Re: Build with jemalloc

2013-09-01 Thread NOKUBI Takatsugu
Thanks for you reply.

On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:20:04 +0200
Michael Stahl  wrote:

> although as far as i vaguely remember the really "bad" system memory
> allocators are in Windows XP and earlier; the Vista and newer allocators
> are said to be much better.

It is a interesting things. I tried to watch memory usage on XP and 7,
And the output is a little different.

> and i would suspect if LibreOffice requires more memory than MS Office
> it is most likely not because of the memory allocator but because of
> sub-optimal data structures in the application cores (plus some constant
> overhead because LibreOffice is portable and thus needs more platform
> abstraction layers).

>From my inspection, VCL calls quite many malloc/free pair (in the face,
new() call of some objects). UI compornent on LibreOffice supported
many platform, so it woud be unavoidable.

> i don't know why this does not work for the specific case of
> soffice.bin, because i don't know what symbols are in the extra
> libraries you link.  perhaps there are different calling conventions in
> the jemalloc library and the soffice.bin objects or something like that,
> so it still picks up the allocator symbols from msvcrt.lib.

Thank you your comment. I tested building avery small program with jemalloc,
and it seems fine. So I check build related things again.

> this does not work on Windows because DLLs do not have a global symbol
> namespace, their namespace is local to each DLL.  and every DLL knows
> not only the name of an imported symbol, but also which other DLL it is
> imported from.  so i think what you would need to do to replace the
> memory allocator on Windows is to link _every_ DLL and executable
> against your custom allocator.

Actually, I also tried to modify another link commands, almost passed
the build but cli_maker was not.

> oh, and for quite a lot of classes in the code base a custom memory
> allocator is used anyway due to overloading operator new for the
> particular class, see include/tools/mempool.hxx and the underlying
> rtl_cache API in include/rtl/alloc.h.  this implements a SLAB like
> allocator which is used for the most-used classes and should be quite
> efficient and reduce the fragmentation considerably.

Sounds good. 

So I understand that LibreOffice supports jemalloc in many Unix-like
systems but Windows is not. And many classes are used internal memory
allocator on Unicos and Windows.
Is this right?
LibreOffice mailing list

Build with jemalloc

2013-08-30 Thread NOKUBI Takatsugu
Does anyone tried to build LibreOffice with jemallc?

I tried to use LibreOffice on Windows environment, and it required too much 
memory rather than Microsoft Office.

So I tryied to inspect memory usage with Microsoft Performance Analyzer.

I can find many malloc/free and new/delete pair, so I suspect possibility of 
heap memory fragmantation.

Then I tried to build with jemalloc, a famous memory allocator.

I modified desktop/ like the following:
$(eval $(call gb_Executable_add_ldflags,soffice_bin,\
/STACK:1000 \
'c:\cygwin\libo\jemalloc\jemalloc_s.lib' \
'c:\cygwin\libo\jemalloc\libgcc.a' \
'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\lib\msvcrt.lib' \
'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\lib\libcmt.lib' \


(it’s a dirty hack)

So gbuild invoked the following command (a little bit long):

S=C:/cygwin/libo && O=C:/cygwin/opt/lo/build2/solver/ && 
W=C:/cygwin/opt/lo/build2/workdir/ &&  
mkdir -p $W/LinkTarget/Executable/ && 
rm -f $W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe && 
RESPONSEFILE=C:/cygwin/tmp/gbuild.ThJJlZ &&  
unset INCLUDE &&  
link   -release -opt:noref -incremental:no -debug -nxcompat -dynamicbase 
-manifest  -SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,5.01-LIBPATH:$O/lib 
'c:\cygwin\libo\jemalloc\jemalloc_s.lib' 'c:\cygwin\libo\jemalloc\libgcc.a' 
'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\lib\msvcrt.lib' 
'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\lib\libcmt.lib'  
@${RESPONSEFILE} isal.lib isofficeapp.lib iuwinapi.lib ooopathutils.lib 
winextendloaderenv.lib  advapi32.lib  user32.lib 
-out:$W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe; RC=$?; rm ${RESPONSEFILE}   && 
if [ -f $W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe.manifest ]; then mt.exe  
-nologo -manifest $W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe.manifest
 outputresource:$W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe\;1 &&
 touch -r $W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe
 W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe.manifest; fi &&
 if [ -f $S/solenv/inc/DeclareDPIAware.manifest ]; then 
mt.exe  -nologo -manifest $S/solenv/inc/DeclareDPIAware.manifest 
-updateresource:$W/LinkTarget/Executable/soffice_bin.exe\;1 ;
 fi  ; exit $RC

I thknk it seems fine, but the output binary hadn’t have static jemalloc code.

Does anyone tried same thing? 
Or how can I build LibreOffice with jemalloc static library?

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