[JOKES] otkriite dali ste se zapatili kam ADA

2004-02-02 Прати разговор Nikolay Nikolov

http://www.madblast.com/funflash/swf/HellTest.swfоткрийте дали сте се запътили към Адааз  се класирах с 145 точки  
Търсите работа? - jobs.GBG.bg

[JOKES] Nahn beer adv

2004-02-02 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov

Edna bira za tozi, kojto znae kakwa e muzikata w klipcheto - 
izpylnitel/pesen :-)


2004-02-02 Прати разговор Stanislav Jordanov

With all your honour and dignity - what would you do? 

This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. Please don't 
answer it without giving it some serious thinking... 
By giving an honest answer you will be able to test where you stand morally. 
The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation, where you will 
have to make a decision one way or the other. Remember that your answer needs to 
be honest, but yet spontaneous. Please scroll down s l o w l y - this is 
important for the test to work correctly. 
You're in Florida... In Miami, to be exact...There is a huge chaos going on 
around you, caused by a hurricane and all the floods. There are huge masses of 
water all around you You are a CNN photographer and you are in the 
middle of this great disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying 
to shoot very impressive photos. There are houses and people floating around 
you, disappearing into the water masses... Nature is showing all its destructive 
power and is ripping everything away with it. 
Suddenly you see a man steering a big van... He is fighting for his life, 
trying not to be taken away by the masses of water and mud. You move close.. 
Somehow the man looks familiar and important... Suddenly you know who it is - 
it's George W. Bush! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are 
about to take him away, forever... You have two options: 1. You can save him 2. 
or you can take the best photo of your life. So you can save the life of George 
W. Bush, or you can shoot a Pulitzer prize winning photo... A photo displaying 
the death of a very powerful man... And here's the question: (Please give an 
honest answer) Will you make the photo black and white or colour? 

MSN Search, for accurate results! click here 

[JOKES] FYI: Za nejelaeshtite da praznuvat dnes maje

2004-02-02 Прати разговор Angel Kirilov
Петльов ден

Появява се в обичаите на населението по повод истинска случка,
разказвана от легендите. В периода на Османското робство се е събирал т.
н. " кръвен данък" - еничари са ходили по къщите и насилствено са
отделяли мъжките рожби от родителите им. За да спаси рожбата си, една
майка проявява остроумие, като коли петел и с кръвта му напръсква
пруста, портичката и оградата пред дома си. Пристигналите еничари, които
обикалят района, виждат кървавите следи и се убеждават, че преди тях
вече е минала еничарска потеря. Така майката успява да спаси мъжката си
рожба. По - късно датата 2 февруари става ден на мъжката рожба. На този
ден майките, които имат момченца, гостуват на своята баба- акушерка в
селото. Носят се погача, заклан петел и дарове.

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[JOKES] only 1 glass & funky chicken

2004-02-02 Прати разговор Vladislav Vladimirov


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