Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-11 Thread pippa258
Judy Ryder wrote:
>> My baby sister still has a QH.  
>> After Rascal, she moved up to Bay, a QH.
Neat photos!  You are so lucky to have grown up in an equestrian 
family...what do your sisters think of natural horsemanship, TTouch, 


Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-09 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 09/02/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  You have the same project I've got.  I have a huge trunkfull of pictures 
>  to scan and copy to CD's.  Somewhere in that pile, is a pic of me 
>  sitting on an Icelandic pony when I was about 3 or 4.
> Really?  Where did you find an Icelandic then - did you visit family in 
> Iceland?  How amazing.  I want to see that picture!

I don't know his history at all, other than he lived with an old guy a
few towns over from where we lived.

I couldn't find that pic, but I did however find another old picture
with the subtitle 'Picture from Iceland"  It is of a young boy riding
a sturdy (large) Icelandic horse... he's got some type of saddle on
him, and a very lose noseband on the bridle.  It almost looks as
though he's using a leather bit of some sort.  AND there is Icelandic
writing on the back  I believe it's from the 1940's.

If I can get this pesky new scanner to work...I'll send in both the
pic and the writing.  I'm sure Mom didn't know there was writing on
the back of it.  If no one on the list can translate it, I'll have Mom
do it the next time she's down.


RE: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-09 Thread Karen Thomas
 You have the same project I've got.  I have a huge trunkfull of pictures 
 to scan and copy to CD's.  Somewhere in that pile, is a pic of me sitting 
 on an Icelandic pony when I was about 3 or 4.

Really?  Where did you find an Icelandic then - did you visit family in 
Iceland?  How amazing.  I want to see that picture!

Karen Thomas

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-09 Thread Janice McDonald
On 2/9/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You have the same project I've got.  I have a huge trunkfull of
> pictures to scan and copy to CD's.  Somewhere in that pile, is a pic
> of me sitting on an Icelandic pony when I was about 3 or 4.
> Who knew...
> Wanda

that would be too cool.  Somewhere in a box I have the only known
photo of our old plow horse Teacup, and its a cool pic the family
always called "Teacups Ghost" cause it was a picture taken on top of a
picture (remember when cameras could do that accidentally?) so it was
a pic of my dad eerily superimposed onto a ghostly image of teacup.--
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-09 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 07/02/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a couple more (sorry, I just confiscated the family's photo box from my
> sister and am trying to scan most of them).

You have the same project I've got.  I have a huge trunkfull of
pictures to scan and copy to CD's.  Somewhere in that pile, is a pic
of me sitting on an Icelandic pony when I was about 3 or 4.

Who knew...


Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-08 Thread pippa258
Judy Ryder wrote:
> Here's my middle sister at a horse show with my father and baby sister.
> And the baby sister, several years later, on her pony, Rascal.
Do your sisters still ride, Judy?


Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-08 Thread SturmRanch
No apology necessary.  I am truly enjoying the "old" horse pictures.  How 
many sisters do you have and where did you grow up?

Your sister's pony resembles Gypsy, the wonderful pony that raised our 

There's nothing I enjoy more than old photos!  I tried to send one of my 
favorites, my husband's grandparents on their ranch in South Dakots in the 30's 
with a saddle horse and what looks like a draft horse cross.  I guess because 
the copy we have is a scanned photo, I couldn't get it to scan.


Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-08 Thread Virginia Tupper
> Yes, she did.  Here she is on Daquiri; with one of my cousins behind.  He
> was a good jumper, but for some reason he was banned from going to Martha's
> Vineyard.  Once, going to load onto the ferry, to ride over there, they
> refused to let him aboard, saying he was known there as a crazy horse and
> when he was sold from the island, was never to return.

Wow, what's the story behind that?

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread pippa258
Judy Ryder wrote:
> Most of the horses were grade horses and some pretty rank!  Maybe *most*
> pretty rank!
> Here's my younger sisters, with my middle sister's horse.

These pictures were absolutely priceless! So glad you posted them. 

Got a new puppy today from the local shelter...a newfie/rottie cross.  
He's an 11 week old bundle of energy and I'm tired!  But he already 
knows how to sit thanks to the clicker.  Had his first taste of horse 
poop today and thought it was absolutely smashing ;-) .


Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread Laree Shulman
> oh my gosh Corn Liquor, whata name!  Thats gotta be one of the all
> time greatest names I've heard...
> Janice

It's always been one of my favorites, too, but I've always been afraid
to use it because I believe in many cases horses do live up to their


Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread Janice McDonald
On 2/7/07, Laree Shulman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  my grandfather on his favorite big black WH named Corn
> Liquor from the 30's or 40's I'd love to share.

oh my gosh Corn Liquor, whata name!  Thats gotta be one of the all
time greatest names I've heard...
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread Laree Shulman
On 2/6/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a picture of my father, on his favorite horse, Red, circa 1965.

That's neat, Judy. I wish I had a good scanner because I have a great
picutre of my grandfather on his favorite big black WH named Corn
Liquor from the 30's or 40's I'd love to share.  He had a huge ranch
in central FL near Orlando and rode that horse everywhere.  I can
remember thinking when he was on that horse that he was a giant.

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread kim morton
On 2/6/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a picture of my father, on his favorite horse, Red, circa 1965.

That's pretty neat Judy! People have already asked what breed, I'll be
watching for the answer.

My father had a horse in the 1940's, but that was before I was on the
scene, it might have helped slightly when I wanted a horse, he did
take me horsebackriding for the first time.


RE: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread Karen Thomas
 Here's a picture of my father, on his favorite horse, Red, circa 1965.

Cool!  What kind of horse was Red?  Didn't your mom ride too?  You were

Karen Thomas

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread Raven
What a great photo! <;]   What breed was the horse? Raven

Re: [IceHorses] Bill Ryder

2007-02-07 Thread Janice McDonald
On 2/6/07, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a picture of my father, on his favorite horse, Red, circa 1965.

oh my GOSH that is awesome!  He is so happy, having so much fun!  Tell
about Red??  I see he has a sorta WH browband? Looks maybe
standardbred/saddlebred?  Is it a canter?  Gallop?  that is just the
most cool pic~