[Koha] Master-password (katikoan) and Live-DVD

2013-05-21 Thread Lars J. Helbo


I am trying to promote Koha here in Denmark. We have a large number of 
small private schools for whick Koha is just great. However, often they 
do not have a lot of knowhow on Linux terminal (or nothing at all). Here 
the Live-DVD is really great. Starting with that, I try to make 
step-by-step guides (on my site koha.dk) to help people without any 
preconditions to get started.

One of the major remaining obstacles is the need to change the master 
password katikoan. I have made a guide on this and I think most people 
should be able to handle it. However, it made me wonder, if this 
obstacle could be avoided? One possibility would off course be to let 
people enter their own password during the installation from the 
live-DVD, but that would probably complicate the installation proces and 
I like that to be as simple as possible.

Therefore I had another idea, but I dont know, if this is at all 
possible. Could the scope of the users be limited? What I would like 
was, if this master-user (with password katikoan) would only work, if 
you sit and log in directly at the server (not across any network). Then 
you would install koha on the server, log in there and create at least 
one admin-user. Then you could use this to log in from somewhere else 
and continue from there. In this case there would be no need to change 
katikoan, because nobody from outside could use it.

Maybe this could be extended. When you create admin-users, you may give 
them different permissions. Maybe these could be dependent on whether 
you log in at the server, from the local network or across the Internet. 
I think this could increase the general security? At least I could 
easily imagine cases, where a user should have admin-rights only, when 
sitting inside the house at the local network.

Venlig hilsen
Lars J. Helbo
Borgergade 44, Sall
DK-8450 Hammel
tlf+fax: (+45) 8696 9315
Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

Re: [Koha] Master-password (katikoan) and Live-DVD

2013-05-21 Thread Indranil Das Gupta
Hello Lars,

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Lars J. Helbo l...@helbo.org wrote:


 One of the major remaining obstacles is the need to change the master 
 password katikoan

The password is simply the mysql db passwd. So, IMHO the simplest
thing would be as follows:

1. write a bash script to change the mysql db password

2. update the koha-conf.xml with the new password, using sed for
example, called when 1 is completed.

3. Unpack the ISO, place your script(s) and remaster the ISO.

Test in a VM. Rinse and repeat until it works perfectly.


Indranil Das Gupta

Phone : +91-98300-20971
Blog: http://indradg.randomink.org/blog
IRC  : indradg on irc://irc.freenode.net
Twitter : indradg

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Re: [Koha] Master-password (katikoan) and Live-DVD

2013-05-21 Thread Mark Tompsett


The Live-DVD is great for testing and demonstrating. A package installation 
is better for production use. When you install packages, the password is 
auto-magically created as part of the install process. Assuming your 
instance name is library, the command typically used to figure out what the 
password is before going into the web installation step is:
   $ sudo xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/pass' 

Just change 'library' to whatever you call your instance.

Step-by-step guides are nice, but with the tendency for people to 
proliferate them all over the internet, this tends to lead towards a lot of 
outdated guides all over the place. And this leads to people following 
outdated instructions while trying to install current versions. This is 
generally a bad thing. If these are Live-DVD instructions, I would recommend 
you teaming with the person making the Live-DVD so that the instructions are 
together with the product for which they are intended. This will limit 
proliferation of older instructions.

As for your idea to limit the system user to only localhost is possible, but 
you would also have to consider various networking configurations such as 
proxies. Because of this complication, I don't foresee anyone spending time 
on it, but you are always welcome to supply a patch to Koha.

And lastly, I in no way reflect the final word on anything. :)

Mark Tompsett 

Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

Re: [Koha] Master-password (katikoan) and Live-DVD

2013-05-21 Thread Vimal Kumar V.
Dear Lars,

I appreciate your efforts to promote Koha in Denmark.
Now Koha 3.12 version Live DVD is in progress.

Please listen about are login settings with this Live DVD,

I have done post installation steps of Koha (e.g. sample news etc.)

I have not created Library Branch. In my experience most of the librarians
like to assign their own code for library branch.
So, after installation of Live DVD, librarian has to login using master
login details and need to create a normal user and assign super librarian
privileges for daily login.

I assigned master user name is koha_library, password is koha123.

And all details including passwords mentioned in Readme file, which put in

This arrangement is friendly for newbies?

Otherwise, we have to create a branch with code MAIN and assign a super
librarian with password.


Vimal Kumar V.
Mahatma Gandhi University Library
Kottayam, Kerala- 686 560
Web: http://www.vimalkumar.info
Blog: http://linuxhalwa.blogspot.com http://kohageek.blogspot.in
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