InterPhil: CFA: University Expert in Interculturality, Justice and Global Change

2022-09-07 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Applications

Theme: Interculturality, Justice and Global Change
Type: University Expert Course
Institution: Department of Philosophy, University of Oviedo
Location: Online – Oviedo (Spain)
Date: 1.2.–31.3.2023
Deadline: Ongoing


(Versión española abajo  |  Version française en bas)

Employing various theoretical perspectives on interculturality this
University Expert course seeks to train professionals to identify and
analyse in depth major contemporary phenomena and challenges related
to cultural globalization processes. Students will acquire tools to
design intercultural social, geographical, political, linguistic,
pedagogical, existential and development projects, promoting the
decolonisation of knowledge. This course also intends to act as a
meeting point between different cultures, and a forum for reflection
and debate for graduates from different disciplines. We encourage
students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to apply.


- Global justice. Migration, poverty and development
- Geographical dimension of interculturality and global change:
  cultures and heritage, territories and human development
- Comparative philosophy
- Intercultural theories and projects


Teaching Languages:
Spanish, English and French
(active knowledge of at least one of the three languages)

Spaces available:


Registration fee:
€ 300

All sessions will be streamed online (through virtual campus)

1 February 2023 to 31 March 2023

3:30pm to 7:30pm (Madrid time zone)

Admission requirements:
University degree, master’s degree, or professional certification

Enrollment grants

Various organizations and lecturers are collaborating to reduce
tuition fees and there is also the opportunity to apply for one of
the 10 enrolment grants:



Título Propio de Experta/o Universitaria/o en Interculturalidad
Justicia y Cambio Global

En este título propio se propone formar profesionales capaces de
identificar y analizar en profundidad los principales fenómenos y
retos actuales vinculados a los procesos de globalización cultural,
desde diversas aproximaciones teóricas del ámbito de la
interculturalidad. El alumnado adquirirá recursos para diseñar
proyectos interculturales sociales, geográficos, políticos,
lingüísticos, educativos, existenciales y de desarrollo, fomentando
la de-colonización del conocimiento. Este título propio se ha
constituido como un punto de encuentro entre diferentes culturas, un
foro de reflexión y debate para personas graduadas de diferentes
disciplinas, sin que sus condicionantes socioecónomicos impidan su


- Justicia global. Migración, pobreza y desarrollo
- La dimensión geográfica de la interculturalidad y el cambio global:
  culturas y patrimonio, territorios y desarrollo humano
- Filosofía comparada
- Teorías y proyectos interculturales


Idiomas en los que se imparte:
Español, inglés y francés
(se debe dominar, al menos, uno de los tres idiomas)

No. Plazas:

Carga lectiva:
23 créditos ECTS

300 €

Sesiones retransmitidas por videoconferencia

Fechas de realización:
De lunes a viernes desde el 1 de febrero de 2023 al 31 de marzo de

De 15:30 a 19:30 (hora de Madrid)

Requisitos de admisión:
Título universitario de grado/máster o acreditación profesional

Becas de matrícula

La colaboración de varias entidades y del profesorado permiten el
bajo precio de este título y la posibilidad de optar por una de las
10 becas de matrícula:



Diplôme Universitaire d’Expert(e) en Interculturalité, Justice et
Changement Global

L’objectif de ce diplôme universitaire est de former des
professionnels capables d’identifier et d’analyser en profondeur les
principaux phénomènes et enjeux actuels liés aux processus de la
mondialisation culturelle, selon diverses approches théoriques du
domaine de l’interculturalité. Les étudiants acquerront ressources
pour concevoir des projets interculturels sociaux, géographiques,
politiques, linguistiques, éducatifs, existentiels et de
développement, en promouvant la décolonisation de la connaissance. Ce
diplôme est né avec l’idée d’être un lieu de rencontre entre
différentes cultures, un forum de réflexion et de discussion pour
professionnels de diverses disciplines, sans que les déterminants
socioéconomiques constituent un obstacle d’accès au programme.


- Justice globale. Migration, pauvreté et développement
- La dimension géographique de l’interculturalité et le changement
  mondial : cultures et patrimoine, territoires et développement
- Philosophie comparée
- Théories et projets

InterPhil: ANN: Online Lectures on Tianxia

2022-09-07 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil


Type: SIP Online Lecture Series on Tianxia
Institution: Society for Intercultural Philosophy (SIP)
Location: Online
Date: September – December 2022


The Society for Intercultural Philosophy (Gesellschaft für
Interkulturelle Philosophie) invites to the next sessions of their
lecture series in intercultural philosophy issues.

The next four lectures will deal with the concept of Tianxia, which
Zhao Tingyang has recently proposed as a possible new world order
based on various strands of Chinese tradition as well as some ideas
from liberal political theory. Zhao Tingyang will first present his
ideas and then three speakers will critically comment on them. Please
note that due to the time difference, these lectures will all take
place at 2 pm CE(S)T.

22 September, 2 pm CEST = UTC+2:
Zhao Tingyang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing):
“The maze of Tianxia – all-under-heaven”

20 October, 2 pm CEST = UTC+2:
Stephen Angle (Wesleyan university, Middletown, CT):
“The Limits of Tianxia”

17 November, 2 pm CET = UTC+1:
Georg Stenger (University of Vienna):

15 December, 2 pm CET = UTC+1:
Aurélie Névot (EHESS, Paris):
“From Tianxia to Tianxia-ism“


Tianxia is a central concept in classical Chinese philosophy.
Literally translated, it means "everything under heaven". Among other
aspects, it denotes the political ideal of a world order. ZHAO
Tingyang has taken up this aspect of tianxia in a book published in
2016 and since translated into numerous languages, with the aim of
"realistically presenting the idealistic concept of tianxia" to make
it interesting for the present. Zhao places particular emphasis on
the fact that tianxia is an integrative order that encompasses the
entire world and "knows no outside". Unlike the political philosophy
of the West, which in his view resorts to nation-state concepts and
must therefore always seek to balance different interests, tianxia is
able to ensure peace and security for all simply by starting from the
world. According to Zhao, the concept of tianxia emerged in the 11th
and 10th centuries before our time, driven primarily by the Duke of
Zhou. The philosophy of tianxia incorporates elements of Daoism,
Moism, Guan-zi, Confucius, and Xun-zi. Zhao complements them with
individual moments of liberal political philosophy.

In the four-lecture sequence of the SIP-lectures, the concept of
Tianxia and in particular Zhao's adaptation of this concept to modern
political philosophy will be appreciated and critically discussed.


Participation is free. You are kindly invited to join these lectures.

ZOOM-link for all four of these SIP-lectures:

Meeting-ID: 939 1020 4436
Code: 737347

For more information please visit our website:


Dr. Niels Weidtmann, President
Society for Intercultural Philosophy


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InterPhil: PUB: Reparations for Historical Injustice

2022-09-07 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Publications

Theme: Reparations for Historical Injustice
Subtitle: What is Owed to the Victims of Injustices?
Publication: Ethical Perspectives
Date: Special Issue (September 2023)
Deadline: 28.2.2023



Are there reasons to redress historical injustices? If the answer is
affirmative, how strong are those reasons? Any cursory examination of
current public institutions or present holdings quickly reveals that
many of them are partially the result of past injustices. Several
modern states were founded on the enslavement and killing of
indigenous and other populations, as well as the theft of their lands
and property. Further, it was not until well into the 20th century
that many of these same states granted women the right to vote and
participate in politics. Although states may be able to render good
conditions of life for a significant number of their residents, their
institutions may be profoundly tainted, and many past injustices
continue to affect currently living people. In the light of these
considerations, redressing the past remains an important problem.
However, on what grounds, if any, should justice be concerned about
past injustice?

Ethical Perspectives invites contributions that engage with ideas and
arguments that critically analyze and respond to the wide range of
themes and perspectives on how to respond to historical injustices.
Some questions that papers could focus on are:

- ​​Does it matter if an existing disadvantage was caused by a past
- What do contemporary actors owe to the victims of historical
  injustices? What can they be realistically expected to owe victims
  of past injustices?
- If a group or individual was damaged through a past injustice but
  is now well-off, should justice be concerned with redressing the
  past injustice, or should justice only be concerned  with correcting
  the present disadvantage?
- To what extent should justice be concerned with the structure of
  the relationship between parties and aims in reconciliation?
- Is it morally relevant how victims respond to past injustices?
- Do claims based on “historical injustice” give rise to strong
  claims today? Or is the language of “historical injustice” too
- Does the fact that an injustice occurred in the past have
  independent normative relevance, or does it only have normative
  relevance if its legacies persist today?
- Does the mere fact of having been benefited or enriched from
  historical injustices give rise to duties of reparation?
- Are the duties of the beneficiary of past injustices limited to the
  disgorgement of the benefit unjustly acquired?
- How could the supersession thesis be critically reconstructed,
  applied to empirical cases, and further criticized?
- Do indigenous perspectives, ways of thinking and customs require us
  to approach the issue of justice in fundamentally different ways?
- Is there any relationship between historical injustices and
  irregular migration?
- Does the past impose limits upon current public institutions? Do
  historical injustices limit how public institutions should be

Papers that address other, although similar, research questions are
also welcomed.

Invited contributors include: David Miller, Linda Bosniak, David
Heyd, Cara Nine, Daniel Loewe, and Margaret Moore and Michael Luoma.

Papers should be submitted by February 28, 2023, and should be
between 6.000 and 9.000 words in length. Manuscripts must be adjusted
to the Ethical Perspectives house style.

Expected date of publication: September 2023

Manuscripts are to be submitted by e-mail to: and

All submissions will undergo a double-blind refereeing process.
Please note that the journal’s Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor
will have the final word on publication decisions.

Guest Editor:
Santiago Truccone-Borgogno
Institute of Philosophy, University of Graz


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