[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Proper way to Configure JBoss MQ Queues

2006-06-26 Thread anupama
Hi gcoleman,

Thanks for your reply, my server is configured to use HA-JNDI by default and it 
have jndi.properties as mentioned in Wiki in conf directory.  When I am 
accessing ConnectionFactory within server I am just calling new 
InitialContext() since it is within server do I have to explicitly include 
properties within Context to get HA-JNDI context. All I am doing is
Context x = new InitialContext()

So to get SINGLETON HA-JMS ConnectionFactory do I have to say anything else 
when I am getting IntialContext. server-all-deploy-has-singleton has all files 
that are shipped with server.  

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot,

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Proper way to Configure JBoss MQ Queues

2006-06-26 Thread gcoleman
If you are looking up XAConnectionFactory you will need to use HAJNDI.

See JBossHAJNDIUseCluster on the Wiki.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Proper way to Configure JBoss MQ Queues

2006-06-25 Thread anupama
Hi Guys,

I haven't heard any thinh about my posting, as follow up we decided to use 
local queues for time being and seems like working fine 

Local Queue Questions:
1. If we have a local queue and switch to Oracle then assume that we have x 
boxes in cluster, if box1 places message into it's loca queue is it possible 
for box2 to receive that and process request. I guess my question is if we have 
local queues for each box in cluster(with Oracle as persistent storage)is it 
possible for other boxes to see that message.

I need to deploy my Queues as HA-Singleton to run only on 1box in cluster, I 
followed Wiki for HA-Singleton and using all-has singleton configuration only 
but seems like only master node is able to process messages from queues but not 
other nodes though they are up and running.  I browsed net for a long time and 
couldn't find any concrete example.  So could any of you please throw some 
light on what's going and I am getting following exception if I hit node other 
than Master node and try to place message into queue.

Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: XAConnectionFactory not bound
  | at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:514)
  | .. 42 more

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot

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