Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-16 Thread Peter Antman

On 16 Maj, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello Peter:
> Let's go with another example and you would say me
> if (now, at last, thanks god ;-) am i in the correct way:

Hi, sound like a perfect match, and a good example to. Remember, if the
sessions beans all have the same remote interface, the code for the MDB
may be exactly the same. You could specify the name of the session bean
in the deployment descriptor, which means that adding a new listener is
just a matter of configuring the deploymentdescriptors and deploy into
the running server.


> "An imaginary assumption: i wanna write an application to manage
> a Mail List in this way:
> Topic publisher side
> --
> A servlet obtains a lot of information (news) about 'Sport', 'Cinema'
> and 'Computers'. This program sends messages to a Topic which 
> include 'subject', 'theme' and 'body' fields.
> Topic subscriber side
> -
> Three (diferent) listeners called 'listenSport', 'listenCinema' and 
> 'listenComputers' wait for a message with its 'theme' field equals
> to 'Sport', 'Cinema' or 'Computers', respectively.
> Each Listener will call outers Session Beans which transform
> the 'body' field in an HTML format (for Sports), PDF format (for Cinema)
> and Plain-text format (for Computers) and then, every Session Bean send
> with its respective attachment.
> Everything will occur without 'bothering' the servlet. In the other hand, 
> writing 3 diferent Listeners will allow us to change (separately) the 
> formating task asociated to each Listener, and, in the future,
> add new Listeners for new themes."
> Regards:
> __
> Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> __
> 15/05/2001 21:43
> Please respond to jboss-user
> cc: 
> Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?
> On 14 Maj, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Thank you Per!!
>> The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
>> making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".
>> How many "subscribers" appear in this example?
>> I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?
>> Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
>> similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?
>> So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
>> comunicate with the new subscriber...
> The ListenerBean is the subscriber. The logic is partitioned so that the
> work is done in the stateless session  bean. Not that it is necesarry in
> this example, but only to show how it is possible to do it.
> When it commes to an MDB, you deploy one version (name, configuration)
> for each logic and topic/selector combination.
> Some areas to use this?
> - A time task run in JMX could send its task to a queue. An MDB listens
>   for missions and delegate to a sessiion bean (or does the work for
>   itself).
> - A bean get some cind of thing to do. To continue it need to wait one
>   some cind of event (perhaps the presence of something). It triggers
>   this and returns. A message bean listens on a queue where the event
>   will be placed and calls the session bean (that perhaps has saves som
>   temporary persistens data throug an entity bean from the earlier
>   invokation, which it now uses.
> //Peter
>> Please, am i in the correct way?
>> Thank you again!
>> __
>> Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> __
>> Per Lewau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> 14/05/2001 13:08
>> Please respond to jboss-user
>> cc: 
>> Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?
>> On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
>>> utility...
>>> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
>>> "web-shop" using EJBs and MD

Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-16 Thread jsoriano

Hello Peter:

Let's go with another example and you would say me
if (now, at last, thanks god ;-) am i in the correct way:

"An imaginary assumption: i wanna write an application to manage
a Mail List in this way:

Topic publisher side
A servlet obtains a lot of information (news) about 'Sport', 'Cinema'
and 'Computers'. This program sends messages to a Topic which 
include 'subject', 'theme' and 'body' fields.

Topic subscriber side
Three (diferent) listeners called 'listenSport', 'listenCinema' and 
'listenComputers' wait for a message with its 'theme' field equals
to 'Sport', 'Cinema' or 'Computers', respectively.

Each Listener will call outers Session Beans which transform
the 'body' field in an HTML format (for Sports), PDF format (for Cinema)
and Plain-text format (for Computers) and then, every Session Bean send
with its respective attachment.

Everything will occur without 'bothering' the servlet. In the other hand, 
writing 3 diferent Listeners will allow us to change (separately) the 
formating task asociated to each Listener, and, in the future,
add new Listeners for new themes."

Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

15/05/2001 21:43
Please respond to jboss-user

Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

On 14 Maj, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thank you Per!!
> The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
> making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".
> How many "subscribers" appear in this example?
> I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?
> Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
> similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?
> So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
> comunicate with the new subscriber...

The ListenerBean is the subscriber. The logic is partitioned so that the
work is done in the stateless session  bean. Not that it is necesarry in
this example, but only to show how it is possible to do it.

When it commes to an MDB, you deploy one version (name, configuration)
for each logic and topic/selector combination.

Some areas to use this?

- A time task run in JMX could send its task to a queue. An MDB listens
  for missions and delegate to a sessiion bean (or does the work for

- A bean get some cind of thing to do. To continue it need to wait one
  some cind of event (perhaps the presence of something). It triggers
  this and returns. A message bean listens on a queue where the event
  will be placed and calls the session bean (that perhaps has saves som
  temporary persistens data throug an entity bean from the earlier
  invokation, which it now uses.

> Please, am i in the correct way?
> Thank you again!
> __
> Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> __
> 14/05/2001 13:08
> Please respond to jboss-user
> cc: 
> Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?
> On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
>> utility...
>> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
>> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
>> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
>> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
>> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
>> Well, i though to do this:
>> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
>> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
>> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' 
> database.
>> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"
> Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for 
> messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).
>> Is this a good w

Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-15 Thread pra

On 14 Maj, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thank you Per!!
> The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
> making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".
> How many "subscribers" appear in this example?
> I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?
> Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
> similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?
> So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
> comunicate with the new subscriber...

The ListenerBean is the subscriber. The logic is partitioned so that the
work is done in the stateless session  bean. Not that it is necesarry in
this example, but only to show how it is possible to do it.

When it commes to an MDB, you deploy one version (name, configuration)
for each logic and topic/selector combination.

Some areas to use this?

- A time task run in JMX could send its task to a queue. An MDB listens
  for missions and delegate to a sessiion bean (or does the work for

- A bean get some cind of thing to do. To continue it need to wait one
  some cind of event (perhaps the presence of something). It triggers
  this and returns. A message bean listens on a queue where the event
  will be placed and calls the session bean (that perhaps has saves som
  temporary persistens data throug an entity bean from the earlier
  invokation, which it now uses.

> Please, am i in the correct way?
> Thank you again!
> __
> Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Tel: 96504 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
> Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias 
> W a n a d o o E s p a n a - 
> __
> 14/05/2001 13:08
> Please respond to jboss-user
> cc: 
> Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?
> On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
>> utility...
>> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
>> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
>> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
>> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
>> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
>> Well, i though to do this:
>> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
>> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
>> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' 
> database.
>> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"
> Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for point-to-point
> messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).
>> Is this a good way to pose my problem?
>> I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
>> is there any advantage on using MDBs?
>> in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?
> I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you
> want.
> 0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
> 1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
> 2. servlet waits for message on out queue 
> 3. MDB.onMessage() called 
> 4. MDB checks whatever 
> 5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue 
> 6. servlet receives message and proceeds
> I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that they can be called
> asynchronously. What you want to do sound synchronous and while possible
> to do it just adds a lot of overhead. A session bean is easier and faster.
> To me it seems as though MDBs are useful for triggering some action that
> you don't want to hang around waiting for. For instance, you might want to
> send an email with an order confirmation and personally I wouldn't want to
> hang around in my "process order" session bean waiting for JavaMail to
> finish (after all it is talking SMTP to a mail server somewhere) so I
> would simple put a message in a queue and let an MDB deal with the sending
> of emails.
> Regards, Per
> ---
> Per Lewau ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> "Why waste time learning, when ignorance is ins

Re: New: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread jsoriano


10  Thank you Per !
20  Goto 10
Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tel: 96504 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias 
W a n a d o o E s p a n a - 

15/05/2001 01:16
Please respond to jboss-user

Subject:    Re: New: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

I seemed to have ranted abit, but I hope you'll find this useful.

On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> (Excuse me if this e-mail appears twice)
> Thank you Per!!
> The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
> making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".
> How many "subscribers" appear in this example?

One. The ListernerBean is the one subscriber to the Topic topic/testTopic.

> I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?

The subscriber is the ListernerBean. When the listener bean receives a
message it calls the WorkerBean.

> Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
> similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?

(I see know why you talked about using a Topic in your last mail (that's
what's great about helping others, innit?). The reason for using a topic
is to be able to "send an event" to many "event listeners".)

The Worker bean is an ordinary Session Bean and is not directly involved
in the JMS thingy. Lets call a message published on the topic a WorkEvent
that triggers that work should be done (man, I'd hate one of those ;).
In the example the ListenerBean receives that event and instead of doing
the work himself he delegates (sweet) it to the WorkerBean. If you'd want
more beans to listen to that event then yes, you'd have to modify the
ListenerBean to also call those other beans.

The idea is that there should be one Topic for all events and that the
ListenerBean is responisble for sending events on to other beans (the
actual listeners, so to speak). I'd say that the idea is a little lost in
the example as it is too simple. 

The advantage of having one Topic and one subscriber is that you only have
to reconfigure that subscriber, something which could be done via the
environment. The advantage doesn't really become apparent when you have
only one event; you could just attach many MDBs to that Topic.
However, when you want to add more events you'd have to add more Topics
and that would require restarting the server (right now, Topics added
while the server is running are not recreated when the server is restarted
(are they?)).

> So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
> comunicate with the new subscriber...


> Please, am i in the correct way?

You are.


> On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi:
> > I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> > utility...
> > I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
> > "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> > 
> > * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
> >the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> > 
> > * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
> >is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> > 
> > * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> > 
> > Well, i though to do this:
> > 
> > "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> > then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
> > called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' 
> database.
> > If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"
> Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for 
> messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).
> > Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> > I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> > is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> > in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?
> I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you
> want.
> 0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
> 1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
> 2. servlet waits for message on out queue 
> 3. MDB.onMessage() called 
> 4. MDB checks whatever 
> 5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue 
> 6. servlet receives message and proceeds
> I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that th

RE: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread Nikhil Patil

I really don't know if you need a MDB. You can achieve your goal by the
servlet invoking the Checker bean directly.
You're functinality is synchronous in nature. YOu could use MDB to do the
same, however it would be unnecessary use of resources.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Per Lewau
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> utility...
> I'd like to write an application to manage a little
> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> Well, i though to do this:
> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method
> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' database.
> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"

Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for point-to-point
messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).

> Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you

0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
2. servlet waits for message on out queue
3. MDB.onMessage() called
4. MDB checks whatever
5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue
6. servlet receives message and proceeds

I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that they can be called
asynchronously. What you want to do sound synchronous and while possible
to do it just adds a lot of overhead. A session bean is easier and faster.

To me it seems as though MDBs are useful for triggering some action that
you don't want to hang around waiting for. For instance, you might want to
send an email with an order confirmation and personally I wouldn't want to
hang around in my "process order" session bean waiting for JavaMail to
finish (after all it is talking SMTP to a mail server somewhere) so I
would simple put a message in a queue and let an MDB deal with the sending
of emails.

Regards, Per


"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"
- Hobbes

JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: New: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread Per Lewau

I seemed to have ranted abit, but I hope you'll find this useful.

On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> (Excuse me if this e-mail appears twice)
> Thank you Per!!
> The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
> making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".
> How many "subscribers" appear in this example?

One. The ListernerBean is the one subscriber to the Topic topic/testTopic.

> I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?

The subscriber is the ListernerBean. When the listener bean receives a
message it calls the WorkerBean.

> Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
> similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?

(I see know why you talked about using a Topic in your last mail (that's
what's great about helping others, innit?). The reason for using a topic
is to be able to "send an event" to many "event listeners".)

The Worker bean is an ordinary Session Bean and is not directly involved
in the JMS thingy. Lets call a message published on the topic a WorkEvent
that triggers that work should be done (man, I'd hate one of those ;).
In the example the ListenerBean receives that event and instead of doing
the work himself he delegates (sweet) it to the WorkerBean. If you'd want
more beans to listen to that event then yes, you'd have to modify the
ListenerBean to also call those other beans.

The idea is that there should be one Topic for all events and that the
ListenerBean is responisble for sending events on to other beans (the
actual listeners, so to speak). I'd say that the idea is a little lost in
the example as it is too simple. 

The advantage of having one Topic and one subscriber is that you only have
to reconfigure that subscriber, something which could be done via the
environment. The advantage doesn't really become apparent when you have
only one event; you could just attach many MDBs to that Topic.
However, when you want to add more events you'd have to add more Topics
and that would require restarting the server (right now, Topics added
while the server is running are not recreated when the server is restarted
(are they?)).

> So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
> comunicate with the new subscriber...


> Please, am i in the correct way?

You are.


> On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi:
> > I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> > utility...
> > I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
> > "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> > 
> > * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
> >the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> > 
> > * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
> >is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> > 
> > * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> > 
> > Well, i though to do this:
> > 
> > "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> > then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
> > called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' 
> database.
> > If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"
> Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for point-to-point
> messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).
> > Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> > I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> > is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> > in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?
> I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you
> want.
> 0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
> 1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
> 2. servlet waits for message on out queue 
> 3. MDB.onMessage() called 
> 4. MDB checks whatever 
> 5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue 
> 6. servlet receives message and proceeds
> I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that they can be called
> asynchronously. What you want to do sound synchronous and while possible
> to do it just adds a lot of overhead. A session bean is easier and faster.
> To me it seems as though MDBs are useful for triggering some action that
> you don't want to hang around waiting for. For instance, you might want to
> send an email with an order confirmation and personally I wouldn't want to
> hang around in my "process order" session bean waiting for JavaMail to
> finish (after all it is talking SMTP to a mail server somewhere) so I
> would simple put a message in a queue and let an MDB deal with the sending
> of emails.
> Regards, Per
> ---
> Per Lewau ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> "Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"
>  - Hobbes
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list

New: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread jsoriano

(Excuse me if this e-mail appears twice)

Thank you Per!!

The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".

How many "subscribers" appear in this example?
I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?
Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?
So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
comunicate with the new subscriber...

Please, am i in the correct way?

Thank you again!
Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tel: 96504 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias 
W a n a d o o E s p a n a - 

14/05/2001 13:08
Please respond to jboss-user

Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> utility...
> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> Well, i though to do this:
> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' 
> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"

Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for point-to-point
messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).

> Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you

0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
2. servlet waits for message on out queue 
3. MDB.onMessage() called 
4. MDB checks whatever 
5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue 
6. servlet receives message and proceeds

I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that they can be called
asynchronously. What you want to do sound synchronous and while possible
to do it just adds a lot of overhead. A session bean is easier and faster.

To me it seems as though MDBs are useful for triggering some action that
you don't want to hang around waiting for. For instance, you might want to
send an email with an order confirmation and personally I wouldn't want to
hang around in my "process order" session bean waiting for JavaMail to
finish (after all it is talking SMTP to a mail server somewhere) so I
would simple put a message in a queue and let an MDB deal with the sending
of emails.
Regards, Per


"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"
 - Hobbes

JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread Thomas Hagedorn


as far as I understand, MDB's are designed for 2 main issues.

1. to enable an asynchrone communication mechanism (i.e. to trigger
some actions where the client has no need to wait for the result.)
2. to enable a listener mechanism where sending and recieving processes
could be connected in a very flexible way (i.e. a new listener is
connected to en existing Topic to do additional things, so you must not
change anything in the former part of  your app.)

In your case, the sending process has to know the result of the
operation, so I think this is no good design to use MDBs in this part.
A good place for an MDB may be the part where you trigger the next
steps in handling the purchase ( i.e. tell the workers to pack the
books and write a bill).


On Mon, 14 May 2001, you wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> utility...
> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> Well, i though to do this:
> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' database.
> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"
> Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?
> Excuse me if these questions sounds so 'simple' but i need 
> a little help to understand MDB cause i'm really interested
> in learning everything about JBOSS.
> Thanks in advance!
> __
> Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> __
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread jsoriano

Thank you Per!!

The origin of this confusion is a sample in JBoss Documentation,
making more specific: example called "MDB as a Listener".

How many "subscribers" appear in this example?
I think a subscriber is 'Worker Bean', isn't it?
Then, to have more than one subscriber i've to create other Beans
similar (or not) to Worker Bean, haven't i?
So, if i create new beans i have to modify my Listener to be able to
comunicate with the new subscriber...

Please, am i in the correct way?

Thank you again!
Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tel: 96504 -ext. 44744 Fax: 965040047
Portal y servicios multimedia - Nuevas tecnologias 
W a n a d o o E s p a n a - 

14/05/2001 13:08
Please respond to jboss-user

Subject:Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> utility...
> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> Well, i though to do this:
> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' 
> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"

Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for point-to-point
messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).

> Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you

0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
2. servlet waits for message on out queue 
3. MDB.onMessage() called 
4. MDB checks whatever 
5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue 
6. servlet receives message and proceeds

I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that they can be called
asynchronously. What you want to do sound synchronous and while possible
to do it just adds a lot of overhead. A session bean is easier and faster.

To me it seems as though MDBs are useful for triggering some action that
you don't want to hang around waiting for. For instance, you might want to
send an email with an order confirmation and personally I wouldn't want to
hang around in my "process order" session bean waiting for JavaMail to
finish (after all it is talking SMTP to a mail server somewhere) so I
would simple put a message in a queue and let an MDB deal with the sending
of emails.
Regards, Per


"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"
 - Hobbes

JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread Per Lewau

On Mon, 14 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
> utility...
> I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
> "web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:
> * A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
>the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.
> * Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
>is not in my 'defaulter list'.
> * After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.
> Well, i though to do this:
> "The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
> then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
> called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' database.
> If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"

Sounds more like a Queue than a Topic to me. Queues are for point-to-point
messages and Topics are for Publisher/Subscriber (many receivers).

> Is this a good way to pose my problem?
> I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
> is there any advantage on using MDBs?
> in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but this is my take on what you

0. MDB listens for messages on in queue
1. serlvet sends message to in queue with whatever should be checked
2. servlet waits for message on out queue 
3. MDB.onMessage() called 
4. MDB checks whatever 
5. MDB sends message (true or false) to out queue 
6. servlet receives message and proceeds

I'd say that the advantage of MDBs is that they can be called
asynchronously. What you want to do sound synchronous and while possible
to do it just adds a lot of overhead. A session bean is easier and faster.

To me it seems as though MDBs are useful for triggering some action that
you don't want to hang around waiting for. For instance, you might want to
send an email with an order confirmation and personally I wouldn't want to
hang around in my "process order" session bean waiting for JavaMail to
finish (after all it is talking SMTP to a mail server somewhere) so I
would simple put a message in a queue and let an MDB deal with the sending
of emails.
Regards, Per


"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"
- Hobbes

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] MDB...why?

2001-05-14 Thread jsoriano

I'm testing JBoss with MDB but i'm still lost about its
I'd like to write an application to manage a little 
"web-shop" using EJBs and MDBs as follows:

* A java servlet who takes data from web application, i.e.
   the identifier of a client who wants to buy a book.

* Before allowing this purchase i want to check if this client
   is not in my 'defaulter list'.

* After this i'll be able to avoid/allow the purchase.

Well, i though to do this:

"The servlet takes data from web client and sends it to a Topic,
then Topic sends data to a Checker Bean that runs a method 
called 'checkClient' wich look for this client in a 'defaulter' database.
If everything is ok, a 'true' value is returned to servlet"

Is this a good way to pose my problem?
I know its possible to develope *the same* without MDBs, but,
is there any advantage on using MDBs?
in other words, how can i take advantage of MDBs?

Excuse me if these questions sounds so 'simple' but i need 
a little help to understand MDB cause i'm really interested
in learning everything about JBOSS.
Thanks in advance!

Jaume Soriano Sivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

JBoss-user mailing list