(mostly solved) Re: Lyrics spacing from LeftEdge?

2008-04-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 1 april 2008, schreef Mats Bengtsson:
 Isn't a better solution to make the first syllable left aligned
 with the note? This should automatically result in left aligned
 lyrics and aligned notes.

Unfortunately that does not look nice: with long words the spacing of both 
notes and words looks irregular. However: that could be an approach when 
there are more stanzas with lyrics. But in that case I think I would drop the 
requirement that lyric texts are aligned.

I am now using an approach to have one transparent bar line at the beginning 
of a line (in fact at the end, just before the \break), and have the barline 
also drawn in the lyrics context. That works perfectly! but I have only some 
trouble with the first line (because of the stanza number, that also wants to 
be within the barline). But it's no problem to align that line by hand.

How I did it:

\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t
  \context {
\override LeftEdge #'space-alist #'key-signature = #'(extra-space . 1)
% this one I set manually (on the eye)
\override TimeSignature #'space-alist #'first-note = #'(extra-space . 4.6)
% this is the distance from the keysig to the first (transparent) barline:
\override KeySignature #'space-alist #'staff-bar = #'(extra-space . 9.0)
  \context {
% although ragged-right, lengthen the staff lines
\override StaffSymbol #'width = #'60
% clef only on first line
\override Clef #'break-visibility = #all-invisible
% no space from the first (transparent) barline to the note
\override BarLine #'space-alist #'first-note = #'(fixed-space . 0.0)
  \context {
\consists Bar_engraver
\override BarLine #'transparent = ##t

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

LilyKDE, LilyPond for KDE: http://lilykde.googlecode.com/

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: change number of lines per staff

2008-04-01 Thread Michael Watts

Am I able to change the number of lines in a [Drum] staff from 5 - 1?

Lily has built-in support for DrumStaves with one, two or five lines -- 
see the manual.

In your case, it sounds lie you're after something like drumStyleTable = 
#percussion-style, like this:

\version 2.10.25

up = \drummode { cb4 \times 2/3 { sn8 s sn } s4 sn4 | r8 sn8 cb4-. 
tri8- r8 r4 \bar || }

down = \drummode { s4 \times 2/3 { s8 sn s } sn4 s4 | r4 r4 tri8- r8 r4 
\bar || }

\score {
  \new DrumStaff \with {
 drumStyleTable = #percussion-style

 \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
 \override BarLine #'bar-size = #4 % need to lengthen bar lines, or 
they disappear on single line DrumStaff

 \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
 \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down }

  \layout { ragged-right = ##t }



lilypond-user mailing list

computing staff line lenght in case of ragged-right

2008-04-01 Thread Wilbert Berendsen

Still typesetting my hymn, I use ragged-right = ##t to make the lines not too 

But I want the stafflines to be the full line-width. But how do I convert from 
staffspaces to milimeters?

Currently I use:

\version 2.11.43
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\paper {
  line-width = 10 \cm

\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t
  \context {
\override StaffSymbol #'width = #'60

But that's just a guess. I tried:
\override StaffSymbol #'width = #(* 10 cm)

but that didn't work, the lines became very long... What would be the correct 
computation? TIA!
best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

LilyKDE, LilyPond for KDE: http://lilykde.googlecode.com/

lilypond-user mailing list

Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

2008-04-01 Thread Matthew

Hi all

(Hopefully) a quick question about break autobeams and stem direction.

When I compile the following music, each embellishment that contains more than
one acciaccatura breaks both the autobeaming and the stem direction that I have
written in.

Bars 1-2 contain the music with embellishments
Bars 3-4 contain the same music without embellishments

If I leave bars 1-2 in, then 3-4 also break. If I comment out bars 1-2, then
bars 3-4 are correct.

What wierdness have I done in my file?

\version 2.10.33 
%Gratuitously borrowed from Hugo Flordal
myautobeams = {
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4)  5 8)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 1 4 'Voice) 
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 1 2 'Voice)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 3 4 'Voice) 
\set subdivideBeams = ##t   
\set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) % Subdivide beams on eighths

mynoteproperties = {
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
\override Slur #'direction = #UP
\override Tie #'direction = #UP
\override StemTremolo #'slope = #0.45   
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1 
\override Staff.BarLine #'bar-size = 5  
\set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
%   \override Beam #'positions = #'(-5 . -5) %breaks acciaccas
\override Beam #'damping = #1 %doesn't work

%my shorthand for embellishments
flR =  { \tiny { \acciaccatura  d8 } \normalsize } % right flam
drR =  { \acciaccatura { \tiny d16[ d] } \normalsize } % right drag
rfR =  { \acciaccatura { \tiny d32[ b b] } \normalsize } %right ruff

staffSnare = \new Staff {
\time 4/4
\clef percussion

\relative c' {  

\drR b8 \drR b %first drR points down. It should be up.
 % second drR breaks the autobeam and the main note is up! 
\rfR d8 \rfR d16 d %second rfR breaks the auto beaming
\flR b8:32-( \times 2/3 {b16) d \flR b-} %upside down! stems 
d8 b32 d b d
\drR b8 \rfR b16 \times 2/3 {d32 b b} %rfR breaks autobeam
 %everything after the rfR in this
line is

%  stem=up - against the rules
d16 b d b
d16 \drR b32 b d b d b % drR - see rfL above!
d16. b32 d32 b d b
| \bar ||

%If I comment out the previous music, then the following turns out correct.
% This music is a copy of the above without the acciaccaturas
b8 b
d8 d16 d 
b8:32-( \times 2/3 {b16) d b-}
d8 b32 d b d
b8 b16 \times 2/3 {d32 b b}
d16 b d b
d16 b32 b d b d b 
d16. b32 d32 b d b

\bar |.




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

2008-04-01 Thread till Rettig
thanks for the quick answer. I tried now to figure out how to apply changes to 
StaffSymbol properties. It seems they work only as \with \override for a new 
staff or inside the layout block. That would mean that they cannot be changed 
on the fly but are preset for every score. Is this correct?


 Datum: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:32:51 +0200
 Von: Reinhold Kainhofer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 An: lilypond-user@gnu.org, till Rettig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

 Am Montag, 31. März 2008 schrieb till Rettig:
  could somebody explain me how ledger-line-thickness behaves? The IR
  that it should be a pair:
  ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
  The thickness of ledger lines. It is the sum of 2 numbers: The first
  the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both
  contributions are added. 
  But I cannot get the staff space bigger (the second number), instead the
  first number influences the thickness of the ledger line a bit, the
  quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost
 Yes, because they use different units: 
 -) The first one is a multiplier for the default thickness (quite small, ~
 staff-space/10 )
 -) The second one is an explicit width (in staff spaces, i.e. the default 
 distance between two staff lines or ledger lines)
 The final distance is then:
 ( thickness * line-thickness * #1 ) + #2
 Since the default thickness is quite small, of course the first number 
 influences the width only a little bit, while the second (measured in 
 different units!) increases it a lot.
 Actually, the following two settings produce roughly the same (i.e. ledger
 lines so thick that they touch each other:
 \override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 10 . 0 )
 \override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 0 . 1 )
 And, yes, even Han-Wen agrees that this is confusing. See his comment in 
 For raggedright without ragged staves, simply set width to the
 (ok -- lousy UI, since width is in staff spaces)
  the second 
  quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost
  Please compare the example:
 Things work as expected: The default line width is quite small and the
 number is a multiplier for the default line width. The second one gives an
 additional width in staff space (i.e. the distance between each of the
 lines of a standard staff).
\override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness  = #' ( 1 . .1 )
 This uses the default line width + 1/10 of the staff space = 1/5 staff
\override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . 1 )
 This decreases the line with to 1/10 of its default (1/100 staff space!),
 adds a full staff space (=distance between two ledger lines!), so of
 all ledger lines touch each other.
 Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
  * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
  * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
  * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien, http://www.jung-wien.at/

Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: change number of lines per staff

2008-04-01 Thread Michael Watts

CHeers for that...

I need to be able to specify pitches in my score to denote which
hand is play which note. The current single line drum staff doesn't
allow that.

The way that I've done that is to specify a normal staff, but with
only one line. Now I can get pitches for my notes.


On 01/04/2008, Michael Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Am I able to change the number of lines in a [Drum] staff from 5 - 1?

  Lily has built-in support for DrumStaves with one, two or five lines --
  see the manual.

  In your case, it sounds lie you're after something like drumStyleTable =
  #percussion-style, like this:

  \version 2.10.25

  up = \drummode { cb4 \times 2/3 { sn8 s sn } s4 sn4 | r8 sn8 cb4-.
  tri8- r8 r4 \bar || }

  down = \drummode { s4 \times 2/3 { s8 sn s } sn4 s4 | r4 r4 tri8- r8 r4
  \bar || }

  \score {
\new DrumStaff \with {
   drumStyleTable = #percussion-style
   \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
   \override BarLine #'bar-size = #4 % need to lengthen bar lines, or
  they disappear on single line DrumStaff

   \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
   \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down }

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }



Matthew Rowles

- Be Alert. Austalia needs lerts.

---End Message---
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

2008-04-01 Thread Trevor Daniels

Hi Matthew

I'll have to leave an explanation of this to the more knowledgeable, but the 
main problem seems to be starting the piece with an \acciaccatura.  Doing 
this causes problems elsewhere (eg tuplets).  Try removing it and the 
overrides then seem to work.  Seems like the voice-context overrides have 
nowhere to go if the first note is an acciaccatura and have no effect.  A 
work-around is to place all the voice-context overrides in the Staff context 
so they apply to all voices.

The automatic beam breaking by acciaccaturas looks like a lost cause, but 
manual overrides is a (painful) work-around for this.

Trevor D
- Original Message - 

To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 7:43 AM
Subject: Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

Hi all

(Hopefully) a quick question about break autobeams and stem direction.

When I compile the following music, each embellishment that contains more 
one acciaccatura breaks both the autobeaming and the stem direction that I 

written in.

Bars 1-2 contain the music with embellishments
Bars 3-4 contain the same music without embellishments

If I leave bars 1-2 in, then 3-4 also break. If I comment out bars 1-2, 

bars 3-4 are correct.

What wierdness have I done in my file?

\version 2.10.33
%Gratuitously borrowed from Hugo Flordal
myautobeams = {
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4)  5 8)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 1 4 'Voice)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 1 2 'Voice)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 8 8) 3 4 'Voice)
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
\set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) % Subdivide beams on eighths

mynoteproperties = {
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
\override Slur #'direction = #UP
\override Tie #'direction = #UP
\override StemTremolo #'slope = #0.45
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = 1
\override Staff.BarLine #'bar-size = 5
\set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
% \override Beam #'positions = #'(-5 . -5) %breaks acciaccas
\override Beam #'damping = #1 %doesn't work

%my shorthand for embellishments
flR =  { \tiny { \acciaccatura  d8 } \normalsize } % right flam
drR =  { \acciaccatura { \tiny d16[ d] } \normalsize } % right drag
rfR =  { \acciaccatura { \tiny d32[ b b] } \normalsize } %right ruff

staffSnare = \new Staff {
\time 4/4
\clef percussion

\relative c' {

\drR b8 \drR b %first drR points down. It should be up.
% second drR breaks the autobeam and the main note is 

\rfR d8 \rfR d16 d %second rfR breaks the auto beaming
\flR b8:32-( \times 2/3 {b16) d \flR b-} %upside down! stems up!
d8 b32 d b d
\drR b8 \rfR b16 \times 2/3 {d32 b b} %rfR breaks autobeam
%everything after the rfR in 

line is
%  stem=up - against the rules
d16 b d b
d16 \drR b32 b d b d b % drR - see rfL above!
d16. b32 d32 b d b
| \bar ||

%If I comment out the previous music, then the following turns out 

% This music is a copy of the above without the acciaccaturas
b8 b
d8 d16 d
b8:32-( \times 2/3 {b16) d b-}
d8 b32 d b d
b8 b16 \times 2/3 {d32 b b}
d16 b d b
d16 b32 b d b d b
d16. b32 d32 b d b

\bar |.




lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Dienstag, 1. April 2008 schrieb till Rettig:
 How does the line-position property of the StaffSymbol work correctly? I
 get it set to different positions only if the staff is empty or the notes
 are on ledger lines. Is this behaviour implied? And does the list of the
 positions need a specific order? It obviously takes only as much arguments
 (positions) as there are staff lines defined, is that correct?

 code with which I played:

 \new Staff \with {
   \override StaffSymbol #' line-positions  = #' ( 18 12 2 0 -2 -4 )
   d d d d
 } }

 \new Staff \with {
   \override StaffSymbol #' line-position = #' ( 6 3 0 -3 -6 )
   d' e' f' g' c''
 } }

 In my idea the second example should print wider spaces and set the notes
 somhow off the lines, but it just prints the standard lines 4 2 0 -2 -4.
 Why is this so?

Have you read the output produced by lilypond:
Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typprüfung für »line-position« (backend-type?) kann 
nicht gefunden werden.  vielleicht ein Tippfehler?

And indeed, you forgot the final s in line-position*s*...

BTW, your example shows a nasty bug with bar lines: They are drawn centered 
around 0, so if the staff lines are placed asymmetric, the bar line is off..


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien, http://www.jung-wien.at/

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson

If you check the warning printouts from LilyPond when processing the
second example, you will notice that you have misspelled the property name!

Otherwise, both of the examples seem to do what I would expect them to do.
I don't understand exactly what you mean by only if the staff is empty 
or the

notes are on ledger lines..


till Rettig wrote:

How does the line-position property of the StaffSymbol work correctly? I get it 
set to different positions only if the staff is empty or the notes are on 
ledger lines. Is this behaviour implied? And does the list of the positions 
need a specific order? It obviously takes only as much arguments (positions) as 
there are staff lines defined, is that correct?

code with which I played:

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-positions  = #' ( 18 12 2 0 -2 -4 )
  d d d d
} }

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-position = #' ( 6 3 0 -3 -6 )
  d' e' f' g' c''
} }

In my idea the second example should print wider spaces and set the notes 
somhow off the lines, but it just prints the standard lines 4 2 0 -2 -4. Why is 
this so?


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The properties of a layout object are only read when the object is 
created, so

for StaffSymbol, for example, this means that you have to do the setting at
the top of the score. However, if you want to change it in the middle of a
score, you can insert
\stopStaff \startStaff
which finishes the previous StaffSymbol object and creates a new one which
reads the new property setting.


till Rettig wrote:

thanks for the quick answer. I tried now to figure out how to apply changes to 
StaffSymbol properties. It seems they work only as \with \override for a new 
staff or inside the layout block. That would mean that they cannot be changed 
on the fly but are preset for every score. Is this correct?



Datum: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:32:51 +0200
Von: Reinhold Kainhofer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org, till Rettig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness


Am Montag, 31. März 2008 schrieb till Rettig:

could somebody explain me how ledger-line-thickness behaves? The IR


that it should be a pair:

ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
The thickness of ledger lines. It is the sum of 2 numbers: The first


the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both
contributions are added. 

But I cannot get the staff space bigger (the second number), instead the
first number influences the thickness of the ledger line a bit, the


quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost


Yes, because they use different units: 
-) The first one is a multiplier for the default thickness (quite small, ~

staff-space/10 )
-) The second one is an explicit width (in staff spaces, i.e. the default 
distance between two staff lines or ledger lines)

The final distance is then:
( thickness * line-thickness * #1 ) + #2

Since the default thickness is quite small, of course the first number 
influences the width only a little bit, while the second (measured in 
different units!) increases it a lot.

Actually, the following two settings produce roughly the same (i.e. ledger
lines so thick that they touch each other:

\override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 10 . 0 )
\override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 0 . 1 )

And, yes, even Han-Wen agrees that this is confusing. See his comment in 

For raggedright without ragged staves, simply set width to the
(ok -- lousy UI, since width is in staff spaces)

the second 
quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost


Please compare the example:

Things work as expected: The default line width is quite small and the
number is a multiplier for the default line width. The second one gives an

additional width in staff space (i.e. the distance between each of the
lines of a standard staff).

  \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness  = #' ( 1 . .1 )

This uses the default line width + 1/10 of the staff space = 1/5 staff

  \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . 1 )

This decreases the line with to 1/10 of its default (1/100 staff space!),
adds a full staff space (=distance between two ledger lines!), so of
all ledger lines touch each other.

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien, http://www.jung-wien.at/


Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread till Rettig
How does the line-position property of the StaffSymbol work correctly? I get it 
set to different positions only if the staff is empty or the notes are on 
ledger lines. Is this behaviour implied? And does the list of the positions 
need a specific order? It obviously takes only as much arguments (positions) as 
there are staff lines defined, is that correct?

code with which I played:

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-positions  = #' ( 18 12 2 0 -2 -4 )
  d d d d
} }

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-position = #' ( 6 3 0 -3 -6 )
  d' e' f' g' c''
} }

In my idea the second example should print wider spaces and set the notes 
somhow off the lines, but it just prints the standard lines 4 2 0 -2 -4. Why is 
this so?

Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Arjan Bos wrote:

On 31 mrt 2008, at 14:59, James E. Bailey wrote:

I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction 
from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir parts 
all have their dynamics, but the piano part shouldn't. And the handy 
snippet I found generates a piano part with all the dynamics showing.

I know this won't help you with an already finished score, but 
recently I've started to put all my dynamics in a separate Voice which 
contains only dynamic marks and spacer notes.

Are you sure that you want them to be in a separate Voice context?
This can result in alignment problems, see for example
I would rather propose to add them to the same Voice context as the
actual music. You can still use separate variables for the music and the
dynamics if you so prefer. However, in this particular case, there have 

been other solutions proposed that are at least as convenient.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread Arjan Bos

On 31 mrt 2008, at 14:59, James E. Bailey wrote:

I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction  
from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir parts  
all have their dynamics, but the piano part shouldn't. And the handy  
snippet I found generates a piano part with all the dynamics showing.

I know this won't help you with an already finished score, but  
recently I've started to put all my dynamics in a separate Voice which  
contains only dynamic marks and spacer notes. The spacer notes help me  
to layout the dynamics exactly the way I want, starting at the  
position I would like. And of course, it makes it much more convenient  
to create a reduced score that includes the dynamics. I just add the  
dynamicsVoice to the pianoScore or to the guitarScore.

Hope this helps,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Boxed text with rounded corners

2008-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
Greetings folks,

I have sent this mail on -user a few days ago; perhaps it would belong
to -devel instead (if so, please tell me), or even to the tracker as a
feature request (which I, of course, won't decide on my own).

Anyway, it would be just great if anybody had a clue about how to deal
with this issue? If so, the winner will have his solution exposed in a
whole new LSR-snippet, will be mentioned in the LilyPond Report's
feature of the week and his name will be glorified forever -- at
least until next week's :)


2008/3/28, Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi everybody,

  There are two features (among others) I appreciate very much In
  LilyPond: \box and \filled-box.

  Would there be any possibility to somehow mix these two commands?

  For instance, is it possible to add an optionnal blot argument to
  the make-stencil-boxer function? If specified, the corners will be
  rounded; if not, the corners will be sharp.

  I tried to have a look at stencil.scm, define-markup-commands.scm,
  lookup.cc and text-interface.cc, but I am definitely not a programmer
  (see below).

  Here are some questions I couldn't solve:

  1-how to obtain a non-filled rounded box? The only solution I can see would 
 -draw a black-filled box slightly too large
 -then draw a white-filled box on top of it (#:whiteout or something?)
 -then print the text on the white box (#:combine or something?)

  It's complicated; however I found that some objects are already
  printed using this dirty way:

  2-how exactly does ly:stencil-extent work? is it possible to obtain
  the width and length of an object *prior* to drawing it?

  3-Here's some code to demonstrate my idea. It's very dirty but perhaps
  you'll see what I'm trying to achieve.

  #(define-markup-command (rbox layout props radius text) (number?) (markup?)
  Add a rounded box around the text
   (let* ((th (*
   (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness)
   (chain-assoc-get 'thickness props 1)))
  (size (chain-assoc-get 'font-size props 0))
  (pad (* (magstep size)
  (chain-assoc-get 'box-padding props 0.2)))
  (m (interpret-markup layout props text)))
(let* ((x-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent m 0) (+ pad th)))
  (y-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent m 1) (+ pad th)))
  (xext (cons (- (/ x-ext 2)) (/ x-ext 2)))
  (yext (cons (- (/ y-ext 2)) (/ y-ext 2)))
  (blot radius))
  (markup (ly:round-filled-box xext yext blot)))
(let* ((x-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent m 0) pad))
  (y-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent m 1) pad))
  (xext (cons (- (/ x-ext 2)) (/ x-ext 2)))
  (yext (cons (- (/ y-ext 2)) (/ y-ext 2)))
  (blot radius))
  (markup #:with-color (rgb-color 1 1 1) #:filled-box xext yext blot))
(markup m)))

  Besides, this could allow interesting Editorial uses: this way
  \balloonText could look like real balloons :)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

2008-04-01 Thread Matthew
Trevor Daniels t.daniels at treda.co.uk writes:
Seems like the voice-context overrides have 
 nowhere to go if the first note is an acciaccatura and have no effect.  A 
 work-around is to place all the voice-context overrides in the Staff context 
 so they apply to all voices.

I did see that everything behaved if I didn't have an acci as the first note. I
may put this in as a bug, but I think I've spammed the boards enough for one
day! It's also past my bedtime :)

 The automatic beam breaking by acciaccaturas looks like a lost cause, but 
 manual overrides is a (painful) work-around for this.
Quite painful, but it does work

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Matthew wrote:

Trevor Daniels t.daniels at treda.co.uk writes:
Seems like the voice-context overrides have 
nowhere to go if the first note is an acciaccatura and have no effect.  A 
work-around is to place all the voice-context overrides in the Staff context 
so they apply to all voices.

Perhaps it helps to explicitly create the Voice context as well, i.e. 

\new Staff {...}
\new Staff \new Voice {...}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
Oops, yeah, you are right, it works as thought; I just didn't understand 
the warning. Thanks!


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:

If you check the warning printouts from LilyPond when processing the
second example, you will notice that you have misspelled the property 

Otherwise, both of the examples seem to do what I would expect them to 
I don't understand exactly what you mean by only if the staff is 
empty or the

notes are on ledger lines..


till Rettig wrote:
How does the line-position property of the StaffSymbol work 
correctly? I get it set to different positions only if the staff is 
empty or the notes are on ledger lines. Is this behaviour implied? 
And does the list of the positions need a specific order? It 
obviously takes only as much arguments (positions) as there are staff 
lines defined, is that correct?

code with which I played:

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-positions  = #' ( 18 12 2 0 -2 -4 )
  d d d d
} }

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-position = #' ( 6 3 0 -3 -6 )
  d' e' f' g' c''
} }

In my idea the second example should print wider spaces and set the 
notes somhow off the lines, but it just prints the standard lines 4 2 
0 -2 -4. Why is this so?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
Oh, that's true, I will write this in the staff section of the Docu. 
Thanks for all the help!


Mats Bengtsson schrieb:
The properties of a layout object are only read when the object is 
created, so
for StaffSymbol, for example, this means that you have to do the 
setting at
the top of the score. However, if you want to change it in the middle 
of a

score, you can insert
\stopStaff \startStaff
which finishes the previous StaffSymbol object and creates a new one 

reads the new property setting.


till Rettig wrote:
thanks for the quick answer. I tried now to figure out how to apply 
changes to StaffSymbol properties. It seems they work only as \with 
\override for a new staff or inside the layout block. That would mean 
that they cannot be changed on the fly but are preset for every 
score. Is this correct?



Datum: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:32:51 +0200
Von: Reinhold Kainhofer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org, till Rettig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: Re: StaffSymbol: behaviour of ledger-line-thickness


Am Montag, 31. März 2008 schrieb till Rettig:

could somebody explain me how ledger-line-thickness behaves? The IR


that it should be a pair:

ledger-line-thickness (pair of numbers)
The thickness of ledger lines. It is the sum of 2 numbers: The 


the factor for line thickness, and the second for staff space. Both
contributions are added. 

But I cannot get the staff space bigger (the second number), 
instead the

first number influences the thickness of the ledger line a bit, the


quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces almost


Yes, because they use different units: -) The first one is a 
multiplier for the default thickness (quite small, ~

staff-space/10 )
-) The second one is an explicit width (in staff spaces, i.e. the 
default distance between two staff lines or ledger lines)

The final distance is then:
( thickness * line-thickness * #1 ) + #2

Since the default thickness is quite small, of course the first 
number influences the width only a little bit, while the second 
(measured in different units!) increases it a lot.
Actually, the following two settings produce roughly the same (i.e. 

lines so thick that they touch each other:

\override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 10 . 0 )
\override StaffSymbol #'ledger-line-thickness = #'( 0 . 1 )

And, yes, even Han-Wen agrees that this is confusing. See his 
comment in lily/staff-symbol.cc:

For raggedright without ragged staves, simply set width to the
(ok -- lousy UI, since width is in staff spaces)

the second quite much, that is it becomes so heavy that the spaces 


Please compare the example:

Things work as expected: The default line width is quite small and the
first number is a multiplier for the default line width. The second 
one gives an

additional width in staff space (i.e. the distance between each of the
five lines of a standard staff).


  \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness  = #' ( 1 . .1 )

This uses the default line width + 1/10 of the staff space = 1/5 staff


  \override StaffSymbol #' ledger-line-thickness = #' ( .1 . 1 )
This decreases the line with to 1/10 of its default (1/100 staff 
but adds a full staff space (=distance between two ledger lines!), 
so of

course all ledger lines touch each other.

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung Jung-Wien, http://www.jung-wien.at/


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig

\new Staff \with {
  \override StaffSymbol #' line-position = #' ( 6 3 0 -3 -6 )
  d' e' f' g' c''
} }

In my idea the second example should print wider spaces and set the notes
somhow off the lines, but it just prints the standard lines 4 2 0 -2 -4.
Why is this so?

Have you read the output produced by lilypond:
Warnung: Eigenschafts-Typprüfung für »line-position« (backend-type?) kann 
nicht gefunden werden.  vielleicht ein Tippfehler?

And indeed, you forgot the final s in line-position*s*...

BTW, your example shows a nasty bug with bar lines: They are drawn centered 
around 0, so if the staff lines are placed asymmetric, the bar line is off..

Yeah, I tried it on a finnish Windows, and the messages get messed up 
because the command line doesn't support utf8 -- and I obviously didn't 
understand the message, either. But thanks to Mats I got it.

About the bug: I thought I would write: this works only with symmetrical 
staff lines. As I understand everything is built around symmetrical 
staves, but when thinking about it there could be a need for having the 
staves positioned on an even number of half staff space positions, so it 
would'nt be anymore symmetrical.

Can you add it to the bug tracker?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

2008-04-01 Thread Trevor Daniels

Mats Bengtsson wrote

Matthew wrote:

Trevor Daniels t.daniels at treda.co.uk writes:

Seems like the voice-context overrides have nowhere to go if the first 
note is an acciaccatura and have no effect.  A work-around is to place 
all the voice-context overrides in the Staff context so they apply to 
all voices.

Perhaps it helps to explicitly create the Voice context as well, i.e. 

\new Staff {...}
\new Staff \new Voice {...}

Yes, I thought that too, but it doesn't seem to help in this case.  Leading 
accis seem to cause quite a few strange problems ...


Trevor D

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overriding text alignment in stylesheet

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{\column {Violoncello e Basso }}

That's what I'd prefer.

Then I don't understand your question. What's the problem you get when you
use this approach?

Actually, what I'd *really* prefer is

\set Staff.instrumentName = Violoncello e Basso

and then have the stylesheet wrap the text automatically -- but that 
seems like it would likely be too difficult and error-prone.
It should be possible to write a few lines of Scheme code that do the 

of \markup{\wordwrap ... } and then feed the result to
ly:system-start-text::print. Then, you can override the stencil property of
InstrumentName to use that function instead.



Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overriding text alignment in stylesheet

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Kieren MacMillan wrote:

[Lilypond 2.11.42]

Hi all,

I'm trying to define an orchestral stylesheet, based on the 
Barenreiter NMA soft-bound edition (Mozart KV 551, to be exact). Their 
instrument names are centered in a column, which presents no problem; 
however, the InstrumentName text itself is a center-aligned column if 
there are multiple lines in the name, e.g.

   e Basso

How do you specify the multiple lines? Do you use
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{\center-align {Violoncello e Basso }}
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{\column {Violoncello e Basso }}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overriding text alignment in stylesheet

2008-04-01 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Mats,

Do you use
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{\center-align {Violoncello e  
Basso }}

That's what I'm trying to avoid.

\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{\column {Violoncello e Basso }}

That's what I'd prefer. Actually, what I'd *really* prefer is

\set Staff.instrumentName = Violoncello e Basso

and then have the stylesheet wrap the text automatically -- but that  
seems like it would likely be too difficult and error-prone.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/4/1, Till Rettig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  About the bug: I thought I would write: this works only with symmetrical
 staff lines. As I understand everything is built around symmetrical staves,
 but when thinking about it there could be a need for having the staves
 positioned on an even number of half staff space positions, so it would'nt
 be anymore symmetrical.


  Can you add it to the bug tracker?

... As soon as I understand what this is about :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overriding text alignment in stylesheet

2008-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/4/1, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Kieren MacMillan wrote:

  Actually, what I'd *really* prefer is
   \set Staff.instrumentName = Violoncello e Basso

Have you tried
http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=383 ?

It was written by Nicolas Sceaux; see a demo here:

IIRC he has recently implemented this in LilyPond itself; however I
can't find it in the ChangeLog (or perhaps he just planned to?)


lilypond-user mailing list

double fermata

2008-04-01 Thread Orm Finnendahl

 on DrumStaffs I get two fermatas on multimeasure rests, normal Staffs
work as expected (see below and attached pdf).

Am I doing something wrong?

\version 2.11.42
\score {

  \new DrumStaff
{ R1^\fermataMarkup}
  \new Staff
{ R1^\fermataMarkup}



Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overriding text alignment in stylesheet

2008-04-01 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Valentin,

Have you tried
http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=383 ?

Et voila!  =)

IIRC he has recently implemented this in LilyPond itself; however I
can't find it in the ChangeLog (or perhaps he just planned to?)

Very cool.

Thanks! And sorry I didn't check the LSR first...  =\

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: double fermata

2008-04-01 Thread Mats Bengtsson
That's a bug! I have already commited a fix in GIT. Waiting for the next 

you can add the following lines to your file:
   \remove Multi_measure_rest_engraver
   \consists Multi_measure_rest_engraver


(If you think it looks strange, the problem was that the engraver was added
twice and when you do \remove it removes both copies so you have to add
one back afterwards.)


Orm Finnendahl wrote:


 on DrumStaffs I get two fermatas on multimeasure rests, normal Staffs
work as expected (see below and attached pdf).

Am I doing something wrong?

\version 2.11.42
\score {

  \new DrumStaff
{ R1^\fermataMarkup}
  \new Staff
{ R1^\fermataMarkup}


lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: double fermata

2008-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/4/1, Orm Finnendahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   on DrumStaffs I get two fermatas on multimeasure rests, normal Staffs
  work as expected (see below and attached pdf).

Hi Orm,

looks like a bug to me. Unless anyone has some additional information
about it, i'll add it to the tracker.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: overriding text alignment in stylesheet

2008-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/4/1, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Thanks! And sorry I didn't check the LSR first...  =\

Actually, I was aware of it only because of the French mailing list... :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: double fermata

2008-04-01 Thread Valentin Villenave
2008/4/1, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  (If you think it looks strange, the problem was that the engraver was added
  twice and when you do \remove it removes both copies so you have to add
  one back afterwards.)

Wow, impressive! thanks for having been so fast!

I didn't know engravers could be added twice; is it documented
somewhere? I guess it doesn't affect all the engravers equally...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread James E. Bailey

On 01.04.2008, at 14:22, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Arjan Bos wrote:

On 31 mrt 2008, at 14:59, James E. Bailey wrote:

I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction  
from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir  
parts all have their dynamics, but the piano part shouldn't. And  
the handy snippet I found generates a piano part with all the  
dynamics showing.

I know this won't help you with an already finished score, but  
recently I've started to put all my dynamics in a separate Voice  
which contains only dynamic marks and spacer notes.

Are you sure that you want them to be in a separate Voice context?
This can result in alignment problems, see for example
I would rather propose to add them to the same Voice context as the
actual music. You can still use separate variables for the music and  
dynamics if you so prefer. However, in this particular case, there  
have already

been other solutions proposed that are at least as convenient.


lilypond-user mailing list
Yeah, incidentally, i figured how to get it done with the one score,  
and with the next score I'm engraving, I decided to start with the  
piano-centered-dynamics template, and modify it to get what I need.

lilypond-user mailing list

GDP: Opinions sought on markup command snippets

2008-04-01 Thread Neil Puttock
Hi everybody,

I'm just about to start work on creating snippets for each of the
\markup commands listed in appendix B.6. Before I begin, I'd like to
canvass opinion on how they should be demonstrated.

As I see it, there are two options:

1. Continue in the same vein as the two existing examples (\raise and
\super), where each command is part of a markup in a score;

2. Show each command in isolation, i.e., within a bald \markup block,
displaying text marks only.

Naturally, the latter option would be much quicker to implement, but
is a more artificial way of demonstrating text markup since most users
will be incorporating text into scores. It is also likely to look less
pleasing than minimal score snippets, since they would serve as a
regular break between the commands.

I welcome your thoughts as to the best way forward.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Breaking autobeams and stem direction with acciaccaturas

2008-04-01 Thread Matthew
Mats Bengtsson mats.bengtsson at ee.kth.se writes: 
 Perhaps it helps to explicitly create the Voice context as well, i.e. 
 \new Staff {...}
 \new Staff \new Voice {...}

Nope, doesn't help.

I've worked around it by using manual beaming; with that in, it all works.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: StaffSymbol: line-positions

2008-04-01 Thread Till Rettig
The bar line should go from the uppermost staff line to the downmost 
staff line, but now it gets centered on the middle position, so if the 
upper or lower half of the staff extends more than the other (from the 
middle counted) the bar line is misplaced.

Look at the example:

\new Staff \with {
 \override StaffSymbol #' line-positions  = #' ( 18 12 2 0 -2 -4 )
 d d d d


Valentin Villenave schrieb:

2008/4/1, Till Rettig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 About the bug: I thought I would write: this works only with symmetrical
staff lines. As I understand everything is built around symmetrical staves,
but when thinking about it there could be a need for having the staves
positioned on an even number of half staff space positions, so it would'nt
be anymore symmetrical.



 Can you add it to the bug tracker?

... As soon as I understand what this is about :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: double fermata

2008-04-01 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi Mats,

 thanks a lot, that worked!


Am Tuesday, den 01. April 2008 um 18:19:03 Uhr (+0200) schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
 That's a bug! I have already commited a fix in GIT. Waiting for the next 
 you can add the following lines to your file:
\remove Multi_measure_rest_engraver
\consists Multi_measure_rest_engraver
 (If you think it looks strange, the problem was that the engraver was added
 twice and when you do \remove it removes both copies so you have to add
 one back afterwards.)
 Orm Finnendahl wrote:
  on DrumStaffs I get two fermatas on multimeasure rests, normal Staffs
 work as expected (see below and attached pdf).
 Am I doing something wrong?
 \version 2.11.42
 \score {
   \new DrumStaff
 { R1^\fermataMarkup}
   \new Staff
 { R1^\fermataMarkup}
 lilypond-user mailing list
   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   School of Electrical Engineering
   Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
   WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread Arjan Bos

On 1 apr 2008, at 16:12, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Arjan Bos wrote:
Ah, I remember that thread. It is what gave me this idea in the  
first place.  The problem of centered dynamics crossing bar lines  
does not apply to most of my music, which is polyphonic classical  
guitar these days. It does however solve the problem of aligning  
the hairpins to last note in a sequence which can be in the upper  
or lower voice. My solution keeps all dynamics in one place instead  
of scattering them over my voices, thus helping maintainability and  
helping me in creating the desired length in hairpins.
Yes, keeping them in a separate variable/identifier can be a good  
What I questioned is if it's a good idea to keep them in a separate  

context, which has nothing to do with the use of variables.

Ah, that makes more sense! However,  to me the dynamics are part of  
the whole piece of music and should be attached at Staff level, not at  
Voice  level. So that's why I put them in a separate Voice. But I will  
keep your tips in mind when a problem crops up.


lilypond-user mailing list

Theme and Variations

2008-04-01 Thread Jed
I'm writing a theme and variations on LilyPond, and I've separated the theme and
variations with \break.  The trouble I'm having is in creating a title for each
part (Tema, Var I, Var II, etc).  Thanks.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-book and makefiles

2008-04-01 Thread Karl Hammar
I tried another way of using lilypond-book, which seems to work 
better with tex, bibtex, makeindex, ..., -- and makefiles.

If you are interested, read the README at


and send comments.


lilypond-user mailing list