[IRCA] TPs Oct 18 from Orcas Island

2009-10-19 Thread John H. Bryant
Things continued to be quite good this morning, with the Chinese 
seeming somewhat better than usual.

540 was the strongest CNR1 that I've heard there at 1430 dawn

765 seemed to be Chinese, but with an echo that I've not heard 
before... and none listed in my version of PAL

1062 just after 1400 had an Asian language mixed with a few EE words, 
so that might have been our old friend DZEC, as my first Filipino of 
the year. Too weak to solve.

1278 Hebei RGD had echos from their usually absent relay 
transmitters... maybe for the first time this year

1359 was QSLed CNR1, a rare visitor here on Orcas and not that usual 
at Grayland

I really appreciate Walt's tip on Farda QRMing VOA on 1575.  I went 
there at 1440 and had something giving VOA a hard time, but I 
couldn't dig out any exotic music or Farsi. The last time that I 
heard Farda was two years ago on Easter Island when they were playing 
Michael Jackson records and Farsi rap music (yes!)

Well, it was a nice morning, but I'm still looking for Sri Lanka and Dushanbe!

John Bryant
Orcas Island, WA, USA
Winradio G313e and various Ultralights
Wellbrook Phased Array + Superloops

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Re: [IRCA] TPs Oct 18 from Orcas Island: Victoria perspective

2009-10-19 Thread Walter Salmaniw
This morning I had to be in the OR by 07:50 local, so my reception finished a 
few minutes after 14:00 UTC, while beginning at 13:23.  SF 70 A2, K0.  A very 
good CC morning, but also Radio Farda overpowering VOA Thailand as well for the 
first time this season here in Victoria.  The RR LW were the best I've heard 
them this year as well.  "6" unless otherwise noted.  I was absolutely 
fascinated by the CC on 765 that John reported, and I also noted the echo!  
Good going, John!

153:  7
189: 7.5
279:  9
529:  9+ SQM  (superb!)
531:  9 level JJ at 13:26
549:  8 level with echo, but then heard Mayak IS at 13:30!  Note that for 
future reference.  Not just the TOH.
558:  8 level music and cochannel talk
567:  JJ at 9 level 13;23
576:  8 level RR (briefly only, then down.  After blasting in all September, 
this RR has really deteriorated this month).
594:  9+ level JJ with a speech.  Lots of cheering, etc.  ?Election campaign?
603:  7.5 level music (another one that's not as strong as it was in September)
621:  CC at 9 level.  Not N. Korea.
630:  CHED Edmonton all the way today.
639:  7
657:  7
666:  JJ at 9 level at 13:42
675:  7 level, presumably VV (again one that's not as good as in September)
693:  9 level JJ easily handling CBU this morning.  A first for me!
711:  presumably KBS1 at 9 level at 13:44.  Really strong!
720:  9 level CNR1 
738:  2 cochannel, both with talk at 8
747:  9 level JJ
765:  7 level occ up to 8 with a speech.  At 14:00 faded down (Murphy's law) 
and then came up very well at 14:01.  CC and not N. Korea.  Echo very easily 
heard with CC music at 14:01.  Mystery station!
774:  JJ at 9 level
801:  7 level at 13:50 with music.  Might be CNR2
819:  North Korea at 8
828:  9 level JJ and cochannel at 13:51
837, 846 (latter with 2 cochannels)
855:  8 level N. Korea and CNR2 as well at 13:53 at 8 level
864:  7 level.  ?echo.  not // 1287
873:  ?OC.  No sign of the JJ, but KCBS audible at 13:55 at 7 level.
882:  Also KCBS at 7 level, and // 873
945:  8 level CNR1 at 13:56 and cochannel
954:  8 level JOKR
963:  Another very strong morning for CRI RR at 9 level
972:  KK at 9 level
981:  briefly at 9 level (!).  ?CNR1
1575:  Radio Farda well over VOA Thailand at 14:04.  Hear them once, and you'll 
always recognize their distinctive programming!  First of the season.  8 level.

No time for any upper band stuff otherwise.  Good DX to all! .Walt
PS:  No signs of TA activity by 02:15 UTC

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