Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-13 Thread Greg London

Michael Beck wrote:
> Some people believe that when you subclass a new class, 
> you are creating a "derivative work" in the copyright sense, 
> especially when you override existing methods. 

> The scary scenario is that somebody will inherit a
> class, make some modifications to it, and then claim 
> that since it's not a "derivative work", 
> s/he doesn't have to publish it, 
> and the new class is his own proprietary code.


interesting fear you've got there.

first of all, you're mixing USE (inherit)
with MODIFY. A derived class is not a modification
of the original.

say Alice writes a class, "AlicesRestaurant", which 
does whatever it does, and it contains
a method called "pretty_print"

sub pretty_print
print "$line_number $text \n";

Bob comes along, inherits from the 
class AlicesRestaurant, and does this
solely for the purpose of overriding the
pretty_print method.

sub pretty_print
# 5,000 lines of code

And your fear is that Bob will claim 
that his pretty_print code is proprietary.

that's an interesting fear you've got there.

Just what, exactly, did Alice do that allows
her to claim Bob's 5000 lines of code as
derived work? I'll emphasize the word WORK,
in this case, since Alice didn't do a damn
thing to create those 5000 lines of code.

"well, she wrote the original method,
and Bob overrode the method by writing
a method of the same name."

Is using the same method name
"pretty_printer" the same as using
the name "Luke Skywalker" in a novel?

if I write a sci-fi epic about 
Luke Skywalker, Han-Solo, and Princess Leia,
without first getting Lucas's approval,
I'd be in hot water.

this is basically how you're looking at class
inheritance. And I don't think it applies.

Good God, I hope not. 

If you accept this premise, then it
is impossible to use anyone's code
without it being a derived work.

"USE" and "DERIVED WORKS" become collapsed.
Any USE becomes a DERIVED WORK.

Alice's pretty_print method is simply
an interesting plot twist in an entire novel. 

The butler did it.

you can still have an endless supply
of mystery novels where the butler did it,
and not infringe on each other.
They just do it in different ways.

Bob's pretty_print method is the same
plot twist, but he implements it in 
a completely independent way.

Alice should probably be reminded that
she saw code in textbooks at school that 
contained pretty_print methods of their
own. So, by her own standards, her
code is actually a derived work of
someone else's.

By her premise, all fiction is derived
from ancient greek mythology,

and all source code is derived from 
Ada Lovelace.

Alice needs to chill out a bit.
Not all code flows from her.


Greg "There is nothing new under the sun" London
license-discuss archive is at

Re: binary restrictions?

2001-10-07 Thread Greg London

Steve Lhomme wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Greg London" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Steve Lhomme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 5:30 PM
> Subject: Re: binary restrictions?
> | Steve Lhomme wrote:
> | > | A binary is a derived work.
> | >
> | > Are you sure of that ? When you compile
> | > you USE the code not MODIFY it.
> | > There's no derivation. Otherwise using
> | > a software and changing the default
> | > settings would be a derived work...
> |

> |
> | converting source code to binary is in
> | effect a *translation* from one language
> | to another.
> That makes good sense. But in this case, 
> why is their different rules for
> source code and binary versions of a 
> work in most open-source licenses ? I
> mean if it's a derived work, the rules 
> applied are the same one of a derived
> work.

whoah, wait, there are not different LAWS
for open source software versus novels.
They both follow copyright law.
The original question was whether or not
compiling source code was "USE" or 
"DERIVED WORK" in the eyes of the LAW.

Which is a separate issue from why
open source LICENSES treat source code
and binaries differently.

The LAW says the copyright holder retains
all rights to derived works. Compiling is
a derived work. Therefore LICENSES do not
have to grant rights to binaries. 

why open source licenses treat them differently
is a separate issue. But the original question
basically was whether or not a software author
has the right to restrict binaries in the first 

I think copyright law says authors are given
the right to control binary versions of their
source code.

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Re: binary restrictions?

2001-10-07 Thread Greg London

Steve Lhomme wrote:
> | A binary is a derived work.
> Are you sure of that ? When you compile 
> you USE the code not MODIFY it.
> There's no derivation. Otherwise using 
> a software and changing the default
> settings would be a derived work...

source code is text that follows the
rules of grammar for a particular language
(C, C++, Perl, Java, Python, etc)

A binary is text that follows the rules of
grammar for a different language.
The symbols are different from English
alpha-numeric, the rules are different,
but it is a readable language, nonetheless.
(having debugged microcontroller machine 
code years ago, I can vouch for readability)

converting source code to binary is in 
effect a *translation* from one language
to another. 

I don't know which right of a copyright holder
affects translations, but my understanding is
that a book author handles foreign translations
of their book separately from the original work.
I don't know if it's because of the translation
(and therefore is a derived work), or if it's 
because it involves other national governments. 
I thought it was because the translation
was in effect a derived work or something.

any lawyer on the list who can clarify 
how translations are handled for book authors?

The only difference between book authors and
software authors is that software authors write
in a language that is defined rigidly enough that
a computer can do the translation automatically.

so, how the law applies to book translations
should be the way it applies to software
translations as well.

One could argue that translating source code
into machine code should fall under the
realm of fair use for software, but I don't 
know if this has any legal precedence.

imagine: Micro$oft open sourced their operating
system but said that compiling it is a 
translation and a right reserved by Micro$oft.
Charlie takes the code, compiles it anyway,
and distributes the binary, arguing that 
compiling is 'fair use'. Micro$oft sues.

I would have to side with Microsoft in this
hypothetical situation, because my understanding
is that translation falls under derived works.

It would be an interesting case to follow, for sure.

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Re: The Invisible Hand

2001-10-01 Thread Greg London

Everyone breath for a second.

My understanding of David's original post was
to assert that "open" and "free" were meaningless
distinctions. because of Adam Smith's 
notion of Invisible Hand, it didn't matter 
where you start, you end up at effectively
the same end point.  Therfore there is no
need to divide the community into factions.

What then flamed up was a debate that basically
highlighted the very rift that David spoke of.

The question is whether "open" and "free" are
effectively meaningless distinctions.

>From a legal standpoint, I think they are
meaningless. But not because of any invisible
hand coming in and mucking up the works.

You cannot create a license that says
"this work shall be open" or
"this work shall be free" and
have it have any concrete meaning in court.
At least not in the sense of "free" or "open"
we're talking about.

The only distinction that has any
real world effect is the wording of
the license, the rights granted to the
world by the copyright holder.

anything else has little real meaning.

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Re: The Invisible Hand

2001-10-01 Thread Greg London

"Free" is the right word for some people,
because free software is right for their situation.

"Open" is the right word for some people,
because open is right for their situation.

The conflict arises when people confuse 
"what is right for them" 
and mistakenly think they have figured out 
"what is right".

It is a common human condition that everyone
(including myself) suffers from occassionally.

The best I've come up with is to try and remind
the person that whatever 'truth' they've come
up with is not necessarily the best for everyone.

RedHat may be right for me.
Suse may be you're best choice.  
KDE versus Gnome, Xemacs versus vi,

And if I can't the person to acknowledge that
'vi' is not the best editor for everyone, 
at least I can walk away in peace, rather than
get wrapped up in a flame war.

I've gone through the decision making process,
and I've figured out what's best for my situation.
If they want to go off on some rant of 
righteousness, I don't have to waste my
time to listen.

I just have to remind myself in the midst of the emails...

Greg London

The Anti-Terrorism Act goes too far:

Stop the madness before it's too late:

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Re: books about free software & open source movement

2001-09-26 Thread Greg London

> Who can tell me which books about free software movement
> and open source movement are popular in America, or worth
> reading for those who are interested in these movements?
> Could you list about five books? Thanks.

I can tell you 1 offhand.  "Open Sources" by O'Reilly.
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Re: click, click, boom

2001-09-26 Thread Greg London

Rick Moen wrote:
> begin Greg London quotation:
> > If someone puts out a bunch of source code under the MIT license, and
> > the distro is OSI certifiable, there is nothing to prevent someone
> > else from redistributing it in binary form only. Their only "penalty"
> > is that they lose OSI certification.
> _Licences_ are OSD-certified.  Software is open-source or not, in
> accordance with its nature (including but not limited to licensing).

"The OSI Certified mark applies to software, not to licenses. "

Licenses can be "approved" by OSI, but that
does not guarantee certification on a piece of

> Do you have a point, or are you simply ruminating on the vagaries of
> power and influence?

point (1)
it is not clear by the OSI website that there is
a distinction between approved licenses
and certified software. You confused the
two above yourself.

someone who has a program they wish to license
could come to teh OSI website, do a quick readthrough,
and come away with the understanding that an approved
license will guarantee the OSD is legally enforced 
in the license.

With 26 licenses, some of them extremely long,
most people will not read all of them,nor understand
the implications of them. I skipped over to the
OSD, read that, and assumed that I could pick
any approved license, and the OSD would be enforced.

point (2)
This is at the root of the whole 
"yet another public license" discussion.

OSI has little incentive to approve YAPL,
since OSI's only contribution to open
source is through it's certification
of software. Approval of another license 
is independent of software certification.

programmers have little incentive to 
get OSI certification, because it does
little measurable for them. The only
thing that is concrete for the developer
is the wording of the license. Therefore
you get all these developers trying to 
get a slightly modified version of a 
license approved.

A developer submits a license to OSI and
says "none of teh currently approved licenses
do exactly what I want."

OSI (or at least a number of people on
this list) respond "you should just use
an already existing license and get certified"

Developers want certification, but they also
know enough that they want a legal license
that gives them what they want.

OSI will certify software under the MIT
license, which effectively means that OSI
will certify software licensed in such a 
way to give away all rights. So it is no
surprise that OSI isn't too concerned
about YAPL that splits some fine hairs
between this right and that right. 

OSI will certify something that licenses
away all rights. Why worry about whether
or not you can distribute changes in the
form of patches? The MIT license says you
can do ANYTHING.

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Re: click, click, boom

2001-09-25 Thread Greg London

Rick Moen wrote:
> begin Greg London quotation:
> Look, nobody's going to force-feed common sense 
> to people who don't want to read the OSD in the 
> spirit intended.  One has to find one's own.

If someone puts out a bunch of source code under
the MIT license, and the distro is OSI certifiable,
there is nothing to prevent someone else from
redistributing it in binary form only. Their only
"penalty" is that they lose OSI certification.

There is no legal enforcements in the MIT license
to require the source be included with the dist
or be made publicly available. And OSD certification
is not enforcable, it can only be revoked.

so, all I'm saying is that if someone looks at
the OSD and likes it, they can't just go and
pick any OSI approved license and have it give
legal enforcability of all the OSD bullets.

If I pick the MIT license, then OSD #2 is not 
enforcable. The OSI certification can only
be revoked. Other than revoking the certification,
I see no "teeth" to OSI certification. any
other disputes then drop down to the level
of the license, which may allow actions that
are against the OSD.

I don't care what the "spirit" of the OSD is.
You can force-feed all the common sense
you want about the spirit of the OSD.
But the OSD is not a license. And it is the
license that controls how a distribution may
be re-distributed. Other than the threat of 
revoking teh OSI certification mark from a 
distribution, OSI has no recourse to
enforce the "spirit of the OSD" if the 
license used in the distro allows said spirit
to be broken.

Unless there is some other implication of
enforcemnet to OSI certification that I am 
unaware of.

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click, click, boom

2001-09-25 Thread Greg London

Ah, several items just fell into place.

1) The OSD and the OSI approved licenses (AL)
are totally independent.

2) Some of the OSI AL's also happen to meet
the OSD definition, and some do not.
But OSI does not determine this.

3) OSI approved it's licenses not because
of how they measured against the OSD, 
but because they were simply the most common,
or someone requested it.

4) OSI certification requires that you 
A) license your software with an OSI approved license
B) distribute your software in a manner that
comlies with the OSD.

5) OSI certification does not mean your
license meets the OSD, but that your
software distribution meets the OSD.

6) You can use an OSI approved license and
not be OSI certified.

See, this clears up a -whole- lot of confusion.
I thought the OSD was somehow related to
the approved OSI licenses.

Instead, OSI approved its first four licenses 
simply because they were the most common.
The OSD is independent of the licenses.

Getting software off the net that uses an
OSI aproved license does not mean that
software is open source, in the OSD sense
of the term.

Rather, if you want to know if some software
off the net meets the definition of open source,
it must be OSI certified.

So, to put it in a nice little blurb
that could go somewhere on the OSI web page:
(probably the approved licenses page)

"Just because a license is approved
does not mean the license enforces the OSD.
However, to get OSI certified, a program
must be licensed under an OSI approved license.
If an OSI certified program is re-distributed
in manner that does not meet the OSD,
OSI's only recourse is to revoke certification.
Not all OSI approved licences require that
re-distributions meet the OSD. Choose your
license carefully."


Greg London
license-discuss archive is at

Re: OSD #2 (was Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad))

2001-09-25 Thread Greg London

Bruce Perens wrote:

> Both the MIT license and Public Domain 
> fit under both the
> OSD and RMS's definition of Free Software, 

is it possible to take GPL'ed code,
modify it, relicense it under
a proprietary license, and distribute
it only in binary form?

my understanding is it is not possible.
but MIT'ed code would allow this.

The 'bar' to meet GPL is pretty high.
The bar to satisfy the MIT license is on the ground.
The OSD is somewhere in between.

one can argue about RMS's definition
of free software, but his implementation
(the GPL license) set the bar a LOT
higher than MIT.

One could also argue that RMS's definition
is moot to OSI, since OSI has it's own
definition to follow.

> and to change the OSD to exclude them
> would be a travesty.

travesty smavesty.
I'm not saying exclude GPL. Never did.
I said GPL exceeds the minimum requirements
given by the OSD. I have no qualms with
GPL being OSI approved. You're not talking
to that which I am saying.

I am saying the MIT license does not meet OSD #2.
Since OSD #2 says 
"the program MUST include source code"
There is nothing in the MIT license to
guarantee OSD#2, so it fails to meet the

And OSD#2 requires this, because it uses
the word "MUST". I didn't put it there,
OSI did.

Therefore OSI should not have approved the MIT
license, since MIT does not satisfy this
requirement. OSI put the bar at a certain
height, and the MIT license limbo'ed right
under it.  

It isn't about it being a "travesty".
It's about whether or not OSI followed
its own definition.

If OSI certification gives absolutely
no guarantees about code licensed with
an OSI approved license, then OSI is 

YRMV=> Your Results May Vary
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Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad)

2001-09-25 Thread Greg London

David Johnson wrote:
> On Monday 24 September 2001 11:08 am, Greg London wrote:

> You err slightly in (B). It does not mean that
> the source code must be made equally available 
> to those without the binary.

you missed my following paragraph that said (paraphrasing)
:(B) somewhat implies public distribution
:but it is possible to distribute a binary
:and give a well publicized URL that requires
:a password to get the source.

> > One thing Bob can't do, according to OSD,
> > is fix a bug in Alice's code, send her a binary
> > that works, and taunt her, saying "I'll send
> > you the source for a million bucks."
> > Once Bob sends Alice a binary, he must make
> > the source available to her.

> In the case of the MIT license, Bob certainly 
> *can* charge Alice a million
> bucks for the source, but the license would 
> still be an Open Source license.

It seems to me that the MIT does not meet
item #2 of the OSD, then. The APSL goes 
above and beyond #2 requirements. But the
MIT license seems to fall short. 

OSD #2 seems to be setting a clear minimum
requirement that source code must be included
with any distribution, or be made publicly

looking at the MIT license, it seems to simply
waive all rights and throw in a No Warranty 

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Re: YAPL is bad (was: Re: Backlog assistance?)

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London

>This leads to a GPL-related issue 
>which is not clear to me: can
>redistribution of GPL code be 
>constrained by an employment agreement?
>That is, if company employees 
>make changes to GPL code, can the
>company forbid all employees from 
>distributing those changes?  I
>suspect that it can, as employment 
>agreements are permitted to
>constrain many varieties of free 
>speech, at least in the U.S.

the GPL and NDA's are orthogonal.
or, at the very least, they are
non-conflicting restrictions. 

The GPL says
'whoever gets a binary must get the source."
it does not restrict *who* can recieve
a distribution.  It does restrict 
any redistribution of modified code
must be GPL as well, but that is orthogonal
to a NDA restriction.

A NDA says who can recieve a company's
source code. i.e. who can recieve a 
distrubution or corporate owned software.
namely you cannot distribute comany software
outside the company (unless you're in Sales,
and you're selling it)

The OSD prohibits discrimination against 
people and groups.

A NDA is exactly discrimination against 
anyone who is not an employee.


WAITS ==> Who Am I To Say

Greg London
license-discuss archive is at

Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad)

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London

Rick Moen wrote:
> I'm sure views will differ as to whether compelling
> disclosure of private work _should_ be seen as in 
> the intended spirit of the OSD.  

such disclosure should be viewed in the same light
as license that forces all modifications be sent
to the original author.

in short, dimly viewed upon.

The Bazaar-Nazi's on the list may have something else 
to say about it though...

I.M.H.O. I.A.N.A.L. M.O.U.S.E.
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Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad)

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London

>Whether or not you think Apple's behavior 
>is legitimate, do you now agree that there 
>is a real behavioral difference between the 
>GPL and the APSL on this score?

civil action is not the differntiating factor.
Apple's behaviour is no different than if it were
GPL, and John failed to produce source code at
John's request. FSF would pursue him similarly.

The OSD requires the source to be given to
*at a minimum* anyone who recieves a distribution.
which means universal distribution is not required.

APSL requires that regardless of distribution,
you must publicly distribute your code.

The difference is APSL does not give you the option
of limiting source code to people to whom you give
your distributions. OSD allows source code to be
contained within a "circle of friends".

Greg London
license-discuss archive is at

Re: The Cathedral and the Bazaar

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London


"Attack of the Bazaar-Nazi's"

Also, change teh number 11 to 26 in
the text. I did not mean to imply
the OSD bullets, but the OSD approved
licenses themselves.

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Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad)

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London

% OSD 2:
% The program must include source code, ...
% When some [program] is not distributed with
% source code, there must be a well-publicized
% means of obtaining the source code 
% preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge.

so, according to OSD, you have two options

you distribute source and binary in one kit.

OR (B)
you distribute a binary in one kit.
and you make the source code freely available.
(preferably downloading for free on the net)

those are the only two options of the OSD.

(B) somewhat implies public distribution 
by mentioning "internet" and "well-publicized".
but it is possible to distribute a binary
and give a URL that requires a password for
those you allow to download the source code.
and such a way could be "well-publicized"
even though the password is not public.

Option (A) does not, in any way, require publicity.

Alice could download some software off teh net.
Alice could modify it and send the Binary and Source
to Bob. Bob and Alice could be employees of Charlie
who owns a Corporation. Charlie has Alice adn Bob
sign a NDA, saying they will not distribute any of
their software outside the company. 

As long as all distributions within said company
include source code from employee to employee, 
the source does not have to be made public.
And satisfies the Open Source Definition.

One thing Bob can't do, according to OSD,
is fix a bug in Alice's code, send her a binary
that works, and taunt her, saying "I'll send
you the source for a million bucks."
Once Bob sends Alice a binary, he must make
the source available to her.

I don't have a problem with this. And I think
allowing this makes corporations warmer to using
Open Source within their company.

The OSD does not require that all modifications 
be sent to the author. Nor should it require
all modifications be public.

The APSL raises the bar. It takes the OSD
and makes it even "more open". Which is fine by me.
See my allegory sequel to the cathedral and
the bazaar. Some dealers at the bazaar want 
square tables and some want round tables.

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The Cathedral and the Bazaar

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London

(an allegory)

And the Bazaar was hustling and bustling
with comings and goings, a hustle and bustle,
and a great many things all happening at once.

A woman came through the great morass with a 
push cart. She found an open space on the
walk and started to unload her wares.
She struggled to set up her table, and then
covered it with a multitude of pretty, and
interesting things. She then put a large, 
brightly, colored umbrella through a hole 
in the center of the table, which put her 
table in the shade.

A man at the table next to him began shouting
at her and ran over.

"You cannot put an umbrella in your table."

"Why not? it is a sunny day, and I will surely 
get sunburn."

"We at the bazaar do not take lightly of such
structures. These things lead to Cathedral-like
ways of doing things."

He flashed an angry side glance at the
Cathedral across the corner. The man 
returned his gaze to the table and suddenly
became angrier than before.

"A ROUND TABLE! What are you doing bringing
a round table to the bazaar!?!?"
The woman explained.

"It is easier for me to roll a round table
where I want it, than it is to carry a square
table on my back."

"That is not the way of the bazaar! You must
have a square table if you are to trade your
wares here!"

"Where does it say I must do such a thing?"

The man reached in his pocket and angrily
waved the paper in front of her.

"Right here!"
He pointed to the top item.
"Square tables are approved for bazaar operators."

"But that doesn't mean round tables aren't approved
or cannot be approved."

"Don't be absurd. There are 11 approved items on
the bazaar's list. Round tables are not one of them.
see for yourself."

He threw the list at her. The woman was busy reading
it when a loud racket nearby distracted them both.
The man took the list from the woman and ran over to
see what the ruckus was.

Another woman was setting up a tent at her site, 
and a pole had fallen to the ground in a kabang.

The man began screaming.

"What are you doing!? Tent's are not allowed in the 

"But on days it is windy, a tent is much more 
comfortable. And my merchandise is so small and
light, that even a small breeze would blow it
all away."

"But tents have not been approved!"
he pointed angrily at the paper in his hand.
"Don't you understand? Tents have not been
approved for the bazaar."

"Who died and made you high priest?
open-air is not the only way of trading at
the bazaar. I need a tent." 

The umbrella woman came over and interjected.
"And I want an umbrella and a round table." 

"Well, you cannot have them nor should you want
them. They have not been approved, and for 
good reason. We can't just have a bazaar of
vendors, selling and trading their wares
any way they feel like it. There are specific
established ways of doing things here."

The two women looked at each other.
"Come on, sis. We're obviously not welcome here."
She motioned her to follow.
"Maybe we can do it our way at the Cathedral."

And they _ALL_ lived miserably ever after.

The End.

Author's Prologue:

> We realized it was time to dump the 
> confrontational attitude that has been
> associated with "free software" in the 
> past and sell the idea strictly on the
> same pragmatic, business-case grounds 
> that motivated Netscape.

quoted from:


Greg London
with apologies in advance to Eric Raymond.
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Re: Backlog assistance?

2001-09-24 Thread Greg London

David Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Saturday 22 September 2001 02:17 pm, Greg London wrote:
>> The OSD has 11(?) requirements.
>> how hard would it be to come up with a minimal license
>> that defines these requirements. THen if you want to
>> create your own license, you inherit the minimal license
>> and add to it.
>It's not as easy as that. Consider the following license: "You are permitted 
>to redistribute, modify and copy this software without restriction". Bingo! 
>It meets the definition. But it would make a lousy "base class".

yes, if you take one point of my argument,
ignore everything else I said that would
limit, add to, and refine it. And then you 
take it to an extreme, you can come up with 
a license base that I would neither recommend 
nor defend.

Greg London
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Backlog assistance?

2001-09-22 Thread Greg London

Alex Stewart wrote:
> If the point is to provide a
> few good, clear-cut licenses 
> for people to choose from, that's one
> thing, and suggests the OSI should be very picky.  
> If the goal is to encourage open-source licensing
> terms amongst the software community,
> that's very different, and suggests that the OSI
> should (try to) encourage (and thus certify) 
> anything that meats the open-source requirements.

IANAL, but simply from a development point of view,
OSI does not appear to be taking advantage of some
of open-source's best feature: patches and evolution

currently, all OSI certified licenses are "One-Off"
applications, written from scratch, no reuse, 
no inheritance, no nothing. And their speed at which
the approve licenses seems to be in line with that
of an organization who is testing multiple, and
completely independent, applications. 

And verification is basically what OSI does, except
it's in a legal manner versus software manner.
The OSD is the spec, everyone sends in their
personal interpretation of that spec, and then 
OSI has to verify the license completely meets the spec.

in order to make it easier to create your own license,
perhaps someone could come up with a minimum "code base"
and people could add to it.

The OSD has 11(?) requirements.
how hard would it be to come up with a minimal license
that defines these requirements. THen if you want to 
create your own license, you inherit the minimal license
and add to it.

Copyright law only grants so many rights to the author,
(something like copy, modify, distribute, display,
public perform, but this is from vague memory)
And there are only so many variations of things you
can do with these rights and still be considered
open source. 

And some are tied directly into the OSD itself
copy and distribute are guaranteed.
And either Modify or distribute with patches
must be included as well.

The biggest one seems to be that if yuo modify
and redistribute, that new distribution must
be under the same license as the original,
to prevent code hijacking.

could it be possible (and more importantly, of value)
for OSI (or someone) to develop a "license developers
kit" which includes a base-line license, and possibly,
additional items from which people can select.
throw in a good No Warranty clause.
give a selection of what country's laws
any disputes will be settled in.

People could use that as a base license, 
select the required alternations,
and then add an addendum area
where they put their specific licensing
requirements. (GPL could put it's political
rant in it's ammendment section, for example)

And the base-line license could
say that whenever the ammendments conflict with the
base license, the base license wins (or whatever 
the legal term is).

Which should then prevent people from hijacking
the base-license. And license incompatibilities
with one another should be minimized.

It would also create some unity among different
variations of licenses. Currently, if the GPL
were attacked legally, the people who use the
Artistic License would have little at stake.
but if a number of different groups use the same
base-license, and the base license is legally
attacked, there would advantage for a combined
legal defense from all users of the base-license.

and more importantly (benificially), OSI wouldn't 
have to manually approve every variation under the sun.

This would allow OSI to gain the same benifits
that open-source software has, and apply them 
to licensing development and approval.

just a thought.
license-discuss archive is at

Re: Contract or License?

2001-09-14 Thread Greg London

"Lawrence E. Rosen" wrote:

> Copyright law does not prohibit use.  It prohibits reverse engineering
> (and similar activities) under certain circumstances.  I didn't intend
> to be subtle about the meaning of the word "use."

but reverse engineering was part of 'fair use' before DMCA, wasn't it? 

Greg London
license-discuss archive is at

Re: copyright discussion

2001-09-12 Thread Greg London

> I'm a newcomer.Could tell me what the DMCA is?

good grief. your search engine must have flooded 
its carbeurator. cause mine came up with a bazillion
hits with just 'dmca'. (yes, exactly 1 bazillion hits,
no more, no less.)  ;)

but to give you a jump start, I think the most
relevant site is the one that shows the real 
implications of DMCA, namely that people can go to
jail for knowing too much:

you might want to go to the website
and read for a while. They have a number of articles
that may be of interest.

license-discuss archive is at