur orang2 Aborigin di Australia adalah Homo wadjakensis yang ukurannya 
besar, yang bermigrasi ke Australia melalui land bridges sepanjang Nusa Tenggara 
termasuk Flores dan paparan Sahul yang saat itu kering di zaman es, apakah mereka di 
tengah jalan berubah jadi "Hobbit" di Flores, kenapa dong mereka membesar lagi di 
Aborigin Australia, lucu kan ?
Pygmy stegodon, tak hanya ditemukan di Flores, Sartono (1969) pernah menyebutkan 
stegodon kerdil di Timor, dan Sartono (1979) pernah menyebutkan stegodon kerdil di 
Sumba. Artinya, stegodon pun bisa bermigrasi, masa "Hobbit" tak bisa, atau belum 
ditemukan saja fosil2nya di pulau2 Nusa Tenggara lain. Bahkan Pak Zaim pernah menyebut 
stegodon kerdil di Sumedang (entah saat itu Sumedang merupakan pulau atau daratan 
besar harus dilihat lagi), di endapan2 Kaliwangu di Jawa Tengah Utara pun ditemukan 
fosil2 stegodon kecil ini. Artinya migrasi vertebrata adalah masalah biasa, terlepas 
dari apakah mereka kena spesiasi biogeografi pulau atau tidak.
Kemudian, ukuran otak yang lebih kecil dari simpanse tetapi kemampuannya sebanding 
dengan katakanlah manusia purba menarik sekali untuk dikaji sebab ini menyalahi hukum 
linier dalam paleoantropologi bahwa semakin besar volume otak semakin cerdas, artinya 
kalau Hobbit ukuran otaknya tak lebih besar dari otak simpanse maka kemampuannya tak 
akan lebih besar dari simpanse, tetapi kenyataannya kan lain bukan ? Makanya menarik 
untuk dikaji lebih jauh. Kalau kemampuan sudah ada, lalu tiba2 otaknya mengecil karena 
biogeografi pulau, tetapi kemampuannya tak ikut berkurang, nah ini juga menarik secara 
Kelihatannya, akan lebih cocok (dengan pengetahuan paleo-antropologi dan vertebrata 
sekarang), kalau berteori bahwa "Hobbit" bukan evolusi dari Homo erectus maupun Homo 
wadjakensis, memang ia hominid endemik yang sudah lama tinggal di situ. Bukankah di 
wilayah Wallacea ini banyak fauna-flora yang endemik ? Sekedar pendapat...Anyway, ini 
menarik, hanya jelas butuh elaborasi.

"Musakti, Oki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


(Koq nggak kedengaran ada ilmuwan Indonesia yang ikut di tim ini ya...?)


Menarik, disini disebutkan bahwa salah satu survival strategy untuk mengatasi kondisi 
yang minim resources adalah dengan ‘mengecilkan diri’.



- - - - - - - - -


Found - the newest members of the human family

By Deborah Smith

October 29, 2004



A previously unknown species of miniature human barely a metre tall, who hunted pygmy 
elephants and giant rats, lived on Australia's doorstep until at least 13,000 years 


Australian and Indonesian scientists have unearthed a near-complete skeleton of a 
female member of the species, nicknamed Hobbit, in a cave on the remote Indonesian 
island of Flores, 600 kilometres east of Bali.


The archaic humans co-existed for tens of thousands of years with our own species and 
might have died out only 500 years ago. Archaeologist and team member Mike Morwood, 
from the University of New England, said they were about the size of a modern 


"They weighed around 25 kilograms and had a brain smaller than most chimpanzees," 
Professor Morwood said. "Even so, they used fire and made sophisticated stone tools. 
Despite tiny brains, these little humans almost certainly had language."


The discovery of the species, published today in the journal Nature, is being hailed 
as one of the most important in a century in the study of human origins. Until now, it 
had been thought our only recent cousins were the Neanderthals in Europe, who died out 
about 30,000 years ago.




 "The find is startling," said another team memb

[iagi-net-l] Lowongan juga di LAPAN

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Amir . AL-AMIN
21 S1 Geologi 

   ( L A P A N )
JL. PEMUDA PERSIL NO. 1 JAKARTA 13220 PO Box : 1020/jat telp.:4892802
(Hunting) Fax: 4894815

NOMOR : PENG/686/X/2004


Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi Tahun 2004, dengan ini diumumkan
bahwa LAPAN membutuhkan tambahan beberapa pegawai dengan 
kriteria sebagai berikut :

A. Jenis jabatan dan jurusan pendidikan yang dibutuhkan (Terlampir)

B. Syarat yang harus dipenuhi
a. Warga Negara Indonesia.
b. Usia 18 - 35 tahun.
c. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara (kurungan) berdasarkan ketentuan 
d. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri
atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS, atau 
diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
e. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pegawai CPNS/PNS di Instalasi lain.
f. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
g. Bersedia melepaskan diri dari jabatan pengurus/anggota parpol pada saat
dinyatakan lulus penyaringan.
h. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh kepolisian.
i. Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, kualitas dan keterampilan yang
j. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia.
k. Sudah berijazah.

C. Pelamar yang dipanggil adalah pelamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi.

D. Berkas lamaran yang sudah masuk tidak dapat diambil kembali

E. Lamaran ditujukan kepada :


F. Pengumuman ini berlaku terhitung tanggal 20 Oktober s/d 6 Nopember 2004
(cap pos)


NIP. 300 000 300

Tingkat Pendidikan Sarjana (S2 dan S1)Lampiran I

1 S2 Meteorologi 
2 S1 Matematika 
3 S1 Statistik 
4 S1 Geografi 
5 S1 Astronomi 
6 S1 Teknik Komputer 
7 S1 Program Komputer 
8 S1 Manajemen Informatika 
9 S1 Teknik Informatika 
10 S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi 
11 S1 Ekonomi Pembangunan 
12 S1 Ekonomi manajemen 
13 S1 Hukum Perdata 
14 S1 Hukum Internasional 
15 S1 Komunikasi Jurnalistik 
16 S1 Komunikasi Publik Relation 
17 S1 Fisika 
18 S1 Kimia 
19 S1 Planologi 
20 S1 Kehutanan 
21 S1 Geologi 
22 S1 Perikanan/Kelautan 
23 S1 Teknik Elektro Arus Lemah 
24 S1 Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat 
25 S1 Teknik Penerbangan 
26 S1 Teknik Industri 
27 S1 Teknik Mesin 
28 S1 Teknik Kimia 
29 S1 Hubungan Internasional 


NIP. 300 000 300Tingkat Pendidikan Diploma III
Lampiran II

1 D-III Kearsipan 
2 D-III Komputer 
3 D-III Teknik Informatika 
4 D-III Teknik Komputer 
5 D-III Keuangan/Akuntansi 
6 D-III Adm negara/Adm Perusahaan 
7 D-III Adm. Kepegawaian 
8 D-III Elektro Arus lemah 
9 D-III Kimia 

Tingkat Pendidikan SMU Lampiran III

1 SLTA Umum (IPA/IPS) 
2 SMK Perkantoran 
3 SMK Administrasi 
4 SMK Mesin 
5 SMK Pembangunan 
6 SMK Elektro 


   NIP. 300 000 300

RE: [iagi-net-l] Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Musakti, Oki
Lupa , artikel aslinya di


-Original Message-
From: Musakti, Oki 
Sent: Thursday, 28 October 2004 7:57 AM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis


Santos Ltd A.B.N. 80 007 550 923 Disclaimer: The information contained
in this email is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it
is addressed and may be confidential or contain privileged information.
If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any
perusal, use, distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this email in error please immediately
advise us by return email and delete the email without making a copy.   

[iagi-net-l] Manusia Hobbit Homo floresiensis

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Musakti, Oki


(Koq nggak kedengaran ada ilmuwan Indonesia yang ikut di tim
ini ya...?)


Menarik, disini disebutkan bahwa salah satu survival strategy untuk
mengatasi kondisi yang minim resources adalah dengan ‘mengecilkan diri’.



- - - - - - - - -


Found - the newest members of the human family

By Deborah Smith

October 29, 2004



A previously unknown species of miniature human barely a metre tall,
who hunted pygmy elephants and giant rats, lived on Australia's
doorstep until at least 13,000 years ago.


Australian and Indonesian scientists have unearthed a near-complete
skeleton of a female member of the species, nicknamed Hobbit, in a cave on the
remote Indonesian island of Flores, 600 kilometres east of Bali.


The archaic humans co-existed for tens of thousands of years with our
own species and might have died out only 500 years ago. Archaeologist and team
member Mike Morwood, from the University of New England, said
they were about the size of a modern three-year-old.


"They weighed around 25 kilograms and had a brain smaller than
most chimpanzees," Professor Morwood said. "Even so, they used fire
and made sophisticated stone tools. Despite tiny brains, these little humans
almost certainly had language."


The discovery of the species, published today in the journal Nature, is
being hailed as one of the most important in a century in the study of human
origins. Until now, it had been thought our only recent cousins were the
Neanderthals in Europe, who died out about 30,000 years ago.




 "The find is startling," said another team member, Dr
Robert Foley, of the University of Cambridge. "It is
breathtaking to think that such a different species of hominin existed so


Named Homo floresiensis, it is the smallest species of human ever
found. It is the first that overlapped recently with our species to have been
discovered since Neanderthal remains were found in the 1800s.


The island the small humans lived on, Flores, was a
"lost world" inhabited by creatures as strange as they were - giant
rats and giant lizards, komodo dragons, and primitive dwarf elephants that were
extinct elsewhere.


Bones including the skull, jaw, pelvis and leg of a 30-year-old woman
were uncovered last year in Liang Bua cave on Flores and dated to
about 18,000 years old.


More recently, the team has uncovered her arm bones as well remains
from six other little people, who lived in the cave from about 95,000 years ago
to 13,000 years ago. The existence of the species will prompt a "major
rethink" of how humans evolved, according to another on the team, Peter
Brown, of the University of New England.


"The most remarkable thing is that someone with that sort of small
brain size was behaving in many ways like a modern human in terms of hunting
and the stone tools they used," he said.


Professor Morwood said the little people were thought to have evolved
from larger archaic humans, Homo erectus, who managed to sail across to Flores
from Java about 800,000 years ago.


They evolved into dwarfs, like the elephants on the island, because
small creatures had a better chance of survival on a remote island where there
was little food and no major predators.


Homo erectus spread from Africa to Asia more than a
million years ago, but were eventually replaced by our species, Homo sapiens,
who left Africa about 120,000 years ago, according to the leading theory of
human movement.


The little Homo floresiensis species survived on Flores
long after Homo sapiens had moved into the region and begun to colonise Australia
and New Guinea 50,000 years ago.


Bert Roberts, of the University of Wollongong, whose team
carried out the dating, said there were a lot of detailed folk tales on Flores
about little people.


"These stories suggest there may be more than a grain of truth to
the idea that they were still living on Flores up until the Dutch
arrived in the 1500s," Professor Roberts said. "The stories suggest
they lived in caves. The villagers would leave gourds with food out for them to
eat, but legend has it these were the guests from hell. They'd eat everything,
including the gourds."


It is 110 years since the last human species was discovered in South-East
 Asia - the 700,000-year-old Homo erectus Java man specimen.

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Re: [iagi-net-l] Fwd: Sekneg juga butuh 2 orang geologi

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Ferdinandus . KARTIKO-SAMODRO
kok tanpa pengalaman?
apa nanti terus ada comprehensive training?
terus bidang geologinya apa...tambang, tata lingkungan, migas atau apa...? 
karena tiap bidang butuh expertise yang berbeda...

Atau geologist sekneg itu nanti "cuma " akan menjadi pintu komunikasi buat 
organisasi profesional dalam memberikan inputnya seperti IAGI, Perhapi 

Kok kalau saya mending Sekneg mengangkat orang seperti Mas Andang  dan 
orang lain yang ahli di bidangnya (mis dari Perhapi dsb...) menjadi staf 
ahli  bisa official atau konsultan saja .. dan sambil pelan - pelan 
mempersiapkan orang buat lingkungan struktural nantinya dengan di bawah 
bimbingan  staf ahli tadi 
jadi si geologist  sekneg nanti bisa belajar banyak sebelum benar - benar 
siap dilepas.

jangan sampai cuma jadi basa basi bahwa sekneg udah ada geologist  tapi 
enggak bisa memberikan masukan yang bener


Ferdinandus Kartiko Samodro
TOTAL E&P Indonesie Balikpapan
0542- 533852

Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
27/10/2004 05:31 PM
Please respond to iagi-net

Subject:[iagi-net-l] Fwd: Sekneg juga butuh 2 orang geologi

Dibawah sana itu info lowongan dr Pak Mail,

Yg cukup menarik adalah sepertinya sudah muncul 'kesadaran' akan
kebutuhan geologist di Setneg. Ini sebuah kemajuan juga sebuah
kesempatan buat geologist utk tampil dalam lingkungan politis. Lagi ..
sebuah kesempatan untuk menembus politisi. Bukan saja menjadi
politikus tetapi akan adanya politisi yg ngerti geologi ini moga-moga
membuka kesempatan untuk geologist lebih berkiprah dalam lingkungan yg
berbeda. Sehingga geologi tidak melulu lingkungan teknis dan
nyaintifik thok ...

Hayooo  Siapa takut !

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From: ismail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bagi Yang minat, Sekneg juga butuh 2 orang geologi dg sarat IP. cuma 2,75
tanpa pengalaman.dengan Pekerjaan yang cukup keren
Penganalisa/Pengkaji/Perumus Kebijakan.dan ngantornya di Istana.( rupanya
kebijakan negara sudah memerlukan geologi )
lihat : www.setneg.ri.go.id
atau www.sekwapres.go.id
Siapa tahu bisa jadi menteri


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Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[iagi-net-l] Fwd: Sekneg juga butuh 2 orang geologi

2004-10-27 Terurut Topik Rovicky Dwi Putrohari
Dibawah sana itu info lowongan dr Pak Mail,

Yg cukup menarik adalah sepertinya sudah muncul 'kesadaran' akan
kebutuhan geologist di Setneg. Ini sebuah kemajuan juga sebuah
kesempatan buat geologist utk tampil dalam lingkungan politis. Lagi ..
sebuah kesempatan untuk menembus politisi. Bukan saja menjadi
politikus tetapi akan adanya politisi yg ngerti geologi ini moga-moga
membuka kesempatan untuk geologist lebih berkiprah dalam lingkungan yg
berbeda. Sehingga geologi tidak melulu lingkungan teknis dan
nyaintifik thok ...

Hayooo  Siapa takut !

-- Forwarded message --
From: ismail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bagi Yang minat, Sekneg juga butuh 2 orang geologi dg sarat IP. cuma 2,75
tanpa pengalaman.dengan Pekerjaan yang cukup keren
Penganalisa/Pengkaji/Perumus Kebijakan.dan ngantornya di Istana.( rupanya
kebijakan negara sudah memerlukan geologi )
lihat : www.setneg.ri.go.id
atau www.sekwapres.go.id
Siapa tahu bisa jadi menteri


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Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])