Re: Male/female/other

2004-09-14 Thread R. D. Davis
Quothe Ralph Little, from writings of Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 10:12:24AM +0100:
> Funnily enough, I already commented on this sort of thing and I tend to
> agree with Han-Wen on this.

So do I.  

> Further, if we were writing articles on child birth, I think that
> phrases like "his cervix" rather make the "politically correct" strategy
> silly. 

Is "political correctness" supposed to make sense?  Darned if I ever
found anything about it to be sensible.  It seems as though the only
people who truly benefit from political correctness are those who go
around giving paid lectures on it and writing books promoting it, etc.

> You're never going to please everybody all of the time, and to be quite
> honest, contrary to what a lot of media commentators say on this

Righto... but then, didn't you know that honesty isn't fair in
sitiations where it sides with what's politically incorrect?  (sarcasm
intended ;-) )

Copyright (C) 2004 R.D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: an
All Rights Reservedunnatural belief that we're above Nature & her 410-744-4900other creatures, using dogma to justify such
Uncle Fester for President!  beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Drums broken in 2.0.1?

2003-11-23 Thread R. D. Davis
Quothe R. D. Davis, from writings of Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 12:01:57PM -0500:
> What is happening is that the output from the script is somehow being
> transposed down an octave.  This script was one that I used for

My mistake.  Looking over some other .ly files that I wrote, I see that
I used \relative c' for the notes to be relative to middle c.  Out of
curiosity, why isn't just "c" instead of "c'" used for middle c?

This just leaves the midi problem, with drums being sent to the last
track in the MIDI file instead of track 10. 

Anyway, at least I've gotten this far using gcc 2.95.2 to build
lilypond 2.0.1 on a FreeBSD 4.0 system. :-)

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Drums broken in 2.0.1?

2003-11-23 Thread R. D. Davis

Hi, what I'm using to read the MIDI file is timidity; even though it
worked right with the MIDI output from earlier versions of lilypond,
and I'm sure was using track 10, I used "-D 10" on the command line to
specify that it use that track, and still got the same result: a
piano-like sound.  However...

Quothe Juergen Reuter, from writings of Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 05:12:50PM +0100:
> * if lily really outputs the MIDI drum notes to channel #10; you can check
>   this e.g. by loading the MIDI file into a MIDI sequencer software and
>   have a look at what the sequencer displays.

Ah, one problem solved.  Thanks! :-) Rosegarden shows that Lilypond is
putting the drums on the last track, whatever that number happens to
be.  So, it appears that there may be something strange going on with
the midi code.  This also shows that I was wrong about it being
connected with the notes being transposed down an octave.  Hence,
these are now two separate, seemingly unrelated, issues.

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Drums broken in 2.0.1?

2003-11-23 Thread R. D. Davis
Quothe Graham Percival, from writings of Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 09:08:25PM -0800:
> On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 22:16:52 -0500
> "R. D. Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > like some other instrument playing tones, not percussion.  Similarly,
> > with 2.1.0, the drums no longer sound right in the MIDI output from

Oops... I got the 0 and 1 backwards; should have been 2.0.1; I
apologize for the mixup.

What is happening is that the output from the script is somehow being
transposed down an octave.  This script was one that I used for
testing a while back, and I didn't realize at first that the other
instruments didn't sound right in comparison to how they should have
sounded.  Apparently the same thing somehow happened to the output of  The postscript and pdf output was also transposed down an
octave.  So, perhaps, unless something else is also going on, perhaps
fixing this will fix the problem and make the drums sound like drums

> Did you set the MIDI instrument?  Could you send a short example file
> that demonstrates this?

A file that demonstrates this is included in the lilypond
distribution: lilypond-2.0.1/input/regression/

> There's two possible causes:
> 1.  The LilyPond syntax for percussion changed between 1.6 and 2.1, and
> convert-ly didn't fix everything.

While at first I was suspecting convert-ly, what I've written in reply
to possibility "2." below makes me question my questioning that.

> 2.  There's a bug in the MIDI code for percussion in 2.1

Could there be a bug in the midi code for 2.0.1?  Or, is it possible
that the example script is wrong for the new version?  Has
anyone else tried listening to it with this version?

The reason that I doubt this being a midi problem is that if lilypond
is writing notes for the drums lower than the midi software
(e.g. timidity) expects, then perhaps the midi software tries to play
the note, but there are no samples for the drums that go that low in
frequency, so something else, namely a piano sample, gets
substituted... or, something like that, perhaps.

Also note: convert-ly inserted "#(ly:set-option 'old-relative)" as the
first line in the script, but I don't see where it helps anything, and
there don't appear to be any differences if it's removed.

Also, why does convert-ly add \f after some notes?

Thanks for looking into this.  The previous versions were great for
including drums in one's music.

Here's a copy of an .ly file demonstrating the problem.  The first
note for the english horn, for example, is an octave below the a below
middle c in the output, and the drums sound more like a piano being
played than drums:

#(ly:set-option 'old-relative)
\version "1.9.8"
\header {
title = " "
subtitle = " "
composer = " "
meter = " "
piece = " "
tagline = " "

\include ""
\include ""

global = \notes {
\time 4/4

Key = \notes \key c \major

melody = { \notes { 

\addlyrics \notes \relative c {

% set the following to false so that the spacing if lyrics is
% correct when slurs are used: 

\property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##f

% r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2  f2\f e c1 a2 b4 e f } 


 \context Lyrics \lyrics {




% for stanza numbering: 
% see for example input/regression/  

% -- English Horn --

ehorn = \notes \relative c {

a b a b


englishhorn = {
\property Staff.instrument = #"english horn"
\clef treble
\context Staff <<
% -- Bagpipes or maybe Sitar ...maybe use both --

star = \notes \relative c {

 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 


sitar = {
\property Staff.instrument = #"sitar"
\property Staff.midiInstrument = #"sitar"
\clef bass
\context Staff <<

% -- Drums --

\include ""

drh = \notes {\repeat "unfold" 20 {hhc8}}

drl = \notes {\repeat "unfold" 20 {bd4} }

\score { \repeat "volta" 2

 \context StaffGroup = sing <<

\context Staff = melody \melody

\property Score.BarNumber \override #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\property Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 4)
\property Score.BarNumber \override #'molecule-callback =
#(make-molecule-boxer 0.1 0.25 0.25 Text_item::brew_molecule)
\property Score.BarNumber \override #'font-relative-size = #1


\context StaffGroup = horns <<

\context Staff = en

Drums broken in 2.0.1?

2003-11-22 Thread R. D. Davis
After finally getting Lilypond compiled successfully after installing
some more dependencies, nearly everything seemed to be working ok
except for drums, and this includes the drums in the
lilypond-2.0.1/input/regression/ script.  No errors were
produced, and the paper output appears ok; however, the drums sound
like some other instrument playing tones, not percussion.  Similarly,
with 2.1.0, the drums no longer sound right in the MIDI output from
other scripts (converted to 2.1.0) that I used with versions 1.6.x and
1.8.x.  Previously, the drums were ok.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Is there a simple fix?

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list

Occasional partial characters in postscript output

2003-11-21 Thread R. D. Davis
After finally installing quite a few more bits of software from
source, such as new versions of imagemagick, ming, libmwf, libpng,
freetype, pstoedit, autotrace, etc., I was able to get a new version
of lilypond built that didn't give me the autotrace related errors
like I got last time (since I didn't have autotrace installed).  The
only errors that I noticed while running "make all" were about pfaedit
not being found, and telling me that something couldn't be converted

Note that when I didn't have autotrace installed before, configure
didn't give me any error message about it not being installed;
likewise for pfaedit.  I'll install pfaedit and see what happens.

Postscript and pdf output, as well as midi output, are now created,
with more success than before, when I didn't have autotrace installed.
However, with postscript output, the output still doesn't look quite
right, since a few characters are not displayed completely; some, but
not all, quarter notes, for example, are not complete (the very bottom
is missing, making them look squished), and some other characters are
missing lower portions, such as the script G denoting the trebble
cleff (and the notation denoting the bass cleff as well).

Unlike the PostScript output, PDF output is complete, but doesn't look
as nice as the postscript output since everything looks "thicker."

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond 2.0.1 built ok for FreeBSD 4.0 w/gcc 2.95.2

2003-11-20 Thread R. D. Davis
Quothe R. D. Davis, from writings of Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 10:59:56PM -0500:
> Has anyone else run into this problem with ImageMagick?

Yes, I know that replying to one's own message isn't considered a good
thing. :-) ...however, in case anyone else has any problem installing
ImageMagick in order to get Lilypond working, after a little
experimenting, I figured out how to get ImageMagick's configure to
succeed (part of the battle won):

 ./configure --with-lzh --enable-delegate-build --with-png --with-jpeg 
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/libpng" 
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib"

Configure appeared to go ok, then, running make appeared to succeed.
Running display, however, failed, with a segmentation fault and core
dump.  Upon running make check, a window popped up on the screen
congratulating me for being able to display an image, but then, the
test results came back showing that 3 out of 33 tests failed, and
11 out of 334 subtests failed.

t/fpx/read: dubious - generated a core
t/fpx/write: dubious - generated a core
t/ttf/read: NOK & FAILED (image opacity differs)

Any thoughts on this?

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond 2.0.1 built ok for FreeBSD 4.0 w/gcc 2.95.2

2003-11-19 Thread R. D. Davis
Hi, thanks for the reply and info. about gcc 3.3.  However, installing
from ports doesn't seem to work.  Usually installing gcc isn't much of
a problem (well, on other systems it wasn't), but this time, I ran
into a problem compiling it.

What I'm going to try is deleting gcc3.3.2, download 3.3.3, then install
the patches manually, and then try to build it... hopefully those patches
will work for BSD 4.0.  What do you think?  Of course, my preference is
to remain with gcc 2.95.2, since I've always gotten everything else
to compile with this until now.

Quothe Patrick Atamaniuk, from writings of Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at
12:38:12AM +0100:
> You may install a gcc 3.3 concurrently on FreeBSD using the ports
> collection. It will install into /usr/local/bin/gcc33, so there
> is no conflict with gcc 2.95.2 as both name and path are different.

Actually, I'm going to have to install it on partition other than
/usr, due to space limitations, so installing from ports may not be a
good idea for me anyway.  It's always been my preference to intall
software from sources rather than ports or packages when possible,
since I get a better feel for the software and know what's what and
what's where... but then, perhaps that's just what I got used to
before ports and packages existed in the land of UNIX. :-)

> I hacked together some automated installation for exactly this purpose,
> available via the lilypond downloads page, look for FreeBSD there.

Ok, thanks; I'll take another look at it.

> If you have any questions about that ports or FreeBSD specifics, feel
> free to mail me directly.


> Regarding the manpage, i experience no problems on FreeBSD 4.8, 4.9 5.0
> and 5.1 using perl 5.6.1 (5.1) or 5.005_03 (4.9) respectively.
> I do use python2.3 though.

After hacking the makefile a bit, I was able to install Lilypond
versions 1.8 and earlier, and they worked ok.  No problems with
kpathsea either once I set the include and library paths for
configure, and midi output worked great.

> The autotrace problem may arise due missing dependencies. These would be

I don't think that I had autotrace installed, so, that's probably
one thing that was causing a problem.  As soon as I get ImageMagick
working (or reload the old version from the BSD 4.0 CD-ROM), I'll
install that (v0.31.1).

> graphics/ImageMagick
> graphics/hdf
> graphics/jbigkit
> graphics/jpeg
> graphics/libwmf
> graphics/ming
> graphics/png
> graphics/pstoedit
> graphics/tiff
> print/freetype2
> x11/XFree86-4-libraries
>  at least. A usable autotrace version currently is 0.31.1.

Ah, perhaps a dependency was the problem, although I didn't notice any
errors indicating such.  With the exception of ImageMagick, I now have
all of those programs installed.  Well, I did have an old version of
ImageMagick installed, but I decided to try installing the latest
version.  Alas, the configure script for ImageMagick is doing
something strange, which I'm looking into: despite pointing it to
/usr/local/lib, /usr/local/install and /usr/local/install/libpng, it's
telling me that it fails checks for jpeg, jpeg-2000, FlashPIX, PNG,
FreeType2.0 and TIFF.  At one point it recognized jpeg and png, but I
can't recall what I did to get it to recognize them before.

Has anyone else run into this problem with ImageMagick?

> Can you send me your configuration, maybe i can reproduce the issue in
> order to improve my installation scripts?
> python version, perl version and output of "uname -a" would be a start.

gcc: 2.95.2
python: v2.3
perl: v5.6.1
uname returns: FreeBSD 4.0-RELEASE #13
TeX: 3.14159, kpathsea: 3.2
dvips(k): 5.86, kpathsea v3.3.1

Ok, now there's a curiosity: two different version of kpathsea... I'll
have to investigate.

> On the other hand i am looking for testers for my lilypond ports
> (both 2.0.1 and 2.1.0). If you have time to try one of them, i
> would be very happy for any feedback.

Ok, if time allows (or definitely if I can't get anything else to work
:-), I'll try the most recent stable version of the port, but will
need to apply the patches manually by running patch on the necessary

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond 2.0.1 built ok for FreeBSD 4.0 w/gcc 2.95.2

2003-11-18 Thread R. D. Davis
Quothe Jan Nieuwenhuizen, from writings of Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 09:34:23AM +0100:
> Yes, but please keep this on the list.

Will do.  Thanks for the reminder.

> > ImportError: /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol "__ti9exception"
> This is quite strange.  It looks like a gcc installation problem.
> Firstly, the midi module should be compiled with gcc, not g++.
> Secondly, libstc++3 is part of gcc-3.0, while you think you're using 2.95.

Interesting.  This was part of the FreeBSD 4.0 distribution.

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reservedan unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.

Lilypond-devel mailing list