IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-21 Thread Florin Andrei
I'm currently using two IMAP accounts, one on Cyrus-2.2 the other on 

The one on Cyrus-2.3 will get decomissioned so I need to transfer all my 
email, preserving the folders/subfolders tree, under a specific folder 
(oldmail/foo/bar) on the 2.2 server.
I need to do the bulk of the transfer sometime soon, then sync up again 
a few times after that, until the day the account on the 2.3 server gets 

Essentially, I need a tool that I can point at servers A and B and tell 
it "get all the email from my account on server A to a specific folder 
on my account on server B, preserving the subfolders hierarchy".
The tool needs to be smart enough to repeat the operation later on but 
then it must only transfer the new messages.
The tool may run on one or the other IMAP servers, or even on a 3rd 
machine, since it should be network-based. Pretty much all systems are 
Linux 'round here, some Windows stragglers too.

Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.

So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:

Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?

Are there any other tools that work better with Cyrus?

Florin Andrei

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-21 Thread David Lang

On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Florin Andrei wrote:

I'm currently using two IMAP accounts, one on Cyrus-2.2 the other on 

The one on Cyrus-2.3 will get decomissioned so I need to transfer all my 
email, preserving the folders/subfolders tree, under a specific folder 
(oldmail/foo/bar) on the 2.2 server.
I need to do the bulk of the transfer sometime soon, then sync up again a few 
times after that, until the day the account on the 2.3 server gets nuked.

Essentially, I need a tool that I can point at servers A and B and tell it 
"get all the email from my account on server A to a specific folder on my 
account on server B, preserving the subfolders hierarchy".
The tool needs to be smart enough to repeat the operation later on but then 
it must only transfer the new messages.
The tool may run on one or the other IMAP servers, or even on a 3rd machine, 
since it should be network-based. Pretty much all systems are Linux 'round 
here, some Windows stragglers too.

Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.

So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:

Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?

I just used it to move from 2.1 to 2.3, there were a handful of messages it 
didn't like (~30 out of a few hundred thousand messages) but it appears to have 
worked well enough to fix the last few messages manually.

most of the errors were cases of invalid headers that 2.3 wouldn't accept, but 
2.1 obviously did.

David Lang

Are there any other tools that work better with Cyrus?

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-22 Thread Muenz, Michael

Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.

So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:

Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?

I just used it to move from 2.1 to 2.3, there were a handful of messages 
it didn't like (~30 out of a few hundred thousand messages) but it 
appears to have worked well enough to fix the last few messages manually.

most of the errors were cases of invalid headers that 2.3 wouldn't 
accept, but 2.1 obviously did.

I used it to move from Exchange 5.5 to Cyrus 2.3. The tool works great 
but like David quoted, there where some messages rejected cause of 
broken headers (Microsoft?!).


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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-22 Thread Rudy Gevaert

Florin Andrei wrote:

Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?

Are there any other tools that work better with Cyrus?

I moved abotu 400Gig of mail from UW-imapd to cyrus a couple of months 
ago.  Some messages where not synced because our old UW-imapd accepted 
broken messages.


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rudy Gevaert  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tel:+32 9 264 4734
Directie ICT, afd. Infrastructuur ICT Department, Infrastructure office
Groep SystemenSystems group
Universiteit Gent Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, gebouw S9, 9000 Gent, Belgie
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-22 Thread Ross Boylan
On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 15:47 -0800, Florin Andrei wrote:
> I'm currently using two IMAP accounts, one on Cyrus-2.2 the other on 
> Cyrus-2.3.
> The one on Cyrus-2.3 will get decomissioned so I need to transfer all my 
> email, preserving the folders/subfolders tree, under a specific folder 
> (oldmail/foo/bar) on the 2.2 server.
> I need to do the bulk of the transfer sometime soon, then sync up again 
> a few times after that, until the day the account on the 2.3 server gets 
> nuked.
> Essentially, I need a tool that I can point at servers A and B and tell 
> it "get all the email from my account on server A to a specific folder 
> on my account on server B, preserving the subfolders hierarchy".
> The tool needs to be smart enough to repeat the operation later on but 
> then it must only transfer the new messages.
> The tool may run on one or the other IMAP servers, or even on a 3rd 
> machine, since it should be network-based. Pretty much all systems are 
> Linux 'round here, some Windows stragglers too.
> Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.
> So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:
> Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?
> Are there any other tools that work better with Cyrus?

I've been using mailutil from the UW-IMAP suite, after seeing some
recommendations for it on this list and with my distro.  However, as far
as I know, it won't automatically operate recursively over your
mailboxes (it might: I haven't been looking for that feature).

As some other messages I've posted attest, I've been surprised how
slowly I can  stuff messages into the cyrus server.  My guess is  the
problem is with cyrus, but it might be with mailutil.  Parallelizing the
copies speeds things up quite a bit, and in my tests I get the best
performance with ext3 partitions mounted noatime.  I'll post more
results when I finish trying out some other filesystems.
Ross Boylan  wk:  (415) 514-8146
185 Berry St #5700   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Epidemiology and Biostatistics   fax: (415) 514-8150
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94107-1739 hm:  (415) 550-1062

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-22 Thread Bron Gondwana
On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 03:47:26PM -0800, Florin Andrei wrote:
> Essentially, I need a tool that I can point at servers A and B and tell 
> it "get all the email from my account on server A to a specific folder 
> on my account on server B, preserving the subfolders hierarchy".
> The tool needs to be smart enough to repeat the operation later on but 
> then it must only transfer the new messages.
> The tool may run on one or the other IMAP servers, or even on a 3rd 
> machine, since it should be network-based. Pretty much all systems are 
> Linux 'round here, some Windows stragglers too.
> Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.
> So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:
> Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?
> Are there any other tools that work better with Cyrus?

Another thing you might want to consider is offlineimap:

It's a pile of multithreaded python, but don't let that put you
off!  I've found it quite robust for IMAP -> Maildir usage (Indeed,
I'm replying to this message via Mutt using local Maildirs which
are kept synchronised with my FastMail (Cyrus 2.3.7+patches) IMAP

Imap <=> Imap usage I found less robust in that it sometimes got
confused when it had been killed in the middle of operations.  If
you didn't keep killing it all the time (my usage patterns were
pretty strange) it was better - and also I think if you had a server
which supports UID PLUS like Cyrus does then it would be safer.
Give it a look though.

apt-get install offlineimap works on pretty much any sane linux
these days :)  (I believe you can even get it with apt4rpm, though
that's not my particular kink)



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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-23 Thread Florin Andrei

Florin Andrei wrote:

Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.

So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:

Seems to be working fine. It's recursive, it's smart (subsequent runs 
don't download the old messages again, only the new messages), the 
command-line switches are a rich set that's pretty much 
self-explanatory. It's easy to do non-destructive tests. It's flexible 

Downside: If you have very large messages on the source IMAP servers, 
you better run the script on a machine with lots of RAM. On my system it 
died repeatedly with "out of memory" when it was hitting a 32MB message 
(on-disk size), and the system has 1GB RAM.
It's probably best to run it on a 3rd system, one that's separate from 
both the source and the destination IMAP servers, otherwise unpleasant 
things might happen if the script starts to gobble up RAM on the IMAP 
server. Again, this 3rd system is best if it has lots of RAM if you 
allow large messages on your source IMAP server.

Florin Andrei

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-23 Thread Rich Graves

Florin Andrei wrote:
I'm currently using two IMAP accounts, one on Cyrus-2.2 the other on 

The one on Cyrus-2.3 will get decomissioned so I need to transfer all my 
email, preserving the folders/subfolders tree, under a specific folder 
(oldmail/foo/bar) on the 2.2 server.

You need imapsync or similar if you are in a multimaster situation 
(syncing changes made to *both* ends) or if the IMAP server software 
differs, but if you have shell access to cyrus on both ends, rsync 
(literally) should work fine. If the folder is quiescent and you're 
using platform-independent skiplist databases, then you shouldn't even 
need to run reconstruct.

A few months ago, I rsync'd 500GB of mail from Solaris/vxfs/Cyrus 2.2 to 
Linux/ext3/Cyrus 2.3 with 15 minutes' downtime, reorganizing the 
partitions a bit along the way.

Old server: partitions /var/spool/imap (partition-default), 
/var/spool/imap1 (partition-1), /var/spool/imap2 (partition-2), 
/var/spool/imap0 (partition-0).

"partition-0" caused various problems with cyradmin (0 is false to 
perl), so I renamed it to partition-3 on the new server. At the same 
time, I renamed partition-default to partition-4.

New server: /var/spool/imap{1,2,3,4} (partition-{1,2,3,4}). New server 
also has metapartition_files: squat with all squat indices stored on a 
low-cost SATA LUN.

After rsyncing the mail partitions, imap/user, and imap/sieve 
directories (several times over several days, with services stopped for 
a final incremental sync early one morning), I just needed two minor 
changes to mailboxes.db. Permissions s/lrswipcda/lrswipkxtea/g, and 
prepend "0 " to the the partition column (murder node, I guess).

# -- translate mailboxes list from cyrus 2.2 to 2.3 format
unlink "mailboxes.db";
open OLD, "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist -d |";
open NEW, "| /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u";
while () {
 ($mbox,$part,$acl) = $_ =~ m/^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t(.+)\n/;
 $part =~ s/ +//g;
 $part eq '0' and $part = 4;
 $part eq 'default' and $part = 3;
 $path = $mbox;
 $path =~ s#\.#/#g;
 @subdirs = split /\//, $path;
 $path = "/var/spool/imap${part}/$path";
 if (! -e "$path/cyrus.header") {
   # There were some empty directories/invalid mailboxes on the
   # old server, legacy of previous sysadmin errors. Skip those.
   warn "No $path for $mbox\n";
 $dir = shift @subdirs; # drop leading /user/
 $start = "/var/spool/imap-meta/$part/user";
 while ($dir = shift @subdirs) {
   $start = "$start/$dir";
   mkdir $start;
 print join("\t",$mbox,$part,$acl) . "\n";
 $acl =~ 's/lrswipcda/lrswipkxtea/g';
 print NEW join("\t",$mbox,"0 $part",$acl) . "\n";
if ($i < 32000) {
  die "FATAL: Too few mailboxes!\n";
} else {
  exit 0;
Sr UNIX and Security Administrator
Ofc 507-646-7079 Cell 952-292-6529

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-24 Thread Simon Matter
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 03:47:26PM -0800, Florin Andrei wrote:
>> Essentially, I need a tool that I can point at servers A and B and tell
>> it "get all the email from my account on server A to a specific folder
>> on my account on server B, preserving the subfolders hierarchy".
>> The tool needs to be smart enough to repeat the operation later on but
>> then it must only transfer the new messages.
>> The tool may run on one or the other IMAP servers, or even on a 3rd
>> machine, since it should be network-based. Pretty much all systems are
>> Linux 'round here, some Windows stragglers too.
>> Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.
>> So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:
>> Anyone tried it with Cyrus? Good/bad experiences?
>> Are there any other tools that work better with Cyrus?
> Another thing you might want to consider is offlineimap:
> It's a pile of multithreaded python, but don't let that put you
> off!  I've found it quite robust for IMAP -> Maildir usage (Indeed,
> I'm replying to this message via Mutt using local Maildirs which
> are kept synchronised with my FastMail (Cyrus 2.3.7+patches) IMAP
> account).
> Imap <=> Imap usage I found less robust in that it sometimes got
> confused when it had been killed in the middle of operations.  If
> you didn't keep killing it all the time (my usage patterns were
> pretty strange) it was better - and also I think if you had a server
> which supports UID PLUS like Cyrus does then it would be safer.
> Give it a look though.
> apt-get install offlineimap works on pretty much any sane linux
> these days :)  (I believe you can even get it with apt4rpm, though
> that's not my particular kink)

For RedHat/Fedora (not blessed by apt/deb by default), I'm maintaining
offlineimap src rpms here
which can be built using
rpmbuild --rebuild offlineimap-4.x.xx-x.src.rpm

The same is true for imapsync here


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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-25 Thread Marten Lehmann


Downside: If you have very large messages on the source IMAP servers, 
you better run the script on a machine with lots of RAM. On my system it 
died repeatedly with "out of memory" when it was hitting a 32MB message 
(on-disk size), and the system has 1GB RAM.

strange, I didn't experience this while running a sync for >15.000 
mailboxes some weeks ago with even larger messages partially.

It's probably best to run it on a 3rd system, one that's separate from 
both the source and the destination IMAP servers, otherwise unpleasant 
things might happen if the script starts to gobble up RAM on the IMAP 
server. Again, this 3rd system is best if it has lots of RAM if you 
allow large messages on your source IMAP server.

Thats surely a good advice, but I don't think it is primarily because of 
the memory usage, but because of the CPU usage. While syncing and 
checking for differences on source and target server imapsync will use 
_much_ CPU ressources, especially if you are running several instances 
of imapsync at the same time to speed up the sync (on different 
mailboxes of course). The source and target IMAP servers have been 
pretty idle while the 3rd server running imasync had a load average of >50.


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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-25 Thread Florin Andrei

Marten Lehmann wrote:

Downside: If you have very large messages on the source IMAP servers, 
you better run the script on a machine with lots of RAM. On my system 
it died repeatedly with "out of memory" when it was hitting a 32MB 
message (on-disk size), and the system has 1GB RAM.

strange, I didn't experience this while running a sync for >15.000 
mailboxes some weeks ago with even larger messages partially.

Yeah, and after a quick google search it turned out I'm not the only one 
to experience that.

Ah well, except for just one very large message, everything else was 
transferred OK.

Florin Andrei

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-26 Thread John Capo
Quoting Florin Andrei ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Marten Lehmann wrote:
> >
> >>Downside: If you have very large messages on the source IMAP servers, 
> >>you better run the script on a machine with lots of RAM. On my system 
> >>it died repeatedly with "out of memory" when it was hitting a 32MB 
> >>message (on-disk size), and the system has 1GB RAM.
> >
> >strange, I didn't experience this while running a sync for >15.000 
> >mailboxes some weeks ago with even larger messages partially.
> Yeah, and after a quick google search it turned out I'm not the only one 
> to experience that.

Its definately a problem with large messages.

   my $string = $from->message_string($f_msg);

A 32MB message occupies a lot more than 32MB when its a Perl string.
Use a temp file instead.

my $message_file = "/tmp/xfer-$$";
$from->message_to_file($message_file, $f_msg);

And further down.

   unless($new_id = $to->append_file($t_fold, $message_file, $flags_f, $d))

Instead of 

   unless($new_id = $to->append_string($t_fold,$string, $flags_f, $d))

> Ah well, except for just one very large message, everything else was 
> transferred OK.
> -- 
> Florin Andrei
> Cyrus Home Page:
> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
> List Archives/Info:

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-26 Thread Florin Andrei

John Capo wrote:

A 32MB message occupies a lot more than 32MB when its a Perl string.
Use a temp file instead.

my $message_file = "/tmp/xfer-$$";
$from->message_to_file($message_file, $f_msg);

And further down.

   unless($new_id = $to->append_file($t_fold, $message_file, $flags_f, $d))

Instead of 

   unless($new_id = $to->append_string($t_fold,$string, $flags_f, $d))

It's hard to tell without actually testing that change, but I assume it 
would slow down the script a little bit?

Anyway, slower is better than crashing. I'll try and contact the author 
to make him aware of this discussion thread.

Florin Andrei

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-26 Thread Bron Gondwana

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 14:45:43 -0800, "Florin Andrei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> John Capo wrote:
> > 
> > A 32MB message occupies a lot more than 32MB when its a Perl string.
> > Use a temp file instead.
> > 
> > my $message_file = "/tmp/xfer-$$";
> > unlink($message_file);
> > $from->message_to_file($message_file, $f_msg);
> > 
> > And further down.
> > 
> >unless($new_id = $to->append_file($t_fold, $message_file, $flags_f, $d))
> > 
> > Instead of 
> > 
> >unless($new_id = $to->append_string($t_fold,$string, $flags_f, $d))
> It's hard to tell without actually testing that change, but I assume it 
> would slow down the script a little bit?
> Anyway, slower is better than crashing. I'll try and contact the author 
> to make him aware of this discussion thread.

The usual way to deal with this if you still care about speed is to check
the message size before hand (presumably you've already done a fetch of
the UID list to work out what needs to be copied - just grab the rfc822.size
field as well).

Then pick some sane amount (say, 100kb) and any message bigger than that
goes to disk - smaller messages can be processed directly in memory.

That said, most modern filesystems are pretty good about not causing
excessive IO for temporary files, and /tmp/ could very well be a memory
disk anyway (we have /tmpfs/ for precisely this sort of purpose)

(that and: unless your IMAP servers are really closely network connected
the network IO is going to be your critical path anyway)

  Bron Gondwana

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2006-12-27 Thread John Capo
Quoting Florin Andrei ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> John Capo wrote:
> >
> >A 32MB message occupies a lot more than 32MB when its a Perl string.
> >Use a temp file instead.
> >
> >my $message_file = "/tmp/xfer-$$";
> >unlink($message_file);
> >$from->message_to_file($message_file, $f_msg);
> >
> >And further down.
> >
> >   unless($new_id = $to->append_file($t_fold, $message_file, $flags_f, $d))
> >
> >Instead of 
> >
> >   unless($new_id = $to->append_string($t_fold,$string, $flags_f, $d))
> It's hard to tell without actually testing that change, but I assume it 
> would slow down the script a little bit?

I doubt that you would see a speed difference unless you were
transferring to and from completely idle GigE connected machines
and maybe not even then.

> Anyway, slower is better than crashing. I'll try and contact the author 
> to make him aware of this discussion thread.


> -- 
> Florin Andrei
> Cyrus Home Page:
> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
> List Archives/Info:

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RE: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-03 Thread James Miller
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Florin
> Andrei
> Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 2:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)
> Florin Andrei wrote:
> >
> > Sort of like rsync for IMAP, if that makes sense.
> >
> > So far, the only tool I've found is imapsync:
> >
> >
> Seems to be working fine. It's recursive, it's smart (subsequent runs
> don't download the old messages again, only the new messages), the
> command-line switches are a rich set that's pretty much
> self-explanatory. It's easy to do non-destructive tests. It's flexible
> enough.
> Downside: If you have very large messages on the source IMAP servers,
> you better run the script on a machine with lots of RAM. On my system it
> died repeatedly with "out of memory" when it was hitting a 32MB message
> (on-disk size), and the system has 1GB RAM.
> It's probably best to run it on a 3rd system, one that's separate from
> both the source and the destination IMAP servers, otherwise unpleasant
> things might happen if the script starts to gobble up RAM on the IMAP
> server. Again, this 3rd system is best if it has lots of RAM if you
> allow large messages on your source IMAP server.

My apologies for this being off topic but I was hoping someone might be able
to comment.

I have 2 users left on an OLD Cyrus installation I want to get off and was
hoping to use imapsync.  It seemed to work just fine except dates of the
messages from the old server to the new were not retained.  All of the
messages have the date they were imported instead.  I ran imapsync on the
destination host, I wouldn't think that would make a difference - does it

/usr/bin/imapsync --syncinternaldates --host1 --user1 bob \
--noauthmd5 --passfile1 /tmp/secret1 --host2 --user2 bob \
--noauthmd5 --passfile2 /tmp/secret2

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-03 Thread Florin Andrei

Florin Andrei wrote:

Anyway, slower is better than crashing. I'll try and contact the author 
to make him aware of this discussion thread.

I did it and there's version 1.200 posted on Freshmeat claiming the 
memory issue has been fixed. I'll give it a try one of these days.

Florin Andrei

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-03 Thread Florin Andrei

James Miller wrote:

I have 2 users left on an OLD Cyrus installation I want to get off and was
hoping to use imapsync.  It seemed to work just fine except dates of the
messages from the old server to the new were not retained.  All of the
messages have the date they were imported instead.  I ran imapsync on the
destination host, I wouldn't think that would make a difference - does it

/usr/bin/imapsync --syncinternaldates --host1 --user1 bob \
--noauthmd5 --passfile1 /tmp/secret1 --host2 --user2 bob \
--noauthmd5 --passfile2 /tmp/secret2

I used it without --syncinternaldates and it worked fine, the dates were 
imported correctly.

imapsync --host1 X.Y.Z.K --user1 joeblow --passfile1 pass1 \
  --host2 A.B.C.D --user2 joeblow --passfile2 pass2 \
  --authmech1 LOGIN --authmech2 LOGIN \
  --prefix2 oldmail/ \

The --prefix2 option was used because I did not actually migrate one 
account to another, but I just wanted to copy the old account under a 
folder on the new account. That doesn't seem to be your case.

Florin Andrei

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-03 Thread Jo Rhett

On Jan 3, 2007, at 9:20 AM, James Miller wrote:
I have 2 users left on an OLD Cyrus installation I want to get off  
and was
hoping to use imapsync.  It seemed to work just fine except dates  
of the

messages from the old server to the new were not retained.  All of the
messages have the date they were imported instead.  I ran imapsync  
on the
destination host, I wouldn't think that would make a difference -  
does it


/usr/bin/imapsync --syncinternaldates --host1 --user1  
bob \
--noauthmd5 --passfile1 /tmp/secret1 --host2 -- 
user2 bob \

--noauthmd5 --passfile2 /tmp/secret2

You need the syncinternaldates.  Did you do a sync already without  
that option?  You need to toast the destination and resync it to get  
the dates fixed...

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-18 Thread Rich Graves
I'd started taking this offline because it's not entirely on-topic for 
info-cyrus, but I realize that it has broad impact...

On Jan 3 2007, at 8:37 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Jan 3, 2007, at 9:20 AM, James Miller wrote:
I have 2 users left on an OLD Cyrus installation I want to get off  
and was
hoping to use imapsync.  It seemed to work just fine except dates  
of the

messages from the old server to the new were not retained.  All of the
messages have the date they were imported instead.

You need the syncinternaldates.  Did you do a sync already without  
that option?  You need to toast the destination and resync it to get  
the dates fixed...

--syncinternaldates stopped working at imapsync 1.200 (current is 
1.204), as a side effect of the append_string->append_file change 
suggested by John Capo and Florin Andrei earlier in this thread, on Dec 
26, 2006. That change was made to avoid memory exhaustion, see

The underlying problem is that at least as of Mail::IMAPClient 2.2.9, 
the append_file function doesn't handle INTERNALDATE at all.

A bunch of people here have talked about minor patches to 
Mail::IMAPClient. Has anyone added the $d argument to append_file and 
verified functionality?

Most clients display Date: header, but some may show or use 
INTERNALDATE. For example, the Zimbra web interface is incapable of 
showing or sorting by Date:.

See also
Sr UNIX and Security Administrator
Ofc 507-646-7079 Cell 952-292-6529

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-18 Thread Patrick T. Tsang


This problem really annoys most people, including me.
The old version kills all the system memory and even create zombie.

syncinternaldates option is very important to many mail client.
By missing this option, I think this is a GREAT impact.

Hopely you guys find a prompt solution.

Greatly thanks

- Original Message - 
From: "Rich Graves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

I'd started taking this offline because it's not entirely on-topic for 
info-cyrus, but I realize that it has broad impact...

On Jan 3 2007, at 8:37 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:

On Jan 3, 2007, at 9:20 AM, James Miller wrote:
I have 2 users left on an OLD Cyrus installation I want to get off  
and was
hoping to use imapsync.  It seemed to work just fine except dates  
of the

messages from the old server to the new were not retained.  All of the
messages have the date they were imported instead.

You need the syncinternaldates.  Did you do a sync already without  
that option?  You need to toast the destination and resync it to get  
the dates fixed...

--syncinternaldates stopped working at imapsync 1.200 (current is 
1.204), as a side effect of the append_string->append_file change 
suggested by John Capo and Florin Andrei earlier in this thread, on Dec 
26, 2006. That change was made to avoid memory exhaustion, see

The underlying problem is that at least as of Mail::IMAPClient 2.2.9, 
the append_file function doesn't handle INTERNALDATE at all.

A bunch of people here have talked about minor patches to 
Mail::IMAPClient. Has anyone added the $d argument to append_file and 
verified functionality?

Most clients display Date: header, but some may show or use 
INTERNALDATE. For example, the Zimbra web interface is incapable of 
showing or sorting by Date:.

See also
Sr UNIX and Security Administrator
Ofc 507-646-7079 Cell 952-292-6529

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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-19 Thread Simon Matter
> --syncinternaldates stopped working at imapsync 1.200 (current is
> 1.204), as a side effect of the append_string->append_file change
> suggested by John Capo and Florin Andrei earlier in this thread, on Dec
> 26, 2006. That change was made to avoid memory exhaustion, see
> The underlying problem is that at least as of Mail::IMAPClient 2.2.9,
> the append_file function doesn't handle INTERNALDATE at all.
> A bunch of people here have talked about minor patches to
> Mail::IMAPClient. Has anyone added the $d argument to append_file and
> verified functionality?
> Most clients display Date: header, but some may show or use
> INTERNALDATE. For example, the Zimbra web interface is incapable of
> showing or sorting by Date:.
> See also

I already mailed the author of imapsync about that some days ago but
without having an idea how to fix it. I also checked Mail::IMAPClient and
found that it lacked the functionality needed here but it seems
Mail::IMAPClient isn't maintained anymore (at least there is no
development for long time now).


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Re: IMAP sync tool (rsync for IMAP)

2007-01-19 Thread Rob Mueller

I already mailed the author of imapsync about that some days ago but
without having an idea how to fix it. I also checked Mail::IMAPClient and
found that it lacked the functionality needed here but it seems
Mail::IMAPClient isn't maintained anymore (at least there is no
development for long time now).

I don't know how much work it would be, but you could look at 
re-implementing using Mail::IMAPTalk. It's the IMAP client I built for use 
at FastMail.FM after finding problems with the other ones available at the 
time (about 4-5 years ago now). It definitely allows capturing a literal 
response into a file handle, and sending a file handle as a literal response 
to avoid storing everything in memory.


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