Re: [Lazarus] Name Free Pascal Compiler Lazarus

2010-02-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 12:37:57PM +0200, Juha Manninen wrote:
 Even Delphi changed the language name from Object Pascal to Delphi, for 
 marketing reasons and to avoid confusion.

It was mostly for trademark reasons I think, since Object Pascal is not 
easily trademarked (since there was an ISO trajectory for it)

 Both Free Pascal Compiler and Lazarus are less known than Delphi and the
 name beast Free Pascal Compiler  Lazarus is confusing, really.

so are other combined systems, like ruby and rails. 

 Now I also realize how outdated the word Free in Free Pascal Compiler
 is.  In marketing sense it is not a good name.

If you want to argue marketing, then first take a step back, and define
current audience and the audience you want.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Name Free Pascal Compiler Lazarus

2010-02-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 12:23:18AM +0200, Reenen Laurie wrote:
 I don't think that changing the name is likely, but just a couple of things
 to take into consideration:
 1) Currently searching Lazarus gives you the no 1 hit on google
 (admittedly on Yahoo and Bing this application doesn't reach page 1)
 2) Big legacy... ?

The last two years, nearly all Delphi devels I meet know FPC and Lazarus.

And, as an audience, they are way more important than Ruby-converts.

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Name Free Pascal Compiler Lazarus

2010-02-04 Thread Juha Manninen
This mail was buried in another thread so I lifted it here.

In a marketing sense the name Free Pascal Compiler  Lazarus is really poor.
There could be a new name covering both these projects. Free Pascal Compiler 
and Lazarus would be its sub-projects. That would be in marketing sense only, 
it wouldn't affect the the development process anyhow.

Even Delphi changed the language name from Object Pascal to Delphi, for 
marketing reasons and to avoid confusion.
Both Free Pascal Compiler and Lazarus are less known than Delphi and the name 
beast Free Pascal Compiler  Lazarus is confusing, really.

Now I also realize how outdated the word Free in Free Pascal Compiler is. 
In marketing sense it is not a good name.

Juha Manninen


Paul van Helden wrote:
 Martin wrote:
 I don't see why changing the name. Any Name except for Pascal 
 RAD-IDE needs branding = users have to learn to associate it with a 
 pascal RAD-IDE.

 Well, perhaps there are other people that are having the same experience 
 as myself: When people ask me what I use for developing my software the 
 answer is usually Free Pascal  Lazarus. The response is aways a 
 puzzled look or a pause on the other end of the phone line, but my 
 concern is that it doesn't even sound cool. A puzzled+mildly_impressed 
 look would be so much better than a puzzled+what_is_this_guy_smoking? 
 look. There are so many cool sounding programming languages out there, 
 like Python or Ruby on Rails (check their website for a simple and 
 to-the-point extremely newbie friendly home page: When you say Free Pascal  Lazarus, someone 
 who knows a little about computer science will immediately think of an 
 old teaching language that nobody uses (well, that's what they think) 
 but the rest would have forgotten the word Pascal whilst digesting the 
 word Lazarus. Hmmm, wasn't that some dude mentioned in the Bible?. 
 The symbology of some project raised from the dead will be lost on 
 most people, I think, and perhaps that is a good thing. Who cares if the 
 project was once dead? What matters is that it is now an incredibly 
 lively project! Besides, there might be many people in this community 
 who objects to that part of written history...

 Perhaps my problem is with the separation of the IDE and the language. I 
 don't say Object Pascal  Delphi. The word Delphi serves as a 
 complete description to those who know what it is, while sounding mildly 
 cool to those who don't have a clue. (In fact, it seems many people who 
 have heard of both Delphi and VB think that the former is some kind of 
 clone of the latter!). People who don't know much about Delphi, don't 
 associate it with Pascal, they just have this vague idea that it is that 
 VB-like thing that is a bit cooler and can create apps faster. Then also 
 the word Free. Aren't nearly all (cool) programming languages free? In 
 English, as you know, it is unfortunate that free is used more in the 
 beer context than in the speech context. It simply doesn't sound cool 
 anymore. Furthermore, I don't think the current $modes supported by FPC 
 can be called Pascal anymore. They are far removed Pascal-like dialects, 
 a bit like Afrikaans that originated from Dutch, 300 years ago, and used 
 to be called Kitchen Dutch. That might as well have been Free 
 Dutch... At least Object Pascal implies that the original Pascal 
 language was heavily modified. Free implies no such thing.

 Why this heavy emphasis on exterior appearances (ie. being cool)? all 
 the uber geeks might ask. It is important because most decision makers, 
 clients and users are not geeks. These people need to feel good about 
 the money they are spending. I believe a large part of Oracle's success 
 can be attributed to the really cool name. (What an amazingly cool name 
 for such a c...@p database, and don't tell me Delphi wasn't inspired by 
 Oracle). Just look around you and see all the billboards with pretty 
 people on them. This is the society we live in, like it or not. I don't, 
 but if we want to be anti-establishment, why not just change the name to 
 something really horrible and spell it with all small caps.. like 
 git. (ouch)

 Just my 2c :-)

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Name Free Pascal Compiler Lazarus

2010-02-04 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
Juha Manninen wrote:
 Even Delphi changed the language name from Object Pascal to Delphi, for 
 marketing reasons and to avoid confusion.

I personally hated this change and it was very confusing in Kylix
documentation. Everybody knew delphi as the IDE, then in Kylix there was
references to delphi too, but that was a Windows product whereas Kylix is
a Linux project. Bla, bla, bla... you get the point.

Please don't do the same thing as Borland did. Keep the language that Free
Pascal uses as object pascal.

As for the combined name Free Pascal Compiler  Lazarus - personally that
is not confusing at all to me. After all, they are separate projects. With
a little (some) effort, who knows, maybe Lazarus IDE could use the new
cross-platform compiler that Embarcadero is going to release in the future
and FPC.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Name Free Pascal Compiler Lazarus

2010-02-04 Thread Reenen Laurie

I use Rhino IDE and Cheetah compiler  - Though the compiler should stay
FPC...  (just FPC?)  Years from now ppl will know that the F is for
Friendly. :-D

I don't think that changing the name is likely, but just a couple of things
to take into consideration:
1) Currently searching Lazarus gives you the no 1 hit on google
(admittedly on Yahoo and Bing this application doesn't reach page 1)
2) Big legacy... ?


Btw... with 2.4 out, new Laz on its way?
Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Name Free Pascal Compiler Lazarus

2010-02-04 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

I don't think we will be changing the name. There are already at least
3 books using the name Free Pascal and shortly there will also be
one using the name Lazarus.

Google also gives me first hit for Lazarus to

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

Lazarus mailing list