[lace-chat] Re: Happy Australia Day

2004-01-25 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Jan 25, 2004, at 22:41, Helen Bell wrote:

I have just spent my "Australia Day" on Australian time, shoveling 
5-6" of snow from my side of the driveway, so I don't have to do it
tomorrow morning in 10F temps :-)
That is most unfair; I am most aggrieved... You can't expect anything 
else in *Denver*, but it has snowed for 13 hrs *here*, and the only 
reason the accumulation is 3-4"  (rather than 5 or 6) is that for the 
last 3hrs of it the snow was pretty much frozen, and tamped down the 
earlier efforts. It's 12F outside now and dropping...

We laid in the necessary supplies (smokes and books, in my case; don't 
know what Severn thought was "sine qua non", but he, too, went out 
yesterday ), neither of us is going to *stir* tomorrow, so we've 
decided to let nature do what she will with the driveway (and I didn't 
even try to dig my car -- parked in the open -- from under)

But *we* are *in the South* (supposedly)... That kind of 
weather-behaviour is *unseemly* (and not the first time this winter, 
either); I put up with the heat and the humidity every summer, I'm not 
supposed to be putting up with this kind of mischief in winter as well.

Grumble, grumble, bitch,
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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[lace-chat] Happy Australia Day

2004-01-25 Thread Helen Bell
I just want to wish a Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies on the list

I have just spent my "Australia Day" on Australian time, shoveling about
5-6" of snow from my side of the driveway, so I don't have to do it
tomorrow morning in 10F temps :-)

However, I can look forward to a real Aussie Meat Pie for my lunch
tomorrow, courtesy of my DDH, who bought me a bakers dozen of pies from
a place in Seattle, and carried them home the plane with him.  They look
like the real thing, so I will start with just the plain ol' steak pie.
:-) And, he also thoughtfully bought a bottle of Fountain Tomato Sauce
to slather on them :-)  

Helen, Aussie living in Denver

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Re: [lace-chat] History through the eyes of kids...

2004-01-25 Thread dora.northern
Thank you for the kid's history. Just what I needed, a good laugh after
spending some time in hospital. Please can I have more.

Greetings from the knotter

Dora UK


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[lace-chat] l-c only raffle

2004-01-25 Thread Bev Walker
Hi everyone

This is for lace-chat only. I've been going through Stuff, trying to weed
out that which I can part with - here is something I'd like to see go to a
good home, it is a magazine/booklet instructions and patterns for an 18"
soft sculpture doll, whose face can be turned to show waking or sleeping.
She is a Victorian sendoff of the Cabbage Patch dolls.

If you would like the booklet - which I bought discounted c. 1985 (the fun
was in the chase) - send me your name. I'll take names until a few days
after the next lace-chat digest. I'll post again.

bye for now
Bev, winter cleaning, in Sooke, BC (west coast of Canada)

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[lace-chat] re: closet survey

2004-01-25 Thread Joy Beeson
At 07:23 PM 1/24/04 -0800, Bev Walker wrote:

>Does anyone have a closet where the rods hang out from the wall and your
>clothes therefore face you (or, less likely, face the wall...cf.  the 5
>red shirts observation...)?

The closet under the stairs in my sister's house has rods running from the
back to the front, in order to take advantage of the full width of the
staircase.  She hangs her clothes -- at least those near enough the front
that I've seen them! -- facing the front.  

It's a very old house -- rumor has it that it began life as a log cabin --
and all the closets are retrofit.  And very hard to get into; it was only in
the last few decades that people thought of putting wide doors on closets.
First one I saw was in our first apartment in the mid-sixties.  It had the
usual narrow-door closets in the bedroom, but in order to soundproof the
wall between our apartment and the next one, there was a closet the full
length of the hall that ran along the common wall, and the long closet had
accordion doors instead of a wall.  That closet was the *handiest* thing!  I
didn't have stash to store yet, but I'd hang freshly-ironed shirts in it,
then move one per day to the bedroom closet -- since there was always the
same number of shirts in his closet, he didn't get antsy when it was almost
wash day.

Joy Beeson
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the snow still looks fresh on the lawn.

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[lace-chat] Dazzling brilliance :-)))

2004-01-25 Thread Jeanette Fischer
This is another old joke but I enjoyed it again.  Jeanette Fischer,Western
Cape,South Africa.

 A wealthy old lady decided to go on a photo safari in Africa. She took
her faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day, the dachshund
starts chasing butterflies and before long the dachshund discovers that
he is lost.

So, wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his
direction with the obvious intention of having lunch. The dachshund
thinks, "Okay, I'm in deep trouble now! Then he noticed some bones on
the ground close by, and immediately settles down to chew on the bones
with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to
leap, the dachshund exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious
leopard. I wonder if there are any more around here."

Hearing this, the leopard halts his attack in mid-stride, as a look of
terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees. "Whew," says the
leopard. "That was close. That dachshund nearly had me."

Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby
tree figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for
protection from the leopard. So, off he goes. But the dachshund saw him
heading after the leopard with great speed, and figured that something
must be up.

The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and
strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The leopard is furious at
being made a fool of and says, "Here monkey, hop on my back and see
what's going to happen to that conniving canine."

Now the dachshund sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back,
and thinks, "What am I going to do now?"

But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his
attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet ... and just when they get
close enough to hear the dachshund says..

"Where's that damn monkey? I sent him off half an hour ago to bring me
another leopard!"


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[lace-chat] Closet Survey Results (long)

2004-01-25 Thread Webwalker
Thank you all for your help.  As one of the 25% who make no effort 
toward consistency within the closet, this has been educational and fun. 
 I had no idea it could matter so much to so many.

This all started due to an off-hand comment within my family.  When it 
grew to the point where a survey seemed in order, I was merely 
interested in seeing if there was a correlation between the direction 
clothes face and sex or handedness of the owner, but other issues have 
added flavor.

So these are the results.  42 people participated; 31 female, 11 male. 
Of the 11 who made no effort to have clothes face in one direction, 4 
were male.

Turning now only to people who “cared”, only two man’s clothes faced 
left.  Of the females who cared, (24), 17 faced their clothes right and 
7, left.  There were several people who reported ambidexterity and a 
couple lefties, but not enough to judge.  So I conclude that females are 
two-thirds or better more likely to have clothes face left as right, and 
men tend to think oppositely (stats very low here).

There are a few other considerations like closet design and which side 
the door is hinged on that may enter into the mix, but I’ll need the 
gov’t grant to pull that together.

I did learn two things we all knew.  People all want the hooks to go 
from the front to the back and if clothes are hanging in a “staging 
area” prior to being placed in the closet, they are hung facing away 
from the wall or door on which they are hung and/or facing the world 
(instead of the wall).  One woman got so annoyed at her husband for 
failure to follow the proper guidelines for their joint coat closet that 
on a bad day, she would hook his coat with the hook coming from the back 
in order to have the coat face properly; she said, “Let him deal with it”

Its perfectly obvious, but how the clothes will hang on the rod depends 
upon the orientation of the hook at the time the clothes are placed on 
the hanger.  For those of us who end up the clothes facing both 
directions, I think its because we don’t have a preference for how the 
hook faces while putting the garment on it.

One woman maintains several closets and how clothes end up in the 
various closets depends on where she hangs that person’s clothes after 
she irons them.

Three people (2 M and 1F (see above)) said they would change the 
direction of the garment if it was wrong (but this wasn’t really learned 
from the “one-owner/one closet” concept), so that could be more prevalent.

Only one person (Tamara) cited any reason for hanging that had nothing 
to do with the clothes or closet design themselves (sentiment).  Two 
people mentioned efficiency of removal/dressing when hanging the 
clothes.  Another matter to take up with the grant money will be an 
exploration of the tendency to remove the garment from the hanger while 
the hanger remains on the rod versus removing the hanger as well.  ?

One man said that not only did all his clothes have to facing correctly 
(R), but that they had to be equidistant from one another before he left 
the closet.

You may recall that the first two questions were, “Do you know without 
looking which way…?” and “Do they all face in same direction?”.  Results 
showed that people who answered “Y” to the first also answered “Y” to 
the second:  with one exception, the converse was also true, but one 
woman was surprised to find that all hers faced alike.

Several people asked why I was doing this, but only one asked if it was 
a joke.

Y’all might think I have nothing to do, but that isn’t true.  I have so 
much to do I don’t know where to start, but this was controllable, so I 
did it.  Thanks again.

Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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Re: [lace-chat] Closet Survey

2004-01-25 Thread David Collyer
Definition:  For a garment to "face left", the front of the garment must 
nearer the left wall of the closet than the back of the garment  (Left 
wall is the one nearer your left hand as you stand facing the closet). 
Reverse for  "face right").

1.  Do you know the direction your garments 
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6

3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
R (ambidextrous)

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as opposed to 
David in Ballarat

Many thanks. (No, I'm not going to apply for a gov't grant):)
Susan Webster
Canton, Ohio
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[lace-chat] Mayonnaise - was Olive Oil

2004-01-25 Thread David Collyer
Dear Dominique,
Thanks for your lovely recipe. I must say the proportions for your French 
Dressing were a bit different from mine - I use 50% oil and 50% vinegar as 
the base (Balsamic is nicer).
However, I thought you might like to try my Granny's old recipe for what is 
known here in Australia as Salad Dressing (Mayonnaise).
Those who make this kind of dressing today often use 1 can of condensed 
milk and an equal amount of vinegar (white, brown, or even apple cider) for 
the basis. However, when Granny made her best dressing, she used to use the 
left overs from last night's custard. Now do I need to go through the whole 
process of describing how to make a custard? Here's what she did anyway.
- Take about 1.5 to 2 cups of custard (she made big mobs of custard always 
:); add one cup of white vinegar and the juice of one lemon.
- Then add a big pinch of salt; and about 1 heaped teaspoon of cracked 
black pepper
- Mix 2 teaspoons of powdered mustard to a paste with water and add that. 
If you don't have powdered mustard, just add any really hot one - 
preferably NOT Dijon as it has a different sort of taste.
- Mix it all up really well allowing the vinegar and lemon to thicken the 
mixture smoothly.
- Now hard boil one egg. When it's done, smash it up and add it to the 
David in Ballarat

i must say i cook everything in olive oil including steaks and omelettes
(which most people hate. you're supposed to cook them in butter ) and
to me the only real mayo is made with olive oil ...
vinaigrette (french salad sauce) is so much tastier with olive oil (for
those who've never heard of it : one spoonful of vinegar, three spoonfuls
of oil,salt pepper garlic parsley to taste and mustard too if you feel like
it but then the sauce looks entirely different .
dominique from paris

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Re: [lace-chat] Closet survey

2004-01-25 Thread Liz Beecher
I was going to answer this like Jean has done until I got to question 3 
- do they face right or left - my clothes all face forward.

Am I being surpressed by my parents because of their closet arrangements?


Jean Nathan wrote:

 > I maintain the closets.
 > 1.  Do you know the direction your garments
 > (jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  "face" without looking in the closet?
 > (Y/N)
 > Yes
 > 2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
 > If not, go to question 6
 > Yes
 > 3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)
 > Left

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[lace-chat] Closet survey.

2004-01-25 Thread Shirley Meier
1.  Do you know the direction your garments
(jackets/coats/blouses/shirts)  “face” without looking in the closet?  (Y/N)

2.  Do all the garments face the same direction? (Y/N)
If not, go to question 6

3.  Do they face right or left? (R/L)

4.  Are you male or female? (M/F)

5.  Are you right-handed or left-handed? (R/L)
Right handed

6.  Is there any particular reason you hang them this way as
opposed to

Shirley in Corio, Oz.

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