InterPhil: CFA: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Global Health and Transnational Justice

2022-12-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Applications

Type: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Global Health and Transnational
Institution: Research Centre "Normative Orders", Goethe University
Location: Frankfurt/Main (Germany)
Date: 2023–2024
Deadline: 31.1.2022


The Global Health Justice Postdoctoral Programme, funded by Höppsche
Stiftung and directed by Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst and Prof. Dr. Darrel
Moellendorf at the University of Frankfurt, is seeking to appoint up
to two post-doctoral fellows for the academic year 2023/2024. The
Fellows will be part of the Frankfurt academic community, especially
of the Normative Orders Research Network.

Candidates should have completed a doctorate in philosophy or the
social sciences and should have proven potential to conduct and
publish research at an international level. Candidates' research
should fall within the programme’s areas of focus, especially
questions of global health and transnational justice.

Please send your application in English, in one pdf document (a 2-3
page research project, CV and two letters of reference (and no more
than two)) to Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst, using the address:

The reference letters may also be sent directly from the referees.

Closing date is January 31, 2023.

Duration and Starting Date: 10 Months, starting on October 1st 2023.

The full advert is available at:


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InterPhil: CFA: Postdoctoral Fellowship on Diversity and Democracy

2022-12-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Applications

Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship on Diversity and Democracy
Institution: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Diversity and
Democracy (CRIDAQ), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Location: Montreal, QC (Canada)
Date: September 2023 – June 2024
Deadline: 27.1.2023


(Version française en bas)


The members of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Diversity
and Democracy (CRIDAQ) are offering, for the 2023-2024 academic year,
a non-renewable postdoctoral fellowship. This internship must be used
to carry out a project that falls within the scope of CRIDAQ’s
research axes and themes under the supervision of one of its members,
in a Quebec university:

- Axe 1: Nations and diversity
- Axe 2: Institutions, social justice and territories
- Axe 3: Democracy and pluralism

General rules

- In order to apply, candidates must have defended their thesis by
  September 1, 2023;
- Candidates must have obtained their Ph.D after April 30, 2019;
- Candidates must have sufficient knowledge of French to participate
  in CRIDAQ activities;
- The doctoral thesis must not have been written under the
  supervision of a regular member of CRIDAQ.

The CRIDAQ will offer to its fellow:

- $ 40,000 (gross amount granted by the Center*);
- An individual workstation;
- Access to the host university facilities;
- Assistance with the material organisation of the stay.

In return, the fellow is expected to:

- Pursue the research project for which the postdoctoral fellowship
  was granted;
- Participate, on a regular basis, in the activities (workshops,
  seminars, conferences, colloquia) organized by the CRIDAQ host
- Present his/her current work to other researchers through the
  activities of the Center in the host university, as well as in at
  least one other partner university;
- Provide scientific direction for the Séminaire jeunes chercheur.e.s
  du CRIDAQ to be held in 2024;
- Ensure a regular presence on the premises of the university to
  which he/she is affiliated.

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

- The quality of the research project submitted and relevance to
  CRIDAQ’s mandate;
- The quality of previous research and the ability of the candidate
  to benefit from/ and contribute to the activities of the Center.

Candidates should send the following documents:

- A letter of motivation, written in French in which the candidate
  indicates which researchers he/she wishes to work with;
- An email or letter from a regular member of CRIDAQ indicating their
  interest in supervising the work of the candidate;
- A curriculum vitae (for submitted publications, please include a
  confirmation email);
- A writing sample (book chapter, article or academic paper); Note
  that the work submitted must be written in either French or English;
- A research proposal of about 1500 words, followed by a project
  timeline (1 page max);
- Two letters of reference (directly sent to the Centre by email
  before the deadline:

Application submission

Please upload your application in a single PDF document in the order
prescribed at our website.

Important dates

- Deadline for applications: January 27, 2023, 5 p.m.;
- Competition results: March 1st, 2023;
- Duration of the internship: September 2023 to June 2024.

All details here:



Les membres du Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la
diversité et la démocratie (CRIDAQ) sont heureux d’offrir, pour
l’année académique 2023-2024, un stage postdoctoral de 40,000$
(montant brut octroyé par le Centre*), non renouvelable. Ce stage
doit servir à mener un projet qui s’inscrit dans les axes et
thématiques de recherche du CRIDAQ, sous la supervision d’un.e membre
du Centre dans une université québécoise :

- Axe 1 : Nations et Diversité
- Axe 2 : Institutions, justice sociale et territoires
- Axe 3 : Démocratie et pluralisme

Conditions de participation

- Avoir soutenu sa thèse au plus tard le 1er septembre 2023;
- Avoir obtenu son doctorat après le 30 avril 2019;
- Avoir une connaissance suffisante du français pour pouvoir
  participer aux activités du CRIDAQ;
- La thèse de doctorat ne doit pas avoir été rédigée sous la
  direction de chercheurs membres réguliers du CRIDAQ.

Le CRIDAQ s’engage à offrir au/ à la lauréat(e) :

- 40,000$ (montant brut octroyé par le Centre*);
- Un poste de travail individuel;
- L’accès aux infrastructures de l’université à laquelle il/elle sera
  affilié.e (par exemple : bibliothèques);
- De l’assistance pour l’organisation matérielle du séjour.

En retour, le/la lauréat.e s’engage à :

- Poursuivre le projet de recherche pour lequel le stage postdoctoral
  a été accordé;
- Participer régulièrement aux activit

InterPhil: CFA: (Post-)Doctoral Fellowships in Jewish Scepticism

2022-12-12 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Applications

Theme: (Jewish) Scepticism as a Strategy and Challenge in Past and
Type: Doctoral Fellowships and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Institution: Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS),
University of Hamburg
Location: Hamburg (Germany)
Date: October 2023 – September 2024
Deadline: 31.1.2023


The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS) at Universität
Hamburg would like to invite researchers to apply for its junior
fellowship programme for the academic year 1 October 2023 to 30
September 2024.

The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies is a Humanities Research
Institute at Universität Hamburg led by Prof. Dr Giuseppe Veltri and
funded by the German Research Foundation. MCAS’s central aim is to
explore and research scepticism in Judaism in its dual manifestation
as both a purely philosophical tradition and a more general
expression of sceptical strategies, concepts, and attitudes in the
cultural field.

Topic: (Jewish) Scepticism as a Strategy and Challenge in Past and

Though scepticism is often discussed as the philosophical doctrine
that we cannot have knowledge about a specific domain, it can also be
taken in a much broader sense. According to this broader conception,
scepticism is a general attitude to life and enquiry that comes with
a range of different tactics and strategies. A sceptic in this
broader sense questions and attacks all dogmatic convictions by
pointing out their dependence on dubious assumptions or their
reliance on fragile and vulnerable methods of argumentation.

MCAS’s research during the previous year has shown that this broader
type of scepticism is an important element of Jewish life and
culture, which—for various reasons—is particularly shaped by
controversies and dialectical disputes. In its last year, MCAS thus
seeks to focus on the specific operation of sceptical thoughts and
strategies in Judaism and beyond, thereby highlighting both the
difficulties created by a sceptical attitude and its often innovative
and critical force.

Accordingly, typical questions to be pursued this year are: To what
(argumentative or rhetorical) end and how do (Jewish) philosophers
and theologians return to sceptical considerations and what are their
implications? What is the significance of stories about sceptics or
accusations of scepticism in religious discourse? How is scepticism
manifested in visual and literary sources and how is it employed to
convey meaning and messages to the audience? How exactly and with
respect to which sources is scepticism harnessed as a tool to
challenge an opponent or authority in politics and social discourse?

These questions can be addressed from the point of view of several
disciplines, such as Jewish studies, philosophy, history, literature,
the arts, and cultural anthropology. The successful candidate’s
project should resonate productively with the annual topic as

Junior Fellowships (PhD and Postdoc)

Junior fellowships are awarded to advanced PhD students and
postdoctoral researchers (within four years of receipt of PhD) in
Jewish studies, history, philosophy, Islamic studies, religious
studies, or related fields in the humanities. PhD students must have
obtained an MA degree at the time of their application. Postdoctoral
candidates must be in possession of a doctoral degree at the time of
their application.

Fellowship period: 12 months (1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024)

Successful applicants (junior and senior fellowship programme) will
be asked to take up residence in Hamburg, to carry out research at
MCAS, to actively attend events at the centre, and to take part in
the centre’s activities, such as contributing to the Encyclopaedia of
Scepticism and Jewish Tradition or the Maimonides Review of
Philosophy and Religion. Funding is subject to the terms and
conditions of MCAS’s regulations, following suggestions made by
Universität Hamburg. Rates and allowances are as follows:

- PhD Junior Fellows receive 1,365 EUR per month, plus a research
  allowance of 103 EUR per month, travel allowance (one round trip),
  and — where applicable — a child allowance.

- Postdoctoral Junior Fellows receive 1,750 EUR per month, plus a
  research allowance of 103 EUR per month, travel allowance (one round
  trip), and — where applicable — a child allowance.

MCAS also provides working spaces, IT equipment, and access to
various libraries.

Applicants are requested to submit the following documents in English
in one PDF file:

- A completed application form:

- A research proposal of two to three pages, including the project’s
  relationship to the annual topic, the status quaestionis of the
  chosen topic, the candidate’s prior research that is relevant to the
  proposed topic, a detailed programme of work including a timetable,