Re: [Interest] MSVC not-the-latest: are you using it? why?
On 26/1/23 03:52, Thiago Macieira wrote: The reason I asked about VS2019, aside from the simple learning of many things I did not anticipate, is that we're seeing it have C++ compliance issues. This is not even C++20 or 17; it's a plain constexpr function that should have worked with C++14. Is it actually VS 2019 you want to drop, or the v142 toolset and earlier? Because VS2022 would support compiling with v142 also (and earlier) but I guess that's what doesn't work. We have used older compilers in newer VS in the past, but not for any good particularly good reason other than being conservative about upgrading. Hamish ___ Interest mailing list
Re: [Interest] Tweaking a static build of Qt 6 for Windows
On Thursday, 26 January 2023 07:52:38 PST Nuno Santos wrote: > When building Qt 6, is this the same place for this type of settings or the > fact that the build is managed by cmake this files are ignored and others > are used. If so, which ones? I suggest you reconsider. The runtime that MSVC 2015+ uses on Windows (Universal CRT) has been shipped with Windows 10, so there's no reason to statically link to it. -- Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) Cloud Software Architect - Intel DCAI Cloud Engineering smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature ___ Interest mailing list
Re: [Interest] Tweaking a static build of Qt 6 for Windows
When it comes to building a static version of Qt itself then you need to adjust things on CMake-level, indeed. When your project is still using qmake, then qmake's "mkspecs" are supposedly still relevant for building your project. (I cannot say much about that because I'm using CMake in all my projects anyways.) Note that my experience with Qt6/CMake was actually much better compared to Qt5/qmake. I had much less additional patching to do to make it work in my build environment. However, there were still a few places that needed patching. This branch contains patches that I came up with for the mingw-w64 and GNU/Linux targets and a build environment where also most of Qt's own dependencies are provided as static libraries: (Maybe you need to do things differently for the targets and build environment you're concerned with. I'm merely sharing those patches as they show the interesting "spots" in Qt's code. Additionally, not all patches on that branch are related to making a static build. There are also other branches in that repo based on earlier Qt releases. If you go back to Qt5 you'll see how it looked for me when Qt was still built with qmake.) Best Regards Marius ___ Interest mailing list
[Interest] Tweaking a static build of Qt 6 for Windows
Hi, When I used to compile Qt 5 statically for Windows I would usually need to tweak a couple of settings under: qtbase/mkspecs/common/msvc_desktop.conf QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE = -O2 -MT -Zc:strictStrings QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE_WITH_DEBUGINFO += -O2 -MT -Zi -Zc:strictStrings QMAKE_CFLAGS_DEBUG = -Zi -MTd QMAKE_LIBS_CORE = kernel32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib uuid.lib ole32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib gdi32.lib Since I build plugins that can be opened multiple times, we need to change -MD to -MT. I would also need to link a couple extra libs. Don’t know why. When building Qt 6, is this the same place for this type of settings or the fact that the build is managed by cmake this files are ignored and others are used. If so, which ones? Thanks! Regards, Nuno ___ Interest mailing list