Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2019-01-09 Thread Martin Frb via lazarus

On 09/01/2019 11:20, Joost van der Sluis via lazarus wrote:

Op 09-01-19 om 09:40 schreef Dennis via lazarus:

When I tried to debug with fpdebug, it asked me

Which one should I choose?

I saw this screen also, and was quite confused. As far as I know fpc 
uses Dwarf as default now. But Martin probably had a reason to add this.

Fpc 3.0.4 with -g on win 32bit => stabs

The IDE makes no assumption what -g means. So it asks. It also asks, if 
you have no debug info switched on at all. (Despite that is only the 
project, and packages might have dbg info...)

Select -gw3. It basically means that the compiler is allowed to use 
Dwarf-3 specific functions. (In practice: proper string indexing, so 
1-based instead of 0-based.) Older versions of Gdb did not handle 
those properly.
New versions of gdb still crash with PAnsiString under dwarf3 (But that  
is gdb and off topic)

Otoh, it could be that Martin added work-arounds for the string issues 
with Dwarf-2. But this all has to be tested. ;)

Only for cases that can be detected => that is short string
AnsiString are handled as pchar => #0 terminated  (there is on diff in 
the dbg info, so not possible to determine)

AnsiString[n] returns 2 results: 0 and 1 based

So I would say, use the newest version, Dwarf 3, -gw3.

Yes Dwarf 3 is recommended for fpdebug (You also get the benefit of 
identifiers NOT being all uppercased)

A few notes:

Evaluating of local var and param while paused on procedure/function 
begin or end line may cause crashes. (especially with Dwarf 3)

This applies to Locals/Watches/Evaluate/... views.
Currently the problem is know for variable len type data (string/dyn 
array), including structures containing such types.

A *workaround *(for currently known cases) is present. (r59895)

(Any Dwarf version) Strings and Arrays are limited to a max len of 5000 
/ 3000. Currently this is not configurable. Sometimes less. Nested 
arrays are limited to just the first few items.
This is partly an "out of mem" protection, and also a limit needed by 
the lldb-fp debugger for Mac (reading huge mem takes long time)

PChar, WideStrings, (maybe AnsiString in Dwarf 2) may be cut off, even 
if below there max len limit. The Debugger sees WideString as PWideCHar 
and has to guess how far to look for the terminating #0. The guess is 
adjusted in steps, and may miss the correct len

=> For WideString fpc does not yet use the dwarf3 encoding with length.

With Dwarf 2 all strings are #0 terminated (strings are pchar). Except 
shortstring, which are encoded as record, but recognized by fpdebug and 
displayed correctly.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2019-01-09 Thread Joost van der Sluis via lazarus

Op 09-01-19 om 09:40 schreef Dennis via lazarus:

Joost van der Sluis via lazarus wrote:

Op 22-11-18 om 11:00 schreef Santiago A. via lazarus:

I would like to fiddle a little with FPdebug, but I'm a little 
confused. I have lazarus 1.8.4 on window 7 32 bits

I have installed the next packages

FpDebug 0.0

- Once you have installed lazdebuggerfp you have to go to the 
IDE-options. (not the package or project options, but the IDE-options)

- Then select 'Debugger' on the left
- Select 'FpDebug internal Dwarf-debugger (beta)' on the right

I downloaded Lazarus 2.1 with FPC 3.0.4 win 64 bit.

When I tried to debug with fpdebug, it asked me

Which one should I choose?

I saw this screen also, and was quite confused. As far as I know fpc 
uses Dwarf as default now. But Martin probably had a reason to add this.

Select -gw3. It basically means that the compiler is allowed to use 
Dwarf-3 specific functions. (In practice: proper string indexing, so 
1-based instead of 0-based.) Older versions of Gdb did not handle those 

Otoh, it could be that Martin added work-arounds for the string issues 
with Dwarf-2. But this all has to be tested. ;)

So I would say, use the newest version, Dwarf 3, -gw3.


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2019-01-09 Thread Dennis via lazarus

Joost van der Sluis via lazarus wrote:

Op 22-11-18 om 11:00 schreef Santiago A. via lazarus:

I would like to fiddle a little with FPdebug, but I'm a little 
confused. I have lazarus 1.8.4 on window 7 32 bits

I have installed the next packages

FpDebug 0.0

- Once you have installed lazdebuggerfp you have to go to the 
IDE-options. (not the package or project options, but the IDE-options)

- Then select 'Debugger' on the left
- Select 'FpDebug internal Dwarf-debugger (beta)' on the right

I downloaded Lazarus 2.1 with FPC 3.0.4 win 64 bit.

When I tried to debug with fpdebug, it asked me

Which one should I choose?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2019-01-01 Thread Dennis via lazarus

Martin Frb via lazarus wrote:

On 01/01/2019 11:08, Dennis via lazarus wrote:

I am using Lazarus 1.9.0, FPC 3.1.1

You need either 2.1 or fixes 2.0

It works for me.

I do not remember that it did not add it... but I know it did not 
ignore the ones that had been added. revision 59655

Anyway it works in latest trunk.

It is fine if it has been fixed.
By the way, I want to express my gratitude toward fpDebug. It is so much 
faster than GDB and the inline variable inspection seems to work better 
as well.

Good jobs guys.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2019-01-01 Thread Martin Frb via lazarus

On 01/01/2019 11:08, Dennis via lazarus wrote:

I am using Lazarus 1.9.0, FPC 3.1.1

You need either 2.1 or fixes 2.0

It works for me.

I do not remember that it did not add it... but I know it did not ignore 
the ones that had been added. revision 59655

Anyway it works in latest trunk.

I am testing fpDebug.

When there an exception is raised during debug, the following dialog 
popped up.
I tried to click the "Ignore this exception type" then then click 
but the debugger does not add the exception to the Language Exception 
list, so it keeps stopping at this exception type.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2019-01-01 Thread Dennis via lazarus

I am using Lazarus 1.9.0, FPC 3.1.1
I am testing fpDebug.

When there an exception is raised during debug, the following dialog 
popped up.

I tried to click the "Ignore this exception type" then then click 'continue'
but the debugger does not add the exception to the Language Exception 
list, so it keeps stopping at this exception type.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2018-11-22 Thread Martin Frb via lazarus

On 22/11/2018 16:08, Santiago A. via lazarus wrote:

By the way, I see "FpDebug internal Dwarf-debugger (alpha)". An 
(Alpha) version, not (beta) version as you said. Is there a newer 
version, a (beta), or did you mean (alpha)?

As part of Lazarus 2.0RC it is beta.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2018-11-22 Thread Santiago A. via lazarus

El 22/11/18 a las 11:08, Joost van der Sluis via lazarus escribió:

Op 22-11-18 om 11:00 schreef Santiago A. via lazarus:

I would like to fiddle a little with FPdebug, but I'm a little 
confused. I have lazarus 1.8.4 on window 7 32 bits

I have installed the next packages

FpDebug 0.0

- Once you have installed lazdebuggerfp you have to go to the 
IDE-options. (not the package or project options, but the IDE-options)

- Then select 'Debugger' on the left
- Select 'FpDebug internal Dwarf-debugger (beta)' on the right

Then you're done. Note that you have to select an executable, but this 
executable is never used by FpDebug, so you can leave it on 'gdb'.

Ok. Thanks. I was puzzled looking for a FpDebug Executable.

By the way, I see "FpDebug internal Dwarf-debugger (alpha)". An (Alpha) 
version, not (beta) version as you said. Is there a newer version, a 
(beta), or did you mean (alpha)?


Santiago A.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Trying FPDebug

2018-11-22 Thread Joost van der Sluis via lazarus

Op 22-11-18 om 11:00 schreef Santiago A. via lazarus:

I would like to fiddle a little with FPdebug, but I'm a little confused. 
I have lazarus 1.8.4 on window 7 32 bits

I have installed the next packages

FpDebug 0.0

- Once you have installed lazdebuggerfp you have to go to the 
IDE-options. (not the package or project options, but the IDE-options)

- Then select 'Debugger' on the left
- Select 'FpDebug internal Dwarf-debugger (beta)' on the right

Then you're done. Note that you have to select an executable, but this 
executable is never used by FpDebug, so you can leave it on 'gdb'.


lazarus mailing list