delete folder does not delete directory

2003-06-06 Thread Piet Ruyssinck

Cyrus 2.1.12 on Solaris 9 (sparc).
It seems that when one deletes a folder via IMAP, the directory under
/var/spool/imap/... is not always removed.  I'm still investigating if
this behaviour depends on the mail client.  Is this a known problem ?

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multiple users sharing a mailbox

2003-02-13 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
As a quick hack, I replaced auth_getpwent.c in the saslauthd source code
with the following code :

#include "mechanisms.h"

#define RETURN(x) return strdup(x)

#define CYRPASSWD "/etc/cyrpasswd"

char *auth_getpwent (const char *login,
 const char *password,
 const char *service __attribute__((unused)),
 const char *realm __attribute__((unused))) {
  FILE *fptr;
  int OK = 0;
  if (fptr = fopen (CYRPASSWD, "r")) {
char buffer [1024];
while (fgets (buffer, 1024, fptr)) {
  int eol = 0;
  char *p;
  for (p = buffer; *p && *p != ':' && *p != '\n'; p++);
  if (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n')
eol = 1;
  *p = '\0';
  if (!eol) {
if (strcmp (buffer, login) == 0) {
  char *q;
  while (!eol) {
for (q = p; *q && *q != ':' && *q != '\n'; q++);
if (*q == '\0' || *q == '\n')
  eol = 1;
*q = '\0';
if (strcmp (p, (char *) crypt (password, p)) == 0) {
  OK = 1;
  eol = 1;
p = q;
fclose (fptr);
  if (OK)
  RETURN ("NO");

This allows me to authenticate against the entries in the file /etc/cyrpasswd.
This file can contain multiple passwords for each account.  e.g. :

# cat /etc/cyrpasswd   (all entries are fake)

All users have their own personal mailbox, but both peter and beth have
access to the helpdesk mailbox, using their personal password.

We had tried before to share the helpdesk mailbox to peter and beth, who
would then see it under "Other users".  But the problem there is that the
sender address on all outgoing mail would still be the personal address.
Specifying 'helpdesk' as the sender address necessitates an awkward
configuration of the client, if possible at all.

With /etc/cyrpasswd approach, they can just define two distict e-mail
accounts in their client.  And without having to remember a second,
shared, password - which is important for us.

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clients that notify upon new mail in folders other than INBOX ?

2003-02-05 Thread Piet Ruyssinck

It seems that one can convince most imap clients to periodically check
for new mail in one's inbox.  For people who need to monitor not just
their inbox, but also a few other (shared) folders, it would be neat if
they were notified when new messages arrive in these other folders as
well.  Any idea which clients support this kind of functionality or how
I can implement this ?


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Unix Systeem Administratie tel: +32 9 264 4733 
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websieve 0.61 displaying correct quota

2003-02-03 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
Maybe this has been published before (no time to check the archives),
but I found the bug that prevents the quota from being displayed
correctly in websieve-0.61 :

Line 54 in should read
in stead of

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Re: cyradm

2003-02-03 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Daryl wrote:

> It seems my problem is that I only want to offer imaps as a service, but 
> when I comment imap out of cyrus.conf, the cyradm tool won't connect. Is 
> there another way around this ?.

enable imap in cyrus.conf, but limit it to your administration host via tcp wrappers.

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Re: mail problems

2003-01-30 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, dylan wrote:

> hi, i recently installed the cyrus mail system and am having a few
> problems...
> pop3 based service is working fine, however only with clear text passwords
> (which is not ideal)
> i have SSL installed, and have instructed it to tunnel an SSL connection to
> the POP and IMAP servers, however i cannot connect to the server and recieve
> mail when i enable SSL on my mail client.
> any pointers?

you could start by trying to connect to your IMAPs/POPs server with

$ openssl s_client -host hostname.domain -port 993
$ openssl s_client -host hostname.domain -port 995

to determine if the problem is with your server or your client.

what does your /etc/cyrus.conf look like ?

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Re: Problem with cyrus and deleting a message with a virus.

2003-01-22 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Mark London wrote:

> I'm not messing with it, uvscan is doing it.  Is there a better software
> alternative that will delete viruses on the server?  Are we the only people
> using cyrus that are running virus scanning software on the server?

I do the virus scanning and spam filtering before it even reaches
cyrus.  I use the sendmail milter interface to pipe the messages
through Amavis.  Amavis in its turn then uses SpamAssassin and Clam
Antivirus.  Works like a charm.

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Re: Antivirus

2003-01-16 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Sebastien Marmorat wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the best antivirus solution for my mail server Cyrus/Postfix ?

I'm not running a production system yet, but I have a test system
running Cyrus to replace our current UWimapd based solution as soon as
the new hardware for it arrives.

On the test system, which is behaving very well, I have, besides Cyrus
2.1.11, Sendmail 8.12.6 and AmaVis
( (via the milter interface), with
SpamAssassin 2.43 ( and Clam
AntiVirus (

A cronjob downloads the new virus database once a day.  The new Sobig
virus got first detected on Jan 14h, which is 5 days after its
breakout, iirc.  I have not enough experience with other anti-virus
solutions to decide whether 5 days is a fast or rather a slow response.
Maybe, the big commercial players have better response times.  It would
be nice to have a specs/features matrix of the available virus

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Re: Folders must be in Inbox

2003-01-15 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, David Borgesen wrote:


Our company recently installed Cyrus and we can not add folders at the same 
level as the Inbox.  He says we must place all folers within the Inbox.  Is 
this accurate, if so can we change it so I can have all my core folders at 
the root level and not within the in box?  Also my folders and mailboxes 
both look like folders in Eudora, any idea why?

Read the imapd.conf manual page and look for altnamespace

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Re: Cyrus IMAP ; case studies, success stories, ... I need them

2003-01-13 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
Thanks a lot for all your testimonials.

I appreciate it a lot,

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Cyrus IMAP ; case studies, success stories, ... I need them

2003-01-09 Thread Piet Ruyssinck
Hi all,

I have set up a test machine with cyrus imapd 2.1.11 and everything
that goes with it.  Very nice system, working perfectly, in a test
environment of some 30 people.

Today, I went to see management, to get money for the production system
hardware (I'm thinking about a full Sun Fire 280R with a full Sun
StorEdge 3310 SCSI Array),
... only to hear that some other people are working on a solution based on MS
Exchange, because they want the groupware functionality.

I might be able to convince them to adopt Cyrus imapd, if only I can
assure them that it will peacefully coexist with MS exchange.  They can
agree on using Cyrus for e-mail, and Exchange for the groupware stuff.
But, being a full time unix admin, I have no clue about exchange.  Is
such a setup possible ?  Or does Exchange rely on its own e-mail system ?

Together with information, I could also use any Cyrus imapd success
stories that I can get.

If you're running Cyrus for a reasonably sized company or institution,
please let me know, including the hardware you're using, number of
(simultaneous) users, level of satisfaction, and other useful
information.  Maybe we could collect this data in some kind of

Looking forward to your replies,
Piet Ruyssinck

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Unix Systeem Administratie tel: +32 9 264 4733 
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ctl_cyrusdb gives DBERROR when executed by master

2002-12-16 Thread Piet Ruyssinck

When I execute
$ /usr/cyrus/bin/ctl_cyrusdb -c
from the command line, as the user cyrus, everything works as expected :

Dec 16 14:49:55 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[25014]: [ID 702911 local6.notice] checkpointing 
cyrus databases
Dec 16 14:49:55 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[25014]: [ID 578205 local6.debug] archiving database 
file: /var/imap/mailboxes.db
Dec 16 14:49:55 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[25014]: [ID 448116 local6.debug] archiving log 
file: /var/imap/db/log.01
Dec 16 14:49:56 vorota last message repeated 1 time
Dec 16 14:49:56 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[25014]: [ID 127214 local6.notice] done 
checkpointing cyrus databases

whereas, when the same command is being executed from master, I get this :

Dec 16 14:43:34 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[24994]: [ID 702911 local6.notice] checkpointing 
cyrus databases
Dec 16 14:43:35 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[24994]: [ID 854764 local6.error] DBERROR: error 
listing log files: No such file or directory
Dec 16 14:43:35 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[24994]: [ID 686478 local6.error] DBERROR: archive 
/var/imap/db: cyrusdb error
Dec 16 14:43:35 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[24994]: [ID 854764 local6.error] DBERROR: error 
listing log files: No such file or directory
Dec 16 14:43:35 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[24994]: [ID 686478 local6.error] DBERROR: archive 
/var/imap/db: cyrusdb error
Dec 16 14:43:35 vorota ctl_cyrusdb[24994]: [ID 127214 local6.notice] done 
checkpointing cyrus databases

The relevant lines of /etc/cyrus.conf look like this :

  checkpointcmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
  delprune  cmd="ctl_deliver -E 3" at=0400
  tlsprune  cmd="tls_prune" at=0400

Any ideas ?

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