[IRCA] TP 7 Mar Victoria version

2015-03-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
An odd morning, and not just because HLAZ was doing it's "two hours 
past sunrise" appearance again.  Appearances from a couple of 
apparent Japanese commercial stations, yet in general, it wasn't a 
very lively morning for the first string stations.   Once again, more 
activity after 1400UT, even after 1430UT.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

well, it wasn't that lively

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man in JJ 1408UT was the first appearance, but a little 
stronger at 1434UT w/pop mx, better on north Flag, mostly due to less 
local noise.
774 JOUB man in JJ 1314UT, but many other appearances, usually not 
this "strong"

828 JOBB woman in JJ 1417UT //774
1566  HLAZ man in JJ, choral mx  1341UT;   still signs of weak audio 
as late as 1630UT this morning

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

the above passing through

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

612 man talking, maybe DU EE 1325UT
702 rhythmic vocal mx 1430UT, slower mx at 1432UT seemed //612, but 
both were so weak as to make it wishful thinking
954 JOKR? man talking, could be JJ 1324UT, again at 1415UT, couple of 
men, JJ inflection

1134 JOQR? woman talking 1354UT, JJ inflection
1242 JOLF? man talking, maybe JJ inflection, but talking slowly, more 
like a speech than the usual pyrotechnics of a JJ commercial station
1323 woman singing 1419UT; normally hear only CRI here, and that 
rarely this season

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

738 837 891 1017 1287 1503

best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 7 Mar, Victoria version

2014-03-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Vastly superior to the past little while, though I'm not sure I would 
go so far as Bruce did in his description.  24 January still has some 
very fond memories for me.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

594 JOAK woman in JJ then man 1336UT
1575 VoA man in SE Asian language banging in 1435UT when pretty much 
everything else had faded, most for good.  Had been pretty good 
earlier as Bruce noted.   Burmese program announcement at 1430UT 
definitely had some zip.

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

774 JOUB KK lessons 1405UT
972 HLCA two men in KK 1238UT, heard as late as 1450UT, though not 
quite at this level

1503 JOUK sudden burst of strength 1420UT w/NHK1 interlude mx

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

738 Tahiti man in FF 1340UT
747 JOIB  KK lessons 1409UT
828 JOBB EE lessons 1248UT
1566 HLAZ man in CC 1425UT
1593 CNR1 woman in CC 1424UT; also noticed CNR1 news sounder just after 1430UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music) :

954 JOKR? man and woman JJ inflection 1414UT
963 CRI chimes and fanfare at 1400UT
1017 CRI vocal mx //5965 1421UT
1053 KK jammer 1231UT
1287 JOHR? man and woman talking, JJ inflection 1236UT
1323 CRI tail end of CRI fanfare just after 1400UT
1422  JORF? woman and man talking in splash, JJ inflection 1431UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter):

756 891 909 936 945 1008 1089 1134 1179 1242 1377 1386 1512

best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 7 Mar Victoria version

2016-03-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch

The geomagnetic upset definitely had its way the band this morning.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

pretty darn unlikely you would think, but 3LO briefly came close

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

774 3LO  man in DU English talking to another man about sports? 
1418UT, //828.This was assuming that NHK2 has not hired two DU 
English speakers and put them together, hi.A couple of  words 
were  also heard  in // on 612, clinching it.

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

the above passing through

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

612 4QR man talking //774 1419UT, obviously this was our sunrise enhancement
828 3GI two men talking //774 1418UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

  702 738 837

best wishes,



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[IRCA] TP 7 Mar; Victoria version

2013-03-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
I gather from the silence that it wasn't just me who had, um, 
"extreme minimalist DXing" conditions.

Monitoring from 1400ish to after 1430UT (not continuously...life is 
too short), yielded 1557 w/instrumental mx and woman talking at the 
noise level at 1423UT, and, carriers, some close to audio but not quite there:

594 603 972 1287 1422 1503 1512 1566

1512 was interesting in that it was pretty much the strongest carrier 
on the band, near audio, at 1437UT.   Like I said, extreme minimalist 
DXing.  Now, time to get a life,hi.

best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 7 Mar Victoria version

2017-03-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Not an impressive morning, mostly big guns before 1430UT, although 
1242 managed a post sunrise squeak.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

594 came close

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK two men in Japanese, then a woman 1408UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

747 JOIB woman in Japanese 1344UT briefly at this level, then into 
Chinese lesson theme music

774 JOUB English lessons 1409UT
828 JOBB English lessons 1419UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

1242 woman talking, Japanese inflection 1538UT, an hour after local sunrise
1503 JOUK woman talking after musical interlude //594 1415UT
1566 man mumbling 1422UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

567 693 1287 1386 1422  1557 1593  seemed to be Asian;558 612 
1098 likely DU?

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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[IRCA] TP 7 Mar Victoria version

2018-03-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
It took quite a long time to go over the recordings from just 1410 to 1420UT 
this morning; I sort of felt like a deer in  the headlights of a Great Wall 
truck, or perhaps a fleet of them.   Usual disclaimer under these conditions 
that I must have missed a ton of them, multiple signals on various channels, 
sit on one channel and wait for them to fade in, etc. etc.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 

594 JOAK man in Japanese 1450UT; still traces of audio after 1600UT
774 JOUB English lessons 1436UT
828 JOBB man in Portuguese 1453UT
954 JOKR man in Japanese 1412UT, just owning the space between 950 and 960kHz
972 HLCA man in Korean 1411UT; something else underneath.  Still pretty good 
signal at 1539UT with slow oriental music and man in Korean

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

558 HLQB pop music //603 (which was poorer) 1414UT
666 JOBK man in Japanese //594 1412UT  
693 JOAB English lessons 1414UT
747 JOIB English lessons 1411UT
819 N. Korea  man in Korean 1414UT into orchestral music 1417UT; pips at 
1430UT.  But no other N. Koreans logged.
891 JOHK woman in Japanese //567 1419UT, biggest NHK1 at this time
981 CNR1 music from plucked instrument, man in Chinese 1413UT
1242 JOLF pop vocal 1442UT,
1323 CRI woman in Russian //963 1422UT ; still doing a nice job at 1525UT
1422 JORF man and woman in Japanese 1435UT
1566 HLAZ man in Chinese 1444UT; but kept coming back and was still quite 
readable at 1545UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker:

531 JOQG NHK1 interlude music 1415UT
603 HLSA soft music //558 1414UT, mostly underpowered today, and mixing with 
who knows what
639 CNR1 various times and various parallels, but didn't amount to much today
738 Taiwan Fisheries, woman in Chinese 1411UT
945 CNR1 man and woman in Chinese //1098 1525UT, but heard at this strength a 
number of times earlier
963 CRI woman in Russian //1323 1422UT
1116 woman in Chinese 1413UT CNR5?
1134 KBS man talking Korean 1425UT
1188 JOKP man in Japanese //1411UT
1287 JOHR man in Japanese, then  pop music 1537UT was its strongest appearance, 
nearly an hour after local sunrise
1575 VoA noted Yankee Doodle at 1530UT, quite weak, but earlier it reached this 
strength at various times with man/woman in SE Asian language
1593 CNR1 man and woman //945 1450UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

603 man talking, Chinese intonation 1444UT
621 man talking, Chinese intonation 1419UT
711 pop vocals 1418UT Korea?
846 NHK1 synchros man talking //567 1411UT
909 man talking sounded Chinese  1416UT
918 woman talking, maybe Chinese 1414UT; big carrier again, but little audio
945 NHK1 synchros, interlude music u/CNR1 1414UT
999 man talking, sounded Chinese 1422UT, also 1411UT
1035 quiet orchestral music, then woman singing, not //945 1417UT;  no idea
1089 orchestral music,1454UT, CNR6?  still audio traces at 1552UT
1098 CNR1 man talking  //945 1439UT, but someone else there also; quite a mess
1143 Taiwan Fisheries woman talking //738 1444UT and 1423UT; earlier logging 
had someone else there also
1179 man talking Chinese intonation 1411UT
1215 CNR1 light stringed music, talk by man 1411UT //945
1224 woman talking Chinese intonation 1413UT; if anything on this channel in 
the past, it was NHK1
1242 unID. woman talking, sounded Chinese rather than usual Japanese 1516UT
1251 CNR1 man talking //945 1419UT; extreme minimalist DXing revealed this 
again 1536UT, quite poor with man talking, //6125
1305 unID soft music 1417UT
1503 JOUK man talking //594 1456UT
1557 man and woman  talking 1446U, Chinese intonation, but did not match up 
with RTI's web stream


Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged 
by splatter)

702 765 855 864 891 909 936 1008 1017 1053 1107  1161 1206 1251  1269 1278 1314 
1341 1359 1386  1494  seemed to be Asian;
 846 seemed to be DU 

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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