[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-03-01 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 02).


Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Please pray for TVM Zone retreat

2003-03-01 Thread deepak justin nath
Hello dear friends
we are planning to  have a youth initial retreat in 
TVM on 13,14 ,15 ,16 march 2003 ...
please pray for this intention in mind so that jesusyouth will 
really come  to life more abuntantly
in trivandrum...and please can anyone suggest  retreat teams 
available in tvm.we are all praying for
Gods selected one for that matter...we have a  real need for a n 
actual team conducting retreats.plese pray that the dates be 
holidays too.
please dear friends mail me if anyone has somecontacts in 

luv deepak/

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2003-03-01 Thread rose maria
MARCH  1ST  2003


BISHOP  CONFESSOR  ( ---c.589)


   Welsh royalty. Son of King Sant of South Wales and Saint Non. Grandson of Ceredig, 
Prince of Cardigan. Uncle of King Arthur. Priest.He  was  educated   by  St.Paulinus,  
a  disciple  of  St.Germain of  Auxerre.St.David  was  made   abbot  of Ty G wyn  
monastery, which  he  transfered   to  Menevia  in  western Pembrokeshire( today`s  
St.David`s),  then  the  principal  port  of  embarkation  for  Ireland.He  also  
recieved  episcopal  consecrationHis  monks  lived  according  to  a very  austere  
rule, and  at  the  Synod of  Victory* in  569  his  decrees  for  the  regulation  of 
 the  Welsh  church  were  officially  ratified.
   Collaborated with Saint Columba, Saint Gildas, and Saint Finnigan. Missionary and 
founder of monasteries. 

After a vision in his monastery in the Rhos Valley, he set out next day with two monks 
to Jerusalem to aid the Patriarch. While there his preaching converted 
anti-Christians. Legend says that once while he was preaching, a dove descended to his 
shoulder to show he had the blessings of the Spirit, and that the earth rose to lift 
him high above the people so that he could be heard by them all. 
  Beyond  these  facts little  is  historically  known  of  
St.David.His  life  wasnt  written  until  500  years  later;  it  contains  many  
legendary  and  unlikely  events. Welsh  man  wear  a  leeks  on  march  1st  to  
commemorate a  great  victory  which  St.David  won  over  the  Saxons, when  they  
put  leeks in  thier  caps  to  distinguish  themselves  from  the  enemy.

   .St.David  was  canonized   in 1120 by Pope Callistus II 

***Unhappy  is  the  soul  enslaved  by  the  love  of  anything  that  is  mortal**( 


  . Undoubtedly, St. David was endowed with substantial qualities of 
spiritual leadership. What is more, many monasteries flourished as a result of his 
leadership and good example. His staunch adherence to monastic piety bespeaks a fine 
example for modern Christians seeking order and form in their prayer life.



Oh!  sweet  Eucharist  ! &   beloved  Mother keep  me  as  thy  own.

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For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 01.03.03 (Generosity)

2003-03-01 Thread Primeson James
Concerning Relations

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. Bur if anyone strikes you on the
right cheek, turn the orther also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take
your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you go to one mile,
go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, do not refuse
anyone who wants to borrow from you.

Matthew 5 : 38 - 42

May God Bless You This Day & Forever

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Novena of Love and Healing (Sixth Day)

2003-03-01 Thread Primeson James
Novena of Love and Healing

The servant was healed because of his master's faith.

This Roman Officer, had never met Jesus before he went to him, with the
request for his servant's healing.

He went in faith just as we must do today.

Lord, please give us the strong faith of the centurian that we may obtain
healing for ourselves and others.

Peace Card for Saturday

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[JOYnet] Hello Friends

2003-03-01 Thread Isaac clementine
Hello Everybody ,

I have always been a keen follower of Jesusyouth and all its activities, i just dont 
have the time and probably did not have any thing to say , when so much is being 
discussed everyday . I finally have my chance i guess, maily because i dont have any 
job right now . some years back i happed to attend a program in banglore performed by 
the rex band , since then i have not attended any such program. One thing i do every 
day is listen to the music that they have given to the world , i had bought one of the 
cassets at the venue.well thats all i think i can tell u  right now , i request your 
prayers for me to get a job abroad soon. 

your friend 


































Jy Bangalore

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This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Fw: [JYA] my church, my love :-)

2003-03-01 Thread sindhu
hello Family,

Usually JYA (Jesus Youth of America )gets fwd from Joynet. But this time its
the other way. when i read this "life experience " written by Mareena, from
New Jersey,one of the JY born and brought up in USA, i thought its good that
our international community may enjoy it.Just to know how our new generation
here thinks about things !!!

Hope you will like it .

happy reading,

Sindhu, Chicago, USA.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: [JYA] my church, my love :-)

dear all,
I've been meaning to share this with you for a long time. Over the last few
years, I've been asking God to give me deeper understanding and love for His
church. Though brought up Catholic, I was really under the influence of the
Protestant ways of doing things - which isn't bad... but I realized
(especially after WYD) just how much I was missing out on.

Over the last year or two, God has answered my prayers to such an extent that
I can really say from my heart, that I LOVE my church - she is exactly as the
bride described in the Songs of Solomon - beautiful, wise, and with depth :-)
let me share a few (a tiny amount, cuz to explain even half would take days of
typing!) of the things I learned.

Our church focuses alot on "we" - notice how all the we say prayers are
addressed between "us" and God. Everything in the church - including the the
ways the pews are laid out have actually been studied and choosen so that it
best facilitates the sense of "we have gathered". You know that big open space
where there are usually tables etc... that you pass right before you go inside
through the main door of the church... it's called the narfax - or gathering
place, it is installed in all churches for this reason (to gather the people).
Even the music - (I'm not refering to the tune - but the content and layout)
is different from protestant music... If U look at protestant music ... it's
MOSTLY "I" talking to/worshipping/praising God and it's mostly a one way
conversation (which has it's place - it's excellent for a part of your daily
prayer, or during intense moments before the Eucharist) but if you look at
Catholic music it is not only "we" talking to/worshipping/praising God but
also God responding to us - like a dialouge - very beautiful and complete. The
way Catholic music is written is such that it not just benifits the singer,
but also the listeners. For example, the Beatitude Song "Blessed are they, the
poor in spirit etc... the refrain goes "Rejoice and be glad, blessed are YOU
and holy are YOU... for YOURS is the kingdom of God" next time you sing that
song in church, look at someone, smile and sing it to them from your heart -
it's a very powerful moment - such a powerful promise - YOURS is the kingdom
of God!!!

The Church has never rejected the beauty and capacity of man - after all, we
are God's Children! The church encouraged music, art, dance - for the greater
glory of God and to build fellowship. Notice that we have flowers and stautes
in our churches - I think it's beautiful how we use 'the fuits of our hands'
for the glory of God. It seems like a small thing - but never underestimate
the power of small tokens of love - Little Flower St. Terese didn't :-)

I could go on forever! there is so much more beauty and depth in Christ and
Catholicism that we miss out on because we are the generation of
'instant-gratification' and 'instant-results' :-) I encourage you to read more
about your church and to add onto this email :-)

Love and Prayers

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