[lace-chat] Re: [lace] November Secret Pal packages

2004-11-25 Thread DonLynn
Brenda, the postal problem is more likely for overseas travel. I sent a 
small package containing a Scottish tartan scarf and pin for my nephew's 
wedding in Canada and allowed 3 weeks for posting as it rarely  takes more 
than 6 days.  Of course it arrived there 3 days after the wedding.  Noelene 
sent me my copy of Tamara's lace book and I received it less than 24 hours 
later in another city.  Great book by the way Tamara, I hate tallies, but it 
will be good to practice them with the wire lace.  Wire tallies I can 
manage, I can just imagine those snowflakes in silver thread hanging from my 
Christmas tree.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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[lace-chat] Re: ice-cream (lace-chat)

2004-11-19 Thread DonLynn
Helene wrote:  It was beautiful, but I can get those metal
containers anymore, they're all plastic now, and the inside stays where it
is. Maybe I could try icecream cubes?
No need for any magic containers, just pick up a chap plastic container that 
holds two litres from the grocery store, put the mixture in and forget about 
it.  I did put it in my bunny face muffin tins once, that was an interesting 
challenge getting it out, I think if I put plastic wrap in first then the 
ice cream I might have more success.  It takes more time to get the mixer 
out and then clean it than it takes to make this lovely rich stuff - yummy. 
Of course the big decision is always who gets to clean out the bowl, the DH 
or our enormous always looking for food old english sheepdog.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Something to think about

2004-11-17 Thread DonLynn
Thanks Lousie for quoting the Flanders Field poem, as a Canadian Air Force 
brat I knew it off by heart at one time, its good to see it in the whole 
once more.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Yogurt makers/Ice cream makers

2004-11-17 Thread DonLynn
As Peter hasn't responded with his wife's lovely icecream recipe (probably 
working night shift) I will.  It is the easiest recipe, they saw it on some 
lifestyle show on "cable".

Take 600 ml of pure cream (please don't ask conversions I don't know, 
probably a pint)
whip it up, then add one can sweetened condensed milk (you can use the 
skim), just make sure you don't beat it into butter
then flavourings, then chuck it in a suitable size container and freeze. 
Easy as that.

As it is really rich and contains no junk, just cream and sugar, you don't 
need much to satisfy the cravings, so in the end it is less fattening.

Fold in three large sized Violet Crumble bars (Crunchies)
Or a big bag of Maltesers crushed
Also using the Nestle's Coffee and Milk (which is coffee flavoured sweetened 
condensed milk) instead and adding crushed chocolate covered coffee beans - 
yummy - but not something to eat late at night if you are sensitive to 
I have also folded in tinned fruit puree (Mango) so that I get Mango Ripple
And the DH's favourite, shaved Cadbury's chocolate and a packet of Chocolate 
Mousse Mix

You get the picture, let your imagination be your guide, the possibilities 
are endless.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] blanc mange

2004-11-17 Thread DonLynn
When my mother made tapioca pudding, we used to tell my sister it was worm 
egg pudding so she would go away and we could have her share.
Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] icecream makers(lace-chat)

2004-11-16 Thread DonLynn
Peter, I believe this calls for your input with that fantastic ice cream 
your wife makes - yummy - no machine, no fuss but plenty of flavour.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: International Money Transfer Question

2004-11-05 Thread DonLynn
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] Re: International Money Transfer Question
Well some of you Canadians, you must have a great bank.  I still have my 
Royal Bank Visa account and transfer monies in Canadian currency from my 
Australian account.  Not only do I get charged here for the transfer, I also 
get a $10 charge from Royal Bank.  Perhaps I will just send them a cheque 
from my bank account, I could save $40.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] opened parcels and mail in general

2004-10-25 Thread DonLynn
I too had a parcel sent from Martha Pullen's Sew Beautiful magazine opened 
with a customs brochure put in to "assure" me that it was a legal search. 
The package contained a soft cover book and some ribbon, I wonder just what 
the customs beagle was smelling that require such inspection.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] The Bill

2004-10-19 Thread DonLynn
My elderly in-laws loved the Bill but are also fed up with the overemphasis 
of sex, etc., in the story lines, they too would love to see more police 
action that doesn't involve the bedroom.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, Australia 

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Re: [lace-chat] Earthquake

2003-12-03 Thread donlynn
I agree with Noelene's son's statement about the round house.  It would just
about take a nuclear blast to move that wonderful place.  Sure do miss
popping in for a "T&P" on our way to Canberra.

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, where we finally have sunshine and I have about 10
loads of washing to do today.

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Re: [lace-chat] Red shoes

2003-12-02 Thread donlynn
My version of red shoes was a pair of hot pink patent leather heels with
pointy toes.  I got them for my graduation from Grade 8 (something they do
in Ontario Canada).  The first time I wore them was on a school trip to the
Science Centre in Toronto.  I took them off to have a nap and when I woke
was told one of the boys had thrown them out the bus window, so I didn't
even get to wear them for grad.

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, where it is still raining.

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Re: [lace-chat] Using mobile phones in the car

2003-12-02 Thread donlynn
We too are getting lots of lovely soaking rain, about 8 days in the last 11.
This is one time when I really miss one particular North American product -
a big dryer, this putzy little Aussie one only dries the smalls.  I need a
day of sunshine when I am home to get some laundry done.

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, where we are getting lots of rain, but the dams
are still too empty.

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Handicap parking/driving

2003-11-18 Thread donlynn
My FIL and I both have stickers on our vehicle.  Now that my foot has been
somewhat repaired I only use the spot if I have the FIL with me.  Before the
foot was fixed I could barely walk 200m, which is one quarter of a grocery
store.  My FIL, who is 90, has to be reminded what the speed limit is so
that he slows down and keeps to the limit.  It is pretty unusual considering
he also wears an old bloke's hat., which is almost a sure sign of slowness.
Go figure.

Lynn in Wollongong

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Re: [lace-chat] Bush's visit

2003-11-16 Thread donlynn
Ah yes, but Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Man, had a nice private chat with Mr.
Bush so perhaps it depended somewhat on who (or is that whom) Bush wanted

I do remember in the early 80's when the Nato leaders came to town all the
US secret service agents were lurking everwhere.  I don't know if it was
done on purpose to embarrass them or was an oversight, but the powers that
be neglected to inform the secret service about the noon cannon on Citadel
Hill.  It was quite a funny sight to see all these men pull out their guns
and take a very quick survey of their surrounds when the cannon blasted its
daily announcement..  Were you there at the time Margot?

Lynn Scott in Wollongong

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Re: [lace-chat] Gregorian chants

2003-11-14 Thread donlynn
Both the DH and I love purple, or should I say I love it and he tolerates it
around the house.  I painted one wall of our place in Cobargo Dulcet Violet,
which is the colour of traditonal African Violets.  It was really quite
stricking with the cathedral ceiling and the other walls painted a bone
As for Gregorian chants, my boss in Calgary Canada was in a Gregorian choir,
he used to practice in his office while working, it certainly didn't relax
me, and the reason he practiced in his office, his wife wouldn't let him do
it at home.  So just who does it help relax?

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, where it is finally getting really hot, summer is
coming at last, but still not enough rain.

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Wallabies

2003-11-13 Thread donlynn
Well the Wallabies in the forest of France has hit the local news.  It was
just shown as a highlighted story for tonight's edition.  Perhaps they
include a few of the now almost extinct species missing from the bush.  I
wonder if the Australian government would allow them to emigrate back to
their homeland.

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, Australia

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Re: [lace-chat] Left/right/north/south

2003-11-13 Thread donlynn
Noelene, I so agree with your description of Canberra, with all the
communities hidden in valleys, it is almost impossible to get your bearings,
it amazes me that we can head your way "thru the city" and never actually
see Canberra.
Lynn Scott in Wollongong, saying hooray for sunshine I have heaps of laundry
to hang.

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Re: [lace-chat] east-west

2003-11-11 Thread donlynn
Rose-Marie, could be that being surrounded there is no definitive place to
base direction, for instance, if I can see where Keira Mountain is I know
which way is west.  Where you are every direction has mountains, so there is
no starting point.

Just my confused in the southern hemisphere two cents worth, however, since
there are no pennies here, I suppose that would be my five cents worth.

Lynn Scott in Wollongong

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Left, right

2003-11-11 Thread donlynn
Ruth said:> In our family, it's a case of "which country are we in?"   I'm
> although I've lived here in Australia for many, many years.  I have no
> navigating when we go home, but my Australian husband cannot cope at all.

I have the same problem, I had no trouble navigating London, England, Tokyo
or even Hong Kong, but I still get lost in Wollongong, and its a city of
less than 200,000, go figure, I thought it was just me, glad to know others
have the same problem.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong

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Re: [lace-chat] Fwd: Right? Left? Accident prone

2003-11-11 Thread donlynn
Thanks Tamara for that, makes me feel better about my awkwardness.  It
doesn't help that I had a left brain tumour, which works the right side, so
now when I think I have hold of something in my right hand because my brain
tells me, the sound of breaking china tells me I don't.  It has been years
since the tumour, and I have learned to compensate, but let's just say I
have a real affection for super glue, and anyone looking at my treasures
would be hard pressed to find something that isn't glued somewhere.

Lynn Scott, in Wollongong, where the battle continues between my wanting the
computer mouse on the left, and its continual mysterious move to the right.

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Re: [lace-chat] Right? Left?

2003-11-07 Thread donlynn
As someone who was "convinced" by the use of a wooden stick to become
righthanded, I still have trouble deciding which hand to use.  I wear my
watch on my right hand, not the left, mostly write with my right hand,
although I can use my left hand.  My kindergarten version of revenge on the
teachers and my father, who insisted I change hands, was to learn to write
upside down and backwards, something I am still quite adept at 45 years on.
I have always been a bit accident prone, which studies have shown is
attributable to a forced change.

It has its advantages tho, as when I injured my right hand I was able to
continue on with work, writing, and hobbies with my left, my nephew refers
to it as being "handbedextrous".

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, where I am finally seeing an end to unpacking,
where I am discovering the real disadvantage to being "creative" is all the
stuff that has to be moved around and rearranged.

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Re: [lace-chat] Advise needed

2003-10-22 Thread donlynn
I agree with Ruth .  My mom tried to bring me a Betty Crocker Angel Food
Cake Mix and it was confiscated because of the egg whites, however, they let
her keep the Sheriff Lemon Pie Filling, go figure.  I had no trouble with my
tins of Maple Syrup last year, but DEFINITELY DECLARE, those beagles are
pretty good and sniffing out the goodies.  When the DH and I married here 10
years ago we had no trouble sending the cake to Canada with some of the
guests, but I wouldn't have bothered the other way around, a waste of good

Good luck, Lynn Scott in Wollongong

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Re: [lace-chat] yodelling joke

2003-09-08 Thread donlynn
I'm sorry, I never did myself in laughing so hard with bronchitis, not the
kind of joke to weird during a coughing fit.  I learned to yodel from my
grandmother almost before I could string sentences together.  She was a
great Slim Whitman fan and that is the music I heard most.  This joke
brought back so many fond memories of her as she had her own version of the
story which she used to yodel, of course I too young to understand.  Thanks
so much Janice for brightening my day, even as it sent me spinning with

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, Australia

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Re: [lace-chat] Broadband

2003-08-28 Thread donlynn
Broadband is available from Telstra.  You buy the install it yourself kit
from Harvey Norma for $129, and then connect up with Telstra.  Depending on
the amount of access to your internet you want the prices vary.  I believe
there is a minimum contract period of 18 months.  Hope that helps.

Lynn Scott, Wollongong, NSW

wrote: > I am hoping I can get some
> information about broadband in Australia.

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Re: [lace-chat] moose whistles???

2003-08-26 Thread donlynn
Last September when I was in New Brunswick Canada on the way to Halifax Nova
Scotia with my mom, we came upon the scene of an accident just after dawn
where a four wheel drive and a moose had just collided.  We didn't hear how
the driver did, but neither the moose nor the vehicle survived the
encounter.  We were very glad we had decided upon a second cup of coffee
before hitting the road.

Lynn Scott in Wollongong, where we are getting some much needed rain.

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Re: [lace-chat] roo whistles?

2003-08-26 Thread donlynn
When we were living down the coast and therefore commuting at all hours, we
stayed late in Wollongong one night to see Cliff Richard in concert and left
afterwards.  That made it about 3am when we got down near Cobargo and the
highway was "jumping" with upteen roos, 3 wombats, wallabies, etc.  Don
managed to avoid all but one roo, who decided to rearrange the side of the
car while he was avoiding another.  Needless to say our car was redecorated
a bit and the roo lost its head.  Had we been continuing to live down there,
a roo whistle was on the agenda as it was a very frightening experience and
one we could all do without again.

Lynn Scott back in Wollongong

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