[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: How to keep Connection/ResultSet open across EJB methods

2005-12-16 Thread kyleyj
Thanks for the information about the solution.  Your response with the solution 
arrived even before I could respond to your original post -- which wouldn't 
have helped you much, because I only had a hack of a work around.  The solution 
that you've found works much better and is much easier to implement.

I never would have thought that almost a year and a half later that I'd find a 
solution.  That's awesome!  Thanks.


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - How to keep Connection/ResultSet open across EJB methods

2004-09-10 Thread kyleyj
Within my application, there is a query that potentially can return large amounts of 
data.  In order to display this data in the client app without freezing the UI waiting 
for the entire data set, we have three EJB methods to get the data. 1) Do the query 
and store the ResultSet 2) Get a specified number of the data 3) close the ResultSet.

My initial thought would be that I would get an Error such as "fetch sequence out of 
bounds" or "connection closed".  However with JBoss 3.2.3 and earlier it works fine.  
In the first method I get a Connection and query for the ResultSet (which is a class 
variable).  Then the second method is called iteratively until the entire ResultSet is 
returned.  The third method is called to close the ResultSet.

When my EJB is deployed in JBoss 4.0, after retuning from the first method, because 
the Connection is closed the ResultSet is closed too -- thus causing an Exception when 
trying to iterator over a closed ResultSet.

I thought that by changing my client to handle the transactions that I would be able 
to keep the ResultSet open.  But that doesn't seem to work.  So, my questions are if 
what I have been doing should/could work?  Are there deployment settings that need to 
changed to allow for the ResultSet to remain open across EJB method calls?  Am I 
correct in my thinking that if the client handle the transactions that the ResultSet 
could remain open?

Any help would be appreciated in figuring out whether my application is not adhering 
to the J2EE EJB specs or if there is a problem with JBoss 4.0.


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: EJB Deployment Error

2004-09-08 Thread kyleyj
Is this something that is new to 4.0 (because I notice there exists a 3_2.dtd and 
4_0.dtd) or did the dependency on this change.

Thanks for your reply -- I'll give it a try.


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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - EJB Deployment Error

2004-09-08 Thread kyleyj
Upon the release of JBoss 4.0 RC2, I've downloaded and deployed my EJBs that worked 
with 3.2.3 into 4.0, but I get the following error:  

Failed to setup client ENC; - nested throwable: 
(org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: ejb-ref ejb/jdelphi-utility, expected 
either ejb-link in ejb-jar.xml or jndi-name in jboss.xml)

I'm not quite sure what that means and if it is correct because I have the jndi-name 
defined in the jboss.xml already.  And by adding the ejb-link to the ejb-jar.xml it 
doesn't change the error.

Any ideas?  Is this error correct? or am I missing something else that was added to 
change the behavior from 3.2.3 to 4.0 RC2?


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