[IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version

2015-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
It's already been said, nothing like yesterday, butnot bad by 
this midwinter's very truncated standards.  Again, the bulk of the 
action was between 1400 and 1500UT

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

747 JOIB apparently talking to me personally with a discussion about 
"hidebound traditionalist" in their EE lessons, 1427UT

774 JOUB woman in CC 1359UT, into theme mx for CC lessons; pips on hour etc
828 JOBB EE lessons 1419UT
1566 HLAZ man in CC 1507UT, briefly at this level

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

567 JOIK man in JJ 1419UT, 594 not to be found

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

576 R. Rossii assumed w/woman in RR 1504UT
1116 4BC assumed, man talking, DU EE, woman on phone 1452UT
1593 CNR1 man in CC 1527UT, earlier established //6125, but was not 
as strong as this at 1522UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

558 HLQH? sounded like woman in KK, 3 and 1 pips on hour, no 603 
available in big CJWW splash; thought that Vancouver had signed back on.
594 JOAK assumed, man talking, JJ inflection, 1459UT, pips on hour, 
aligning perfectly w/pips on 603, but nothing else did
603 HLSA? male ballad 1458UT, 3 & 1 pips on hour, hung in their 
for  5 or 6 more minutes with soft mx; 558 nowhere to be found

873 JOGB man talking //774 1425UT
891 ? man talking, maybe JJ 1437UT; no 567 or 594 available for //

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

693 702 972 1134 1314 1242 1386 1422 1503 1575

best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version

2016-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
By January standards, this was a lively morning, with several odd DUs 
in addition to the usual Japanese big guns.   Some enhancement near 
sunrise, but plenty going on earlier also.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

774 JOUB slow piano music followed by man in Japanese 1424-26UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man in Japanese 1503UT
747 JOIB man in Japanese //828 1524UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

612 4QR likely country music; woman mentioning "country music 
festival" DU English 1347-48UT

828 JOBB man in Japanese //747 1524UT
873 JOGB man in Japanese 1423UT //774; noted weaker at 1525UT also
891 4TAB man announcing horse racing "on the outside","followed in 
second place" etc.1513UT, then faded down.   Didn't get it to line up 
with webstream until 1522UT, which it was leading by nearly 20 
seconds.  It may have reprised weakly as late at 1544UT.  Quite unexpected	

972 HLCA man and woman in Korean 1343UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

531 man talking, DU English inflection 1445UT, another man on the phone
567 man talking DU English inflection 1504UT
693 JOAB really dug deeply for this one in CBU splash, but man 
talking 1532UT, //774

738 man talking, pretty murky, 1518UT, not //612 so assumed Tahiti
774 3LO presumed with 6 pips at 1400UT, not much NHK at this time
855 4QB/4QO man mumbling 1159UT, but ABC news fanfare at 1200UT clinched it
954 female vocal pop music 1437-38UT
1053 Korean jammer 1201UT
1566 HLAZ woman talking, usual s/off routine for Japanese program 
1342UT; also a bit of audio either side of 1400UT, woman and man, 
maybe in Chinese

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

702 1098 1116 1503

best wishes,



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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan, Victoria version

2014-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Closer to Bruce's planet this morningthere was a little bit of 
life between 1300 and 1400UT, pretty dead afterwards, with a top band 
sunrise boost around 1540UT.  1575 was also the kingpin here, though 
both the "pattern changes" at 1500:15 and 1529:47 had a bit of a 
gentle change to them, happening over the course of a few seconds, 
almost like a real fade, but the fade didn't repeat itself.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

1575 VoA man and woman in SE Asian language 1540UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

1566 HLAZ man in CC 1541UT, took its time fading to this level
1593 CNR1 man in CC 1541UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

the above, passing through

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music) :

738 Tahiti? woman talking FF inflection 1301UT
972 HLCA? woman talking after very weak pips at 1300UT, maybe KK?
1053 KK jammer, very weak but still recognizable 1259UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter):

594 774 828 891 1116 1242 1251 1287 1314 1323 1332  1503

best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version

2017-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
It looked like a pretty good morning on the signal strength monitor, 
with occasional second tier channels showing some signs of 
life.   Unfortunately,  the drive that accumulates the SDR files 
decided that today it wanted to have a problem recording them.   So 
it was just live listening around sunrise until the problem could be fixed.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

747 JOIB music box sign off 1541UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man  in Japanese 1541UT, peaked with slow stringed music 1547UT
1566 HLAZ pop vocals 1542UT;  quite a different approach from the 
more traditional sounding Japanese program.   1549UT, woman in Chinese.

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

the above passing through

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

567 JOIK man talking //594 1541UT, also doing fairly well at 1606UT
774 JOUB s/off music box 1543UT
972 man talking, could have been Korean 1605UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

702 756 828 1098 1206 all seemed to be Asian;   nothing seemed DU 
during the time I listened

best wishes,



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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan; Victoria version

2013-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Ouch.   I noticed that the DX Fishbarrel was showing a good bit of 
color at about 1315UT, but just crawling out of bed meant that I 
didn't quite leap off to the radio.  Probably should have, as once 
again, conditions did a slide.  Even by 1410UT, all that was left was 
a few of the big guns.   However, there was a small sunrise lift 
around 1540UT, so there was something to show.

Did NHK2 sign off early today?  By 1530UT, there was still a good 
carrier on 828 and sometimes 747, but no audio heard.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least

1566 HLAZ two men in CC 1546UT

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK light instrumental mx 1541UT; also earlier in JJ talk 1412UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be

understood by a native speaker:

747 JOIB JJ talk //828 1413UT
972 HLCA woman in KK 1550UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

603 ?  choral singing 1555UT
756 CNR1 man talking very poor, and was only able to tell it was 
//6125 as both channels changed to a woman talking at the same time

936 Anhui?  light mx 1535UT
954 JOKR?  man and woman talking 1552UT
1467 unID man talking at mumble level, then a few beats of mx and 
woman talking.  (has anyone got a KBS webstream they can suggest?)

1593 CNR1 last pip at 1600, then musical interlude //6125

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

945 1008

best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version

2018-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
With sunrise now getting earlier again, I've started listening a 
little earlier also.   Today that was the time to hear some stronger 
signals as well.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

567 JOIK man in Japanese 1521UT //594
639 CNR1 woman in Chinese 1416UT //945.  This was in quite a bit this 
morning, but peaked early
1566 HLAZ man in Chinese 1456UT.  This did also  turn up after local 
sunrise (1550UT) at much lower levels, but actually featured quite 
readable Russian talk by man at 1636UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man on phone talking to a woman who was mostly agreeing 1521UT; //567
828 JOBB woman in Japanese 1455UT
972 HLCA woman and man in Korean 1455UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

738 2NR presumed the one with man in DU English talking to another 
man on the phone 1534UT

774 JOUB pips, "JOUB NHK dai ni hoso" ID, anthem 1500UT; early s/off

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

603 unID.  man in Chinese 1519UT, mixing with soft music, which was 
assumed HLSA

612 woman talking sounded like DU English 1533UT
666 JOBK man on phone, woman agreeing, //594 1525UT
693 JOAB  s/off chimes 1501UT
747 JOIB music and woman talking //828 1457UT
819 N. KOREA man talking, then blast of music //2850 1428UT; pips 
hear at 1430UT; also noted with man sounding Korean 1455UT
837 CNR5Sounded very much like the CNR5/6 chimes just after 
1500UT, then some music, then woman talking, Chinese intonation, but 
didn't sound like an ID

945 CNR1  man talking //6125 1523UT
1116 man talking, sounding like DU English 1530UT
1188 JOKP man talking //594 1504UT
1287 man talking, Japanese intonation 1536UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

855 954 1089 1134  1179 1242  1269 1314 1323 1332  1404 1422 1494 
1503   seemed to be Asian;

702 891   1098 seemed to be DU

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version.

2019-01-23 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Definite improvement this morning.  NHK2 signed off again at 1440UT, but with 
considerably more zip than previous days:  JOUB-774 was at good level;  747 and 
828, fair; 702 and 873 poor; but all audible, as were their carriers later, 
when my actual monitoring period started,  one hour before local sunrise

A slight sunrise lift brought in the Philippines on 1611, but no HLAZ.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 

not yet

Reasonable audio at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker, though often battling with splash or noise):

594  JOAK 1545UT

603 HLSA ballad, relaxed man in Korean 1542UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker: 

567 JOIK 1601UT

972  HLCA 1549UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) 

558 HLQH ballad //603 1515UT

585 JOPG man //594 1518UT

612 man talking DU English intonation 1504UT

657 man talking DU English intonation 1504UT, not //612

1557 man talking, perhaps Chinese intonation 1557UT

1575 man and woman mumbling 1555UT; VoA? 

1593 CNR1 female vocal //6175 1602UT

1611 R. Mindanao network; male ballad 1555UT, same noted on Hong Kong KiwiSDR 
which fortunately maintained reasonable strength until 1600UT, when a "RMN" ID 
was noted.  Haven't found a webstream for this yet.

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged 
by splatter)
 702 747 774 828 873 1134 1422 1458 1566 seemed to be Asian; 
558 756 891 1017 seemed to be DU  

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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Re: [IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version

2016-01-23 Thread coffee_canuck
Time for me to put on my morning pants and get back in the game...

Colin Newell - CoffeeCrew.com - VA7WWV - Victoria - BC

> On Jan 23, 2016, at 9:35 PM, Nick Hall-Patch  wrote:
> By January standards, this was a lively morning, with several odd DUs in 
> addition to the usual Japanese big guns.   Some enhancement near sunrise, but 
> plenty going on earlier also.
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Re: [IRCA] TP 23 Jan Victoria version

2016-01-23 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Not so fast, Colin.  This morning was the first lively morning in quite a
few days.   73,...Walt

On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 5:50 AM, coffee_canuck 

> Time for me to put on my morning pants and get back in the game...
> Colin Newell - CoffeeCrew.com - VA7WWV - Victoria - BC
> > On Jan 23, 2016, at 9:35 PM, Nick Hall-Patch  wrote:
> >
> > By January standards, this was a lively morning, with several odd DUs in
> addition to the usual Japanese big guns.   Some enhancement near sunrise,
> but plenty going on earlier also.
> >
> ___
> IRCA mailing list
> IRCA@hard-core-dx.com
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> original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the
> IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers
> For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org
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Re: [IRCA] TP 23 Jan; Victoria version

2013-01-23 Thread d1028gary

Hi Nick,

The TP reception here this morning was similar to your description, although 
there was more of a sunrise lift here.

As you noticed, the band was mediocre at 1410 with only a few of the big guns 
around. Around 1500 things were still pretty subdued overall, but 972-HLCA was 
coming in with a very potent signal by the TOH. By 1530 there were lots of TP's 
all over the band, including moderate audio on 558 (Korean), 603 (Chinese), 648 
(VOR), 657 (Pyongyang), 936 (Chinese) and 1035 (Chinese), in addition to all 
the usual big guns. These weaker stations gradually faded out around 1550, 
leaving 1566-HLAZ and 1575-VOA as the sole survivors here at the 1600 TOH. 
Overall, it was a fairly decent morning.

<<<Did NHK2 sign off early today?  By 1530UT, there was still a good 
carrier on 828 and sometimes 747, but no audio heard.   >>>

The strong carriers on 747 and 828 around 1530 were noted here also, but with 
unusually good audio from the second-tier TP's coming in at that time, these 
Japanese big guns didn't receive much attention. Because of a strong carrier 
around 1533 I did check 747-JOIB's signal for audio, but only came away with 
750-Portland splatter. 

73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
C.Crane SWP 7.5" Slider loopstick Ultralight +
8" FSL antenna (DXing indoors)


-Original Message-
From: Nick Hall-Patch 
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 

Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 8:10 am
Subject: [IRCA] TP 23 Jan; Victoria version

Ouch.   I noticed that the DX Fishbarrel was showing a good bit of 
color at about 1315UT, but just crawling out of bed meant that I 
didn't quite leap off to the radio.  Probably should have, as once 
again, conditions did a slide.  Even by 1410UT, all that was left was 
a few of the big guns.   However, there was a small sunrise lift 
around 1540UT, so there was something to show.

Did NHK2 sign off early today?  By 1530UT, there was still a good 
carrier on 828 and sometimes 747, but no audio heard.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least

1566 HLAZ two men in CC 1546UT

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK light instrumental mx 1541UT; also earlier in JJ talk 1412UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be
understood by a native speaker:

747 JOIB JJ talk //828 1413UT
972 HLCA woman in KK 1550UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

603 ?  choral singing 1555UT
756 CNR1 man talking very poor, and was only able to tell it was 
//6125 as both channels changed to a woman talking at the same time
936 Anhui?  light mx 1535UT
954 JOKR?  man and woman talking 1552UT
1467 unID man talking at mumble level, then a few beats of mx and 
woman talking.  (has anyone got a KBS webstream they can suggest?)
1593 CNR1 last pip at 1600, then musical interlude //6125

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

945 1008

best wishes,


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contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
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Re: [IRCA] TP 23 Jan; Victoria version

2013-01-23 Thread richa...@perryisp.net
TP signals were basically nil on the southern Great Plains this morning.  
The ROK jammer on 1053 kHz was heard again briefly before fading 
away.  The HLCA 972 carrier was weak after sunrise, but that was it.
Neither was as good as the past two mornings.  Hopefully reception will be 
better tomorrow morning.  

Richard Allen,
near Perry OK USA.

--- Original Message ---
>From: d1028g...@aol.com[mailto:d1028g...@aol.com]
Sent: 1/23/2013 11:43:25 AM
To  : irca@hard-core-dx.com; ultraligh...@yahoogroups.com
Cc  : 
Subject : RE: Re: [IRCA] TP 23 Jan; Victoria version

Hi Nick,

The TP reception here this morning was similar to your description, although 
there was more of a sunrise lift here.

As you noticed, the band was mediocre at 1410 with only a few of the big guns 
around. Around 1500 things were still pretty subdued overall, but 972-HLCA was 
coming in with a very potent signal by the TOH. By 1530 there were lots of TP's 
all over the band, including moderate audio on 558 (Korean), 603 (Chinese), 648 
(VOR), 657 (Pyongyang), 936 (Chinese) and 1035 (Chinese), in addition to all 
the usual big guns. These weaker stations gradually faded out around 1550, 
leaving 1566-HLAZ and 1575-VOA as the sole survivors here at the 1600 TOH. 
Overall, it was a fairly decent morning.

<<<Did NHK2 sign off early today?  By 1530UT, there was still a good 
carrier on 828 and sometimes 747, but no audio heard.   >>>

The strong carriers on 747 and 828 around 1530 were noted here also, but with 
unusually good audio from the second-tier TP's coming in at that time, these 
Japanese big guns didn't receive much attention. Because of a strong carrier 
around 1533 I did check 747-JOIB's signal for audio, but only came away with 
Portland splatter. 

73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
C.Crane SWP 7.5" Slider loopstick Ultralight +
8" FSL antenna (DXing indoors)


-Original Message-

Ouch.   I noticed that the DX Fishbarrel was showing a good bit of 
color at about 1315UT, but just crawling out of bed meant that I 
didn't quite leap off to the radio.  Probably should have, as once 
again, conditions did a slide.  Even by 1410UT, all that was left was 
a few of the big guns.   However, there was a small sunrise lift 
around 1540UT, so there was something to show.

Did NHK2 sign off early today?  By 1530UT, there was still a good 
carrier on 828 and sometimes 747, but no audio heard.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least

1566 HLAZ two men in CC 1546UT

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK light instrumental mx 1541UT; also earlier in JJ talk 1412UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be
understood by a native speaker:

747 JOIB JJ talk //828 1413UT
972 HLCA woman in KK 1550UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

603 ?  choral singing 1555UT
756 CNR1 man talking very poor, and was only able to tell it was 
//6125 as both channels changed to a woman talking at the same time
936 Anhui?  light mx 1535UT
954 JOKR?  man and woman talking 1552UT
1467 unID man talking at mumble level, then a few beats of mx and 
woman talking.  (has anyone got a KBS webstream they can suggest?)
1593 CNR1 last pip at 1600, then musical interlude //6125

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

945 1008

best wishes,


IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information:  http://www.ircaonline.org 

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
publishing staff, or officers

For more information:  http://www.ircaonline.org 

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Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
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For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

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[IRCA] TP 23 Jan; Victoria version part 2

2013-01-23 Thread Colin Newell

Nick reports --
I follow up with my 5 minute listen at 1530:

Good audio once again on 594...
and apart from a few less hets from yesterday,
Audio was present on 747, 963 and 972...

As pointed out to Walter at last nights coffee shindig,
despite the fact that I am less than 2 KM from everyone
else, I do not receive any TP's much above 1300khz -
and even when 1566 is pinning everyone elses S-Meter,
mine is barely a-twitter.

Receiver: Eton E1 barefoot.

> Ouch.   I noticed that the DX Fishbarrel was showing a good bit of
> color at about 1315UT, but just crawling out of bed meant that I
> didn't quite leap off to the radio.  Probably should have, as once
> again, conditions did a slide.  Even by 1410UT, all that was left was
> a few of the big guns.   However, there was a small sunrise lift
> around 1540UT, so there was something to show.
> Did NHK2 sign off early today?  By 1530UT, there was still a good
> carrier on 828 and sometimes 747, but no audio heard.
> pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at
> least
> briefly):
> 1566 HLAZ two men in CC 1546UT
> reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable
> by a
> native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):
> 594 JOAK light instrumental mx 1541UT; also earlier in JJ talk 1412UT
> not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or
> noise could be
> understood by a native speaker:
> 747 JOIB JJ talk //828 1413UT
> 972 HLCA woman in KK 1550UT
> Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at
> by
> cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :
> 603 ?  choral singing 1555UT
> 756 CNR1 man talking very poor, and was only able to tell it was
> //6125 as both channels changed to a woman talking at the same time
> 936 Anhui?  light mx 1535UT
> 954 JOKR?  man and woman talking 1552UT
> 1467 unID man talking at mumble level, then a few beats of mx and
> woman talking.  (has anyone got a KBS webstream they can suggest?)
> 1593 CNR1 last pip at 1600, then musical interlude //6125

Colin Newell - Victoria B.C. DXer and Ham - VA7WWV
ICOM 703+ / DRAKE R8 / ETON E1 / Kenwood R2000
Antennas: Wellbrook ALA100's " Workman Verticals

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